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Apenas descrições de nível superior BRÉSIL BRÉSIL
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  • 2Q4.2a1.2
  • file
  • 1982 - 1986

Correspondence 10.01.82 - 23.03.86 :

  1. 10.01.82 Sup/SG : Personnel, ROCHA, van TOL, de BOER.
  2. 10.01.82 Sup/BT : re P.ROCHA.
  3. 22.02.82 Sup (van ROOIJ)/Bp.Rocco.
  4. 28.02.82 Lodewijks/BT.
  5. 04.02.82 Sup/SG : the reasons why the Spiritans have left Anapolis.
  6. 02.07.82 Loedwijks/BTrätchler
  7. 07.06.82 Sup/SG : news of different confrères.
  8. 23.12.82 Boedewes/SG : regarding a brochure he has broduced on basic communities.
  9. 18.01.83 Lodewijks/BT.
  10. 07.03.83 Archbp. Almeida Baptista/van Rooij : re the spiritan novitiate.
  11. 25.03.83 BT/Lodewijks
  12. 13/07.83 Sup/SG : re report of visit of de KINDEREN to Brazil Central.
  13. 21.12.83 Sup/SG : news of District.
  14. 20.01.84 Wennink/SG : research towards a history of the Cong. in Brazil.
  15. 03.03.84 BT/Sup.
  16. 13.03.84 BT/Sup
  17. 04.04.84 Sup/BT
  18. 01.05.84 Sup/BT
  19. 10.05.84 Sup/BT
  20. 21.08.84 Sup/SG : Spiritan assembly 1985. Conf. on Spiritan spirituality.
  21. 03.12.84 Sup/SG : re Encontrao 85. Foundation.
  22. 16.03.85 SG/Sup : congrats on re-election. Appreciation.
  23. 03.04.85 Sup/BT.
  24. 15.05.85 Sup/BT.
  25. 27.07.85 SG/Meeuwissen : Amazonia, problems. Successor to Superior.
  26. 27.07.85 SG/Sup: Experience of Encontrao. Difficulties of Amazonia.
  27. 23.08.85 Sup/Trachtler
  28. 28.11.85 de Souza/Timmermans : parish petitions to keep Meeuwissen.
  29. 11.12.85 Sup/Timmermans : news of District and Foundation.
  30. 19.12.85 Van Rooij : nes of personnel. Letters of D. Mario and D. Heck.
  31. 06.02.86 Bodewes/Timmermans : Orbis has refused to publish translation of book.
  32. 23.03.86 Timmermans/Bodewes : reply 31.



  • 2Q4.2a1.4
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  • 1982 - 1985

District Assemblies 1982 & 1985 :

  1. Jan 1982 Minutes of the District Assembly.
  2. Jan 1982 District Assembly on the Foundation and formation.
  3. Jan 1985 Minutes of the District Assembly.



  • 2Q4.2a1.5
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  • 1982 - 1985

Information 1980 - 1986 :

  1. June 1982 Sup : newsletter.
  2. Aug 1982 Sup : newsletter.
  3. Dec 1982 Sup : newsletter.
  4. 13.07.83 Comments on visit of KINDEREN to the District.
  5. July 1983 Sup : newsletter.
  6. 09.05.84 van de Zandt/SG : re necrology of c.s.sp. in Brazil.
  7. Dec 1985 Sup : newsletter.



  • 2Q4.2a1.6
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  • 1980 - 1982
  • Lettres (1979) : P. VERBEEK (circ. 23.01), Mgr Pestana fILHO (18.03.1979), P. LODEWIJKS (20.12 contrat de location d'une partie du terrain paroissial).
  • "Contatos com os seminaristas..." P. van ECK, 17.04.1980.
  • Lettres de 1980 (copies) : Mgr Pestana FILHO év. d'Anapolis (18.03, 12.06, 11, 13.08, 16.10), collective (Soeurs 06.08) commission d'étude des statuts du Centre vocationnel St Coeur de Marie (23.08, 02.09), collective (sup. religieux 14.10), P. LANKVELD (21.10), note au moment de la visite du Nonce (04.11).
  • Lettres de 1981 : circ. de départ de St Antoine (27.12, 2 cssp + 1 du conseil paroissial). Manifeste des laïcs de Anapolis.
  • Lettres de 1982 : 24.01, lettres ouvertes des laïcs à la communauté, aux évêques du Brésil, Sociedade civil Espirito Santo (15, 22.01), P. ROOTHANS (15.02), P. DOYLE (16.02), P. van ROOIJ (17, 19, 22.02), Nonce (08.03), P. TIMMERMANS (10.03), Secrétaire de la CNBB (05.04)...
  • Extraits de journaux : Note de Familia Crista sur TFP (Tradiçâo, Familia, Propriedade). Informativo Diocesano (14.07.1978) départ de Dom ARAUJO.
  • Jornal de Petropolis (08.12.1978) nomination de Mgr PESTANA FILHO.
  • I.C.I. (15.05.1979) "les dernières nominations d'évêques mal accueillies".
  • De Tijd (27.061980)
  • Popular (06.11.1980) action en justice contre l'Eglise,
  • Correio do Planalto (08.11.1980) "Catolicos denunciam o Bispo de Anapolis", (11.04.1981) "Estudante denuncia terror no Seminario de Anapolis", (22.08.1981) "Clero de Anapolis pede soccorro ! Bispo transforma diocese em quartel de espionagem".
  • Folho de Goiaz (11.12.1980) Padres voltam se reunir", (05.03.1981) "Padre nâo agrada a populaçâo de Corumba".
  • Informativo Diocesano (02.06.1980) pastoral de juventude, (31.07.1981), (10.12.1981) départ des spiritains de la paroisse de St Antoine).
  • 25 extraits de journaux de 1982 (départ des Pères, traditionalisme de l'évêque, division des esprits...)
  • "Vamos ouvir os jovens de Anapolis ? (questionnaire).
  • Estatutos provisorios do Centro vocacional unitario da diocese de Anapolis (29.06.1980). Evaluation (rapport collectif du 23.07.1980)
  • Relatorio do Clero (24.08.1980) polyc. 15 p.
  • Annexo I (08.10.1981), 12 p.
  • Nominations (Informativo diocesano 30.01.1982).
  • Notes manuscrites diverses. Homélie de départ de Jaiara (14.02.1982).



  • 2Q4.2a2.3
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  • 1988 - 1988

Visitation 1988 :

  1. Août 1988 De Boer : Report on Visitation of District: 23 July - 12 August.
  2. 04.11.88 De Boer/Confreres : Letter to accompany Visitatation Report.



  • 2Q5.1a2.4
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  • 1981 - 1985

Information 1981 - 1985 :

  1. 30.10.81 Letter of support from General Council.
  2. 02.11.81 Letter of support from General Council.
  3. 19.12.81 Results of voting for District Superior. District Council members.
  4. 09.11.84 Results of voting for District Superior.
  5. 17.01.85 Members of District Council.



  • 2Q5.1a3.1
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  • 1986 - 1992

Correspondence (District) 1986 - 1992 :

  1. 05.12.86 Correia/Gonçalves : News of the District.
  2. 30.05.87 Correia/Gonçalves : News of the District.
  3. 21.06.87 Gonçalves/Correia : Reply to 2.
  4. 28.10.87 Correia/Gonçalves : Re District Assembly documents.
  5. 24.11.87 Gonçalves/Confreres : Superior's mandate extended by 6 months.
  6. 02.11.88 Araujo/SG : Good wishes.
  7. 12.11.88 Gonçalves/Araujo : Varia.
  8. 08.02.89 Martins/Gonçalves : Regarding his coming to work in Rome.
  9. 10.02.89 Gonçalves/Martins : More details regarding his appointment.
  10. 10.02.89 Gonçalves/Araujo : Re Fr. Martins and Fr. Sebastiao.
  11. 08.03.89 De Boer/Martins : Reply 8.
  12. 14.04.89 Gonçalves/Martins : Reply to letters.
  13. 16.03.89 Araujo/Gonçalves : P. Pinto.
  14. 15.04.89 Gonçalves/Araujo : Reply 13.
  15. 07.10.89 Gonçalves/Araujo : P. Pinto.
  16. 10.03.90 Araujo/Gonçalves : Changes of appointment in the District.
  17. 21.03.90 Araujo : Annual report on the District.
  18. 04.03.91 Araujo/Gonçalves : Straw vote for successor.
  19. 17.03.91 Gonçalves/Araujo : Superior of District. Chapter delegate.
  20. 04.05.91 Gonçalves/Araujo : Varia.
  21. 11.05.92 SG/Araujo : Invitation to General Chapter.
  22. 25.05.92 Araujo/SG : Thanks for invitation to Chapter.



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  • 1987 - 1991

Visitations & Assemblies :

  1. 1987 Elective Assembly of the District. Projet de Vie.
  2. July 1988 Report on the visitation of the District and subsequent letters (08, 12.11.1988)
    Rapport sur le Brésil Sud-Este, sept. 1988.
  3. 27.01.89 Report on the annual meeting of the District.
  4. Feb 1991 Minutes of the elective assembly of 1991.
  5. Feb 1991 Account of the Superior's election at the assembly of 1991.



  • 2Q6.1b3.2
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  • 1983 - 1986

General Council Decisions 1983 - 1986 :

  1. 22.04.83 John B.DOYLE confirmed as Superior for 2nd. mandate.
  2. 16.05.83 Erection of novitiate at Ceilandia.
  3. 03.10.83 First appointments to Brazil SW from Brazilian Province.
  4. 19.03.85 Brian EYRE.
  5. 11.04.86 Patrick PETERS confirmed as Superior for 1st. mandate.


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