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393 Description archivistique résultats pour GENERAL COUNCIL

393 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques


  • 2N1.10b1.1
  • file
  • 1986 - 1988

Correspondance: 01/10/86 - 04/10/88.

  1. 01.10.86 Gobeil/SG : Prov. Chapter next June.
  2. 09.10.86 Gobeil/SG : condolences
  3. 23.10.86 SG/Gobeil : reply 2.
  4. 03.04.87 Wiehe/Gobeil : re Visitation and Provincial Chapter.
  5. 15.05.87 Results of consultative vote for Provincial.
  6. 27.05.87 Wiehe/Gobeil : Rule of Life. Chapter.
  7. 28.10.87 St. Louis/Wiehe : profession of P.JUBINVILLE.
  8. 09.11.87 Wiehe/Gobeil : asks him to come to Rome .
  9. 12.11.87 Wiehe/St. Louis : Jubinville. GOBEIL for Rome?
  10. 16.11.87 Wiehe/St. Louis : approval of Chapter texts.
  11. 28.11.87 Gobeil/Wiehe : reply 8.
  12. 08.09.87 St-Louis/Wiehe : re GOBEIL. Replacement in Canada
  13. 28.01.88 St-Louis/Wiehe : G.FOURNIER. JUBINVILLE.
  14. 19.02.98 Wiehe/Gobeil : Dialogue continues re appointment.
  15. 22.02.88 Wiehe/St-Louis: GOBEIL, JUBINVILLE. FOURNIER.
  16. 21.03.88 Gobeil/Wiehe : reply 14. Agrees to come to Rome
  17. 12.04.88 Wiehe/Gobeil : team members: REGAN/ HEADLEY.
  18. 12.04.88 Wiehe/St-Louis : condolences on his sickness.
  19. 06.06.88 Wiehe/Gobeil : arrangements for arrival.
  20. 07.06.88 Wiehe/St-Louis: Visitation date. Farnham noviciate.
  21. 12.09.88 St-Louis/Wiehe : reply 20. Return of FOURNIER.
  22. 04.10.88 St-Louis/Wiehe : first appt. André BÉDARD.



  • 8P1.2b3.1
  • file
  • 1986 - 1990

Correspondence 1 : 25.06.86-10.05.90

  1. 25.06.86 Parishioners : petition for Spiritans not to leave Arecibo
  2. 01.08.86 Haas : reply to petition in 1.
  3. 23.09.86 McQuillen/Noonan : news of ordinations
  4. 02.10.86 Noonan/McQuillan : news of the Generalate
  5. 13.10.86 Rodrigues/Haas : Bp. expells Spiritans from Arecibo diocese
  6. Varia Correspondence between Bishop and McQuillan
  7. Varia Summary of correspondence between Bishop and McQuillan
  8. 05.11.86 Haas/Rodrigues : reply 5. Glad to hear peace has returned.
  9. 18.11.86 McQuillan/Haas : suggests Brazil as mission for Foundation
  10. 13.03.87 McQuillan/Haas : optimistic report on visit to Brazil
  11. 02.04.87 Haas/McQuillan : approves of Brazil. Send C.V's for first appts.
  12. 03.04.87 McQuillan/Sups. of Brazil : Preferred areas for mission
  13. 13.04.87 McQuillan/Haas : Who is member of District Chapter?
  14. 30.04.87 McQuillan/Haas : Foundation going to Brazil Sul.
  15. 11.06.87 Doyle/McQuillan : 4 appointed to Brazil. Answers query in 13
  16. 18.11.87 McQuillan/Doyle : Urgent need of novice master
  17. 04.04.88 McQuillan/Haas : permission to send men to Santo Domingo
  18. 04.04.88 McQuillan/Haas : Noel Banahan. Formation news.
  19. 13.05.88 Doyle/McQuillan : reservation of GC about San Domingo.
  20. 25.06.88 McQuillan/Doyle : invite to Chapter and Visitation
  21. 12.11.88 Goncalves/McQuillan : relations with Superiors of Brazil
  22. 04.12.88 McQuillan/Haas : Robert Graves
  23. 14.01.89 McQuillan/Doyle : problem in 22 settled.
  24. 18.01.89 Doyle/McQuillan : comments on Chapter Decisions
  25. 26.01.89 McQuillan/Doyle : comments on queries in 24.
  26. 07.09.89 McQuillan/Goncalves : hispanophone novitiate.
  27. 21.10.89 Goncalves/McQuillan : reply 26.
  28. 22.12.89 McQuillan/Doyle : doubts about continuation in Brazil
  29. 17.03.90 McQuillan/Doyle : personnel problems
  30. 10.05.90 Doyle/McQuillan : to attend opening of new buildings?



  • 4J3.1a1.1
  • file
  • 1986 - 1990

Correspondence 13.10.86 - 25.02.90 :

  1. 13/10/86 Fischer/SG : Condolences on death of father.
  2. 01/11/86 Fischer/GC : Request for personnel.
  3. 16/11/86 Fischer/SG : Work begun on seminary.
  4. 27/11/86 Marzinkowski/Fischer : Re first appointments.
  5. 10/01/87 Fischer/Marzinkowski : Reply 4. Varia.
  6. No date Marzinkowski/Fischer : First appointment: B. Bollen.
  7. 15/02/87 Fischer/Marzinkowski : Reply 6. Lay cooperants.
  8. 20/03/87 Nicolas/Fischer : Arrangements for visit.
  9. 15/06/87 SG/Fischer : Will make brief visit in September.
  10. 08/01/88 Fischer/Nicolas : Request for personnel.
  11. 25/01/88 Fischer/Marzinkowski : Sends results of straw vote .
  12. 08/02/88 Marzinkowski/Fischer : Sympathy for personnel .
  13. 16/02/88 Bp. Makouaka/SG : seeks personnel.
  14. 01/03/88 Fischer/Marzinkowski : Sends results of second vote.
  15. 03/03/88 Marzinkowski/Bp. Makouaka : We appoint to Districts.
  16. 10/03/88 Marzinkowski/Fischer : Congratulations end mandate.
  17. 11/03/88 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Congratulations on election.
  18. 06/04/88 Fischer/Marzinkowski : Thanks for 16.
  19. 23/09/88 Bonnet/Nicolas : Thanks for encouragement.
  20. 14/11/88 Bonnet/Nicolas : Regarding the District Chapter.
  21. 09/01/89 Bonnet/Nicolas : Repetition of 20.
  22. 06/04/89 Bonnet/Marzinkowski : Personnel for seminary.
  23. 28/04/89 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : No chance of personnel.
  24. 25/02/90 Bonnet/Marzinkowski : Reflections after Chapter.



  • 5P1.29b2.1
  • file
  • 1986 - 1987

Correspondence 10.06.86 - 30.01.87 :
1 10.06.86 Ligondé/Timmermans : Rejoices in lifting of exile of Spiritans
2 01.08.86 Haas/Gayot : Accepts invitation to visit Haiti
3 09.09.86 Ligondé/Adrien : regarding spiritan property in Haiti
4 11.09.86 Constant/Adrien : offers works to Spiritans in diocese of Gonaives
5 16.09.86 Romelus/Adrien : pleads for Spiritans to work in Jérémie diocese
6 18.09.86 Laroche/Adrien : Invites Spiritans to diocese of Hinche
7 19.09.86 Verrier/Adrien : possibility of a parish as base in Cayes diocese
8 27.10.86 GC/Namphy : protests abduction of Church workers
9 13.11.86 Romelus/Adrien: thanks for translation of sacramentary into Creole
10 12.01.87 Haas/Ligonde : further discussions needed re CSSp property
11 12.01.87 Haas/Laroche : regrets not having visited Hinche diocese
12 12.01.87 Haas/Romelus : thanks for support for Spiritans
13 12.01.87 Haas/Verrier : thanks for invitation to work in Cayes diocese
14 12.01.87 Ligonde/Haas : misunderstandings at their recent meeting
15 17.01.87 Adrian/Ligonde : regrets that misunderstanding has been made public
16 26.01.87 Adrien : comments on discussion with Ligonde re property
17 23.02.87 Wiot/Haas : Spiritans no longer needed for University chaplaincy
18 12.03.87 Adrien/Ligonde : informs him of meeting of N. American Sups. in Haiti
19 13.03.87 Constant/Adrien : re new spiritan parish at Pont-Sondé
20 21.03.87 Adrien/Haas : stormy relations with Archbishop
21 22.06.87 Adrien/Haas : troubles with Nuncio regarding Ligonde
22 13.07.87 Haas/Adrien : reply 21
23 01.09.87 Haas/Shultz : appeal to US Sec. of State attack on missionaries.
24 05.10.87 RomeoHaas : Nuncio proposes solution re St. Martial.
25 10.10.87 Ligonde/Haas : sends opinion of lawyer on St. Martial
26 30.10.87 Haas/Romeo : reply 24. Adrien to chose Haitian lawyer for CSSP.



  • 2N1.10b1.2
  • file
  • 1988 - 1992

Correspondence: 07/11/88 - 06/06/92.

  1. 07.11.88 Wiehe/St-Louis : Visitation. FOURNIER. JUBINVILLE.
  2. 09.11.88 Wiehe/St-Louis : Formation.
  3. 30.01.89 Wiehe/St-Louis : T.KILLORAN to leave Congregation.
  4. 31.01.89 St-Louis/Wiehe : Future of St. Alexandre College.
  5. 17.02.89 St-Louis/SG : R.DONTIGNY to follow another vocation.
  6. 12.07.89 St-Louis/de Boer : St. Alexandre and its new status.
  7. 11.09.89 St-Louis/Wiehe : request for a first appt. to Canada.
  8. 03.11.89 Wiehe/St-Louis : First appts.: JUBINVILLE & BÉDARD.
  9. 27.02.90 Rivard : circular re Associates.
  10. 09.05.90 Labrèche/de Boer : arrangement for paying Cor Unum.
  11. 24.09.90 Wiehe/St-Louis : congrats. on re-election.
  12. 10.11.90 Wiehe/St-Louis: reactions of GC to General Assembly
  13. 15.11.90 Wiehe/St-Louis : GOBEIL to stay in Rome until 1992?
  14. 26.11.90 St-Louis/Wiehe : O.K. visit of Province November 1991.
  15. 19.12.90 St-Louis/Wiehe : positive reply 13. Associates.
  16. 28.08.91 St-Louis/Wiehe : re Visitation of Province.
  17. 15.10.91 Wiehe/St-Louis : reply to 16 with more details.
  18. 29.10.91 St-Louis/Wiehe : programme for Visitation.
  19. no date Delegates for General Chapter.
  20. 14.03.92 Wiehe/St. Louis : sends report of Visitation.
  21. 06.06.92 Wiehe/St-Louis : Thanks for Cor Unum. Gen Chap.



  • 4J3.1a1.2
  • file
  • 1990 - 1992

Correspondence 07.04.90 - 06.06.92 :

  1. 07/04/90 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Received Chapter Documents.
  2. 28/04/90 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Approval of Chapter docs.
  3. 07/05/90 Bonnet/Marzinkowski : Paul MBA. Personnel Moanda.
  4. 25/10/90 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Two new first appointments.
  5. 19/11/90 Anguille/Paul Mba : ultimatum from Bishops.
  6. 21/11/90 Bonnet/Marzinkowski : Paul Mba. FAC.
  7. 14/03/91 Wiehe/Bonnet : Visitation report.
  8. 02/05/91 Bonnet/Wiehe : Reply 7. Declaration re Paul MBA.
  9. 11/05/91 Wiehe/Bonnet : Reply 8.
  10. 10/06/91 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Change of first appointment.
  11. 05/11/91 Confreres/Nuncio : Worries of Spiritans in Mouila.
  12. 06/11/91 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : First appt. : Kuku-luyeye.
  13. 28/12/91 Bonnet/SG : Delegate for General Chapter.
  14. 28/02/92 Bonnet/Marzinkowski : Sends Bp. of Mouila's reply to.
  15. 22/03/92 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Two Nigerians to Gabon.
  16. 23/04/92 Bonnet/SG : Nuncio wants new Spiritan Bishops.
  17. 30/04/92 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Reservations, not refusal.
  18. 15/05/92 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : FAC confrere to leave Gabon.
  19. 06/06/92 Wollenschneider/Marzinkowski : Defends District re contents of 18.
  20. 16/06/92 Marzinkowski/Wollenschneider : Reply 19. Some clarifications.
  21. 24/06/92 Bonnet/Marzinkowski : Reply to 18 with explanations.
  22. 25/06/92 Bonnet/Marzinkowski : Further correspondence re 21.
  23. 29/06/92 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Reply to fax re problem in 18.



  • 8P1.2b1.2
  • file
  • 1982 - 1983

Correspondence 2 : 20.10.82 - 24.10.83

  1. 20.10.82 NB/Sup : Offers Michael BARRINGTON for Foundation.
  2. 21.10.82 SG/Sup : M. Barrington.
  3. 01.11.82 Sup/SG : copy of letter of welcome to BARRINGTON.
  4. 11.11.82 Sup/SG : results of election for Superior.
  5. 28.11.82 NB/Sup : congrats. on re-election.
  6. 30.11.82 Barrington/SG : writes from Madrid, language course.
  7. 30.11.82 Barrington/NB : as above.
  8. 15.12.82 Sup/NB : sends letter for forwarding to Mgr. LEFEBVRE
  9. 11.01.83 NB/Sup : re 8, wait until Council returns.
  10. 18.01.83 Sup/NB : reply 9. Had not understood the situation.
  11. 31.01.83 Sup/SecGen : Sends District Directory.
  12. 07.02.83 Sup/SG : Report on the District.
  13. 16.03.83 Barrington/NB : waiting for visa for US.
  14. 11.03.83 Sup/NB : crisis following death of John SAKOVICH
  15. 18.05.83 Laranjeira/SG : news of novitiate.
  16. 25.05.83 SG/Laranjeira : encouragement to the novitiate.
  17. 26.05.83 Sup/SecGen : students instituted as acolytes.
  18. 06.06.83 NB/Barrington : reply to 13.
  19. 14.06.83 Barrington/NB : has got visa for PR.
  20. 21.07.83 NB/Sup : general news.
  21. 19.07.83 Sup/NB : Laranjeira can stay novice master one year.
  22. 09.10.83 NB/Sup : Noel BANAHAN possible for novice master.
  23. 09.10.83 Sheils/SG : re death of P. Lecuyer and Antonio.
  24. 24.10.83 Sup/NB : reply 22. BARRINGTON director of theology.



  • 8P1.2b3.2
  • file
  • 1990 - 1992

Correspondence 2 : 25.05.90 - 15.05.92

  1. 25.05.90 McQuillan/Doyle : relations with Brazil improved
  2. 27.06.90 Doyle/McQuillan : reply to 1.
  3. 26.07.90 McQuillan/Doyle : J. Harris. Withdrawal from parish
  4. 26.02.91 McQuillan/Doyle : Connors. Graves. Alvarado
  5. 06.05.91 McQuillan/Doyle : Santo Domingo. Graves.
  6. 26.11.91 Votes for Principal Superior
  7. 02.03.92 McQuillan/Doyle : re-appointed. Assembly of Foundation.
    8 17.03.92 McQuillan/Doyle : Departures. Roman. Acevedo.
  8. 14.05.92 McQuillan/Doyle : First appointment. R. Graves..



  • 3Q1.8b1.2
  • file
  • 1984 - 1986

Correspondence 2 (07.10.84 - 23.07.86) :

  1. 07.10.84 Sup/SG : reply to 17. sends report as requested.
  2. 24.10.84 Sup/SG : continuation of the report.
  3. 25.10.84 Asselos/SG : Extended critique on Church in Guyane.
  4. 29.10.84 SG/Sup : reply to 1. Requests more information.
  5. 20.11.84 Sup/SG : Pere BEHEREC (non-Spiritan). Haitians.
  6. 25.12.84 SG/Frere Timothée : Regrets he did not meet him.
  7. 25.12.84 SG/Asselos : Impressions. Nigerian mission?
  8. 26.12.84 SG/Urfié : Will be welcomed in Guyane. BEHEREC.
  9. 17.01.85 Asselos/SG : reply to 7. Nigerians to Guyane.
  10. 04.03.85 SG/Sup : Why has he received no news of late?
  11. 13.03.85 Sup/SG : Problems with P.Rico students.
  12. 17.03.85 Plug/SG : Report on P.Rican stagières. M.BARRINGTON.
  13. 21.04.85 Asselos/SG : Nigerians to Guyane.
  14. 02.05.85 SG/Sup : How about contribution to Cor Unum?
  15. 03.05.85 van Daelen/SG : From Scheut Generalate re Guyane.
  16. 15.06.85 Sup/SG : reply to 14. Sends accounts.
  17. 30.07.85 SG/Sup : reply to 16. Greetings and thanks.
  18. 08.08.85 Littner/Plug : Canonical advice re Fr. TIMOTHEE.
  19. 27.08.85 Plug/SG : P.Rican students. Departure of M.Barrington.
  20. 05.09.85 Urfié/SG : news of his work with refugees.
  21. 25.09.85 SG/Plug : reply to 19. Students on stage.
  22. 25.09.85 SG/Urfié : reply to 20. Future collaboration with P.Rico
  23. 22.11.85 Sup/SG : URFIE Superior. P. Rico. Frère Timothée.
  24. 07.12.85 SecGen/Sup : acknowledgement of 23.
  25. 31.12.85 SG/Sup : Thanks for service. Fr. TIMOTHEE.
  26. 23.07.86 SG/Urfié : Fr. TIMOTHEE. P. BARBOTIN.



  • 8P1.2b1.3
  • file
  • 1983 - 1984

Correspondence 3 : 15.12.83 - 29.12.84

  1. 15.12.83 Sup/SG : dispensation from vows of a student.
  2. 14.02.84 Sup/SG : no Foundation here so far, only District.
  3. 13.03.84 Sup/NB : J.HARRIS will not be novice master.
  4. 16.03.84 SG/Sup : reply 2. It is a Foundation a/c SRL.
  5. 27.03.84 Sup/SG : reply 4. dispute in theologate re dress.
  6. 09.04.84 Sup/SG : sends copy of letter from J. Harris.
  7. 23.04.84 NB/Sup : re possibilities for novice master.
  8. 10.05.84 Sup/NB : Would like GAILLARD. BARRINGTON.
  9. 17.05.84 SG/Sup : Success of stage in Mexico.
  10. 14.06.84 Sup/SG : students going to Guyane. Situation changed.
  11. 19.06.84 NB/Sup : novice master. Delegates US Chapter.
  12. 08.07.84 Sup/NB : no novitiate this year.
  13. 05.08.84 Sup/SG : Laranjeira to continue as novice master.
  14. 16.08.84 NB/Sup : reply to 13.
  15. 06.09.84 Sup/NB : re election of Provincial in US-East.
  16. 19.09.84 NB/Sup : grateful for suggestions in 15.
  17. 01.10.84 Sup/SG: report on District. Will need financial support
  18. 18.10.84 Barrington/NB : problems re Foundation and stage.
  19. 19.10.84 Barrington/SG : copy of letter to Superior (cf. 18).
  20. 21.11.84 NB/Sup : will visit PR in Jan.
  21. 28.11.84 NB/Barrington : coming to PR to discuss problems.
  22. 30.11.84 Sup/NB : dates for meeting not good.
  23. 23.12.84 SG/Sup : impressions of stage in Guyane.
  24. 29.12.84 McQuillan/SG : BARRINGTON.


Résultats 161 à 170 sur 393