Affichage de 332 résultats

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  • 4P1.15b1.1
  • file
  • 1986 - 1990

CorrespondAnce 1986 - 1990 :

  1. 08.09.86 Marie-Sainte/Haas : congrats. from Bishop of Martinique.
  2. 26.09.86 Haas/Marie-Sainte : reply 1.
  3. 20.02.87 Aine/Haas : re his involvement with Foyer de Charite.
  4. 13.01.87 Lagogue/? : some statistics.
  5. 19.04.87 Lagogue/Gross : meeting of Major Superior.
  6. 11.03.87 Haas/Aine : reply 3.
  7. 22.05.87 Nicolas/Lagogue : reply 5. SRL. Election.
  8. 06.06.87 Nicolas/Lagogue : invite to New Superiors' Meeting.
  9. 12.06.87 Lagogue/Nicolas : results of vote for Superior.
  10. 22.06.87 Haas/Lagogue : gives news of re-election.
  11. 08.07.87 Theon/Haas : re District and vocations policy.
  12. 30.07.87 Wiehe/Theon : reply 12. GC will consider what he says.
  13. 30.10.87 Lagogue/Gross : thanks for visit to Rome.
  14. 18.11.87 Lagogue/Nicolas : members of District Council.
  15. 14.12.87 Lagogue/Gross : waiting for SRL.
  16. 12.02.88 Theon/Haas : dissatisfied with answer. Need for Chapter.
  17. no date Nicolas/Theon : reply 17. Chapter will be arranged.
  18. no date Nicolas/Lagogue : organise Chapter and Visitation.
  19. 26.04.88 Lagogue/Nicolas : date for Chapter?
  20. 13.10.88 Nicolas/Lagogue : Marzinkowski for Visitation and Chapter.
  21. 07.11.88 Lagogue/Gross : themes for Chapter.
  22. 01.12.88 Nicolas/Lagogu : reply 22.
  23. 23.05.89 Lagogue/Marzinkowski : thanks for visit.
  24. 06.01.90 Lagogue/Marzinkowski : news of the District.
  25. 15.03.90 Lagogue/Gross : news of District.
  26. 22.03.90 Marie-Sainte/Haas : would like to visit him in Rome.
  27. 15.05.90 Nicolas/Lagogue : reply 26.
  28. 27.06.90 Marzinkowski/Lagogue : confirmed as Sup. for 3rd. term.
  29. no date Lagogue/Gross : news of the District.



  • 3C7.2.1
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  • 1900 - 1923
  • Cahiers de la Procure auprès du St Siège : n° 1 (juil. 1900 - déc. 1905).
    n° 2 (mai 1906 - déc. 1910), n° 4 (fév. 1917 - nov. 1920).
  • Aide-mémoire du procureur pour les affaires étrangères à la congrégation (Soeurs du St Esprit).
  • Lettres de 1921 : P. LENA (11.02, 03, 17, 21, 31.03, 06, 18.04, 09, 25.05, 07, 09.06, 13.10, 24.11, 06, 14.12), Mgr LEROY (25.02, 08.03, 27, 29, 30.05, 01, 11, 15.06, 06, 12, 13.07, 14, 21, 24.10, 07, 18 (2), 19, 24.11, 12.12), Procureur (17, 29.10, 15, 20, 29.11, 03, 09.12). Evêché de Coutances (08.12). Legs Renottière (juin 1921-février 1922).
  • 1922 : Mgr LEROY (12.01, 27, 28.02, 13, 20.03, 12, 27.04 (2), 14.05, 12.07, 07, 13, 16.09, 18, 20.12), P. LENA (18, 21.01, 16, 20.02, 27.03, 18, 30.04, 08, 12.05, 26.06, 19.07, 20, 21.10, 09, 23.11, 09, 14.12), P. RETTER (extrait 25.04), Mgr MAPTAL (? sans date). Observations sur les Constitutions (P. Vermeersch 12.01). Note de Mgr Leroy sur l'article 438 du Traité de Versailles et les Biens des missions.
  • 1923 : P. CABON (06.04, demandde d'indult et questions sur les messes à dire). Demande d'indult pour les professions de Frères.



  • 3C5.1.4
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  • 1983 - 1983

General Administration: Correspondence 1983:

  1. Timmermans/Daly : thanks for preparation of new Constitutions.
    2 Ferrari/S.G. thanks for copy of his report on Sierra Leone.
  2. 10.06.1983 : Daly/Timmermans : Moore; Gittins; Jenkinson; Headley.
  3. 25.05.1983 : Kelly/Watters : accepts to preach Council retreat.
  4. 11.06.1983 : GC/Constitutions Committee : advice for work.
  5. 18.06.1983 : Jenkinson/Bevan: superior of students' community?
  6. 18.06.1983 : Bevan/Rome student community : comment on 7.
  7. 30.06.1983 : Bevan/Jenkinson : result of consultation of students.
  8. 10.06.1983 : Daly/Timmermans : comments on his draft text.
  9. 27.06.1983 : Timmermans/Daly : reply 10.
  10. 12.06.1983 : Daly/Timmermans : further reactions to process.
  11. 14.07.1983 : Timmermans/Torres Neiva : looking for a bursar.
  12. 05.09.1983 : Claessens/Timmermans : invite to mission assembly.
  13. 12.08.1983 : Renaud : preparations for the General Chapter, 1986.
  14. 14.09.1983 : McDonald/Timmermans : available for re-appointment
  15. 13.09.1983 : Daly/Timmermans : criticism of procedure of GC
  16. 27.10.1983 : Timmermans/Schoerer : thanks for generous gift.
  17. 31.10.1983 : GC/Constit. Commission : re meeting in Carcavellos
  18. 01.12.1983 : Timmermans/Taylor : thanks for service at Generalate
  19. 01.12.1983 : Timmermans/Maj. Sups : work of Council session.



  • 3C5.1.6
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  • 1984 - 1985

General Administration: Correspondence 1984 - 1985 :

  1. S.G./Via Piemonte Comm: consulation for Superior.
  2. S.G./Mgr. Hertenrath. Thanks for sponsorship of Fr. Doheny.
  3. Bevan: circular re formators meeting.
  4. B. McLaughlin/N.B : representatives for Formators meeting.
  5. S.G./Maj.Sups. Reports from Circums. as prep. for Gen. Chap.
  6. N.B./Maj. Sups Re - priorities & urgent needs of personnel.
  7. G.C./Maj. Sups. Re - represent. at Gen. Chapter (GC/2/86).
  8. J. de B./B. Mathis Re - Br. Rey remaining at Gen. until Aug 85.
  9. M. Piat/Ezeonyia : Re accept invit. to be moderator at Gen. Chapt.
  10. V.E./M.Piat : thanks for acception to be moderator at G.C. '86.
  11. Torres Neiva : work of Analysis Committee of Constitutions.
  12. S.G./Gen.Sec : Personnel for Pakistan Group.
  13. G.C./J.Monteiro Questions of his appoint. to Pakistan.
  14. Torres Neiva/Geogheagan : member of drafting committee.
  15. Abp. Tchidimbo/S.G. present situation. Guinea.
  16. A.T.N./S.G.(from Congo). Notes on recent visit to Congo.
  17. J.Verwielen/S.G. Declines office of General Secretary.
  18. De Boer/J.Verwielen. Reply to 17.
  19. S.G./Sup. Gen. problem concerning Servite pers. in Gabon.
  20. French Ambassador/Timmermans : announces award.
  21. S.G./Amb. of France. Reply to 20.
  22. Mathis/de Boer : Bro. Clement allowed to remain at Generalate.
  23. Prof. Szrankiewiez/S.G. Congrats on his promotion.
  24. R. Badinter/S.G. Congrats. on receiving award.
  25. S.G./R.Badinter. Reply to 6/24 above.
  26. S.G./Prof. Szramkiwicz. Reply to 6/23 above.
  27. Ndzana/Gross : Will take part in "Community Life Commission".
  28. J.Daly/S.G. Thanks for invite to Rome.
  29. Bevan/Formators. Sending minutes of meeting.
  30. Bevan/Provincials : Minutes of Formators meeting.



  • 2M1.13a1.2
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  • 1989 - 1992

Correspondence 22.05.89 - 06.02.92 :

  1. 22.05.89 Wiehe/Soyer : FAC confreres for Madagascar?
  2. 22.05.89 Soyer/Wiehe : reply 1. Visit of Pope. FAC.
  3. 26.05.89 Wiehe/Reniers : regarding the FOI.
  4. 17.06.89 Soyer/Wiehe : reply 1. Will visit FAC.
  5. 19.06.89 Wiehe/Soyer : FAC. New Sups. meeting.
  6. 31.07.89 Wiehe/Soyer : Visitation report. FAC men for District?
  7. 08.10.89 Soyer/Wiehe : thanks for visit to Rome.
  8. 01.02.90 Soyer/Wiehe : Preparations for District Chapter.
  9. 06.03.90 Wiehe/Soyer : impossible to come for Chapter. FAC.
  10. 18.03.90 Soyer/Wiehe : Chapter. Hope diminishing of FAC confreres.
  11. 03.05.90 Soyer/Wiehe : contact with FAC. Will persist.
  12. 10.06.90 Soyer/Wiehe : preparations for Chapter.
  13. 26.10.90 Wiehe/Soyer : comments on chapter documents.
  14. 04.12.90 Soyer/Wiehe : reply 13. Sup. of FAC came for Chapter.
  15. 05.04.91 Soyer/Wiehe : results of straw vote for Superior.
  16. 18.04.91 Soyer/Wiehe : sends his newspaper article.
    17, 11.05.91 Wiehe/Soyer : Headley impressed with J&P in Madagascar.
  17. 04.06.91 Wiehe/Soyer : Chopart and his work. Ordination of M. Piat.
  18. 07.06.91 Soyer/Wiehe : M. Crestin to help Chopart.
  19. 17.06.91 Wiehe/Soyer : congrat. on re-appointment. FOI collaboration.
  20. 08.08.91 Soyer/Wiehe : Called to France. Replacement.
  21. 09.09.91 Vuittenez/GC : accepts to be superior.
  22. 21.09.91 Wiehe/Vuittenez : reply 22. Thanks for accepting.
  23. 21.10.91 Vuittenez/SecGen : delegate for General Chapter.
  24. 01.02.92 Vuittenez/Wiehe : decisions taken.
  25. 06.02.92 Vuittenez/Wiehe : depressing political developments.



  • 3G1.11a3.3
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  • 1986 - 1992

Coprrespondance : 07/11/89 - 16/10/90.

  1. 07.11.89 Marzinkowski/Lutz : The Erection Brazilian Province.
  2. 12.11.89 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Br. Paul to Rome. Visit to Brazil.
  3. 22.12.89 Lutz/Marzinkowski : re P.OWCA of Poland.
  4. 10.12.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Finance noviciate at Vrede?
  5. 1990 First appts. of LEMMEN and WEGNER.
  6. 04.05.90 Lutz/Marzinkowsk i: "Notel"and "Missionar auf Zeit".
  7. 08.05.90 Doyle/Breidenbach : Papua Stage of German student.
  8. 16.05.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Appointment Br. PAUL to Rome.
  9. 21.05.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : visit to Poland with THIELEMIER.
  10. 04.06.90 Marzinkowski/Prov.Counc : WEGENER & HUCK.
  11. 06.06.90 Marzinkowski/Delegates to Provincial Chapter.
  12. 28.06.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz : confirmation of Provincial
  13. 11.07.90 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : regarding formation
  14. 30.07.90 Lutz/SG : re Yugoslavia. Agrees withdrawal of OWCA.
  15. 17.08.90 Lemman/Marzinkowski : concerns
  16. 08.09.90 SG/Griemens : thanks for invite to Broich school.
  17. 10.09.90 Marzinkowski/Breidenbach : Chap. Docs. LEMMENS?
  18. 10.09.90 Marzinkowski/Lemmens : first appointment.
  19. 10.09.90 Marzinkowski/Breidenbach : re T.LEMMENS.
  20. 11.09.90 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : Chap. docs.Lemmens.
  21. 08.10.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Incardination of STOLLENWERK
  22. 15.10.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz: reply 21. Approval of Chap. Docs.
  23. 16.10.90 Marzinkowski : letter to confreres.



  • 3L3.2a3.1
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  • 1986 - 1992

Correspondance between 10/03/87 and 18/06/90.

  1. 10.03.87 Duchene/Gonçalves : Invite to Prov. Chapter.
  2. 11.03.87 SG/ Confreres : centenary of the house in Luanda.
  3. 11.03.87 Gonçalves/Duchene : Centenary. Provincial Chapter.
  4. 16.03.87 Duchene/SG : invite to the Chapter.
  5. 08.04.87 Duchene/Gonçalves : death of P. Nicolaas Ligthart
  6. 12.05.87 SG/Duchene : reply 4. Chapter. Death of P.Ligthart.
  7. 23.06.87 Duchene/Goncalves : Problem of Huambo seminary
  8. 03.08.87 Duchene/SG : reply 6. Troubles re staffing seminary.
  9. 24.08.87 SG/Duchene : Card. Tomko's letter re seminary.
  10. 29.09.87 Duchene/Goncalves : re staffing of Huambo seminary.
  11. 08.11.87 Goncalves?/Duchene : re the seminary.
  12. March 88 Duchene : personnel needs.
  13. 26.08.88 Houdijk/de Boer : re Fr. Van Koolwijk and refugees.
  14. 30.10.88 Duchene/Goncalves : various problems.
  15. 27.11.88 Goncalves/Duchene : reply to 14.
  16. 16.02.89 Goncalves/Duchene : delegate to EGC in Arusha.
  17. 18.02.89 Duchene/Goncalves : problems of Justice and Peace.
  18. 03.03.89 Goncalves/Duchene : reply to various questions.
  19. 23.04.89 Duchene/Goncalves : problem with Diocese .
  20. 16.05.89 GC/Cahinga: Bernard Duchene to go to French Sem?
  21. 17.07.89 SG/Cahinga : re Duchene for Fr. Seminary.
  22. 11.06.90 Cahinga/SG : perpetual vows and first appointments.
  23. 18.06.90 Bongo/Goncalves : news from "the other side".



  • 6P1.4a4
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  • 1968 - 1974
  1. Lettres de 1968 : P. BYRNE (16.12), P. FARRELLY (26.12).
    • 1969 : P. BYRNE (03.01, 01, 02.04, 05.05 + projet de convention avec le diocèse + rapport annuel, 02.06), P. FARRELLY (13.01, 23.05), P. CORCORAN (31.03), P. C. VALDEZ (15.09), P. GALT (02, 29.10, 16, 19.11), P. Donal O'SULLIVAN (24.11), P. LECUYER (16.12).
    • 1970 : Secrét. gén. (09.01), P. GALT (19.01, 23.04, 05, 06, 12, 22.05, 09.06 (2), 27.07, 08.08, 08.10, 27.12), P. O'SULLIVAN (14.05, 09, 18.06, 25.07, 23.10, 09, 10.12), P. de VERTEUIL (17.05, 28.12), P. LITTNER (26.05), P. S. MOORE (25.06, 01.12), P. LECUYER (07.07, 18.08), P. FRASER (18.10).
    • 1971 : P. LECUYER (15.01), P. O'SULLIVAN (11, 19.01, 05.02, 05 (2), 22.05), P. GALT (08.01 (2), 03.03, 14.05), P. de VERTEUIL (23.01), P. MOORE (18.03), P. FRASER (23.04).
  2. 1971 (suite) : P. GALT (18.06, 07, 09, 25.07, 23.08), P. O'SULLIVAN (03.07, 07.09), P. CESBRON (16.07), P. MAENEN (Leuven 26.08).
    • 1972 : P. GALT (05.01, 15.02, 27.04, 21, 28.06, 12.09, 19, 26.11), P. O'SULLIVAN (12.01, 26.05, 12.08, 19.09, 04.11), secré. gén. (22.03, 08.12), P. LITTNER (2 du 08.07).
    • 1973 : P. GALT (18, 30.01, 05, 22.02, 09 (2), 12, 13.03 (2), 02.05, 24.08 mort du P. Ryan), P. LITTNER (25.01), P.O'SULLIVAN (05.02, 24.04), P. VERDIEU (04.04), P. LECUYER (03, 04.04 (2), 25.05), P. MOORE (11.02, 11.05), P. FARRELLY (24.04 demande d'indult).
  3. 1973 (suite) : P. GALT (17.07 (2), 3 du 16.10), P. LITTNER (16.08), P. O'SULLIVAN (02, 04.10), P. MOORE (08.11).
    • 1974 : P. MOORE (19.01 + liste des membres de la province, 25.04, 07.05), P. GALT (05.02 + note du P. Littner, 28.03), P. ROZO (21.03).
  4. Décisions du Conseil général :
    • 1969 ; 31.01 (P. LECUYER et transfert provisoire du noviciat, P. BYRNE 22.01), 20.05 (fin de mandat), 12.08 (P. GALT provincial).
    • 1970 : 29.05 (Paraguay), 09.06 (P. CLARKE), 29.10 (chapitre provincial).
    • 1971 : 27.02 (ordinations).
    • 1972 : 23.05 et 08.07 (P. GALT 2e triennat).
    • 1973 : 29.03 (vente d'Arima), 18.05 (P. BASCIO, P. CHARLES), 03.10.



  • 2N1.10b1.1
  • file
  • 1986 - 1988

Correspondance: 01/10/86 - 04/10/88.

  1. 01.10.86 Gobeil/SG : Prov. Chapter next June.
  2. 09.10.86 Gobeil/SG : condolences
  3. 23.10.86 SG/Gobeil : reply 2.
  4. 03.04.87 Wiehe/Gobeil : re Visitation and Provincial Chapter.
  5. 15.05.87 Results of consultative vote for Provincial.
  6. 27.05.87 Wiehe/Gobeil : Rule of Life. Chapter.
  7. 28.10.87 St. Louis/Wiehe : profession of P.JUBINVILLE.
  8. 09.11.87 Wiehe/Gobeil : asks him to come to Rome .
  9. 12.11.87 Wiehe/St. Louis : Jubinville. GOBEIL for Rome?
  10. 16.11.87 Wiehe/St. Louis : approval of Chapter texts.
  11. 28.11.87 Gobeil/Wiehe : reply 8.
  12. 08.09.87 St-Louis/Wiehe : re GOBEIL. Replacement in Canada
  13. 28.01.88 St-Louis/Wiehe : G.FOURNIER. JUBINVILLE.
  14. 19.02.98 Wiehe/Gobeil : Dialogue continues re appointment.
  15. 22.02.88 Wiehe/St-Louis: GOBEIL, JUBINVILLE. FOURNIER.
  16. 21.03.88 Gobeil/Wiehe : reply 14. Agrees to come to Rome
  17. 12.04.88 Wiehe/Gobeil : team members: REGAN/ HEADLEY.
  18. 12.04.88 Wiehe/St-Louis : condolences on his sickness.
  19. 06.06.88 Wiehe/Gobeil : arrangements for arrival.
  20. 07.06.88 Wiehe/St-Louis: Visitation date. Farnham noviciate.
  21. 12.09.88 St-Louis/Wiehe : reply 20. Return of FOURNIER.
  22. 04.10.88 St-Louis/Wiehe : first appt. André BÉDARD.



  • 4J3.1a1.2
  • file
  • 1990 - 1992

Correspondence 07.04.90 - 06.06.92 :

  1. 07/04/90 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Received Chapter Documents.
  2. 28/04/90 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Approval of Chapter docs.
  3. 07/05/90 Bonnet/Marzinkowski : Paul MBA. Personnel Moanda.
  4. 25/10/90 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Two new first appointments.
  5. 19/11/90 Anguille/Paul Mba : ultimatum from Bishops.
  6. 21/11/90 Bonnet/Marzinkowski : Paul Mba. FAC.
  7. 14/03/91 Wiehe/Bonnet : Visitation report.
  8. 02/05/91 Bonnet/Wiehe : Reply 7. Declaration re Paul MBA.
  9. 11/05/91 Wiehe/Bonnet : Reply 8.
  10. 10/06/91 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Change of first appointment.
  11. 05/11/91 Confreres/Nuncio : Worries of Spiritans in Mouila.
  12. 06/11/91 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : First appt. : Kuku-luyeye.
  13. 28/12/91 Bonnet/SG : Delegate for General Chapter.
  14. 28/02/92 Bonnet/Marzinkowski : Sends Bp. of Mouila's reply to.
  15. 22/03/92 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Two Nigerians to Gabon.
  16. 23/04/92 Bonnet/SG : Nuncio wants new Spiritan Bishops.
  17. 30/04/92 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Reservations, not refusal.
  18. 15/05/92 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : FAC confrere to leave Gabon.
  19. 06/06/92 Wollenschneider/Marzinkowski : Defends District re contents of 18.
  20. 16/06/92 Marzinkowski/Wollenschneider : Reply 19. Some clarifications.
  21. 24/06/92 Bonnet/Marzinkowski : Reply to 18 with explanations.
  22. 25/06/92 Bonnet/Marzinkowski : Further correspondence re 21.
  23. 29/06/92 Marzinkowski/Bonnet : Reply to fax re problem in 18.


Résultats 131 à 140 sur 332