Affichage de 242 résultats

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  • 2Q4.1a2
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  • 1962 - 1968
  1. Rapport de visite du provincial d'Irlande, P. O'DRISCOLL (1963).
    • Visite de Mgr de MILLEVILLE :
    • Lettres de 1963 : P. BLOMMAERT (17.02), Mgr de MILLEVILLE (21.02 + "Quelques remarques à l'occasion de mon séjour au Brésil 24.02 - 10.08", 12.08 + demandes des diocèses de Victoria, Feira de Santana, de Caxias, Palmares), Mgr de CUNHA MARCELIM (Caxias 24.06, 06.12).
  2. Réfléxions du sup. principal, P. HOUDIJK, juin 1967, sur le district.
    • Visite du Sup. général, Mgr LEFEBVRE et rapport au principal (24.02.1968), suggestions générales au sujet de nos districts du Brésil sud, questions particuliètres à chaque district.
    • Réponse du conseil du district (19.05.1968).
    • Lettres de 1967 : Mgr LEFEBVRE (20.11 + note du P. van de POEL).
    • 1968 : Mgr LEFEBVRE (19.01), P. HOUDIJK (16.02).
  3. Visite du district par le P. HACK : rapport de visite (mars 1964) et état du personnel. Lettres du P. HACK (01, 29.03.1964), Evêque de Gov. Valadares (19.10.1963).
  4. Visites du supérieur principal :
    • P. van de ZANDT (18.07.1960) : Brasilia, Jaragua, Governador Valadares, Conselheiro Pena, Itauna, Araujos, Divinopolis, Matosinhos, Sete Lagoas.
    • P. van de ZANDT (15.02.1961) : Manaus, Foz de Jutai, Fonte Boa, Tefé, Boca de Tefé, Carauari, Santos Dumont + capitulo administrativo.
    • P. van de ZANDT (25.06.1963) : Teresopolis, Governador Valadares, Conselheiro Pena, Araujos, Perdigâo, (05.07.1963) Sete Lagoas, Matosinhos, Prudente de Morais, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Jaragua, Itauna.
    • P. HOUDIJK (07.01.1966) : rapport général 1965 - 1966.
  5. Etat du personnel (Brésil central) au 11.08.1964 + lettre du P. HOUDIJK (11.08.1964). Invitation à la prise d'habit pour l'entrée au noviciat de 6 novices (Seminario Nossa Senhora de Fatima), 16.12.1962.
    • Relations annuelles : 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965.
    • Circulaires : sept., oct., nov., déc. 1966.



  • 2Q5.1a3.3
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  • 1988 - 1992

General council Decisions 1989 - 1991 :

  1. 21.07.1988 Confirmation de l'élection du P. Joâo Serra de ARAUJO comme supérieur principal.
    1bis. 27.10.89 Decision to erect the Province of Brazil on February 2, 1990. Mosé Pontelo will be Provincial until the Chapter. Brazil South will cease to exist, the other circumscriptions will continue.
  2. 11.09.90 Mosé Pontelo confirmed as Provincial for three years.
  3. 26.10.90 Approves Chapter decisions.
    3 bis 10.06.1991 P. Serra de ARAUJO, sup. principal, 2e mandat.
  4. 21.06.91 First appointment : Orlando Zanovelli to Senegal.
  5. 19.07.91 Scolastic Albanir da Silva Lebre.
  6. 06.05.1992 Invitation du P. de ARAUJO au chapitre d'Itaïci.
  7. 12.06.1992 P. Manuel da Silva Martins Sebastiâo, procureur près le Saint Siège : mandat prolongé d'un an.



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  • 1981 - 1984

Assemblies 1981 & 1984
Visitation 1983

  1. Nov. 1981 Minutes of the District Assembly.
  2. Nov. 1981 Expenses of the District Assembly.
  3. Feb. 1983 Report on visit to District, Enda Watters.
  4. Dec. 1982 March 1983: Report to the General Council on visit to Brazil (Enda Watters).
  5. Nov. 1984 Report on District Assembly.



  • 2Q5.1a2.1
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  • 1980 - 1986

Correspondence 1980 - 1986 :

  1. 17.07.80 Sup (Fernandes Correia)/Torres Neiva (TN), manpower.
  2. 11.09.80 TN/Sup : reply to 1.
  3. 22.12.80 de Freitas Alves/SG : possibility of priests for Sao Tomé?
  4. 13.01.81 TN/Sup : passes on request in 3.
  5. 14.01.81 TN/Freitas Alves : acknowledges 3.
  6. 10.03.81 Sup/TN : District Chapter. The future of Spiritans in Brazil.
  7. 30.04.81 TN/Sup : reply to 6.
  8. 17.04.81 Sup/TN
  9. 11.06.81 Sup/Trachtler
  10. 22.06.81 Sup. CORREIA/TN
  11. 25.05.81 Sup/TN : reply to 4.
  12. 26.07.81 Sup : newsletter
  13. 21.10.81 Sup. CORREIA/TN.
  14. 19.12.81 Sup/SG : re District meeting, November 1981.
  15. 01.06.83 Watters/Sup : thanks for hospitality. Sends visitation report.
  16. 08.12.83 Sup/SG : Good wishes and news.
  17. 30.01.84 SG/Sup : thanks for 16.
  18. 30.10.84 Sup/SG : re District assembly and election of Superior.
  19. 13.11.84 Sup/SG : Account of Assembly. Re-elected as Superior.
  20. 13.11.84 Sup/TN : Account of Assembly. Members of Dist. Council.
  21. 29.11.84 TN/Sup : Congrats. on re-election. Brottier celebrations.
  22. 17.01.85 Sup/TN : news of confreres.
  23. 13.02.86 Sup/SG : account of reunion, and Easter wishes.
  24. 31.03.86 SG/Sup : thanks for 23 and suggestions re constitutions.



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  • 1989 - 1992

Correspondence (Province) 1989 - 1992 :

  1. 28.10.89 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Letter accompanying decree of erection of Province.
  2. No date Memo to GC re transition from Foundation to Province.
  3. 19.03.90 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Enquiry re voting rights of members.
  4. 06.04.90 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Reply to 3.
  5. 07.06.90 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Queries re Provincial Chapter.
  6. 08.06.90 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Answers no. 5.
  7. 18.07.90 De Boer/Pontelo : method of electing Provincial.
  8. 14.09.90 Pontelo/SG : Query re beginning of new mandate.
  9. 19.09.90 SG/Pontelo : Reply to 8.
  10. 28.09.90 Pontelo/SG : Sends documents of Provincial Chapter.
  11. 31.10.90 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Approval of Chapter documents.
  12. 31.01.91 Pontelo/SecGen : Practical matters.
  13. 17.05.91 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Comments on suggestions for first appointments.
  14. 21.07.91 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Re Encontrao.
  15. 04.10.91 SG : Message to Encontrao of Spiritans of Brazil and Paraguay.
  16. 27.12.91 Pontelo/Br. Paul : Pedro Falcao delegate to brothers' meeting. Also Pontelo is delegate for General Chapter.
  17. 02.04.92 Valle SVD/SG : Invitation of Brazil Conference of Religious.
  18. 18.04.92 SG/Valle : Unable to attend.
  19. 11.05.92 SG/Br. P. Falcao : Invitation to the General Chapter.



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  • 1986 - 1992

Correspondence (District) 1986 - 1992 :

  1. 05.12.86 Correia/Gonçalves : News of the District.
  2. 30.05.87 Correia/Gonçalves : News of the District.
  3. 21.06.87 Gonçalves/Correia : Reply to 2.
  4. 28.10.87 Correia/Gonçalves : Re District Assembly documents.
  5. 24.11.87 Gonçalves/Confreres : Superior's mandate extended by 6 months.
  6. 02.11.88 Araujo/SG : Good wishes.
  7. 12.11.88 Gonçalves/Araujo : Varia.
  8. 08.02.89 Martins/Gonçalves : Regarding his coming to work in Rome.
  9. 10.02.89 Gonçalves/Martins : More details regarding his appointment.
  10. 10.02.89 Gonçalves/Araujo : Re Fr. Martins and Fr. Sebastiao.
  11. 08.03.89 De Boer/Martins : Reply 8.
  12. 14.04.89 Gonçalves/Martins : Reply to letters.
  13. 16.03.89 Araujo/Gonçalves : P. Pinto.
  14. 15.04.89 Gonçalves/Araujo : Reply 13.
  15. 07.10.89 Gonçalves/Araujo : P. Pinto.
  16. 10.03.90 Araujo/Gonçalves : Changes of appointment in the District.
  17. 21.03.90 Araujo : Annual report on the District.
  18. 04.03.91 Araujo/Gonçalves : Straw vote for successor.
  19. 17.03.91 Gonçalves/Araujo : Superior of District. Chapter delegate.
  20. 04.05.91 Gonçalves/Araujo : Varia.
  21. 11.05.92 SG/Araujo : Invitation to General Chapter.
  22. 25.05.92 Araujo/SG : Thanks for invitation to Chapter.



  • 2Q5.1a2.2
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  • 1982 - 1984

General Council Decisions 1980 - 1986 :

  1. 03.02.82 Francisco Correia Superior for 2nd. mandate
  2. 22.11.84 Francisco Correia Superior for 3rd. mandate.



  • 2Q5.1a2.4
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  • 1981 - 1985

Information 1981 - 1985 :

  1. 30.10.81 Letter of support from General Council.
  2. 02.11.81 Letter of support from General Council.
  3. 19.12.81 Results of voting for District Superior. District Council members.
  4. 09.11.84 Results of voting for District Superior.
  5. 17.01.85 Members of District Council.



  • 2Q5.1a3.6
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  • 1990 - 2000

Information (Province) 1990 - 1992 :

  1. 02.02.90 Account of the ceremony of the erection of the Province.
  2. 02.02.90 Reetz, German bursar, makes suggestions for finance.
  3. 17.02.90 Pontelo History of founding of Province.
  4. March 1990 Spiritan News account of Brazilian Province.
  5. 23.06.90 Pontelo Circular to confreres.
  6. 18.11.90 Pontelo Circular.
  7. 04.12.90 Meeting of Major Superiors of Brazil & Paraguay.
  8. 21.02.91 Pontelo Circular.
  9. 22.03.91 Pontelo Circular.
  10. 14.05.91 PonteloMeeting of Spiritan Maj. Sups. of Brazil.
  11. 07.05.91 Meeting of Formation Council.
  12. May 1991 Résumé of 10 & 11 in French.
  13. 14.09.91 Pontelo Arrangements for Incontrao.
  14. 09.11.91 Pontelo News of the Province.
  15. Nov 1991 Pontelo Re the annual Assembly.
  16. 30.12.91 Pontelo Circular.
  17. 30.01.92 Pontelo Summary of activities in 1991.
  18. 27.02.91 Minutes off meeting on Lay Associates.
  19. Photos of Spiritan Houses in Sao Paulo.



  • 2Q5.1a3.5
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  • 1990 - 1991

Provincial Chapter 1990 :

  1. 25.06.90 Convocation of Provincial Chapter.
  2. No date Memo re the op-coming Provincial Chapter.
  3. Sept 1990 Members of the Chapter.
  4. Aug 1990 Pre-capitular text : Administration.
  5. Aug 1990 Pre-capitular text : Formation.
  6. Aug 1990 Pre-capitular text : Mission.
  7. Sept 1990 Report of Provincial and Provincial Bursar.
  8. Sept 1990 Puertoricans in Brazil.
  9. Sept 1990 Minutes of the Chapter.
  10. Sept 1990 Comments on the Chapter for the General Council.
  11. March 1991 Final Chapter document.


Résultats 131 à 140 sur 242