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Affichage de 67 résultats

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  • SR-155
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  • 1916 - 2010
  • Boîte 1 : Estudios (revista de cultura Hispanica), n° 1-5 + 8 (1951-1953)
  • Duquesne Hispanic Revue, 1962 (1, 2, 3), 1963 (1, 2), 1964 (1).
  • Boîte 2 : Institute of African affairs, 1960 (2 n°), 1961 (1), 1962 (2), 1963 (2), 1964 (1, 1967 (1).
  • Bureau of research in business, 1961-1964 (4 n°).
  • Duquesne Monthly juil. 1916, janv. 1917, oct. 1931.
  • Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry, 1961.
  • Boîte 3 : Duquesne Review (Social sciences), 1956 (2 n°), 1957 (2), 1958 (2), 1959 (1), 1961 (1), 1962 (1), 1964 (1), 1965 (2), 1966 (1).
  • Boîte 4 : Duke, 1953-1963 + 1 de 1968. D.U. Record, 1973-1990.
  • D.U. Alumni News, 1954-1971 + 1 de 1989.
  • Boîte 5 : D.U. Magazine (Portrait of an University 1979, 1 n° en 2002, 3 n° en 2003 dont le 125e anniversaire, 1 n° en 2004, 1 en 2007, 2 en 2009, 1 en 2010).
  • Boîte 6 : (Documents divers) * A business research reprint, 1961.
  • Academic Freedom in a pluralistic society, D.U. 1990.
  • A case for the catholic University, D.U. 1969.
  • Basketball digest, D.U. 1953-1954.
  • Century Club of distinguished Duquesne alumni, Novembre 1983.
  • Duquesne University (dépliant et plaquette)..
  • Duquesne University, Chanson de l'Esprit (29.05.2003) 300e anniv. cssp
  • GALLAGHER F, The high cost of freedom + Catholic Intellectualism in America, D.U. 1958.
  • Golden jubelee pageant of D.U. The Spirit gieveth Life (1929).
  • Graduate program in psychology, D.U. 1990.
  • Graduate School of liberal Arts and Sciences, 1989-1990.
  • Integration of faith and culture : the Mission of the Church, 1985.
  • Integration of faith and culture : challenges in Asia (AMALADOSS).
  • KAAM A (van), Human potentialities from the Viewpoint of Existential Psychology, D.U. 1966.
  • Master of arts in théologie, D.U. (dépliant).
  • On looking Inward, 1962. * Beautiful Pittsburg, 1979.
  • Position paper of the spiritan community at Duquesne University, polyc.
  • D.U. School of social service, 1916.
  • SCHREITER J, Anthropology and Faith. Contributions and Challenges.
  • Spirit, 15.06.1988. * Student handbook, 1946.
  • The Duquesne University Record, Spring 2001.
  • The institute of formative spirituality (dépliant).
  • View book for international students.* D.U. Annual report 1985.
  • D.U. A Values-Centered Education.
  • Pittsburg, then and now, Walter C. Kidney, 2004.



  • 4N1.6b3
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  • 1954 - 1969
  • Duquesne University, Alumni News, Septembre 1954 : Visite du card. Valerio VALERI. 50 ans de prêtrise du P. CALLAHAN.
  • Indult pour livres à l'index (30.12.1954).
  • Extrait de "Duke" (14.11.1958) : bénédiction du Rockwell Hall.
    The Pittburgh Press (17.11.1958) "D.U. dedicates Building for Law, Business", Pittsburgh Post Gazette (18.11) "Mayor urges Bluff Rebuilding"
  • 1959 : Le Croix (03.12) "Une déclaration de l'épiscopat des USA".
    "New Duquesne Head" (30.10), P. McANULTY.
  • 1963 : DUKE (08.09) Duquesne University, historique de la congrégation, développement de Duquesne University ; DUKE (27.09, 04, 11.10) divers...
  • 1964 : DUKE (17.04) la vie de l'université...
  • 1965 : DUKE (12.09) Duquesne University Administrative Structure, Welcome Week, Student Welfare Structure, Plan de l'université...
  • 1967 : DUKE (05.05) "Students Affairs revamped...", The Oklahoma Courier (16.06) "Holy Ghost Group ends service in the diocese". The Catholic Review (17.03).
  • 1969 : DUKE (05.12) "D.U. Basket-Ball 1969-1970".
    Alumni News (déc. )" Fr. Callahan, former Président, dead at 91".



  • 4N1.4a5
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  • 1920
  • Extrait de "The Pittsburg Catholic" (21.10.1920) : "The cause of Christian Education and the Honor of our catholic People is at stake. Why every Catholic should work and pray for success of Duquesne University million dollar campaign" (avec appel de l'évêque Mgr CANEVIN).
  • The Pittsburgh Catholic (28.10.1920) : "Special appeal to K. of C. to help in campaign for higher Education".
  • The Pittsburgh Catholic (04.11.1920) : "Clergy united under Bishop un drive K. of C. 100 per cent in Response to Bishop"s Call. Campaign opens saturday night with Dinner". "Who is Who ? Among the Catholics of Western Pennsylvania".
  • The Pittsburgh Catholic (11.11.1920) : "All Parishes in Diocese to make Returns. Priests work to maintain Catholic Honor. First reports at opening Dinner encouraging".
  • The Pittsburgh Dispatch (15.11.1920) : "Many Contributors have increased former Subscriptions to join testimonial honoring Bishop Canevin".
  • The Pittsburgh Post (16.11.1920) : "$ 1,000,000 Goal is reached in Duquesne Fund Drive" (détruit).
  • The Pittsburgh Catholic (02.12.1920) : "Resignation of Rt Rev. Bishop CANEVIN accepted. Sorrow and Regret Expressed by Priests and Laymen". "Priests ask Canevin to reconsider".



  • 4N1.4b3
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  • 1878 - 1928

1.- Extrait du Bulletin général, t. 33, n° 455, juillet 1928, p. 687.

  • The Catholic Observer (31.05, 07, 14.06.1928) : "Notable Career of Duquesne University during its 50 Years" (historique de l'Université, de 1878 à 1928).
    2.- The Pittsburg Catholic (31.05.1928) "Duquesne University President announces complete Program of ceremonies for Golden Jubilee", (07.06.1928) "Pontifical Mass Opens Duquesne U. Jubilee", (14.306.1928) "History of Duquesne U."
    1. Divers :
  • The Catholic Observer (31.05.1928) "Golden Juibilee and Commencment Program, 1928, Duquesne University". Poème sur le P. Hehir.
  • Golden Jubilee and Commencement Program, 03-13.06.1928.
  • "Commencement Opens Golden Jubilee of Duquesne University (07.06).
  • Graduation Exercices High School Départment... 10.06.1928.
  • Fiftieth Annual Commencement of Duquesne University (13.06.1928)
  • Duquesne Alumni Plan celebration (14.06.1928).
  • "Bishop McCORT'S Sermon given to the graduates..." (The Pittsburgh Catholic 14.06.1928).
  • "Duquesne University, an appreciation by a non-Alumnus" (14.06.1928).
  • "Duquesne University Graduates congratulated by Bishop Boyle" .
  • "Fiftieth Annual Commencement Exercises of Duquesne University held in Soldiers' Hall" (The Pittsburgh Catholic 14.06.1928).
  • "Duquesne University Commencement exercices and list of Graduates" (14.06.1928 The Catholic Observer)
  • "Eighty-second Annual exercices are held at St. Vincent College" (21.06).
  • High Tribute is paid to Duquesne by Father Hayes" (The catholic Observer 21.06.1928).
  • "Duquesne honors local Architect (231.06.1928).
  • "Duquesne Preps given Diplomas".
  • "Says Duquesne U. had Enrollment of 3,500 Students".
  • "Duquesne Deans organize teams in Jubilee Drive".
  • "Duquesne's President expresses gratitude for Jubilee's Success".
  • Invitation à une messe de requiem (20.11.1928).
  • Invitation aux "St. Patrick'sDay exercises".



  • 4N1.4b5
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  • 1931 - 1940
  • 1931 : "New President of Duquesne University is inaugurated". "Academic Procession as Duquesne installed New President".
    "New Duquesne Head on Way to Inauguration".
    "Educators Hail Policy of New Duquesne Head".
    "Duquesne's New Day".
    "Do Colleges Educate ? New Suquesne President says University Heads are bewildered" (Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph, 01.05).
    "Duquesne University" (The Catholic Observer), concert à l'université.



  • 4N1.4b6
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  • 1940 - 1949
  • 1940 Extraits de journaux (04, 05.02) : départ du P. Callahan, nomination du P. KIRK comme nouveau "président".
  • 1941 : The Duquesne University Bulletin, summer session 1941.
  • 1942 : Duquesne's Response. Supplémentary Bulletin. The war Effort.
  • 1947 : Schedule of Courses, summer sessions 1947.
  • The D. U. Bulletin : Announcements of the Graduate School 1947-1948.
  • Extrait de journal : Card. Tisserant + invitation à dîner (26.05.1947).
  • 1948 : The D. U. Bulletin : Announcement of the Graduate School 1948-49.
  • Annual Honors Days Exercices of D.U., 04.06.1948.
  • D.U. Seventieth Baccalaureate Service and Commencement exercices, 06.06.1948 (programme et liste).
  • St. Emma Military Academy. Commencement Week Exercices, 30.05-02.06.1948 (progamme).
  • Invitation "Formal Opening of the George Kelly Senior Pharmacy (01.11).
  • The D. U. magazine (juin) :"Seventieh Annual Commencement" (06.06).
  • D.U. Department of Publicity (04, 09.06, 31.10.1948).
  • 1949 : Academic Convocation at D.U., 03.01.1949.
  • Extraits de journaux(4) : "Honored by D.U." + invitation (03.01.1949).
  • Sans date : Dépliant "Benefits for Members of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost".



  • 4N1.4b4
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  • 1923 - 1931
  • 1923 : Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement of Duquesne University (19.06).
  • 1924 : "Bishop Boyle praises Work of Duqesne University... (26.06).
    " Athletes make big Showing at Duquesne University Graduation" (26.06).
    "Bright Students honored at Duquesne University Exercices" (26.06).
    "Largest Class is graduated by Duquesne".
  • 1925 : "Duquesne University Completes most successful Year..." (18.06).
    Prospectus de D.U. "Announcements for 1925-1926".
  • 1926 : "Forty-eigth Annual Commencement of D.U." (16.06). Invitation pour la messe annuelle des défunts (17.11).
  • 1927 : Invitation à la messe de requiem (23.11). Prospectus de D.U. "Announcements for 1927-1928".
    The Catholic Observer (24.03) "Archbishop Canevin is dead".
  • 1928 : Mgr LE HUNSEC (28.02 demande une note sur Duquesne), P. BYRNE (chronologie du Collège puis de l'Université Duquesne, de 1874 à 1920).
  • 1929 : The Pittsburgh Press (23.07) "Envoy of Pope (FUMASONI-BIONDI) on visit here... honored by D.U. ".
    Fifty-First annual Commencement of D.U. (12.06).
  • 1930 : Graduating Exercices program (09.06). Firfty-second annual Commencement of D.U. (11.06). Extraits de Duquesne Duke (30.10) "A tribute (P. Hehir)", (06.11) "Many Gather at Banquet to honor Father Hehir"; Testimonial Dinner (programme en l'honneur du P. Hehir, 04.11).
    Duquesne Monthly (déc.) "Christmas Number dedicated to father Hehir".
    Duquesne Duke (16.10) "Father Hehir confirms Rumors of Resignation from Presidency".
  • 1931 : Duquesne Duke (07.01) "Rev. J. CALAHAN assumes Duties of President. Report of $ 750,000 campaign false. Rev. M. Hehir retires after 31 years spent here".



  • 4N1.4b2
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  • 1904 - 1940
  • Relevé de la situation financière de la Province (30.12.1904) et note sur les communauté de Saint-Stanislas et de Millevale St Antoine.
  • Plan du rez-de-chaussée et du premier étage.
  • Dessin des bâtiments et plan, par M. MOLLERUS, pour l'université Duquesne.
  • Extraits des conseils provinciaux (18-19.04.1929, 22.04, 20.06, 03.07.1930).
  • Balance pour les trois dernières années 1927, 1928, 1929 (15.01.1930).
  • Questions posées par le Conseil général (06.05.1930) et réponses du 20.05.1930 (P. HEHIR).
  • Demande d'indult en vue d'un emprunt de $ 600,000 pour des constructions urgentes (P. PHELAN 06.06.1931 avec approbation de Mgr BOYLE évêque de Pittsburg).
  • Lettre du P. PLUNKETT, provincial (11.07.1939), surtout sur les problèmes financiers.
  • Lettre du P. RECKTENWALD (25.03.1940).



  • SF-98.3
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  • 1912 - 1983

SACERDOCE (suite) :

  • SF- 98.3a

  • Colloque de Madrid (1970) : Sacerdoce et Sécularisation

  • Conférences et Articles divers

  • Sacerdoce et Pâques.

  • SF- 98.3b

  • Spiritualità secerdolate oggi (Universita Gregoriana).

  • SF- 98.3c

  • Spiritualité sacerdotale

  • Bulles Papales

  • Unité dans le presbyterium (Unio Apostolica Cleri)

  • Remarques sur les prières d'ordination.

  • SF- 98.3d

  • L'Unité du sacerdoce dans l'enseignement de l'Eglise (Seminarium)

  • La componente biblica della spiritualità dei futuri sacerdoti (Seminarium) * Università Gregoriana - Istituto di Spiritualità

  • Sacerdozio nella bibliographia recente.



  • 2G1.14b5
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  • 1963 - 1967
  • Séminaire des S.M.A., premier cycle : programme des études.
  • Séminaire des P. B. à KERBOIS : premier cycle, règle de vie.
  • Séminaire des vocations tardives de MORSANG sur Orge : "Essai d'initiation non-directive à la philosophie", abbé Paul COSSON.
  • Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana :
  • Facultas théologica (ROME, 1963) : De experimento coram habendo ad lauream in s. theologia consequendam, Normae et tractatus.
  • Praelectiones in facultate theologica (1966-1967).
  • Institut de pastorale catéchétique, STRASBOURG (1964-65) : programme des études. Préparation d'un certificat de pédagogie religieuse.
  • Universitas Friburgensis (FRIBOURG, Suisse) : Facultas theologica, Année propédeutique (1966).
  • Theologisch Instituut EINDHOVEN : commission de programmation (26.03.1966). Studiegids 1966-1967.


Résultats 31 à 40 sur 67