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  • SR-151.2
  • file
  • 1920 - 1966
  • Van KAAM, Existential theory and therapy, 1963.
  • Van KAAM A, The vocational director and counseling, N.Y. 1962.
  • Van KAAM A, Behavioral science and guidance : Proposal and perspectives, N.Y.1963.
  • Van KAAM A, Religion and personality, Pittsburg, 1964.
  • Van KAAM A, Humanitas, Journal of the Institute of Man, (vol I), 1965.
  • Van KAAM A, Existential Foundations of Psychology, D.U. 1966
  • Van KAAM A, Personality fullfilment in the spiritual life, D.U. 1966.
    *KELLY B, The kingdom come (a synthesis of the principales and practices of the spiritual life, 1943.
  • KELLY B, First steps in the religious life, Cork, 1948.
  • KELLY B, Apologetics and catholic doctrine, Part III, Catholic morality (1 relié et 1 broché), DUblin, 1948.
  • KELLY B, Divine quasi-formal causality, Fribourg, 1961.
  • KELLY B, Progress in the religious life, London, 1953.
  • KELLY B, The sacrements in daily life, London, 1945.
  • KELLY B The Mother of the Saviour (traduit de Garrigou-Lagrange 1941
  • KINGSTON J.A., The ideal Book of Poetry (secondary school series), Dublin
  • KNIGHT G, Book 1, Apologetics (rational theology), D.U. 1952.
  • KNIGHT G, The nature of man, D.U. 1956.
  • LEEN Edward, In the likeness of Christ, London, 1936.
  • LEEN E, Why the Cross ?, Lodon, 1938.
  • LEEN E, The true vine and its branches, N.Y. 1938.
  • LEEN E, Retreat lectures, Killeshandra, 1944.
  • LEEN E, The Holy Ghost, London, 1937.
  • LEE George, Our Lady of Guadeloupe, N.Y. 1947.
  • LEEN James (Mgr) The mass : our sacrifice. Mary, our mother, 1938.
  • LE ROY A, The religion of the primitives, London, 1922, 1923.
  • McGOLDRICK D, The martyrdom of change, (formation of the religious personality), 1961
  • McGOLDRICK D, Holy restraint, D.U. 1962.
  • McGOLDRICK D, Independence trough submission, D.U. 1964.
  • McGOLDRICK D, Living the Celibate Life, N.Y. 1970.
  • McMENEMY W, The place of the circle in elementary geometry, 1967.
  • McNAMARA R, Father Maurice of Greece, N.Y, a footnote to the Liberian mission, Philadelphia, 1950..
  • MONTES de O, More about Fatima, Dublin, 1945.
  • MURPHY D, The aristotelian Concept of Happiness,thèse, Fribourg 1920
  • O'CARROLL P, Consecration to the Immaculate Heart, Cork, 1946.
  • O'CARROLL M, Mediatress of all graces, Dublin, 1959.
  • O'CONNOR G, St Vincent of Lerins and St Augustine, Rome, 1964.



  • SR-155
  • file
  • 1916 - 2010
  • Boîte 1 : Estudios (revista de cultura Hispanica), n° 1-5 + 8 (1951-1953)
  • Duquesne Hispanic Revue, 1962 (1, 2, 3), 1963 (1, 2), 1964 (1).
  • Boîte 2 : Institute of African affairs, 1960 (2 n°), 1961 (1), 1962 (2), 1963 (2), 1964 (1, 1967 (1).
  • Bureau of research in business, 1961-1964 (4 n°).
  • Duquesne Monthly juil. 1916, janv. 1917, oct. 1931.
  • Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry, 1961.
  • Boîte 3 : Duquesne Review (Social sciences), 1956 (2 n°), 1957 (2), 1958 (2), 1959 (1), 1961 (1), 1962 (1), 1964 (1), 1965 (2), 1966 (1).
  • Boîte 4 : Duke, 1953-1963 + 1 de 1968. D.U. Record, 1973-1990.
  • D.U. Alumni News, 1954-1971 + 1 de 1989.
  • Boîte 5 : D.U. Magazine (Portrait of an University 1979, 1 n° en 2002, 3 n° en 2003 dont le 125e anniversaire, 1 n° en 2004, 1 en 2007, 2 en 2009, 1 en 2010).
  • Boîte 6 : (Documents divers) * A business research reprint, 1961.
  • Academic Freedom in a pluralistic society, D.U. 1990.
  • A case for the catholic University, D.U. 1969.
  • Basketball digest, D.U. 1953-1954.
  • Century Club of distinguished Duquesne alumni, Novembre 1983.
  • Duquesne University (dépliant et plaquette)..
  • Duquesne University, Chanson de l'Esprit (29.05.2003) 300e anniv. cssp
  • GALLAGHER F, The high cost of freedom + Catholic Intellectualism in America, D.U. 1958.
  • Golden jubelee pageant of D.U. The Spirit gieveth Life (1929).
  • Graduate program in psychology, D.U. 1990.
  • Graduate School of liberal Arts and Sciences, 1989-1990.
  • Integration of faith and culture : the Mission of the Church, 1985.
  • Integration of faith and culture : challenges in Asia (AMALADOSS).
  • KAAM A (van), Human potentialities from the Viewpoint of Existential Psychology, D.U. 1966.
  • Master of arts in théologie, D.U. (dépliant).
  • On looking Inward, 1962. * Beautiful Pittsburg, 1979.
  • Position paper of the spiritan community at Duquesne University, polyc.
  • D.U. School of social service, 1916.
  • SCHREITER J, Anthropology and Faith. Contributions and Challenges.
  • Spirit, 15.06.1988. * Student handbook, 1946.
  • The Duquesne University Record, Spring 2001.
  • The institute of formative spirituality (dépliant).
  • View book for international students.* D.U. Annual report 1985.
  • D.U. A Values-Centered Education.
  • Pittsburg, then and now, Walter C. Kidney, 2004.



  • SR-151.1
  • file
  • 1894 - 1972
  • BOTREL J, Notes on harmony and harmony analysis, Dubllin, 1911.
  • BRENNAN N.J, Latin verses translations from Byron's Child Harold, 1894
  • BRENNAN N.J., Terra paterna, Vale ! (latin verse translation), 1901.
  • CAREY B, Leaves from the Diary of a catholic Chapelain in the Great World War, Pittsburg, 1919.
  • CARROL J, A critical exposition of the modernist Conception of Church Authority, Fribourg (Suisse), 1915.
  • CARROL J, Psychology (Philosophical series III), Pittsburg D.U.,1928.
  • CLARK R, Attitudes toward changing-orgazisational Goals : An evaluation study of the eastern Province of the Holy Ghost Fathers, Pittsburg 1972.
  • CONNORS Ch, (Dossier) : Candidates for the priesthood and "Sedes Sapientiae", 1959 (repris dans The Jurist, oct. 1959). The Priest, 1960.
    Freedom to pursue a vocation, 1960. Canon law and wills, 1961. Can polygamy happen here ? 1963. The homiletic and pastoral rewiew, Fév, Oct. 1960, Fév. 1962. Homilies : Octave of Christmas.
  • CONNORS Ch, Extra-judicial procuration in the code of canon law, 1944.
  • CONNORS C, Listen to This !, 1947.
  • CONNORS C, Good Moranvillé of Baltimore, 1959.
  • (Van) CROONENBURG, Rewiew of existential psychology and psychiatry, 1961 : Existential Experience, Heart of Existentialism.
  • (Van) CROONENBURG, Gateway to reality : An introduction to philosophy, D.U. 1963.
  • FENNELY B, Follow me, a vindication of the ideal of religious life, 1943.
  • FRECENON J.E., The promises of the Sacred Heart, Chippewa F., 1909.
  • HAZO S, The christian intellectual, D.U. 1963.
  • HEIJKE J, The image of God according to St Augustine, 1956.
  • HEIJKE J, St Augustine's comments on "Imago Dei", 1960.
  • HOEGER F, A Tryst with the Holy Trinity, Cincinnati, 1945.
  • HOEGER F, The convent mirror (conferences for religious), N.Y. 1951.
  • HOFFMAN J, Pratical way to union with God, Philadelphia, 1926.
  • HYLAND J, Rome and the White House (Pope and President), 1928.
  • JORDAN J, A junior catholic history of Europe, part I, part II, 1952.
  • Le Clair J, Kibo, 1993
  • Van KAAM A, (dossier) : Missie en Europese Jeugd, de nederlandse Vakman-religieus in dienst der wereldmissie, Pittsburg, 1953. Assumptions in psychology, Pittsburg, 1958. The nurse in the patient's world, 1959.
    Sigmund Freud in the modern world, 1959. Phenomenal analysis (1959) : exemplified by a study of the experience of "really feeling understood".
    Counseling from the viewpoint of existential psychology, D.U. 1962.
    E Trith Tasis (en grec), Athenai, 1962. Religion and existential Will, 1962.



  • SR-153
  • file
  • 1911 - 2007
  • ADLER M, Poetry and Politics, D.U. 1965.
  • BARRAL M.R, Merleau-Ponty : the role of the Body-Subject in Interpersonal Relations, D.U. 1965.
  • BUSCAREN A, The last of the mandarins ? Diem of Vietnam, D.U. 1965.
  • CHARLEWORTH M, Philosophy and linguistic analysis (relié + broché), D.U. 1959.
  • CLAIR J, The Ironic Dimension in the Fiction of H. Jammes, D.U. 1965.
  • CLARKE D, Morphology of fifteenth Century Castilian Verse : A modern humanities Research Association monograph, D.U. 1964.
  • DONDEYNE A, Contemporary european Thought and christian Faith D.U., 1958.
  • DONDEYNE A, Faith and the World, D.U. 1963.
  • DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY : Bulletins (catalogue) 1911-1912, 1912-1913,
  • DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY : Bulletins, Vol V, n° 4 juil. 1916, n° 5 juil. 1917, Vol VIII, n° 4 1919, Vol IX, n° 4 1920.
  • The Grand Duke (the Year Book of Duquesne University), 1926 .
  • General Catalogue D.U., 1929-1930 (1929.), 1930-1931 (1930).
  • Catalog issue, Vol XLVII 1959-1960, Vol XLIX 1961-1962, Vol L, 1962-1963.
  • Annuale medievale (D.U.) : Vol 1 (1960), Vol 2 (1961), Vol 3 (1962), Vol 4 (1963), Vol 5 (1964), Vol 8 (1967), Vol 9 (1968).
  • Symposium on Evolution, Collectif, D.U., 1959.
  • Journal of ecumenical studies : Vol 1, n° 1.2.3 (1964), Vol 2, n° 1.2.3 (1965), Vol 4, n° 2 (1967).
  • DUQUESNE U, Dossier 1 (Bulletins 1963-1964) : Graduate school. Admissions catalog issue. School of business administration. School of education. School of Law. School of liberal Arts and Sciences. School of music. School of nursing. School of pharmacy.
  • DUQUESNE U. Dossier 2 (Bulletins 1964-1965 : mêmes rubriques).
  • DUQUESNE U. The golden jubelee Monocle, Vol 1, Pittsburg, 1929.
  • Leisure living (Community college lecture series), 19.02-12.03.1959
  • Modern Myths and popular Fancies, D.U. 1961.
  • People, programs, policies, D.U. 1963.
  • Greater Pittsburg (map and information guide), 1982.
  • Undergraduate catalog, 1982-1983, D.U.
  • Spiritan personnel record at Duquesne, 1878-1998, D.U. oct. 1998.
  • The Mission Diary ENDULEN (incomplets), nov. 2000 - oct. 2005.
  • Magazine : "Spiritus est qui vivificat" (1878), D.U. 2007.
  • FOLEY J, Human history: a race between education and catastrophe (serie 3), D.U. 1963.
  • FRINGS M, Max Scheler, a concise introduction into the World of a great Thinker), D.U. 1965..
  • GURWITSCH A, The field of consciousness, (série 2), D.U. 1964.
    µ kockelmans j, Martin Heidegger. A first Introduction to his Philosophy, D.U. 1965.
  • KWANT R, Philosophy of labor, (série 10), D.U. 1960.
  • KWANT R, EncoUnter (série 11), D.U. 1960.
  • KWANT R, The phenomenological Philosophy of Merleau-Ponty (série 15), D.U. 1963.
  • KWANT R, Phenomenology of Social Existence, D.U. 1965.
  • KWANT R, From Phenomenology to Metaphysics (sur Merleau-Ponty série 20, D.U. 1966.
  • Van LAER H, Philosophy of Science, a Study of the division and nature of various groups of sciences (série 14), D.U. 1962.
  • LUIJPEN W, Phenomenology and Atheism, (série 17), D.U. 1964..
  • LUIJPEN W, Phenomenology and metaphysics, D.U. 1965.
  • Van MELSEN A, The philosophy of nature (relié + broché), D.U. 1953 1 1954.
  • Van MELSEN A, Science and technology (série 19), D.U. 1961.
  • van MELSEN A, Evolution and philosophy, (série 19), D.U. 1965.



  • SR-154
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  • 1929 - 1966
  • MILTON J, Bibliographical supplement by Calvin HUCKABEY (1929-1957, série 1), D.U. 1960.
  • McNEIR W. 1 PROVOST P, Annotated bibliography of Edmund Spenser, (1937-1960, série 3), D.U. 1962.
  • PLATTEL M, Social philosophy, (série 18), D.U. 1965.
  • Van der POL W, Anglicanism in ecumenical perspective, (série 4),1965.
  • De RAEYMAEKER (avec les professeurs de Louvain), Truth and Freedom, (1 relié et 1 broché) (série 5), D.U. 1954.
  • REYNER A, The case of the indeterminate Boundary : Algérie, Morocco, D.U. 1964.
  • SCHOONENBERG P, God's world in the making, (série 2), D.U. 1964.
  • STRASSER S, Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, D.U. 1963.
  • SWIDLER L, Scripture and Ecumenism (protestant, catholic, orthodox and jewish), D.U. 1965.
  • SWIDLER L, The ecumenical Vanguard (The history of the "Una Sancta Movement", D.U. 1966.
  • KIDNEY W, Pittsburgh then and now, 2004.
  • MANSFIELD Patti, Comme une nouvelle Pentecôte, les débuts du Renouveau charismatique dans l'Eglise catholique, Ed. de l'Emmanuel, 1992.



  • SR-156
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  • 1703 - 2001
  • KOREN H, An introduction to the Philosophy of Animate Nature, 1955.
  • KOREN H, An introduction to the Science of Metaphysics, London 1955
  • KOREN H, An introduction to the philosophy of nature, D.U. 1960.
  • KOREN H, Chenapans ou chevaliers ?, 1979.
  • KOREN H, De inspiratione sacrae scripturae (Secundum doctrinam Cornelii a Lapide), Washington, 1942.
  • KOREN H, Essays on the spiritan charism and on spiritan history, 1988, Bethel Pazrk (polyc. et imprimé).
  • KOREN H. & VAN MELSEN A, From Atomos to Atom (serie 1), 1952.
  • KOREN H, Knaves or knights ?, (A history of the spiritan missionaries in Acadia and North America, 1732-1839), D.U. 1962.
  • KOREN H, Aventuriers de la mission (Les Spiritains en Acadie et en Amérique du Nord, 1732-1839), Karthala, 2002.
  • KOREN H, The Spiritans : a history of the congregation of the Holy Ghost (1 relié et 1 broché), D.U. 1958.
  • KOREN H, Les Spiritains : 3 siècles d'histoire religieuse et missionnaire, (trad.), Beauchesne, 1982.
  • KOREN H, Let we forget (Our former works in the United States), 1794-1997, Bethel Park, 1997.
  • KOREN H. & VAN LEER, Philosophico-scientific problems (1 relié et 1 broché), 1953.
  • KOREN H, Readings in the Philosophy of Nature, Maryland, 1958
  • KOREN H, Talks with teennagers about religion, 2001 (polyc).
  • KOREN H. & BUSHINSKI E, The Analogy of Names and the Concept of Being (1 relié et 1 broché),1953. 2e édition, 1959.
  • KOREN H. & VAN LEER H, The philosophy of Science, D.U. 1956.
  • KOREN H. To the Ends of the Earth, D.U. 1983.
  • KOREN H, The serpent and the dove, 1745-1984 (A History of the congregation of the Holy Ghost in the United States), Pittsburg, 1985.
  • KOREN H, The Spiritan Story of Puerto Rico, (1931-1998), 1998.
  • KOREN H, What is in the name ? 2001 (polyc.)
  • KOREN H. Are-we putting too many eggs in one basket ? 2001 (polyc.)