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  • 3G1.11a1.4
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  • 1981 - 1986

General Council Decisions 1980-1986.

  1. 05.01.81 confirms P.CLAUS as Provincial for 3rd. term
  2. 28.05.81 G.OFER appointed to Brazil
  3. 28.08.81 exclaustration N.HENSCHEL for 3 years
  4. 17.12.81 authorizes repairs at Knechtsteden
  5. 03.12.82 P.RAMERS permission to enter Benedictines
  6. 25.01.84 confirms P.CLAUS as Provincial for 3rd. term
  7. 03.05.84 approval to sell property at Buchen
  8. 24.12.84 approval to sell property at Heimbach
  9. 06.03.85 approves exemption from Const. 125 & 233
  10. 17.04.85 first appt : ZIMMERMAN to S.Africa
  11. 20.02.86 novitiate erected at Donaueschingen
  12. 25.04.86 first appointment: SEIFERT to Amazonia.



  • 3G1.11a1.3
  • file
  • 1983 - 1986

Correspondance : 14/12/83 - 26/05/86.

  1. 14.12.83 Breidenbach/Littner : query re deacons' vows
  2. 12.12.83 SG/Bohler : correspondence re Provincial election
  3. 19.12.83 Bohles/SG : re election
  4. 12.01.84 Littner/Breidenbach : answer to query
  5. 21.02.84 Henschel/SG : re mission work in Ethiopia
  6. 16.03.84 SG/Henschel : explains sensitive situation in Ethiopia
  7. 01.05.84 Pro/SG : re Provincial Chapter
  8. 17.05.84 SG/Pro : unlikely to attend Chapter
  9. 21.05.84 Pro/Gen.Counc. : formation in Germany
  10. 09.06.84 NB/Pro : meeting of Eup. Formators
  11. 09.09.84 Pro/Pro.Counc. : re P.BOHLES
  12. 14.09.84 Pro/SG : re P.BOHLES
  13. no date Littner : opinion on the BOHLES case
  14. 06.09.84 SG/Bohles : formal command to leave Heimbach
  15. 20.11.84 NB/Pro : re Eup. Formators' meeting
  16. 22.11.84 Pro/SG : news. Situation re BOHLES
  17. 13.12.84 Pro/BT : re various confreres
  18. 17.02.84 Declaration of Fr. Michael BOHLES
  19. 23.02.85 Pro/SG : Good wishes for General Chapter
  20. 25.02.85 Pro/SG : re local bursar at Knechtsteden
  21. no date Comment on 20 by H.Littner
  22. 19.03.85 Henschel/Gen : re film about the Maasai
  23. 20.03.85 Pro/SG : first appointment K.ZIMMERMANN
  24. 12.08.85 Kamps : death KASPER. Incardination STOLLENWERK
  25. 02.10.85 Reetz/SG : financial support to enlarge Hangelar
  26. 18.10.95 Pro/BT : WEISGERBER & WEIERS
  27. 18.12.85 Pro/SG : re Constitutions
  28. 10.01.86 Pro/SG : asks permission to erect novitiate
  29. 20.01.86 SecGen/Pro : thanks for 28
  30. 17.02.86 SG/Pro: reply to 27. General Chapter
  31. 13.03.86 Pro/BT : Speyer community. Various confreres.
  32. 04.04.86 Pro/BT : Heimbach. MAZ. Various confreres
  33. 12.04.86 Pro/BT: SEIFERT. SCHWAMBORN. Meeting Card. Hoffner
  34. 15.04.86 Pro/SG : first appointment J. SEIFERT
  35. 26.04.86 SG/Pro : first appointment J. Seifert to Tefe
  36. 26.05.86 Pro/Gen.Counc. : supplementary donation Cor Unum.
    • Note sur MAZ, Missionarin Auf Zeit.



  • 3G1.11a2.2
  • file
  • 1983

Visite de la Province, du 03 au 30.06.1983 :

  1. Official Report : Boer & B.Trachtler
  2. Summary of report in English.



  • 3G1.11a3.3
  • file
  • 1986 - 1992

Coprrespondance : 07/11/89 - 16/10/90.

  1. 07.11.89 Marzinkowski/Lutz : The Erection Brazilian Province.
  2. 12.11.89 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Br. Paul to Rome. Visit to Brazil.
  3. 22.12.89 Lutz/Marzinkowski : re P.OWCA of Poland.
  4. 10.12.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Finance noviciate at Vrede?
  5. 1990 First appts. of LEMMEN and WEGNER.
  6. 04.05.90 Lutz/Marzinkowsk i: "Notel"and "Missionar auf Zeit".
  7. 08.05.90 Doyle/Breidenbach : Papua Stage of German student.
  8. 16.05.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Appointment Br. PAUL to Rome.
  9. 21.05.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : visit to Poland with THIELEMIER.
  10. 04.06.90 Marzinkowski/Prov.Counc : WEGENER & HUCK.
  11. 06.06.90 Marzinkowski/Delegates to Provincial Chapter.
  12. 28.06.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz : confirmation of Provincial
  13. 11.07.90 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : regarding formation
  14. 30.07.90 Lutz/SG : re Yugoslavia. Agrees withdrawal of OWCA.
  15. 17.08.90 Lemman/Marzinkowski : concerns
  16. 08.09.90 SG/Griemens : thanks for invite to Broich school.
  17. 10.09.90 Marzinkowski/Breidenbach : Chap. Docs. LEMMENS?
  18. 10.09.90 Marzinkowski/Lemmens : first appointment.
  19. 10.09.90 Marzinkowski/Breidenbach : re T.LEMMENS.
  20. 11.09.90 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : Chap. docs.Lemmens.
  21. 08.10.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Incardination of STOLLENWERK
  22. 15.10.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz: reply 21. Approval of Chap. Docs.
  23. 16.10.90 Marzinkowski : letter to confreres.



  • 3G1.11a4.2
  • file
  • 1986 - 1991

General Council Decisions 1986-1992.

  1. 25.09.86 Mandate of Albert Claus extended until June 1987.
  2. 24.09.86 Thomas SCHWAMBORN re-admitted to Congregation.
  3. 14.10.87 Approval of Provincial Chapter Documents.
  4. 11.05.90 Br. Paul HEINZ appointed to the Generalate staff.
  5. 22.06.90 Gregor Lutz confirmed as Provincial - first mandate.
  6. 15.10.90 Provincial Chapter Documents approved
  7. 22.10.90 First appointment: Michael WEGNER to Alto Jurua.
  8. 27.11.91 Permission to close Donaueschingen.
  9. 27.11.91 Permission sell property at Donaueschingen.
  10. 27.11.91 Permission to sell property of Speyer.



  • 3G1.11a1.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1981

Correspondance : 28/09/80 - 27/10/81.

  1. 28.09.80 Pro(Klaus)/SG : invitation to the Provincil Chapter
  2. 04.11.80 SG/Pro : reply to 1
  3. 16.11.80 Pro/BT(Bruno Trachtler): exchange of news
  4. no date Bp.Ruth/H.Riemann : diaconate ordination
  5. 24.01.81 Pro/SG : thanks for attending Chapter
  6. 28.01.81 SG/Pro : re Brother WINFRIED
  7. 28.01.81 SG/Br.Winfried : reply to his letters
  8. 03.02.81 Pro/SG : deaths of McMAHON and HACK
  9. 16.02.81 BT/Pro : describes visit to Puerto Rico & Brazil
  10. 19.02.81 Littner/Pro : reply to 5
  11. 08.03.81 Proc/Gen : funding for purchase of property in Brazil
  12. 19.04.81 Stein/Pro : a polish student to join German Province
  13. 27.04.81 Kamps/SG : first appointment G.OFER
  14. 28.04.81 Pro/BT : GERARDS re-appointed Sup. at Speyer
  15. 10.05.81 BT/Pro : varia from Brazil, S.Africa & Germany
  16. 14.05.81 BT/Pro : reflects on work in General Council
  17. 02.08.81 Pro/BT : about various works in Province
  18. 15.08.81 Provincial circular re Constitutions
  19. 18.09.81 SG/Bohles : brief acknowledgement of letter
  20. 22.09.81 Pro/BT : various provincial matters
  21. 25.09.81 SG/Porsch : sends statutes of CIWA, Nigeria
  22. 21.10.81 BT/Pro : visits to Canada, USA & England
  23. 27.10.81 Pro/BT : various provincial matters.



  • 3G1.11a1.2
  • file
  • 1981 - 1983

Correspondance: 05/11/81 - 31/10/83.

  1. 05.11.81 Provincial writes to confreres in Brazil after visit
  2. 08.11.81 Pro/BT : re various confreres and meeting in Gemert
  3. 26.11.81 Pro/BT : re H.BROSSEDER and others
  4. 02.12.81 Pro/BT : letter from Kimmage; letter from Gentinnes
  5. 14.12.81 Reetz : re building at Knechsteden & costs
  6. 21.12.81 BT/Pro : re repair work at Knechsteden
  7. 15.01.81 de Boer/Reetz : reply to 5
  8. 03.02.82 SecGen/Porsch : sends letter from CIWA
  9. 22.03.82 Pro/BT : re Superiors for different communities
  10. 04.04.82 BT/Pro : re Enlarged General Council
  11. 16.09.82 Pro/BT : personal letter
  12. 12.10.82 Pro/SG his health. Travel to Brazil
  13. 23.11.82 BT/Pro : re visits to S.Africa and Brazil
  14. 24.11.82 Pro/SG : Fr. RAMERS to try OSB
  15. 07.12.82 SG/Pro : re RAMERS
  16. 01.12.82 Pro/SG : Visitation. TRACHTLER. Brazil trip
  17. 28.02.83 Gross/Porsch : send details to CIWA
  18. 23.04.83 Rath/SG : speaks of his history of the Congregation
  19. 12.09.83 Pro/laicisation of H.BROSSEDER
  20. 15.09.83 Pro/BT : house in Hangelar. Visit to Dublin
  21. 15.09.83 Pro/SG : formation community. Chapter preparations
  22. 21.09.83 SG/Pro : reply to 20
  23. 01.10.83 BT/Pro : Life in the G.C. Visit to S.Africa
  24. 01.10.83 BT/Pro : report on visitation of German Province
  25. 31.10.83 de Boer & Trachtler : to Province after Visitation.



  • 3G1.11a3.1
  • file
  • 1986 - 1987

Correspondence: 01/09/86 - 03/07/87.

  1. 01.09.86 Gerads/SG : calls for international noviciates.
  2. 04.09.86 Gerads/SG : German version of 1.
  3. 09.09.86 Claus/SG : opinion Re T. SCHWAMBORN.
  4. 09.09.86 Claus/SG : requests a visit from SG.
  5. 18.09.86 SG/Claus : reply 4. Will discuss in Council.
  6. 18.09.86 SG/Gerads : reply 1.
  7. 26.09.86 Marzinkowski/Claus : Chapter and Visitation.
  8. 23.10.86 Marzinkowski/Claus : re South Africa.
  9. 29.10.86 Claus/Marzinkowski : various news items.
  10. 02.11.86 Claus/Marzinkowski : 850th anniversary Basilica
  11. 24.11.86 Marzinkowski/Claus
  12. 12.02.87 Marzinkowski/Claus : re Provincial Chapter.
  13. 13.02.87 Claus/Marzinkowski
  14. 23.02.87 Marzinkowski/Claus
  15. 11.03.87 Marzinkowski/Claus : German translation of SG letter
  16. 20.03.87 Claus/Marzinkowski
  17. 09.04.87 O'Grady/Claus : re Luke MBEFO to South Africa.
  18. 24.04.87 Claus/Marzinkowski
  19. 07.05.87 Marzinkowski/Claus
  20. 08.05.87 Marzinkowski/Claus : re Yugoslavia.
  21. 12.05.87 Claus/Marzinkowski
  22. 20.05.87 Marzinkowski/Claus
  23. 03.07.87 Marzinkowski/Claus.



  • 3G1.11a3.2
  • file
  • 1987 - 1989

Correspondence: 19/09/87 - 21/10/89.

  1. 19.09.87 Claus/Marzinkowski
  2. 22.10.87 Claus/SG: invitation to 850th anniversary and reply.
  3. 17.10.87 Marzinkowski/Claus : Approval of Chapter decisions.
  4. 22.10.87 Claus/Marzinkowski : reply 3. Yugoslavia.
  5. 07.11.87 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : re Thomas LEMMEN.
  6. 16.11.87 Marzinkowski/Breidenbach : reply 5. LEMMEN.
  7. 23.11.87 Marzinkowski/Lutz : new Provincial. Card. Arns.
  8. 09.02.88 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Prov. Counc. Gets to work.
  9. 19.02.88 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Enlarged Prov. Counc.
  10. 27.02.88 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Profession of Yugoslav novice.
  11. 01.03.88 Wehrle/Marzinkowski : donation to Cor Unum.
  12. 01.03.88 Marzinkowski/Henschel : re visit UNITA in Angola.
  13. 03.03.88 Henschel/SG : Sends documentation.
  14. 11.03.88 Lutz/Marzinkowski : German translation of SRL.
  15. 23.03.88 Marzinkowski/Lutz : SG for Jubilee. Visitation June
  16. 28.03.88 Lutz/Marzinkowski : re translation of SRL.
  17. 02.04.88 Marzinkowski/Lutz : reply 16. re translation of SRL.
  18. 22.04.88 Lutz/Marzinkowski : re EPC. And Visitation.
  19. 02.05.88 Marzinkowski/Lutz: reply 18.
  20. 13.10.88 Marzinkowski/Lutz : dates for visit etc.
  21. 17.06.89 Marzinkowski/Lutz: fist appt. G. OLIKENYI to Germany.
  22. 06.10.89 Lutz/Marzinkowski : sends circular re visitation.
  23. 12.10.89 Marzinkowski/Lutz : reply 22. Chapter. F.LUCKMANN.
  24. 21.10.89 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Br. Paul HEINZ to the Generalate.



  • 3G1.11a3.4
  • file
  • 1990 - 1992

Correspondence: 19/10/90 - 13/07/92.

  1. 19.10.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : East Germany. HEINZ. WEGENER.
  2. 26.10.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Educators meeting.
  3. 26.10.90 Marzinkowski/Wegener : first appt. to Alto Jurua.
  4. 12.11.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : first evangelisation.
  5. 20.11.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz : reply 4.
  6. 23.11.90 Marzinkowski/Claus : financing for house in Arusha
  7. 05.12.90 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : General Chapter topics
  8. 21.07.91 Claus/Marzinkowski : establish Libermann centre?
  9. 04.08.91 Marzinkowski/Claus : reply 8.
  10. 11.09.91 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Herbert HAUSY and Speyer.
  11. 17.09.91 Hausy/Marzinkowski: his problem with the Provincial.
  12. 20.09.91 Marzinkowski/Lutz : European Provincials' meeting.
  13. 05.10.91 Marzinkowski/Hausy : reply 11. Conciliation
  14. 13.10.91 Claus/Marzinkowski : P. HOTTER. News of Yugoslavia.
  15. 14.10.91 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Yugoslavia. P.HOTTER.
  16. 02.11.91 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Donaueschingen and Speyer.
  17. 27.11.91 Marzinkowski/Fathers in Speyer community: Hausy
  18. 04.11.91 Selling of Donaueschingen and Speyer.
  19. 28.11.91 Marzinkowski/Prov.Counc. : decision of G.C. re 18.
  20. 14.12.91 Lutz/GC : elected delegate to General Chapter
  21. 27.03.92 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : re Br. VINZENZ (LOER).
  22. 17.06.92 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : Formators for S.Africa.
  23. 13.07.92 Reetz/Marzinkowski : contributions to Cor Unum.
  24. 29.06.92 Marzinkowski/Breidenbach : reply 22.