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393 Description archivistique résultats pour GENERAL COUNCIL

Seulement les résultats directement liés


  • 3P1.12b3.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1984

Correspondance : 01.11.80 - 15.03.84 :

  1. 01.11.80 Sup (Barbotin)/SG : Visit of SG. Political situation.
  2. 11.11.80 SG/Sup : reply to 1. Method of election of Superior.
  3. 11.11.80 SG/Sup : as above.
  4. 03.02.81 Sup/SG : Spiritan foundation? Appt. of new Superior.
  5. 11.02.81 SG/Sup : Foundation in West Indies.
  6. 17.03.81 Sup/SG : results of straw vote.
  7. 21.04.81 Sup/SG : Maj. Sups conference at Barbados.
  8. 28.04.81 Littner/Sup : Re-appoinmted Superior.
  9. 04.06.81 Sup/SG : cover letter with report on District (?)
  10. 10.06.81 Sup/SG : composition of new District Council.
  11. 17.09.81 Gross/Sup : Thoughts on a future Foundation.
  12. 19.09.81 SG/Sup : Congrats. on re-appointment. Foundation.
  13. 20.01.83 Sup/SG : W. Indian spiritan superiors at Puerto Rico.
  14. 01.02.83 Gross/Sup : Fix dates for Visitation and Chapter.
  15. 18.05.83 Sup/Gross : Reply to 14. Suggests November 84.
  16. 12.06.83 Gross/Sup : reply to 15.
  17. 28.12.83 Sup/SG:Maj. Sups. of francophone W.Indies.
  18. 15.02.84 Sup/SG : result of straw vote for Superior.
  19. 15.03.84 SG/Sup : Congrats. on third term as Superior.



  • 5i1.1a4.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1982

Correspondence 1: 11.10.80 - 01.11.82:

  1. 11.10.80 V. Ezeonyia/Sup (V.Murphy) : will be correspondent.
  2. 22.11.80 Sup/SG : Coming visit of SG. WAF.
  3. 17.12.80 SecGen/Moriarty : re audio-visual material.
  4. 12.01.81 J.Daly/Sup : details re Visitation by himself and SG.
  5. 14.02.81 Telegramme : visit cancelled due to sickness.
  6. 25.02.81 Sup/SG : sickness of J.Daly and SG's mother.
  7. 01.03.81 Coleman/J.Daly : re c.s.sp. house in Kumasi.
  8. 04.03.81 Sup/GC : need for first appointments.
  9. 19.03.81 SG/Sup : sorry for cancelling visitation.
  10. 26.03.81 Sup/SG : priorities of the District (p.2 is missing).
  11. 03.04.81 N.Bevan/Sup : proposes visitation end of August.
  12. 28.05.81 Sup/NB : dates for visitation.
  13. 10.06.81 NB/Sup : V.Ezeonyia and SG visitation in November.
  14. 13.07.81 Sup/SG : re visitation. Letter from Bp. Sarpong.
  15. 20.07.81 VE/Sup : looking forward to visitation.
  16. 23.11.81 Mensah/SG : re professor for Cape Coast Seminary.
  17. 25.11.81 GenSec/Moriarty : congrats. on election as Superior.
  18. 05.12.81 SG/Sup (Moriarty) : Thanks for welcome for visitation.
  19. 12.12.81 Sup/Provincial of Ireland : Personnel needs for District
  20. 06.01.82 Sup/SG: Grateful visit. Building project. Coup in Ghana.
  21. 17.01.82 Coleman/SG: food parcels received from Germany.
  22. 28.02.82 Sup/SG: thanks for visitation report. Plea personnel.
  23. 06.03.82 SG/Sup: letter of encouragement.
  24. 19.03.82 SG/Sup: 4 new men for Ghana. Prudence in circulars.
  25. 10.06.82 Sup/SG: reply to 24. Personnel situation.
  26. 01.11.82 Sup/SG: problems created by sickness of C.O'Brien.



  • 3J5.1a1.1
  • file
  • 1987 - 1991

Correspondence 1 : 30.01.87 - 07.05.91

1 30/01/87 Blier/Marzinkowski: FAC First appointments
2 16/02/87 Marzinkowski/Blier: Request will be considered
3 26/02/87 Blier/GC: Request for first appointments to Congo
4 31/05/87 Marzinkowski/Blier: Reply 3. First appt. to Congo.
5 24/07/87 Bp. Itoua/Marzinkowski: personnel for Ouessos
6 07/09/87 Marzinkowski/Bp. Itoua: Reply 5. Polite refusal.
7 21/11/87 Blier/GC: Situation of the District of Congo
8 23/11/87 Marzinkowski/Blier: First appointment: Gerald Mayor
9 02/09.88 Blier/SG: Thanks for Cor Unum grant for FAC.
10 26/10/88 Marzinkowski/Blier: First appt.: Chrysanthus Yuh
11 20/02/89 Loubier/Nicolas: Requests photocopies of Journals
12 07/03/89 Marzinkowski/Blier: Congrats on re-appointment
13 19/04/89 Blier/Marzinkowski: Pole for Congo?
14 01/05/89 Marzinkowski/Blier: Approves Chapter decisions
15 10/06/89 Marzinkowski/Blier: Pole appointed to Congo
16 22/06/89 SG/Bp. Batantu: Asks for Scholasticate.
17 01/10/89 Blier/GC: Request Daniel Taba for first appointment
18 06/11/89 Marzinkowski/Blier: Reply 17: polite refusal
19 18/11/89 Blier/Marzinkowski: Re Visitation
20 08/12/89 Marzinkowski/Blier: Agrees to suggestions in 19
21 24/09/90 Blier/Marzinkowski: Re Pere Robert Kalenga
22 24/09/90 Marzinkowski/Blier: Reply 21. Discusses Kelanga
23 25/10/90 Marzinkowski/Blier: Two new first appointments
24 07/05/91 Nicolas/Blier: Sends visitation report and comments.



  • 3i3.2b1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1986

Correspondence 1; 11.10.80 - 04.09.81:

  1. 11.10.80 EZEONYIA/Sup(Daviet): correspondent for Senegal.
  2. 29.10.80 DAVIET/Ezeonyia: reply 11. Senegalese Brother
  3. 21.11.80 Sup/Ezeonyia: Status of Tabacounda. Benoit DIEME
  4. 27.11.80 Littner/Sup: reply 3. Status of Tabacounda. B. DIEME
  5. 28.11.80 Ezeonyia/Sup: coming to Dakar to learn French.
  6. 04.12.80 Sup/Ezeonyia: reply to 5.
  7. 13.01.81 DES DESERTS/SG: news of the group in Guinea-Bissau.
  8. 23.02.81 VAST/SG: from African film festival in Upper Volta.
  9. 18.03.81 SG/Vast: reply 8. Congrats. on media work.
  10. 20.03.81 Sup/SG: re Senegal's membership of WAF.
  11. 31.03.81 SG/Sup: Clarifications. Problem of bi-lingual novitiate.
  12. 05.05.81 Sup/VE: re student C. GOMIS.
  13. 15.05.81 des Deserts/WAF: wants to be Spiritan.
  14. 22.05.81 LITTNER/Sup: reply 12 re student.
  15. 03.07.81 Sup/VE: re student from G-B mentioned in 13.
  16. 03.07.81 Sup/VE: international community in Guinea-Bissau.
  17. 06.07.81 Sup/VE: exchanges with White Fathers in Mauritania.
  18. 21.07.81 Sup/VE: appeal for personnel for Tabacounda.
  19. 29.07.81 DUTEIL/Gross: re new constitutions.
  20. 01.08.81 Sup/SG: difficulties in relations with Mgr. Cailleau
  21. 08.08.81 Sup/SG: re Pere ROBILLARD leaving novitiate.
  22. 22.08.81 Sup/VE: Senegalais wants to be spiritan brother.
  23. 28.08.81 des Deserts/SG: postulant from Guinea-Bissau?
  24. 01.09.81 Vast/SG: news of media meeting in Cameroon.
  25. 04.09.81 VE/Sup: ROBILLARD. G-Bissau postulant. Tabacounda.



  • 6G1.2a1.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1981

Correspondence 28/08/80 - 03/11/81.

  1. 28.08.80 Pro(Machado)/SG : sends the annual report
  2. 20.09.80 TN/Pro : thanks for 6. Visitation to Province
  3. 08.10.80 TN/Pro : visitation of SG
  4. 04.11.90 Pro/TN : details for the visit
  5. 10.12.80 TN/Confreres : Appointment of new Provincial
  6. 27.01.81 SG/Pro : thanks for service as Provincial.
  7. 28.01.81 SG/Pro(Seixas) : on taking up office of Provincial.
  8. 04.02.81 Pro/SG : reply to 7
  9. 07.02.81 SG/Pro : can you receive a group from S.Egidio?
  10. 10.02.81 Banahan/SG : on taking over formation.
  11. 19.02.81 Machado/SG : thanks for 6. Plans for future
  12. 24.02.81 Pro/SG : sends a circular. News.
  13. 16.03.81 Coelho/TN : concerning going to S.Africa
  14. 30.04.81 TN/Coelho : reply to 13.
  15. no date Pro/TN: Journey to Switzerland and France. Stage.
  16. no date Pro/SecGen : list of Provincial Council.
  17. 20.06.81 Pro/SG : news of Province and personnel.
  18. 30.06.81 Littner/Pro : AYANZ returning to the Congregation
  19. 28.09.81 TN/Pro : re Juan AYANZ
  20. 05.10.81 Pro/TN : Provincial animation programme
  21. 07.10.81 Bucher/Pro : A.Coelho in S.Africa.
  22. 13.10.81 Pro/SecGen : details of professions.
  23. 16.10.81 Bucher/SG : request to have A.Coelho
  24. 03.11.81 TN/Pro re Diocese of Bethlehem.



  • 4i1.2a3.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1982

Correspondence 11.10.80 - 30.11.82:

  1. 11.10.80 V.Ezeonyia/Sup (Hogan): will be correspondent.
  2. 20.10.80 Sup/J.Daly: WAF novitiate. Superiors'meeting.
  3. 20.10.80 Sup/J.Gross: invite to Sup.'s meeting.
  4. 30.10.80 JD/Sup: thanks for 2. Re Sups. meeting
  5. 14.11.80 Sup/JD: Thanks for 4. News of Novitiate.
  6. 25.11.80 VE/Sup: re arrangements for Sup's meeting.
  7. 01.12.80 JD/Sup: Thanks for 15. No news of new Bishop.
  8. 17.02.81 Lewis (WF): Sup: White Fathers for Gambia?
  9. 05.03.81 Sup/SG: sympathy on deaths and illness of J.Daly.
  10. 19.03.81 SG/Sup: Cannot come to Bp's ordination. John Daly.
  11. 26.05.81 Ellison/SG: Need for renewal in Gambia.
  12. 02.12.81 Sup/SG: sends report on priorities of District.
  13. 22.12.81 Flannagan/SG: re film on the Gambia.
  14. 16.01.82 SecGen/Flannagan: acknowledges 13.
  15. no date Sup: representation at Irish Prov. Chapter.
  16. 10.02.82 SG/Sup: Thanks for report on Gambia.
  17. 12.02.82 GenSec/Flannagan. cf. 13. No funds available.
  18. 28.03.82 VE/Sup: news of one first appointment.
  19. 07.04.82 Sup: telegram... Hugh FAGAN elected Superior.
  20. 01.04.82 Sup/SG: details of voting for Superior.
  21. 21.04.82 SG/Fagan: congrats. on election.
  22. 21.04.82 SG/Sup: appreciation of his service as Superior.
  23. 22.04.82 VE/Sup: thanks for service.
  24. 14.05.82 Fagan/SG: thanks for 21.
  25. 13.10.82 Sup/SG: Greetings. Proposed visit of SG in Jan 1983.
  26. 24.09.82 VE/Sup: invite to new Sups. meeting.
  27. 30.11.82 SG/Sup: details for visit.



  • 3G1.11a1.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1981

Correspondance : 28/09/80 - 27/10/81.

  1. 28.09.80 Pro(Klaus)/SG : invitation to the Provincil Chapter
  2. 04.11.80 SG/Pro : reply to 1
  3. 16.11.80 Pro/BT(Bruno Trachtler): exchange of news
  4. no date Bp.Ruth/H.Riemann : diaconate ordination
  5. 24.01.81 Pro/SG : thanks for attending Chapter
  6. 28.01.81 SG/Pro : re Brother WINFRIED
  7. 28.01.81 SG/Br.Winfried : reply to his letters
  8. 03.02.81 Pro/SG : deaths of McMAHON and HACK
  9. 16.02.81 BT/Pro : describes visit to Puerto Rico & Brazil
  10. 19.02.81 Littner/Pro : reply to 5
  11. 08.03.81 Proc/Gen : funding for purchase of property in Brazil
  12. 19.04.81 Stein/Pro : a polish student to join German Province
  13. 27.04.81 Kamps/SG : first appointment G.OFER
  14. 28.04.81 Pro/BT : GERARDS re-appointed Sup. at Speyer
  15. 10.05.81 BT/Pro : varia from Brazil, S.Africa & Germany
  16. 14.05.81 BT/Pro : reflects on work in General Council
  17. 02.08.81 Pro/BT : about various works in Province
  18. 15.08.81 Provincial circular re Constitutions
  19. 18.09.81 SG/Bohles : brief acknowledgement of letter
  20. 22.09.81 Pro/BT : various provincial matters
  21. 25.09.81 SG/Porsch : sends statutes of CIWA, Nigeria
  22. 21.10.81 BT/Pro : visits to Canada, USA & England
  23. 27.10.81 Pro/BT : various provincial matters.



  • 3G1.11a3.1
  • file
  • 1986 - 1987

Correspondence: 01/09/86 - 03/07/87.

  1. 01.09.86 Gerads/SG : calls for international noviciates.
  2. 04.09.86 Gerads/SG : German version of 1.
  3. 09.09.86 Claus/SG : opinion Re T. SCHWAMBORN.
  4. 09.09.86 Claus/SG : requests a visit from SG.
  5. 18.09.86 SG/Claus : reply 4. Will discuss in Council.
  6. 18.09.86 SG/Gerads : reply 1.
  7. 26.09.86 Marzinkowski/Claus : Chapter and Visitation.
  8. 23.10.86 Marzinkowski/Claus : re South Africa.
  9. 29.10.86 Claus/Marzinkowski : various news items.
  10. 02.11.86 Claus/Marzinkowski : 850th anniversary Basilica
  11. 24.11.86 Marzinkowski/Claus
  12. 12.02.87 Marzinkowski/Claus : re Provincial Chapter.
  13. 13.02.87 Claus/Marzinkowski
  14. 23.02.87 Marzinkowski/Claus
  15. 11.03.87 Marzinkowski/Claus : German translation of SG letter
  16. 20.03.87 Claus/Marzinkowski
  17. 09.04.87 O'Grady/Claus : re Luke MBEFO to South Africa.
  18. 24.04.87 Claus/Marzinkowski
  19. 07.05.87 Marzinkowski/Claus
  20. 08.05.87 Marzinkowski/Claus : re Yugoslavia.
  21. 12.05.87 Claus/Marzinkowski
  22. 20.05.87 Marzinkowski/Claus
  23. 03.07.87 Marzinkowski/Claus.



  • 5G1.8b1.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1982

Correspondence: 22/08/80 - 09/12/82. Subjects : sale of Louvain house; book of Denis FAHEY; visitation; finance for Gentinnes.

  1. 22.08.1980 : Prov. à Secr. Gén.
  2. 25.08.1980 : Réponse.
  3. 22.09.1980 : Prov. à Secr. gén.
  4. 11.10.1980 : indult pôur la vente de Louvain.
  5. 14.10.1980 : Secr. gén au Prov.
  6. 17.09.1980 : Joris Desbonnet au Secr. gén.
  7. 03.11.1980 : TIMMERMANS à J. Desbonnet.
  8. 10.12.1980 : Secr. gén. (Brendan Mc Mahon) à J. Dezsbonnet.
  9. 09.01.1981 : Lenselaer au Sup. gén.
  10. 25.01.1981 : Joe de Boer à Lenselaer.
  11. 22.02.1981 : Le Hellaye au Sup. gén.
  12. 06.10.1981 : Prov. (PEETERS) au conseil général (visite).
  13. 03.11.1981 : Burgraff au supé. gén. (finances pour Gentinnes).
  14. 25.11.1981 : Dechambre (nécrologe).
  15. 11.12.1981 : Burgraff au sup. gén.
  16. 19.12.1981 : Sup. Gén à Burgraff.
  17. 01.02.1982 : Secr. gén. à Prov. (questionnaire pour les constitutions).
  18. 15.04.1982 : Prov. à Sup. gén. (visite).
  19. 22.04.1982 : Sup. gén. à prov.
  20. 20.08.1982 : Littner à Prov.
  21. 12.10.1982 : Burgraff au Conseil général (Gentinnes).
  22. 09.12.1982 : Burgraff (projet pour Gentinnes).



  • 2G45.2b1.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1981
  1. 30.09.80 Littner/Pro : perpetual vows
  2. 29.09.80 Bondallaz/SG : re Cardinal Renard
  3. 07.10.80 Joint letter to SG in support of BONDALLAZ
  4. 10.11.80 Pro/SG : not able to provide electrician. Visit to America etc.
  5. 16.11.80 SG/Pro : good wishes for journey to America etc.
  6. 17.11.80 Gobina/Sec. Gen : asks for constitutions etc. in English
  7. no date Bohn/SG : cost of visit to Saverne
  8. no date Bohn/SG : thanks for grant for Saverne
  9. 22.11.80 de Millville/SG : thanks for wishes for Jubillee
  10. 05.12.80 Dehais/SG : sending money for earthquake victims
  11. 16.12.80 SecGen/Dehais : thanks for 10.
  12. 19.12.80 Bouchaud/SG : news
  13. 24.01.81 Gross/SG : by telephone. Meeting with Prov. team
  14. 28.01.81 Favereau/SG : sends greetings
  15. 13.02.81 Littner/Provincials : priests for Turks and Caicos
  16. no date Reaction of Provincial to 15
  17. 15.04.81 Nicolas/T.Neiva : re Groupe d'etude Spiritaine
  18. 31.05.81 Gosselin/SG : sends book on Brottier
  19. 27.06.81 Littner/Gosselin : thanks for 18
  20. 27.06.81 Littner/Mme Garnier : thanks to author of book
  21. 10.07.81 Ferron/Gen.Counc : various problems
  22. 21.09.81 SG/Tchidimbo : congrats. on Curia appointment
  23. 26.09.81 Nicolas/T.Neiva : re various publications
  24. 03.10.81 SG/Deiss : thanks for books
  25. 21.10.81 Nicolas/SG : personnel: NDZANA. BUECHER
  26. 22.10.81 SG/Roussel : affiliation of CIME
  27. 26.10.81 Deglaire/SG : asks to go to Yola
  28. 02.11.81 SG/Nicolas : personnel in Congo
  29. 05.11.81 Grach/SG : presents draft of life: Bp. Cucherousset
  30. 03.12.81 Pro/SG : terna for French Sem. Mortain & recyclage
  31. 03.12.81 Pro/Gobeil & Renaud : Jean-Pierre DELSARTE.


Résultats 281 à 290 sur 393