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  • 6P1.2a1
  • file
  • 1866 - 1933
  • Plans du college :
  • Proposed New North Wing to St Mary's College (28.10.1933).
  • Plan of a Pavilion to be built for St Mary's College.
  • Photographies (reproductions) :
  • Northern Wing of the College Buildings (1866, 1871).
  • College Chapel (1875).
  • Southern Wing of the College Buildings (1884).
  • Eastern Wing of the College Buildings (1902).
  • The New Science Halls and War memorial from the East, opening 05.10.1924 (discours). Photographie et reproduction.
  • Carte postale : the Pitch Lake, Trinidad.



  • 6P1.2a5
  • file
  • 1931 - 1932
  • Rapport de fin de visite du P. SALOMON (28.02.1933).
    Séance du Conseil de district et conférence de fin de visite (30.07.1932).
  • Annexes :
  • Horaire des classes pour 1931 -1932.
  • Lettre des "Past Students of St Mary's College (août 1932).
  • Lettre du P. SALOMON au P. Carey (23.07.1932).
  • Manuscrit du P. Salomon : impressions après la retraite.
  • Observations (manuscrit).
  • Statistiques de la paroisse St Joseph.
  • Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board : épreuve de littérature française.
  • Horaire de la retraite.
  • Directives pour les communautés de la Trinidad (tabac, alcool, paroisse, réserve, Irlande).



  • 6P1.2a8
  • file
  • 1927 - 1939
  • 1927 : The Port of Spain Gazette (31.03) "St Mary's College. Annual Distribution of Prizes & Certificates. Interesting report by Principal. Another Year of Excellent Work".
  • 1929 :
  • Cambridge Local examinations (july) "Splendid results of catholic affiliated Schools".
  • The Catholic News (10.08) "The Benedictincs go to San Fernando".
  • The Port of Spain Gazette (10.05) St Mary's College. "Interesting addresses by Acting Governor and Director of Education".
  • 1930 :
  • Trinidad Guardian (09.08) "New Roman Catholic School".
  • Port of Spain Gazette (02.04) "High School opened at San Fernando".
  • Port of Spain Gazette (12.04) "Hats off to St Mary's College... Governor praises Work of Holy Ghost Fathers".
  • 1931 :
  • Plaquette de St Mary's College : "Distribution of Prizes... " (26.03).
  • Port of Spain Gazette (28.03) "Speech Day at St Mary's College..."
  • Port of Spain Gazette (26.02) "Trinidad without God ? Never".
  • 1932 :
  • Port of Spain Gazette (19.03) "St Mary's College stands where she stood. Governor presides at Prize Distribution..."
  • Port of Spain Gazette (04.09) "Banquet at St Mary's College... Superior General honored" (en la personne du P. Salomon).
  • 1933 :
  • Port of Spain Gazette (29.08) "St Mary's College 'Old Boys' Meet. Formation of Past Students' Union".
    *Port of Spain Gazette (09.12) fête patronale d à St Mary's College.
  • 1934 :
  • Trinidad Guardian (02.10) "Le Governor lays Foundation Stone of new Wing for St Mary's College".
  • 1939 : Trinidad Guardian (01.04) distribution des prix à St Mary's College.



  • 6P1.2b1
  • file
  • 1921 - 1950
  1. Sommaire des correspondances :
    • cahier : du 02.03.1926 au 25.06.1930.
    • feuilles : du 18.08.1926 au 20.06.1930, du 19.01.1931 au 09.03.1938, du 13.05.1945 au 08.02.1950.
  2. Correspondance :
    • 1921 :
      P. LACY (20.01, 24.02, 07, 08.05, 15, 30.11, 30.12), P. Stephen BRYAN (16.05, 23.06, 02.09).
    • 1922 :
      P. BRYAN (23.02), P. LACY (24.02, 21.03, 30.06, 19.09, 20.10), P. ENGLISH (04.04), P. GRAF (19.04).
    • 1923 :
      P. LACY (01, 13.01, 20.04, 14.06, 25.07, 20.09, 14.12, Mgr John Pius archevêque de Port of Spain (24.11 à propos de la venue des Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes).
    • 1924 :
      P. O'DONOGHUE (04.07), P. ENGLISH (29.04, 29.06, 21.09, 26.10), P. LACY (11, 24.01, 08.02 + rapport sur St Mary's College, 20.02, 05.04, 21.08, 01, 25.10, 13.11, 11.12).



  • 6P1.2b4
  • file
  • 1933 - 1939
  • Lettres de 1933 :
    P. ENGLISH (12, 15.02, 03.04, 20.06, 05, 20.08, 17.10, 06, 17.12), P. HASSON (20.06), P. NEENAN (25.07), Fr Benedict Joseph (04.08), Mgr LE HUNSEC (15.08), P. GRAF (20.10).
  • 1934 :
    Mgr WILSON (24.01), P. ENGLISH (26.04, 28.05 circ., "Corpus Christi", 12.06, 19 (2), 28.07, 05.08, 13.12), Mgr LE HUNSEC (31.05 résumé), P. O'HANRAHAN (juin), M. CLEMENT (25.10), P. MEENAN (13.12).
  • 1935 :
    P. ENGLISH (27.01, 03.02, 11, 12.03, 24.06, 09.09, 22.10, 23.12), P. CLEMENTE (27.02).
  • 1936 :
    P. ENGLISH (02.04, 14, 22, 27.06, 01.08, 10.09, 26.10).
  • 1937 :
    P. ENGLISH (17.01, 17.05, 04.12), P. MEENAN (08.07, 04.09, 29.10, 03.11 au sujet des finances pour la construction).
  • 1938 :
    P. MEENAN (12.01, 16, 22.04, télégr. 07.06 et 26.07, 24.10), P. O'DONNELL (25.03), P. ENGLISH (06.07, 28.11).
  • 1939 :
    P. ENGLISH (12.01), P. MEENAN (09, 17.08, 11.09, oct., 17.10, 22.11).
    Décision du Conseil général (16.05).



  • 6P1.3b1
  • file
  • 1946 - 1954
  • Road Map of Trinidad, 1946.
  • Proposed addition Fatima College, P. BYRNE 06.05.1949, 2 feuilles.
  • Additionnal Oratory and Class Room, Fatima College (08.04.1954).



  • 6P1.4b1
  • file
  • 1968 - 1973
  1. Chapitre provincial de 1970 :
    • Lettres : P. GALT (23.05.1970), P. O'SULLIVAN (02.06.1970).
    • Questionnaire presented by the Formation Commission.
    • Questionnaire presented by the 'Spiritan Life' Commission.
    • Questionnaire of Education Commission.
    • Preparatory Commission Finance.
    • Lettres : P. GALT (31.08.1970), P. O'SULLIVAN (29.10.1970).
    • Decisions of the Provincial Chapter, july 1970.
  2. Projet "SERVOL" :
    • Extraits de Sunday Guardia (12.09.1971) "What Servol has done in one year", de The Catholic News (10.06.1971) "Facing up to the Problems, P. PANTIN" et "A Labour of Love on the Hill", de Express (10.09.1970) "Pantin quits CIC to work in Laventille", (06.11.1970) "Focus on depessed Laventille", "Breackdown of Family life major problem in Laventille area", P. PANTIN ", (07.11.1970) "These are our problems too".
    • Rapport du P. PANTIN sur le travail dans le district de Laventille (13, 26.10.1970).
    • Circulaire "The Poor Man's Christmas Dinner". Carte d'invitation.
      Address delivered at the "Poor Man's Christmas Dinner (15.12.1970) by M. LEGERTON 'Lord Protector". Photo : P. PANTIN sert la soupe au Premier ministre.
    • Service Volunteered to All : second interim report on The servol Youth programme; P. PANTIN (1972-1973).
    • Lettres du P. O'SULLIVAN (06.12.1970, 05.02.1971.
  3. Réunions du Conseil provincial (rapports) : 24.10, 12.11, 15.12.1969, 07, 12.01.1970, 05, 25.05.1970.
    Circulaire du P. GALT (04.12.1972), compte rendu de l'Assemblée Plénière du 11.12.1972 (Education Advisory Committee, Memorandum to the Minister of Education, Advisory Committee on Recruitment and Formation, Finance Advisory Committee, Catechetical Committee, Suggested Course for Christian Doctrine in secondary Schools).
    Extrait de Claridad (25.03.1973) "Un Obispo del Caribe" (Mgr Pantin).
    Extrait de Express (20.09.1968) "Boys build house on faith, roti and cake".
    • Lettre du P. PANTIN (22.01.1971) et compte rendu financier.



  • 6P1.4b3
  • file
  • 1975 - 1979
  1. Chapitre provincial de 1979 :
    • Draft resolution to be voted on by the provincial chapter.
    • Resolution on the Colleges.
  2. Visite de la Maison mère (1977) :
    • Visite du P. WALSH : programme projeté du 28.02 au 14.03, 2 cartes,
    • Extrait de abc, Asuncion (27.02.1977) "la visita de monsenor Lefebvre al Paraguay".
    • Minutes of a Meeting of the Provincial Council held at Fatima College (27.01), meeting of the Provincial Council at St Mary's College (11.03).
    • Report of a Visit to the Province of Trinidad (27.02-16.03.1977), P. WALSH. 17 p. + 2 cartes.
    • Lettre finale du P. WALSH aux confrères de Trinidad (28.05.1977).
  3. Projet SERVOL :
    "The Servol Life Centres", by Gerard PANTIN, 16.04.1979, polyc. 32 p.
  4. Informations :
    • Annual report to the Generalate, 1975 to february 1976, P. KNOX.
    • "Statement on the Charismatic Renewal" issued by the Bishops of the Antilles Episcopal Conference, Belize, november 1976, imprimé, 16 p.
    • P. Michel de VERTEUIL : lettre du 30.01.1977 + "Indigenization and religous Life", 5 p.
    • Extrait de The Catholic News (24.06.1979) "Holy Ghost Fathers' superior general visits Trinidad" (P. TIMMERMANS).
    • P. de VERTEUIL "How I see the Province of Trinidad" (memo pour le P. Timmermans).



  • 6P1.4b4.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1982

Correspondence 11/09/80 - 11/12/82 /.

  1. 11.09,80 SecGen/Pro(de Verteuil): meaning not clear.
  2. 29.09.80 N.Bevan/Pro : will be correspondent for Trinidad.
  3. 06.10.80 Pro/GenSec : Thanks.
  4. 05.11.80 Pro/NB : reply to 2
  5. 29.11.80 Anthony de Verteuil/Confreres : complains of financial arrangements for St. Mary's.
  6. 30.11.80 NB/Pro : reply to 4
  7. 21.01.81 Pro/SG : New Year greetings. G.FARFAN. S.CHANG. G.PANTIN
  8. 16.03.81 G.Pantin/SG : thanks for congrats. on award.
  9. 22.06.81 Pro/NB : arrangements for novitiate for K.JARDINE
  10. 29.07.81 SG/Pro : reply to 9. Sees problems in suggestion
  11. 05.08.81 G.Pantin/SG : comments on constitutions.
  12. 20.08.81 Quesnel/G.Pantin : thanks for 11
  13. 26.08.81 Pro/SG : re K.JARDINE
  14. 21.09.81 SG/G.Pantin : thanks for 11
  15. 30.09.81 SG/Pro : canonical considerations re K.JARDINE
  16. 30.09.81 Pro/NB : chosen system for election of Provincial
  17. 07.10.81 Pro/NB : re Fr. James BRETT
  18. 03.11.81 NB/Pro : thanks for letters
  19. 16.12.81 telegramme re election of Verteuil
  20. 19.12.81 SecGen/Pro: confirms re-election as Provincial
  21. 08.01.82 Pro/SG : General news and assessments
  22. 21.01.82 SecGen/Pro : thanks for 21
  23. 10.02.82 SG/Pro : reply to 21.
  24. 04.03.82 Pro/NB : re profession of Ron MENDES (anticipation)
  25. 04.03.82 Pro/NB : same
  26. 08.03.82 NB/Pro : re R.MENDES
  27. 27.04.82 SecGen/Pro : re MENDES
  28. 09.09.82 Pro/SecGen : news of professions
  29. 11.12.82 SG/Pro : re Paraguay.



  • 6P1.4b4.4
  • file
  • 1981 - 1985

Information 1980 - 1986.

  1. 13.12.81 Provincial : Talk given at the Provincial Assembly
  2. July 1984 Report on Spiritan '84 (Duquesne)
  3. 26.11.84 results of consultative vote for Provincial
  4. 11.03.85 Minutes of meeting of North American Superiors.


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