Affichage de 10 résultats

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  • 3C5.2.16
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  • 1981 - 1992

General Administration : U.S.G. Com VI 1981 - 1992 :

  1. 06.07.1981 : Arrupe/Timmermans: elected Vice-President of Com VI.
  2. March 1992 : Relations Bishops/Missionary Institutes in Africa.
  3. 12.03.1992 : Meeting of "African Collaboration" in Accra.
  4. 18.09.1991 : Haas : notes on collaboration in Formation.
    5 - 18 : Minutes of Meetings of Com VI (1990-1992).



  • 3C5.3.9
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  • 1980 - 1986
  1. 28.12.1980 : Archbp. Baroni/SG : Plea for personnel for Sudan.
  2. 18.09.1981 : Archbp. Dud/SG : personnel for archdiocese of Juba.
  3. 18.10.1981 : Hillman/SG : priests for Juba from Nigerian Province.
  4. 03.11.1981 : SG/Bp Dud : Hillman will make an investigation visit.
  5. Déc. 1981 : Hillmann/SG : seeks more information.
  6. 03.06.1982 : Bp Lukudu/SG : personnel for diocese of El Obeid.
  7. Nov. 1982 : Ezeonyia : Spiritan apostolate in Southern Sudan.
  8. 30.06.1986 : Archbp. Wako/General Chapter : help in the Sudan.
  9. Various pamphlets etc... on the Church in the Sudan (National Pastoral Plan 1981-1986, Diocese of El Obeid, carte, notice sur le Soudan et ses diocèses, Besoin en personnel, A brief history of Christianity in the Sudan).



  • 3C5.3.11
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  • 1980 - 1981

A series of documents on a possible spiritan work in the diocese of Ancud, Chile, which came about through the work of Mgr Delisle and the Canadian Province :
copie de la lettre du P. DELISLE + annexe (05.01.1981), notes au Conseil général (11.01.1981), lettres du P. GAGNON (04.03.1981), Mgr DELISLE (24.03.1981) + rapport sur la formation d'agents d'évangélisation (06.05.1981), Mgr Ysern de ARCE (26.12.1980 + rapport, 25.11.1981), P. TRACHTLER (18.12.1981), deux photos + cartes,
voyage de Mgr Delisle en Amértique Latine,
Urgente nécessité d'une action évangélisatrice a Chiloe continental (déc. 1980).



  • 3C5.3.8
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  • 1981 - 1986
  1. 30.05.1981 : Bp. Marcos da Costa/SG : personnel for Saurimo (Angola) et réponse du P. Timmermans (21.07.1981).
  2. 21.07.1981 : Bp De Bernon/SG : personnel for Maroua, Cameroon.
  3. 14.08, 22.11.1981 : Scholtz/SG : help for Angolan refugees in Zambia et réponse du P. Corcoran (04.11.1981).
  4. 09.03.1982 : Bp Bomers/SG : Vicariate of Gimma, Ethiopia et réponse du P. Watters (29.03.1982).
  5. 08.07.1982 : Maranon/SG : invitation to work in Ecuador.
  6. 10.06.1983 : Couesnongle/SG : men for Kroonstadt, S. Africa.
  7. 17.10.1984 : Bp Setele/SG : Inhambane, Mozambique et reéponse du P. timmermans (08.11.1984).
  8. 06.07.1985 : Bp Paul/SG : another cry for personnel for Seychelles et réponse du P. Timmermans (09.08.1985).
  9. 17.09.1985 : Bp Kaseba/SG : help for Kalemie-Kirungu, Zaïre.
  10. 07.01.1985 et 21.04.1986 : Bp Agré/SG : Diocèse of Man, Ivory Coast.
  11. 21.04.1986 : Scholtz/SG : various refugees projects (Jésuites).
  12. june 1986 : Report on Eritrean Refugees in Sudan.
  13. 05.06.1986 : Headley/SG : refugee work in Kenya.
  14. notices sur les diocèses de Man et de Daloa,Côte d'Ivoire.



  • 3C5.3.7
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  • 1979 - 1981
  1. 11.01.1979 : Comboni Sisters/GenSec : Univ. of Asmara.
  2. 19.01.1979 : Haggerty/SecGen : no personnel for Castries.
  3. 14.03.1979 : Mgr Bududira, evêque de Bururi/SG : personnel pourson diocese (Burundi) et réponse du P. Moloney (11.06.1979).
  4. 21.03.1979 : Trudeau/SG : librarian for Nairobi.
  5. 09.04.1979 : Joyce/SG : Personnel for St. Lucia, W.I..
  6. 16.08.1979 : Bp Vangeke/SG : personnel for Bereina diocese, Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée.
  7. 25.10.1979 : Benonis/SG : asks for chaplains for US Army.
  8. 24.01.1980 : Dressman/SG : personnel for Nepal.
  9. 04.03.1980 : SG/Bp Guilly : no personnel for Castries, W.I. et réponse de Mgr Guilly (31.03.1980).
  10. March 1980 : Davis Regan : rapport sur le Nicaragua.
  11. 11.04.1980 : Doyle : impressions of St. Lucia, W.I.
  12. 05.11.1980 : Bp Francis/Ezeonyia : Nigerian confreres for Liberia + notice sur le Libéria et ses diocèses.
  13. 31.12.1980 : Bp Francis/Ezeonyia : more information re Liberia.
  14. 22.01, 24.02.1981 : Bp Lamont/SG : appeal for help in Umtali, Zimbabwe et réponse du P. Timmermans (30.01.1981).
  15. 02.02.1981 : Bp Paul/SG : seeks personnel for Seychelles.
  16. 03.02.1981 : Cardinal Rossi/SG : personnel for Turks and Caicos.
  17. 23.02.1981 : Bp Tumi/SG : Requests personnel for Yagoua.
  18. 23.02.1981 : Haas/SG : reactions to 16.
  19. 12.03.1981 : Max Dominique/SG : report on visit to Turks and Caicos.
  20. 26.03.1981 : SG/Cardinal Rossi : cannot help Bp Paul to Seychelles.
  21. 27.03.1981 : SG/Bp Paul : cannot send help to Seychelles.
  22. 03.04.1981 : Bp Sheehan/SG : Thanks for sending Cssp to Yola et réponse du P. Ezeonyia (10.05.1981).



  • 3C5.1.10
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  • 1982 - 1986

General Administration : Council Decisions 1982 - 1986 :

  1. 10.03.1982 : Adelio Torres Neiva elected 2nd General Assistant.
  2. 15.03.1982 : Paul Sigrist appointed to Fribourg.
  3. 17.03.1982 : Budget approved for Gen. Administration.
  4. 19.04.1982 : decisions re SRAC.
  5. 19.04.1982 : Alphonse Gilbert Director of SRAC.
  6. 30.08.1982 : admission of brothers into permanent diaconate.
  7. 20.10.1982 : Gerald Walsh appointed archivist for Rome.
  8. 20.10.1982 : Myles Fay appointed Secretary of SRAC.
  9. 20.10.1982 : Edward Holmes appointed General Secretary.
  10. 20.10.1982 : Thomas Farrelly appointed Planning Officer for Generalate
  11. 23.09.1983 : Student community erected Via Piemonte.
    13 23.09.1983 : W. Jenkinson superior of student community.
  12. 28.10.1983 : renewal of mandate of J. McDonnell.
  13. 06.03.1984 : renewal of mandate of Bishop de Moura.
  14. 06.03.1984 : Joseph Burgraff appointed bursar of Generalate.
  15. 09.03.1984 : 1986 Chapter to be held at Chevilly.
  16. 03.10.1984 : Michel Kieffer renewed as Superior of Generalate.
  17. 12.11.1984 : W. Jenkinson renewed as Superior of student community
  18. 14.06.1985 : Manuel Santos Neves superior of Generalate.
  19. 27.09.1985 : Tony Geoghegan Secretary to SRAC.
  20. 27.09.1985 : Bert Noonan appointed General Secretary.
  21. 07.10.1985 : G. Walsh re-appointed as Rome archivist.
  22. 07.10.1985 : Roland Quesnel reappointed Information Department.
  23. 10.06.1985 : Bernard Mathis superior of the Generalate.
  24. 23.07.1986 : André Héroux transferred to French Province.



  • 3C5.1.6
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  • 1984 - 1985

General Administration: Correspondence 1984 - 1985 :

  1. S.G./Via Piemonte Comm: consulation for Superior.
  2. S.G./Mgr. Hertenrath. Thanks for sponsorship of Fr. Doheny.
  3. Bevan: circular re formators meeting.
  4. B. McLaughlin/N.B : representatives for Formators meeting.
  5. S.G./Maj.Sups. Reports from Circums. as prep. for Gen. Chap.
  6. N.B./Maj. Sups Re - priorities & urgent needs of personnel.
  7. G.C./Maj. Sups. Re - represent. at Gen. Chapter (GC/2/86).
  8. J. de B./B. Mathis Re - Br. Rey remaining at Gen. until Aug 85.
  9. M. Piat/Ezeonyia : Re accept invit. to be moderator at Gen. Chapt.
  10. V.E./M.Piat : thanks for acception to be moderator at G.C. '86.
  11. Torres Neiva : work of Analysis Committee of Constitutions.
  12. S.G./Gen.Sec : Personnel for Pakistan Group.
  13. G.C./J.Monteiro Questions of his appoint. to Pakistan.
  14. Torres Neiva/Geogheagan : member of drafting committee.
  15. Abp. Tchidimbo/S.G. present situation. Guinea.
  16. A.T.N./S.G.(from Congo). Notes on recent visit to Congo.
  17. J.Verwielen/S.G. Declines office of General Secretary.
  18. De Boer/J.Verwielen. Reply to 17.
  19. S.G./Sup. Gen. problem concerning Servite pers. in Gabon.
  20. French Ambassador/Timmermans : announces award.
  21. S.G./Amb. of France. Reply to 20.
  22. Mathis/de Boer : Bro. Clement allowed to remain at Generalate.
  23. Prof. Szrankiewiez/S.G. Congrats on his promotion.
  24. R. Badinter/S.G. Congrats. on receiving award.
  25. S.G./R.Badinter. Reply to 6/24 above.
  26. S.G./Prof. Szramkiwicz. Reply to 6/23 above.
  27. Ndzana/Gross : Will take part in "Community Life Commission".
  28. J.Daly/S.G. Thanks for invite to Rome.
  29. Bevan/Formators. Sending minutes of meeting.
  30. Bevan/Provincials : Minutes of Formators meeting.



  • 3C5.1.3
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  • 1982 - 1983

General Administration : Correspondence 1982 - 1983:

  1. Mgr Moura/S.G. : proposed visit to Holy Father.
  2. S.Gen./Cong. pro Gentium Evangelizatione : Re Ed. Grimes.
  3. Timmermans/Mgr Moura : Rply to n° 1 above.
  4. St. Egidio Community/S.G. : permission for trailer at Casalotti.
  5. Mgr Francis (Monrovia)/S.G.: news of appointment + Installation.
  6. Gen. Sec./Mgr Francis : Acknowledge preceding.
  7. S.G./Mgr Francis : Apologies for absence from installation.
  8. Memo from Documentation : Copies of Publications to be kept.
  9. V. de Paul/S.G .: Request for Information re Constitutions, etc...
  10. J. Mc Donnell/Gen. Counci l: memo re periodicals.
  11. Ecole de la Foi/S.G. : any places needed for October?
  12. Amecea Nairobi/S.G. : Re May Meeting of SECAM.
  13. S.G./Amecea : reply to preceding.
  14. Missionnary Sisters of Sac. Heart/S.G. : Work on "Vocations".
  15. Gen. Council re "Tu as mis sur moi ta main" of A. Gilbert.
  16. S.G. to Committee for the revision of the Constitutions.
  17. Bevan/Gittins : enclosing letter to formation personnel
  18. Gen. Sec./Committee for the Revision of the Constitutions
  19. Gen. Sec./N. Kelly : re Constitutions.
  20. Gen. Sec./Nicolas :"Que mettre dans les nouvelles Constit."
  21. B. Kelly/Gen. Sec : re 20.
  22. Gen. Council/Maj. Sups : meeting of new Superiors
  23. SecGen./Nicolas. Re new Constitutions.
  24. G. Fitzgerald/G.C. Asking to return to home province .
  25. Daly/Gen. Sec. : section on "Government" of Constitutions.
  26. S.G./G. Fitzgerald. Accepts retirement - withdrawal this year.



  • 3C5.1.2
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  • 1981 - 1982

General Administration : Correspondence 1980 - 1981 :

  1. French Foreign office : souhaite rencontrer S.G.
  2. De Boer/Cté de Fribourg : l'arrivée du P. Armand Berghman.
  3. Mgr Moura/Littner : propose date sa venue à Rome.
  4. H.L./Mgr Moura : réponse à précédente.
  5. Mgr Moura/H.L. : réponse à précédente.
  6. Japanese Embassy : Question re missionaries in Japan.
  7. Gen. Sec./Japanese Embassy. Reply to preceding n°.
  8. S.G./Cardinal Palazzini : Introduces Mgr Moura.
  9. Wissing/S. Gen . : "Missio" Concours for anniversary of Aachen.
  10. Sandro Moretti/S. Gen . : Pia Unio "Redemptor Hominis".
  11. Antonio Romano/S. Gen. : Pia Unio "Redemptor Hominis".
  12. Norman Bevan/S.G. : on visitation U.S.A. West varia.
  13. Mariannhill Generalate - Gift of Books.
  14. Gen. Sec. - acknowledge preceding.
  15. De Rance Inc./Sup. Gen. : Re application for financial aid.
  16. Gen. Sec./De Rance : Reply to preceding.
  17. S. C. Propaganda : Ask Ed. Grimes to replace Des. Kenny.
  18. Gen. Sec./Reply to preceding.
  19. Flannagan/Timermans : film on Gambia.
  20. GenSec/Flannagan : reply 19.
  21. Timmermans/Moura : Postulator for Libermann' cause.
  22. Thibault/GC : meeting of Constitutions Committee.
  23. Gen.Sec/Thibauult : reply 22.
  24. Wright/Timmermans : Report on Holy Childhood.
  25. GenSec/Wright : reply 24.
  26. Doheny/Timmermans : Cheshire Homes meeting in Malawi.
  27. Cong of Religious/Timmermans : help for needy sisters.



  • 3C5.1.1
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  • 1980 - 1981

General Administration: Correspondence 1980 - 1981:

  1. S.G./Mère Gén. F.M.M : Sr Enid Mary Cocker for Secretariate.
  2. C.E.N.P.A.F.A.L./S.G .: Request for Funds.
  3. S.G./M. Kieffer : Request become Superior of Generalate
  4. M. Kieffer/S.G. : Accepts to be Superior of Generalate
  5. S.G./ Burghard Re - his Joining staff of Secretariate Generalate.
  6. S.G./M. Martin : Mgr Moura, Postulator of Cause of Libermann?
  7. A. Burghard/S.G : his coming to the Gen. Secretariate.
  8. S.G./M. Kieffer. Proposed the post of Secretary R.A.C. in Rome.
  9. Littner/S.G: Varia
  10. S.G./O. Ellis : Suggesting that he become General Secretary.
  11. O. Ellis/S.G : Reply to the preceding.
  12. Moura/HLittner : announcing his appointment as Postulator.
  13. H.L./Mgr Moura. Confirming his appointment.
  14. S.G./ Corcoran. Thanks for accepting responsibility of Gen. Sec.
  15. H.L./E. Corcoran. Letter welcoming him as Sec. Gen.
  16. P. Corcoran/S.G. accepte de devenir Secrétaire Général.
  17. R.Q./P. Corcoran : réponse à précédente.
  18. H.L./P. Burghard : envoi nomination de Secrétaire.
  19. Daly./S.G. a/s. sa visite en Gambie/Sierra Leone.
  20. Mgr Moura: pense venir fin juin.
  21. H.L./Mgr Moura : mieux venir en octobre.
  22. Pasqualino : renseignements divers sur Congrégation.
  23. Littner/Pasqualino : réponse.