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  • 2Q6.1b3.4
  • file
  • 1980 - 1986

Information 1980 - 1986 :

  1. 06.06.80 Minutes of District Council meeting.
  2. Sept. 80 Sup : Circular.
  3. 01.10.80 Minutes of District Council meeting.
  4. no date Synthesis of replies "Priorities of District".
  5. 01.08.81 Sup : for discussion; should the District become involved in the training of lay missionaries?
  6. 08.10.81 Project submitted for funding.
  7. 24.03.82 Sup : Report to EGC on evaluation of works.
  8. 15.05.83 Report on District Council meeting.
  9. 04.08.83 Evaluation of Encontrao 83.
  10. March 85 Evaluation of District meeting, Oct. 1984.
  11. 31.07.84 extract from National Episcopal Bulletin.
  12. 25.09.84 Report on District Council meeting.
  13. 04.11.84 Sup/Dom Luciano: requests recommendation for permanent visas for confrères.
  14. 22.10.84 Report of District meeting and Council meetings.
  15. 14.12.85 Report on District Council meeting.
  16. 05.12.86 Report on District Council meeting.



  • 2Q7.1b1.6
  • file
  • 1980 - 1985

Information 1980 - 1985 :

  • sept.80 Velsinger : circular).
  • no date Unsigned. P.Freire. First appointments in Brazil.
  • 26.01.81 Report on the Encontrao (26-30.01).
  • 25.02.81 Trachtler (le futur des spiritains au Brésil).
  • 09.05.81 Sup (Velsinger) : reply re Priorities of the District.
  • Oct. 82 Libermann's Rule of Life (P. REETZ).
  • Sept. 83 Report to new Superiors' meeting, Rome.
  • 06.05.84 Sup : circular.
  • 26.08.84 Sup : circular.
  • July 85 Report on Encontrao 85 (23-27.07).
  • July 85 More on Encontrao (Dias de Espiritualidade e encontrâo).
  • April 85 Report on reunion of the District (10-11.04).
  • No date Summary of address by Fr. Timmermans.
  • 20.10.85 Sup : Circular.
  • Le centenaire de la présence spiritaine au Brésil (1885 à Belem - 1995).



  • 2Q2.4.6
  • file
  • 1926 - 1930
  • Lettres de 1926 :
    P. CABROLIE (15.01), Mgr BARRAT (21, 31.01, 10.03, 05, 16, 28.04, 29.05, 20.06, 05.07, 22.10), P. TASTEVIN (05, 07.02, rapport du 21.03, 22.03, notes pour le chapitre général), P. TOMASETTI (Salésien 20.03), Dr RIVET (10.04, 26.05), Maison mère (01.05), Mgr LE HUNSEC (09.08).
  • 1927 :
    Mgr BARRAT (24.01, 19.05, sans date au Nonce sur les limites de la nouvelle Prélature du Haut-Jurua, 15.11, 17, 28.12), P. HABERKORN (12.04, 15.05, 07.06, 25.07, 20.08, 20.09, 25.10, 10.12), Dr RIVET (26.10).
  • 1928 :
    P. HABERKORN (03.01, 09.03, 12.06), Mgr BARRAT (28.01, 28.02, 01.02, 15.03, 05.04, 16.05, 21, 29.06, 08.07, 23.08, 06, 28.09, 09.10), P. CABROLIE (10.06), P. TASTEVIN (sans date et partielle).
  • 1929 :
    Mgr BARRAT (13.01, 25.02, 08, 29.04, 27.09), Fr Martin (31.03), P. MOTTAIS (02.04), P. HABERKORN (08.04, 14.09), P. DIAS (26, 2 du 29.09).
    Rapports de réunions du Conseil (04.08, 06.09).
  • 1930 :
    P. DIAS (18.02, 28.05), Mgr BARRAT (20.05, 10, 14.06, 28.10, 20.11, 21.12), P. DONNADIEU (04.06).
    Rapport de Réunion du Conseil (19.05).