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  • 5P1.29b3.1
  • file
  • 1991 - 1992

Correspondence 15.01.91 - 22.04.92 :

  1. 15.10.91 Proposed letter of support from religious of Puerto Rico.
  2. 18.10.91 Kasanda/Nicolas : eye-witness of atrocities. Involvement of USA?
  3. 26.10.91 Hoch/Nicolas : sends communiqué from Haitian Conf. of Religious Sups. Spiritan confreres under threat.
  4. 27.10.91 Nicolas/Hoch : sends appeal to Nuncio to protect Antoine Adrien.
  5. 29.10.91 Urfié : radio station closed. Spiritan land invaded by army.
  6. 29.11.91 Haas/Martenson: appeal to UN against atrocities in Haiti.
  7. 29.11.91 Haas ; no 6 sent to European Commission.
  8. 29.11.91 Haas/Lalumière : no 6 sent to Council of Europe.
  9. 29.11.91 Haas/Leuprecht : no 6 sent to European Human Rights Committee.
  10. 29.11.91 Haas/Rodriguez : no 6 sent to Inter-American Com. on Human Rights.
  11. 30.10.91 Urfie/Nicolas : details of occupation of land and unsuccessful protests.
  12. 08.11.91 Haas : report on meeting at Cong. of Religious in Vatican. Complaints that religious in Haiti do not co-operate with bishops.
  13. 08.11.91 Nicolas/Confreres : message of support from Gen. Council.
  14. 16.11.91 Adrien/Nicolas ; presently in hiding. Recent events. Involvement of USA.
  15. 19.11.91 Protest to USA against repatriation of Haitian boat people.
  16. 28.11.91 Urfié/GC : asks Dutch Province to protest at lifting oil embargo.
  17. 23.12.91 Adrien/Nicolas : results of straw vote for Superior.
  18. 26.12.91 Adrien/Nicolas : (in hiding) situation worse then ever. District is broke !
  19. 20.01.92 Möller/Haas : UN acknowledges reception of protest.
  20. 24.01.92 Healy/Haas : protest to Pope re de facto recognition of Haitian government. Appeal to Bishops of US and Haiti.
  21. 03.02.92 Max Dominique elected Superior of District.
  22. 14.02.92 Marzinkowski : requests to give publicity to no. 20. Reservations.
  23. 17.02.92 Nicolas/Adrien : Max Dominique appointed Superior. P.T.O
  24. 09.05.92 Adrien/Nicolas : Thanks for Cor Unum. Aristide returns with concessions.
  25. 22.04.92 Adrien/Nicolas: more optimistic letter.



  • 5P1.29b3.5
  • file
  • 1969 - 1990

Information 04.04.86 - 02.03.90 :

  1. 01.08.69 Current situation in Haiti and ambiguous attitude of Bishops. (No author)
  2. 04.04.86 Communiqué expelling a certain number of Spiritans (18.08.69) revoked.
  3. 1986 Notes of meeting of Pierre Haas with Antoine Adrien re return of Spiritans.
  4. 15.04.86 Bp. Gayot asks Adrien to organise literacy programme.
  5. 23.04.86 Meeting of GC with Bp. Gayot at Generelate.
  6. 27.05.86 Minutes of District meeting in Brooklyn, USA.
  7. No date A paper on the future of RADIO SOLEIL.
  8. 04.01.86 Minutes of District meeting with Pierre Haas.
  9. 20.07.86 Soler : plan for literacy programme.
  10. 31.12.86 Minutes of District Meeting.
  11. 25.06.87 Emile Jacquot : paper on Haiti delivered to a Spiritan Congress
  12. 20.08.87 Fournier/Soler : reflections on the situation of Spiritans in Haiti
  13. 18.09.87 Anonymous paper in response to a recent episcopal document.
  14. 29.10.87 Minutes of meeting of General Council with Antoine Adrien.
  15. 06.11.87 Press cuttings on events in south Artibonite.
  16. 13.11.87 Events at Marchand-Dessalines, Artibonite.
  17. 07.02.86 Report from observers of Caribbean Human Rights. Network.
  18. 21.12.87 Taillefer/Mulroney : appeal to Canadian by Provincial of Sainte-Croix.
  19. 18.07.88 Adrien : no progress regarding Saint Martial.
  20. 10.12.88 Press release by Salesians regarding expulsion of Aristide from Order.
  21. 01.11.89 Diary of events in Port-au-Prince and Hinche.
  22. 06.07.89 Declaration of support for Radio Soleil by a Group of priests.
  23. 01.01.90 E.J. : News of the District
  24. 21.01.90 Jacquot : newsletter. Adrien in great danger. Intervention of N. Bevan.
  25. 02.03.90 Haas : report on meeting with Cong. for Religious in Rome.
  26. 02.03.90 Relations between Haitian Conf. of Religious Superiors and Rome.



  • 5P1.29a4.2
  • file
  • 1962 - 1982

Information 2 1980 - 1986 :

  1. 1962 Projet de Centre Universitaire - St. Martial
  2. 1969 Haiti and the Church
  3. 1969 Les Biens de la Congregation du St-Esprit. History of St. Martial
  4. April 1970 Support for Duvalier from Catholic and Protestant Church leaders
  5. Nov. 1979 The Floridan : "What did the Haitians do ?"
  6. Feb. 1980 The Sunday Star-Ledger "Toxic wastes..."
  7. Aug 1980 Church World Service : Haitian Refugee Update.
  8. Oct 1980 Haitian Refugee Centre, Miami.
  9. Dec 1980 Miami Herald "Duvalier's Tyranny is confirmed".
  10. 1980 Haitian Refugee Centre
  11. no date M.Hooper : Reagan's Haitian Refugee Crisis
  12. 1981 Memorandum (06.05) to Committee on Foreign Affairs. Letter from Fr ADRIEN + compte rendu financier de l'année 1980.
  13. Nov 1981 Caribbean Contact "The hell thst's Haïti.
  14. Fall 1981 Refugee and human Rights Newsletter
  15. Nov 1981 Haitian Refugee Project, Washington
  16. Nov 1981 Ditto
  17. Nov. 1981 Miami Herald - Viewpoint "Looking for Haitian solutions".
  18. Dec. 1981 The Washington Post (Refugees)
  19. no date Support for Haitian Refugees
  20. Dec. 1981 N. Y. Times "R. Gardia deplores life au a Refugee Center..."
  21. 04.12.1981 Ditto "Suit by 6 Haitian Aliens Tests US Detention Policy.
  22. 12.12.1981 Lawyers Committee for International Human Rights (Haïti)
  23. 12.12.1981 The Nation : Refugee Gulags
  24. Jan 1982 Tropic : Welcome to Camp Krome.
  25. Jan 1982 Minority Rights Group : Haitian Refugees in US (21 p.)
  26. 12.01.1982 Miami News "Treatment of Haitians breeds distrust".
  27. 23.01.1982 Miami News "Pressure Duvalier to make Reforms".



  • 5P1.30a1.2
  • file
  • 1986 - 1992

A collection of Communiqués from The Washington Office on Haiti :

  • Sans date.
  • 1986 : 08.08, 07.10, sept. - nov., 02, 10.12.
  • 1987 : 07.02, 20.03, 08.08, 11.09, 17.11, 29.11.
  • 1988 : 18.01, avril, 21.06, 02.11.
  • 1989 : 17.11, 30.12.
  • 1990 : 10.01, 23.01 (juin 1989 - juin 1991).
  • 1991 : 17.10, 28.10 + extrait du New Yok Times du 27.10.
  • 1992 : 29.05
  • Tract : Haïtian ressources : campaign to support Democracy and Human Rights.



  • 5P1.29a2
  • file
  • 1974 - 1980
  1. Haïti et nous (apostolat 74, mars-avril, OMI), copie.
    • Information sur les refugiés haïtiens en détention (avril 1976).
    • "Memorandum for congressional inquiry regarding treatment of haïtian refugees", polyc. 7 p. + Lettre au député Loen (17.10.1975).
    • Testimony on the haïtian refugee situation (18.11.1975, 4p).
    • Extrait de Miami News (21.02.1976) "Haitian finally gets a break".
    • M. SULLIVAN, National Council of Churches, Office of Haitian Refugee Concerns (24.02, 05.04.1976) + lettre commune avec le P. ADRIEN .
    • P. GRANT S.J., lettre au Comité de l'Immigration (02.03.1976).
    • Extrait du N.Y. Times (24.03.1974) "Haitian refugees Hold Funeral March in Miami to protest Immigration Policy".
    • Circulaires de René SOLER (avril 1976 sur "3 ans de conscientisation...", octobre 1976 lettre d'amitié 30).
    • Témoignage de M. AHLERS (27.11.1976).
    • P. ADRIEN : Situation aux Bahamas, Situation à Brooklyn.
    • P. BARBOTIN : "Un appel : Haïti" (avril 1978).
    • Miami News (12.07.1978) "Crying shame about Haitians", (10.11.78) "Oppression drives Haitians to Miami".
    • "Report on the situation in Haïti", Droits de l'Homme, 25.08-03.11.1978.
    • Statement by Amnesty International USA (18.12.1978).
    • Haiti Observateur "Press muzzled in Haiti (15-22.09, 22-29.12.1978).
    • The Washington Post (27.12.1978) Doubling of U.S Aid to Haïti questioned.
    • Prospectus : Cap haïtien and the mighty citadelle, "Haïti chérie".
  2. Témoignage du P. GAGNON (05.07.1976 Commission scolaire de Tilly).
    • Lettre de membres du Congrès (loi sur les immigrants, 02.08.1976).
    • Bishops' Committee Protests,,, 13.05.1977.
    • M. DERENONCOURT "Human Rights and 'liberalization' in Haïti... (août 77).
    • L'Eglise en Haïti aujourd'hui : force de libération ?
    • Lettre à la 3e Assemblée du CELAM (janv. fév. 1979), prêtres haïtiens.
    • Haïti Observateur (29.12.1978) "Opposition denounces the farce".
    • The Miami Herald (04.01.1979) "19 Haïtians Drown on way to Florida".
    • Le Nouveau Monde (10.01.1979) "Les trompettes d'allégresse".
    • Ad hoc Committee against anti-democratic elections in Haïti.
    • P. Max DOMINIQUE "Haïtian Community", pastoral report to Rome.
    • Memo du P. Timmermans : visite du P. Barbotin en Haïti, candidat...
    • Newsletter : services provided to the haïtian community (oct. 79-janv.80).
    • "Specifies on the work of the haïtian Holy Ghost Fathers" (10.05.1979).
    • St Martial, un centenaire (1865-1965), plaquette 16 p.
    • "L'Institut de catéchèse et son annexe le séminaire catéchistique", 1967
    • The Wall Street Journal (06.06.1977) Catholics in Brazil, clash with military