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2 Description archivistique résultats pour CORRESPONDANCE

Seulement les résultats directement liés


  • 2K1.24b5.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1985

Correspondance 1980-1986 :

  1. 02.09.80 Sup(Sleutjes)/SG : Chapter at Chevilly
  2. 09.10.80 van Kessel/SG : catechesis, African sisters.
  3. 22.10.80 Ezeonyia/Sups : Asks support for Nigerians in Zambia
  4. 13.02.81 Sup/SG : news of District.
  5. 17.04.81 Sup/SG : news of District
  6. 06.06.81 Sup/SG : news of District.
  7. 09.07.81 Spindler/SG, difficulties in Tanzania. Discouragement.
  8. 10.11.81 Sup/SG : news of District
  9. Dec. 81 SG/Sup : reply to 8.
  10. 12.12.81 Sup/SG: results of straw vote for Sup.
  11. 15.12.81 Sup/SG: replies on questionnaire re Constitutions.
  12. 06.01.82 Telegramme re votes for Superior.
  13. 06.01.82 Sup/SG: same information as 12.
  14. 29.12.82 Tullemans/SG: letter accompanying his thesis.
  15. 02.02.83 V.Kessel/SG: accepts to reply to an enquiry.
  16. 08.01.83 Slaats/SG: accepts to reply to enquiry.
  17. 25.05.83 SG/v.Kessel : thanks for 15.
  18. 25.05.83 SG/Slaats : thanks for 16.
  19. 30.07.83 v.Kessel/SG : news of Diocese.
  20. 02.04.84 Ezeonyia/Sup(Gordijn) : Sends report of Visitation.
  21. 10.01.85 Sup/SG : Account of Assembly. His re-election as Sup.
  22. 16.03.85 SG/Sup: appreciation and congrats. on re-election
  23. 14.06.85 Damen/SG: re election of Gordijn to Dutch Prov.
  24. 17.05.85 vKessel/SG: same subject as 23
  25. 12.07.85 SG/confreres: re Gordijn's election to Holland.
  26. 16.07.85 Sup/GC: Van KESSEL elected Superior.
  27. 17.07.85 Sup/SG: re election of van Kessel. News of District.
  28. 16.10.85 Sup(van Kessel)/SG: delegate at General Chapter.
  29. 04.11.85 Sup/Ezeonyia: reaction to pan-African meeting.



  • SA-154.6
  • 1992 - 2012
  • Correspondance avec le Conseil général :
    HENSCHEL, 26.10.1992; Visiteurs au musée de Bagamoyo, statistiques, 24.02.1999; WINKELMOLEN, 22.12.2000, SCHOUVER, 22.12.2000, 05.04.2001, 02.01, 22.03.2004; BOUJU, 16.04.2001; JOLIBOIS, 20.05.2001;SLAATS, 21.01.2004; BERTON, 22.02.2006.
  • 11.11.98, DAMEN/J.H, amendments for general bulletin
    14.01.99, J.H/DAMEN, reply to above
    03.02.99, DAMEN/J.C, votes for election of superior
    30.03.99, KIMARYO/WINKEKMOLANS, visitation of group
    24.03.99, WINKELMOLENS/R.K, on his appointment as superior
    13.05.99, WINKELMOLENS/P.S, will not attend a new superior
    30.07.99, WINKELMOLENS/R.K, report on Bagamoyo group
    07.08.00, WINKELMOLENS/R.K idem
    01.09.00, BAYO/P.S, spiritan centre at Bagamoyo
    07.08.00, R.K/WINKENMOLENS, reply to above
    22.12.00, P.S/WINKELMOLENS, dialogue on status on the group
    07.02.01, WINKELMOLENS/P.S, reply to aboove
    27.12.01, P.S/WINKENMOLENS, dissolution of Bagamoyo group
    02.01.04, P.S/WINKELMOLENS, decision on suppression
    21.01.04, SLAABS/P.S,reply to above
    23.01.04, WINKENMOLENS/P.S, reply to above
    01.03.04, WINKELMOLENS/P.S, follow-up: closure of the group
    22.03.04, P.S/WINKELMOLENS, suppression of the group. Cover letter
  • 03.03.99, KIMARYO/DAMEN, WINKELMOLENS as superior
  • 08.03.04, suppression of the group.
  • Publications, documentation :
  • HENSCHEL, "Bagamoyo old town"; "Wath African myths tell"; "Sewa Haji in Bagamoyo, 1851-1897"; "Listen to the story of the tombs"; "Bagamoyo, history of the town"; "The catholic church in Bagamoyo, 1868-2012"
  • Bagamoyo-Town guide.
  • "Spiritains au Kenya", dossier extrait de la revue Pentecôte sur le monde, n°849, janv.-fev. 2010.
  • Article : "Un chef d'Etat africain parle à des religieuses américaines", du président Julius NYERERE, 1971.