Affichage de 6 résultats

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  • 4i1.2a6.1
  • file
  • 1986 - 1992

CorrespondAnce 1986-1992 :

1 17/11/86 Ellison/SG : Condolences death of father and Noonan
2 10/02/87 Grimes/Doyle : Sends newsletter from Bishops
3 12/02/87 Ellison/Okoye : News of the District
4 28/04/87 Bp. Cleary/SG : Plea for WAF first appointments
5 17/06/87 SG/Bp. Cleary : Reply 4. Videbimus.
6 20/06/87 Ellison/SG : Invitation of GC member to Chapter
7 13/07/87 SG/Ellison : Reply 6. Denis Wiehe for Chapter.
8 17/09/87 Ellison/Wiehe : Sends programme for the Chapter
9 01/12/87 Ellison/Wiehe : Chapter arrangements
10 04/02/88 Ellison/Okoye : Enlarged General Council
11 08/02/88 Ellison/SG : Sends Chapter Documents
12 19/03/88 Ellison/SG : Votes for District Superior
13 30/03/89 Ellison/Doyle : Seeks support for grant application
14 27/02/90 Bp. Cleary/Hogan : first appointment from WAF
15 09/04/90 Ellison/Okoye : Suggested schedule for Visitation
16 14/09/90 Ellison/Okoye : Administrative matters
17 24/01/91 Topics for General Chapter, 1992
18 18/03/91 Ellison/SecGen : Results of election for Superior
19 23/11/91 Fagan/SecGen : Delegate for General Chapter
20 20/12/91 Fagan/Okoye : West African Superiors meeting
21 30/03/92 Murray/GC : Comments on Visitation Report
22 30/04/92 Gonçalves/Murray : Reply 21



  • SA-50.1.1
  • 1998 - 2012
  • 25.09.1998 : ELLISON/J.H, accept post of sec.general
  • 08.10.1998 : J.H/ELLISON, trranfer of responsability in secretariat
  • 22.09.1998 : FAY/J.H, reply on archives
  • 03.12.1998 : FAY/J.C, request for first appointment
  • 07.12.1998 : ELLISON/J.H, forward planning for hand-over of secretariate
  • 20.12.1998 : J.H/ELLISON, plan for induction in secretariat
  • 13.01.1999 : ELLISON/J.H, reply to above
  • 18.01.1999 : J.H/ELLISON, arrangements for arrival
  • 04.11.1998 : FAY/BOEGLIN, ordo
  • 05.01.1999 : BOEGLIN/FAY, reply to above
  • 14.02.2000 : M.O/FAY, information on first appointments
  • 14.02.2001 : M.O/FAY, futur status of district
  • 01.03.2001 : FAY/M.O, info about regious of WAP
  • 02.03.2001 : M.O/FAY, reply to above
  • 09.06.2001 : ADU/M.O, letter from new superior
  • 14.08.2001 : ATAL/CG, request for transfer
  • 03.02.2002 : M.O/ADU, date for visit of district
  • 07.09.2002 : ADU/M.O, unable to get visas for district meeting
  • 12.07.2003 : ADU/M.O, request 2 first appointments
  • 07.04.2004 : ADU/M.O, request funding for district chapter
  • 28.04.2004 : M.O/P.S, news on district chapter
  • 28.12.2009 : Request change of Appointment P. JAMMEH.
  • 31.03.2010 : J. KWOFIE to L. MENDY amendments re CHAPTER DECISIONS.
  • 19.04.2012 : Request for Mission Appointments.
  • 30.07.2012 : L. MENDY to J. KWOFIE re Confirmation of Election.
  • 30.07.2012 : L. MENDY to J. kwofie RE PROPOSAL OF ENLARGED COUNCIL.



  • 4i1.2a3.1
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  • 1980 - 1982

Correspondence 11.10.80 - 30.11.82:

  1. 11.10.80 V.Ezeonyia/Sup (Hogan): will be correspondent.
  2. 20.10.80 Sup/J.Daly: WAF novitiate. Superiors'meeting.
  3. 20.10.80 Sup/J.Gross: invite to Sup.'s meeting.
  4. 30.10.80 JD/Sup: thanks for 2. Re Sups. meeting
  5. 14.11.80 Sup/JD: Thanks for 4. News of Novitiate.
  6. 25.11.80 VE/Sup: re arrangements for Sup's meeting.
  7. 01.12.80 JD/Sup: Thanks for 15. No news of new Bishop.
  8. 17.02.81 Lewis (WF): Sup: White Fathers for Gambia?
  9. 05.03.81 Sup/SG: sympathy on deaths and illness of J.Daly.
  10. 19.03.81 SG/Sup: Cannot come to Bp's ordination. John Daly.
  11. 26.05.81 Ellison/SG: Need for renewal in Gambia.
  12. 02.12.81 Sup/SG: sends report on priorities of District.
  13. 22.12.81 Flannagan/SG: re film on the Gambia.
  14. 16.01.82 SecGen/Flannagan: acknowledges 13.
  15. no date Sup: representation at Irish Prov. Chapter.
  16. 10.02.82 SG/Sup: Thanks for report on Gambia.
  17. 12.02.82 GenSec/Flannagan. cf. 13. No funds available.
  18. 28.03.82 VE/Sup: news of one first appointment.
  19. 07.04.82 Sup: telegram... Hugh FAGAN elected Superior.
  20. 01.04.82 Sup/SG: details of voting for Superior.
  21. 21.04.82 SG/Fagan: congrats. on election.
  22. 21.04.82 SG/Sup: appreciation of his service as Superior.
  23. 22.04.82 VE/Sup: thanks for service.
  24. 14.05.82 Fagan/SG: thanks for 21.
  25. 13.10.82 Sup/SG: Greetings. Proposed visit of SG in Jan 1983.
  26. 24.09.82 VE/Sup: invite to new Sups. meeting.
  27. 30.11.82 SG/Sup: details for visit.



  • 4i1.2a3.2
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  • 1983 - 1985

Correspondence 19.02.83 - 31.05.85:

  1. 19.02.83 Brendan Smith/SG: thanks for birthday wishes.
  2. 22.02.83 Sup/SG: thanks for visit to District.
  3. 15.03.83 SG/Sup: thanks for kind reception during visit.
  4. 18.04.83 SG: sends report on Visitation.
  5. 01.05.83 Sup/SG: appt. of P.CONATY & D.MURRAY to District.
  6. 09.10.83 N.Bevan/SUP: Accepts to preach retreat next August.
  7. 10.03.84 Sup/Bevan: arrangements for retreat.
  8. 28.05.84 SG: Sups; extraordinary meeting of W.A.Sups.
  9. 29.05.84 Bevan/Sup: flight details.
  10. 12.08.84 Bevan/SUP: thanks for hospitality.
  11. 08.09.84 Flynn/Bevan: seeks Bene Merenti for parishioners.
  12. 22.09.84 Bevan/Flynn: thanks for 11.
  13. 16.04.85 Sup/GenSec: Robert ELLISON elected Superior.
  14. 24.04.85 Bevan/Sup: thanks for service as Superior.
  15. 06.04.86 Sup (Ellison)/GenSec: sends comments on Rules.
  16. 21.04.86 GenSec/Sup: thanks for 15.
  17. 30.04.85 SG/Fagan: thanks for service as Superior.
  18. 31.05.85 Fagan/SG: reply to 17.



  • 4i1.2a3.3
  • file
  • 1980 - 1985

Correspondence 24.11.80 - 25.04.85:

  1. 24.11.80 M.Cleary: memorandum re next Bishop.
  2. 05.02.81 Lourdesamy/SG: M.CLEARY named Bishop of Banjul.
  3. 14.02.81 telegram: congrats. from SG and Council.
  4. 19.03.81 SG/Cleary: congratulations.
  5. 23.04.81 Cleary/SG: thanks for 4. Plea for personnel.
  6. 11.05.81 SG/Cleary: reply to 5.
  7. July 81 Cleary: circular re vocations.
  8. 25.02.82 Cleary/SG: desperate plea for new men.
  9. 06.04.82 SG/Cleary: reply to 8.
  10. 13.05.82 Cleary/SG: muted thanks for new men.
  11. 25.02.85 Cleary/V.Ezeonyia: news of health.
  12. 13.03.85 SG/Cleary: glad to hear of recovery.
  13. 25.04.85 Cleary/SG: thanks for 12.



  • 4i3.1.1
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  • 1992 - 1998
  1. 12.04.1993: Fagan/Odigbo: request for first appointments
  2. 03.11.1994: Hurley/Fagan: D.MURRAY confirmed as superior
  3. 18.03.1996: Ellison/Odigbo: answers to various questions
  4. 25.03.1996: Ellison/Schouver: SIST meeting.Cannot come
  5. 24.09.1996: Ellison/Schouver: Visitation of G.C
  6. 25.10.1996: Murray/Schouver: resignation as district superior
  7. 07.01.1997: Schouver/Ellison: details for visitation
  8. 08.05.1997: Ellison/Cleary: comments to bishop of draft contract
  9. 14.05.1997: Cleary/Ellison: comments from bishop on draft contract
  10. 17.05.1997: Ellison/Odigbo: sends documentation re contract to G.C
  11. 12.06.1997: Odigbo/Ellison: C.G's comments on future contract
  12. 04.03.1998: Ellison/Hurley: ordination of G.MENDY, 1st Gambian cssp
  13. 19.03.1998: Ellison/Hurley: Myles Fay elected superior
  14. 07.04.1998: Hurley/Ellison: G.C confirms election