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393 Description archivistique résultats pour GENERAL COUNCIL

393 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques


  • 3P1.12b3.2
  • file
  • 1984 - 1986

Correspondance : 20.08.84 - 22.07.86 :

  1. 20.08.84 N.Bevan/Sup : Suggests Visitation February 85.
  2. 24.09.84 Sup/NB : dates for visit.
  3. 06.11.84 SG/Sup : sorry that Bishop did not visit Generalate.
  4. 07.11.84 SG/Bp. Cabo : sorry to have missed you in Rome.
  5. 07.11.84 NB/Sup : details of arrival.
  6. 27.11.84 Sup/SG : reply to 3. No problem.
  7. 30.11.84 NB/Sup : time of arrival.
  8. 02.05.85 NB/Sup : sends report of Visitation.
  9. 06.05.85 NB/Bp. Cabo : sends report of visit to Bishop.
  10. 15.10.85 Sup/Sup : finish as Superior. Chapter end of 1986.
  11. 20.11.85 Sup/SG : no reply to 10.
  12. 25.11.85 SG/Sup : Better to stay until District Chapter.
  13. 02.01.86 Kemps/SG : good wishes for New Year.
  14. 03.01.86 Sup/SG : reply to 12. Suggests new Sup. for Sept. 86.
  15. 22.02.86 Gross/Sup : GC prefers new Sup. just after Chapter.
  16. 25.02.86 Sup/SG : financial problems with Père KEMPS.
  17. 05.03.86 Sup/Monseigneur(?) : departure of Père KEMPS.
  18. 11.03.86 Sup/Gross : reply to 15. Accepts proposals.
  19. 23.04.86 Gross/Sup : reply to 18. Suggested Foundation
  20. 28.04.86 Sup/SG : talks of his possible transfer to Guyane.
  21. 28.04.86 Sup/SG : District Chap. will be in Feb. 1987.
  22. 17.06.86 Sup : result of straw vote for Superior.
  23. 16.07.86 Sup/SG : results of vote for Superior.
  24. 22.07.86 SG/Sup : thanks for service. Best wishes for Guyane.
  25. 22.07.86 SG/Gregoire : congrats. on election as Superior.



  • 3G1.11a1.2
  • file
  • 1981 - 1983

Correspondance: 05/11/81 - 31/10/83.

  1. 05.11.81 Provincial writes to confreres in Brazil after visit
  2. 08.11.81 Pro/BT : re various confreres and meeting in Gemert
  3. 26.11.81 Pro/BT : re H.BROSSEDER and others
  4. 02.12.81 Pro/BT : letter from Kimmage; letter from Gentinnes
  5. 14.12.81 Reetz : re building at Knechsteden & costs
  6. 21.12.81 BT/Pro : re repair work at Knechsteden
  7. 15.01.81 de Boer/Reetz : reply to 5
  8. 03.02.82 SecGen/Porsch : sends letter from CIWA
  9. 22.03.82 Pro/BT : re Superiors for different communities
  10. 04.04.82 BT/Pro : re Enlarged General Council
  11. 16.09.82 Pro/BT : personal letter
  12. 12.10.82 Pro/SG his health. Travel to Brazil
  13. 23.11.82 BT/Pro : re visits to S.Africa and Brazil
  14. 24.11.82 Pro/SG : Fr. RAMERS to try OSB
  15. 07.12.82 SG/Pro : re RAMERS
  16. 01.12.82 Pro/SG : Visitation. TRACHTLER. Brazil trip
  17. 28.02.83 Gross/Porsch : send details to CIWA
  18. 23.04.83 Rath/SG : speaks of his history of the Congregation
  19. 12.09.83 Pro/laicisation of H.BROSSEDER
  20. 15.09.83 Pro/BT : house in Hangelar. Visit to Dublin
  21. 15.09.83 Pro/SG : formation community. Chapter preparations
  22. 21.09.83 SG/Pro : reply to 20
  23. 01.10.83 BT/Pro : Life in the G.C. Visit to S.Africa
  24. 01.10.83 BT/Pro : report on visitation of German Province
  25. 31.10.83 de Boer & Trachtler : to Province after Visitation.



  • 3G1.11a3.2
  • file
  • 1987 - 1989

Correspondence: 19/09/87 - 21/10/89.

  1. 19.09.87 Claus/Marzinkowski
  2. 22.10.87 Claus/SG: invitation to 850th anniversary and reply.
  3. 17.10.87 Marzinkowski/Claus : Approval of Chapter decisions.
  4. 22.10.87 Claus/Marzinkowski : reply 3. Yugoslavia.
  5. 07.11.87 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : re Thomas LEMMEN.
  6. 16.11.87 Marzinkowski/Breidenbach : reply 5. LEMMEN.
  7. 23.11.87 Marzinkowski/Lutz : new Provincial. Card. Arns.
  8. 09.02.88 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Prov. Counc. Gets to work.
  9. 19.02.88 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Enlarged Prov. Counc.
  10. 27.02.88 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Profession of Yugoslav novice.
  11. 01.03.88 Wehrle/Marzinkowski : donation to Cor Unum.
  12. 01.03.88 Marzinkowski/Henschel : re visit UNITA in Angola.
  13. 03.03.88 Henschel/SG : Sends documentation.
  14. 11.03.88 Lutz/Marzinkowski : German translation of SRL.
  15. 23.03.88 Marzinkowski/Lutz : SG for Jubilee. Visitation June
  16. 28.03.88 Lutz/Marzinkowski : re translation of SRL.
  17. 02.04.88 Marzinkowski/Lutz : reply 16. re translation of SRL.
  18. 22.04.88 Lutz/Marzinkowski : re EPC. And Visitation.
  19. 02.05.88 Marzinkowski/Lutz: reply 18.
  20. 13.10.88 Marzinkowski/Lutz : dates for visit etc.
  21. 17.06.89 Marzinkowski/Lutz: fist appt. G. OLIKENYI to Germany.
  22. 06.10.89 Lutz/Marzinkowski : sends circular re visitation.
  23. 12.10.89 Marzinkowski/Lutz : reply 22. Chapter. F.LUCKMANN.
  24. 21.10.89 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Br. Paul HEINZ to the Generalate.



  • 3G1.11a3.4
  • file
  • 1990 - 1992

Correspondence: 19/10/90 - 13/07/92.

  1. 19.10.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : East Germany. HEINZ. WEGENER.
  2. 26.10.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Educators meeting.
  3. 26.10.90 Marzinkowski/Wegener : first appt. to Alto Jurua.
  4. 12.11.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : first evangelisation.
  5. 20.11.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz : reply 4.
  6. 23.11.90 Marzinkowski/Claus : financing for house in Arusha
  7. 05.12.90 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : General Chapter topics
  8. 21.07.91 Claus/Marzinkowski : establish Libermann centre?
  9. 04.08.91 Marzinkowski/Claus : reply 8.
  10. 11.09.91 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Herbert HAUSY and Speyer.
  11. 17.09.91 Hausy/Marzinkowski: his problem with the Provincial.
  12. 20.09.91 Marzinkowski/Lutz : European Provincials' meeting.
  13. 05.10.91 Marzinkowski/Hausy : reply 11. Conciliation
  14. 13.10.91 Claus/Marzinkowski : P. HOTTER. News of Yugoslavia.
  15. 14.10.91 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Yugoslavia. P.HOTTER.
  16. 02.11.91 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Donaueschingen and Speyer.
  17. 27.11.91 Marzinkowski/Fathers in Speyer community: Hausy
  18. 04.11.91 Selling of Donaueschingen and Speyer.
  19. 28.11.91 Marzinkowski/Prov.Counc. : decision of G.C. re 18.
  20. 14.12.91 Lutz/GC : elected delegate to General Chapter
  21. 27.03.92 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : re Br. VINZENZ (LOER).
  22. 17.06.92 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : Formators for S.Africa.
  23. 13.07.92 Reetz/Marzinkowski : contributions to Cor Unum.
  24. 29.06.92 Marzinkowski/Breidenbach : reply 22.



  • 6G1.2a1.2
  • file
  • 1981 - 1984

Correspondence 15/12/81 - 16/03/84.

  1. 15.12.81 Trachtler/Bucher : reply to request for COELHO
  2. no date Provincial Team : immediate prospects of Province
  3. no date Provincial Team : community of San Cugat
  4. 06.04.82 NB/Pro : spanish translations of documents.
  5. 17.06.82 Pereira/Littner : re selling land
  6. 23.06.82 Littner/Pereira: re 5 : has forwarded request to SCR
  7. 04.10.82 Pro/SecGen : professions, ordinations
  8. no date Pro/TN: animation programme. Various questions.
  9. 30.10.82 TN/Pro : reply to 8.
  10. 11.02.83 Pro/SG : approves postponement of EGC
  11. 11.02.83 Pro/TN : news of Province. Formation. Aranda.
  12. 22.02.83 Pro/SecGen : permission to buy property in Madrid
  13. 16.03.83 Duarte/SG : invites SG to ordination.
  14. 23.04.83 SG/Pro : Asks for A.Coelho for S.Africa.
  15. 13.05.83 Pro/SG : A.COELHO. Consultation for Provincial
  16. 25.05.83 SG/Pro : reply to 15. Concerns about health.
  17. 21.06.83 Fafiaes/SG: asks prayers for ordination.
  18. 01.07.83 results of consultative vote.
  19. 15.07.83 Pro/SecGen : first appointments, ordinations.
  20. 27.07.83 NB/Banahan : consider going to P.Rico Novitiate
  21. 20.08.83 Herrais/SG : fears about next Provincial
  22. 13.08.83 Vote for Provincial.
  23. 15.09.83 SG/Pro(Cabezas) : congrats. and advice.
  24. 22.09.83 Banahan/NB : visit of NB. Re going to P.Rico novitiate.
  25. 25.09.83 Pro/SecGen : ordinations, professions.
  26. 25.09.83 Pro/SG : F.CORAZON asks for laicisation.
  27. 06.10.83 NB/Banahan : reply to 23.
  28. 05.11.83 NB/Banahan : Will visit formation houses in April
  29. 27.02.84 Banahan/NB : J.HARRIS to be novice Master in P.Rico?
  30. 16.03.84 NB/Banahan : reply to 29.



  • 10i1.17b3.2
  • file
  • 1991 - 1992

CorrespondAnce 22.06.91 - 03.05.92 :

  1. 22.06.91 Tabet/O Toole : Nuncio pleads for increased presence.
  2. 01.11.91 McAteer/Haas : sends straw vote for new superior.
  3. 08.01.92 Fraser & Pass/Okoye : problem re delegate for Gen. Chap.
  4. 02.03.92 Okoye/Davoren : GC requests a fresh ballot.
  5. 02.03.92 Okoye/Murphy : fresh ballot needed.
  6. 13.03.92 Davoren/SecGen : sends names of Council.
  7. 09.04.92 Davoren/Okoye : he will be Chapter delegate.
  8. 03.05.92 Foley/Okoye : objects to cancellation of vote in 4.



  • 3G1.11a1.3
  • file
  • 1983 - 1986

Correspondance : 14/12/83 - 26/05/86.

  1. 14.12.83 Breidenbach/Littner : query re deacons' vows
  2. 12.12.83 SG/Bohler : correspondence re Provincial election
  3. 19.12.83 Bohles/SG : re election
  4. 12.01.84 Littner/Breidenbach : answer to query
  5. 21.02.84 Henschel/SG : re mission work in Ethiopia
  6. 16.03.84 SG/Henschel : explains sensitive situation in Ethiopia
  7. 01.05.84 Pro/SG : re Provincial Chapter
  8. 17.05.84 SG/Pro : unlikely to attend Chapter
  9. 21.05.84 Pro/Gen.Counc. : formation in Germany
  10. 09.06.84 NB/Pro : meeting of Eup. Formators
  11. 09.09.84 Pro/Pro.Counc. : re P.BOHLES
  12. 14.09.84 Pro/SG : re P.BOHLES
  13. no date Littner : opinion on the BOHLES case
  14. 06.09.84 SG/Bohles : formal command to leave Heimbach
  15. 20.11.84 NB/Pro : re Eup. Formators' meeting
  16. 22.11.84 Pro/SG : news. Situation re BOHLES
  17. 13.12.84 Pro/BT : re various confreres
  18. 17.02.84 Declaration of Fr. Michael BOHLES
  19. 23.02.85 Pro/SG : Good wishes for General Chapter
  20. 25.02.85 Pro/SG : re local bursar at Knechtsteden
  21. no date Comment on 20 by H.Littner
  22. 19.03.85 Henschel/Gen : re film about the Maasai
  23. 20.03.85 Pro/SG : first appointment K.ZIMMERMANN
  24. 12.08.85 Kamps : death KASPER. Incardination STOLLENWERK
  25. 02.10.85 Reetz/SG : financial support to enlarge Hangelar
  26. 18.10.95 Pro/BT : WEISGERBER & WEIERS
  27. 18.12.85 Pro/SG : re Constitutions
  28. 10.01.86 Pro/SG : asks permission to erect novitiate
  29. 20.01.86 SecGen/Pro : thanks for 28
  30. 17.02.86 SG/Pro: reply to 27. General Chapter
  31. 13.03.86 Pro/BT : Speyer community. Various confreres.
  32. 04.04.86 Pro/BT : Heimbach. MAZ. Various confreres
  33. 12.04.86 Pro/BT: SEIFERT. SCHWAMBORN. Meeting Card. Hoffner
  34. 15.04.86 Pro/SG : first appointment J. SEIFERT
  35. 26.04.86 SG/Pro : first appointment J. Seifert to Tefe
  36. 26.05.86 Pro/Gen.Counc. : supplementary donation Cor Unum.
    • Note sur MAZ, Missionarin Auf Zeit.



  • 3G1.11a3.3
  • file
  • 1986 - 1992

Coprrespondance : 07/11/89 - 16/10/90.

  1. 07.11.89 Marzinkowski/Lutz : The Erection Brazilian Province.
  2. 12.11.89 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Br. Paul to Rome. Visit to Brazil.
  3. 22.12.89 Lutz/Marzinkowski : re P.OWCA of Poland.
  4. 10.12.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Finance noviciate at Vrede?
  5. 1990 First appts. of LEMMEN and WEGNER.
  6. 04.05.90 Lutz/Marzinkowsk i: "Notel"and "Missionar auf Zeit".
  7. 08.05.90 Doyle/Breidenbach : Papua Stage of German student.
  8. 16.05.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Appointment Br. PAUL to Rome.
  9. 21.05.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : visit to Poland with THIELEMIER.
  10. 04.06.90 Marzinkowski/Prov.Counc : WEGENER & HUCK.
  11. 06.06.90 Marzinkowski/Delegates to Provincial Chapter.
  12. 28.06.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz : confirmation of Provincial
  13. 11.07.90 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : regarding formation
  14. 30.07.90 Lutz/SG : re Yugoslavia. Agrees withdrawal of OWCA.
  15. 17.08.90 Lemman/Marzinkowski : concerns
  16. 08.09.90 SG/Griemens : thanks for invite to Broich school.
  17. 10.09.90 Marzinkowski/Breidenbach : Chap. Docs. LEMMENS?
  18. 10.09.90 Marzinkowski/Lemmens : first appointment.
  19. 10.09.90 Marzinkowski/Breidenbach : re T.LEMMENS.
  20. 11.09.90 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : Chap. docs.Lemmens.
  21. 08.10.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Incardination of STOLLENWERK
  22. 15.10.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz: reply 21. Approval of Chap. Docs.
  23. 16.10.90 Marzinkowski : letter to confreres.



  • 3i3.2b3
  • file
  • 1980 - 1986

Correspondence 3: 20.02.83 - 26.01.84:

  1. 20.02.83 DIOUF/SG: Departure of Pere GILS from seminary.
  2. 11.03.83 SG/Diouf: reply 1. GILS will be replaced.
  3. 11.03.83 SG/Gils: to Gentinnes. M.WILSON will replace him.
  4. 11.03.83 SG/Sup: thanks for hospitality. Personnel for District.
  5. 28.03.83 VE/Sup: personnel for District.
  6. no date Gils/SG: re his replacement.
  7. 19.04.83 Sup/VE: Mgr. CAILLEAU in hospital after accident.
  8. 19.04.83 Sup/SG: Thanks for personnel. Cailleau accident.
  9. 21.04.83 SG/Sup: WILSON. Doubts about another appointment.
  10. 09.05.83 Sup/SG: reply 9. GOBAILLE. PREVOT. Mgr. CAILLEAU.
  11. 25.05.83 SG/Sup: reply 8. GOBAILLE in accident.
  12. 02.06.83 Sup/SG: reply 11. Replacement for Mgr. CAILLEAU?
  13. 18.06.83 VE/Sup: reply 7. Encouragement.
  14. 17.07.83 SG/Sup: Gobaille not coming. Tambacounda?
  15. 09.08.83 SG/Gobaille: repeats request to go to Senegal.
  16. 17.08.83 Gobaille/SG: accepts to go the Senegal.
  17. 24.08.83 SG/Sup: Gobaille will come to District.
  18. 25.08.83 Sup/SG: Would welcome an Irishman. Tambacounda.
  19. 03.09.83 LITTNER/Sup: reply 18. News snippets.
  20. 25.11.83 VAST/SG: from a meeting in Nairobi.
  21. 28.11.83 Sup/VE: Dates of visitation?
  22. 05.12.83 P. BERNARD/SG: personnel for Tambacounda?
  23. 16.12.83 SecGen/Sup: dates of visitation.
  24. 02.01.84 Littner/Bernard: reply 22. Encouragement.
  25. no date WA Sups/SG: have just finished WAF meeting.
  26. 26.01.84 Sup/VE: only brothers allowed into Guineé Conakry.



  • 6G1.2a1.3
  • file
  • 1984 - 1986

Correspondence 20/03/84 - 10/04/86.

  1. 20.03.84 Pro/GC : erection of Madrid formation house
  2. 17.04.84 Littner/Pro : re 1: no need for permission.
  3. 28.04.84 NB/Banahan : sends report on formation.
  4. 12.05.84 Pro/SG : reply to call for formators meeting.
  5. 23.05.84 Banahan/NB : Ireland wants to withdraw him this year
  6. 15.06.84 NB/Banahan : reply to 5.
  7. 16.08.84 NB/Banahan : will stay in Spain.
  8. 05.10.84 Pro/SecGen : ordinations and professions.
  9. 11.10.84 Lazaro/NB : seeks more info. on formators meeting.
  10. 26.10.84 NB/Lazaro : reply to 9.
  11. 08.11.84 SG/Pro : regrets he could not make visit.
  12. 19.02.85 Banahan/NB : formators meeting at Knechtsteden.
  13. 13.04.85 NB/Banahan : Formation problems in P.Rico.
  14. 30.04.85 Pro/GC : first appointment: BENEDICTO PENA.
  15. 04.05.85 SG/Banahan : take over Theologians in P.Rico.
  17. 28.05.85 Littner/Pro : laicisation of P.CORAZON.
  18. 10.05.85 Pro/SG : lack of personnel.
  19. 27.05.85 Banahan/SG : reply to 16. First reactions to proposal
  20. 13.06.85 SG/Confreres of Spain(?) : transfer of N.Banahan.
  21. 25.06.85 SG/Prov. Counc. of Portugal: leave SEIXAS in Spain
  22. 22.07.85 SG/Pro : M.Barrington is asking for exclaustration.
  23. 15.12.85 Pro/SG : re first appt. of V.LOPEZ. Other personnel
  24. 30.12.85 SG/Pro : reply to 23.
  25. 01.02.86 Pro/SG : re V.LOPEZ and others.
  26. 28.02.86 TN/Pro : reply for GC re V.LOPEZ.
  27. 07.05.86 Pro/SG : requesting extension of mandate.
  28. 10.04.86 Pro/SG : thanks for decisions re P.AGUILAR TORNER.


Résultats 121 à 130 sur 393