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  • 2Q7.1b2.1
  • file
  • 1986 - 1988

Correspondence 25.09.86 - 12.11.88

  1. 25.09.86 Pontelo/GC : Formation and Foundation.
  2. 17.11.86 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Re meeting of Sups.
  3. 19.11.86 Pontelo/Gonçalves : GC to the meeting of Superiors.
  4. 12.12.86 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Formation.
  5. 20.02.87 Gonçalves/Br.William : request work at Generalate.
  6. 06.03.87 Pontelo : Evaluation of FAC confrere in Brazil.
  7. 23.03.87 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Varia.
  8. 31.03.87 Gonçalves/Buchkremer : Reply to 6.
  9. No date Pontelo/GC : Seeks permission to move novitiate.
  10. 09.04.87 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Proposed visit to Rome.
  11. 10.04.87 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Reply 9.
  12. May 87 Buchkremer : Re death of Fr. Geraldo (Egon) Ofer.
  13. 03.11.87 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Sale of Salete authorised
  14. 03.09.87 Pontelo/GC : Requests permission to sell property.
  15. 18.09.87 Pontelo/ Gonçalves : Varia.
  16. Sept 87 Petitioners/SG : Petition re Gregor Lutz.
  17. 02.10.87 SG/Petitioners : Reply to 16.
  18. 05.11.87 SG/Card. Arns : Problem of removal of Fr. Gregor Lutz.
  19. 21.11.87 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Varia regarding the District.
  20. 05.12.87 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Annual District Assembly.
  21. 13.03.88 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Reply 20.
  22. 11.04.88 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Re visitation of the District.
  23. 25.05.88 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Re the future Province.
  24. 12.11.88 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Varia.



  • 4P1.15b1.4
  • file
  • 1986 - 1992

Informations 1986 - 19912 :

  • Le problème des vocations spiritaines en Martinique : rapport + lettre du P. NOVION à Mgr Marie-Sainte (28.05.1986)
    1. 07.10.86 Circular letter of Superior (P. LAGOGUE).
    2. Sept. 87 Presentation to New Superiors' meeting in Rome : rapport sur le district de la Martinique.
    3. 29.03.88 Circular letter of Superior.
    4. 12.03.90 Circular letter of Superior.
  • 01.11.1990 : lettre circulaire du P. LAGOGUE.
    1. 12.12.90 Circular (P. LAGOGUE).
    2. 23.02.91 Circular (P. LAGOGUE, extrait).
  • 29.03.1992 circulaire du P. LAGOGUE + note sur le musée du P. PINCHON.



  • 4M1.11b2.3
  • file
  • 1981 - 1986

Correspondance (Bishops) 1981 - 1986 :

  1. 24.09.81 SG/Margeot : thanks for support for FOI.
  2. 31.03.82 Margeot/SG : re Paul REYMOND.
  3. 12.10.82 SG/Margeot & Aubry : P. REYMOND
  4. 27.10.82 Margeot/SG : thanks for 4.
  5. 18.03.83 SG/Margeot : thanks for sending Year Book.
  6. 28.04.86 Margeot/SG : contribution of Paul REYMOND.
  7. 22.05.86 SG/Margeot : reply to 6. Gratitude for cooperation.



  • 3P1.12b3.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1984

Correspondance : 01.11.80 - 15.03.84 :

  1. 01.11.80 Sup (Barbotin)/SG : Visit of SG. Political situation.
  2. 11.11.80 SG/Sup : reply to 1. Method of election of Superior.
  3. 11.11.80 SG/Sup : as above.
  4. 03.02.81 Sup/SG : Spiritan foundation? Appt. of new Superior.
  5. 11.02.81 SG/Sup : Foundation in West Indies.
  6. 17.03.81 Sup/SG : results of straw vote.
  7. 21.04.81 Sup/SG : Maj. Sups conference at Barbados.
  8. 28.04.81 Littner/Sup : Re-appoinmted Superior.
  9. 04.06.81 Sup/SG : cover letter with report on District (?)
  10. 10.06.81 Sup/SG : composition of new District Council.
  11. 17.09.81 Gross/Sup : Thoughts on a future Foundation.
  12. 19.09.81 SG/Sup : Congrats. on re-appointment. Foundation.
  13. 20.01.83 Sup/SG : W. Indian spiritan superiors at Puerto Rico.
  14. 01.02.83 Gross/Sup : Fix dates for Visitation and Chapter.
  15. 18.05.83 Sup/Gross : Reply to 14. Suggests November 84.
  16. 12.06.83 Gross/Sup : reply to 15.
  17. 28.12.83 Sup/SG:Maj. Sups. of francophone W.Indies.
  18. 15.02.84 Sup/SG : result of straw vote for Superior.
  19. 15.03.84 SG/Sup : Congrats. on third term as Superior.



  • 3Q1.8b2.1
  • file
  • 1977 - 1988

Frère Timothee - Special File :

  • Lettre ouverte à l'évêque "Pour une pratique chrétienne de la politique en Guyane", 17.03.1977 et observations.
  • Lettre de Mgr MORVAN au Fr. Timothée (14.09.1984) et réponse du Frère.
  • Lettres : Mgr MORVAN (16.09, 11.10.1984, 15.03, 14.06.1985 et réponses du Frère).
  • Lettre de Timothée CATHERINE, conseiller général (20.05.1985) à propos d'un déplacement du P. Plug et réponse du Président du Conseil général. Démission de toutes les commissions diocésaines (14, 15.06.1985).
  • Protestation du Fr. CATHERINE contre le Traitement du P. DELEGUE (nov. 1983-juil. 1984), lettre du 12.06.1985). Conférence de presse du 08.06.1985.
  • Lettres de 1985 : P. DREANO (28.06), Card. TOMKO (30.07, 22.08), P. LITTNER (08, 19.08), Fr CATHERINE (14.08), P. TIMMERMANS (14.08 (2), 24.09, 31.12), P. BOUVIER Georges (27.08, 08.09), Mgr MORVAN (note du 15.09).
  • 1986 : P. URFIE (10.01 + conseil de district, 20.01 compte rendu de la rencontre avec Fr Timothée, 21, 25.01, 01, 03, 15 (2), 30.03, 04.04, 03, 06, 23.05, 29.07, 21.11), P. NOONAN (23.01, 27.02, 14.03, 26.04), M. Daniel CATHERINE (Fr Timothée, 02, 16.02, 25.03, 07.04, 02.05 + note sur les finances du clergé, 20.05), P. TIMMERMANS (17.02, 24.03 note, 03, 08 (2), 09.04, 23.05), P. CREAC'H (22.02), Mgr MORVAN (06, 07.03, 15.04, 27.05), note non signée, P. Jean Marie HYASINE (06, 18.04), procès-verbal de la réunion du conseil (16.06), P. NICOLAS (01.11, 12.12).
  • 1987 : Fr CATHERINE (18.02 engagement), comptes du Fr. Timothée pour l'année. Visite du P. NICOLAS (10-19.02). extraits du Droit canon.
  • 1988 : P. URFIE (30.01 + attestation du P. Rey + entrevue avec le Frère et extrait de journal), P. NICOLAS (03.03 téléphone, 29.03, 10.04 entrevue avec le Fr. (2), 21.04, 22.07, 16.09 + téléphone, 14.10, 09.11, 19.12, 20.12 proposition de lettre), P. SAVOIE (09.03, 16.04), Fr CATHERINE (30.03), P. BARBOTIN (14.10)
    Extrait de revue "Exlaustration : voluntary and involuntary, Richard HILL S.J. (mars-avril 1988)



  • 3Q1.9a1.1
  • file
  • 1986 - 1991

Correspondence 1986-1991 :

  1. 02/08/86 SecGen/Urfié : Documents re Fr. Timothée not arrived.
  2. 20/10/86 Urfié/SG : Chapter 1989. Nigerians in Guyane?
  3. 01/11/86 Nicolas/Urfié : more information re Frère Timothée.
  4. 05/11/85 SG/Urfié : Reply 2. Refers to questions raised.
  5. 20/03/87 Nicolas/Weber : Problems with Surinam.
  6. 23/03/87 Bp. Morvan/SG : personnel: Nigeria & Puerto Rico?
  7. 08/04/87 SG/Morvan : Frères de St. Jean. Approach Nigeria.
  8. 18/04/87 Urfié/Nicolas : Disappointed re lack of reinforcements.
  9. 22/05/87 Nicolas/Urfié : Reply 8. Retreat for Timothée. Nigeria.
  10. 09/07/87 Bp. Morvan/Courvoisier : Copy of letter to OMI .
  11. 18/10/87 Dist. Council/GC : Urfié was not invited to Rome.
  12. 26/12/87 Urfié/Nicolas : Sup. ignored re Nigerians in Guyane.
  13. 08/01/88 Nicolas /Urfié : Reply 12. Problem of visits to Guyane.
  14. 15/04/88 Urfié/Nicolas : Personal hostility from F. Timothée.
  15. 14/10/88 Barbotin/Nicolas: Defence of Timothée.
  16. 26/10/88 Urfié/Nicolas :Timothée ; the ball is in the GC's court !
  17. 09/11/88 Nicolas/Urfié : Pedrono new Superior from April 89.
  18. 09/11/88 Nicolas/Barbotin : Reply 15.
  19. 01/12/88 Nicolas/Urfié : Chapter & Visit. Copy of letter Timothée.
  20. 19/12/88 Nicolas/Timothée : proposal to go elsewhere.
  21. 06/06/89 Nicolas/Confreres : Approval of Chapter decisions.
  22. 13/09/89 Pedrono/Nicolas : Progress re Timothée. Nigerians.
  23. 18/10/89 Nicolas/Pedrono : Guarded optimism re Timothée.
  24. 18/05/90 Bp. Morvan/SG : Copy of letter from Card. Tomko.
  25. 25/10/90 SG/Savoie : authorisation for sale of land in Guyane.
  26. 15/10/90 Pedrono/SG : documents re sale of land at Cabassou.
  27. 20/02/91 Pedrono/Nicolas : Report on Nigerians in Guyane.
  28. 25/10/91 Pedrono/SG : Difficulties during first mandate.
  29. 14/11/91 SG/Pedrono : Reply 29. Comments on worries.



  • 8P1.2b1.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1982

Correspondence 1 : 29.09.80 - 21.09.82

  1. 29.09.80 Bevan(NB)/Sup(Connors) : correspondent for P.R.
  2. 08.10.80 Sup/NB : reply 1.
  3. 27.09.80 Sup/SG : invites representative to golden jubilee
  4. 29.10.80 Sup/NB : various news.
  5. 03.11.80 NB/Sup : will come to N. American Maj. Sups. meeting.
  6. 11.11.80 SG/Sup : Trachtler will join Bevan for above meeting.
  7. 26.11.80 Sup/NB : sends agenda points for meeting.
  8. 02.12.80 NB/Sup : add first appointments to agenda.
  9. 15.12.80 Walsh/SG : condolences on death of van Sonsbeek.
  10. 03.03.81 Sup/SG : report on first year as Superior.
  11. 26.03.81 NB/Sup : thanks for 10 and hospitality.
  12. 26.03.81 SG/Sup : reply 10.
  13. 07.04.81 Sup/NB : Suggests Chapter and Visitation early 1982.
  14. 08.06.81 NB/Sup : fixing dates. Send formation programme.
  15. 14.07.81 Sup/NB : future mission for Puerto Rican Spiritans?
  16. 20.09.81 Sup/Quesnel : Novices' stay in Guadaloupe.
  17. 19.08.81 NB/Sup : proposed meeting of all N. America
  18. 27.08.81 Sup/SG : novices to visit Guadaloupe.
  19. 25.11.81 SG/Sup : affirmative to 18.
  20. 06.04.82 NB/Sup : sends visitation report. Personnel
  21. 18.04.82 Sup/NB : Joe HARRIS for Foundation?
  22. 22.04.82 Sup/SG : sends Chapter documents.
  23. 13.08.82 Sup/SG : requests personnel.
  24. 24.08.82 SG/Sup : thanks for 23.
  25. 16.09.82 Sup/SG : thoughts on renewal courses.
  26. 21.09.82 Sup/SG : Meeting of Caribbean in February 1983.



  • 8P1.2b1.3
  • file
  • 1983 - 1984

Correspondence 3 : 15.12.83 - 29.12.84

  1. 15.12.83 Sup/SG : dispensation from vows of a student.
  2. 14.02.84 Sup/SG : no Foundation here so far, only District.
  3. 13.03.84 Sup/NB : J.HARRIS will not be novice master.
  4. 16.03.84 SG/Sup : reply 2. It is a Foundation a/c SRL.
  5. 27.03.84 Sup/SG : reply 4. dispute in theologate re dress.
  6. 09.04.84 Sup/SG : sends copy of letter from J. Harris.
  7. 23.04.84 NB/Sup : re possibilities for novice master.
  8. 10.05.84 Sup/NB : Would like GAILLARD. BARRINGTON.
  9. 17.05.84 SG/Sup : Success of stage in Mexico.
  10. 14.06.84 Sup/SG : students going to Guyane. Situation changed.
  11. 19.06.84 NB/Sup : novice master. Delegates US Chapter.
  12. 08.07.84 Sup/NB : no novitiate this year.
  13. 05.08.84 Sup/SG : Laranjeira to continue as novice master.
  14. 16.08.84 NB/Sup : reply to 13.
  15. 06.09.84 Sup/NB : re election of Provincial in US-East.
  16. 19.09.84 NB/Sup : grateful for suggestions in 15.
  17. 01.10.84 Sup/SG: report on District. Will need financial support
  18. 18.10.84 Barrington/NB : problems re Foundation and stage.
  19. 19.10.84 Barrington/SG : copy of letter to Superior (cf. 18).
  20. 21.11.84 NB/Sup : will visit PR in Jan.
  21. 28.11.84 NB/Barrington : coming to PR to discuss problems.
  22. 30.11.84 Sup/NB : dates for meeting not good.
  23. 23.12.84 SG/Sup : impressions of stage in Guyane.
  24. 29.12.84 McQuillan/SG : BARRINGTON.



  • 8P1.2b2.1
  • file
  • 1985 - 1986

Correspondence 5 : 22.07.85 - 23.05.86

  1. 22.07.85 SG/Sup : BANAHAN coming. Thanks for service
  2. 08.08.85 Sup/SG : arrangements for formation personnel.
  3. 30.08.85 McQuillan/SG : re students and formation
  4. 25.09.85 SG/McQuillan : reply 3. do not write off Guyane
  5. 03.10.85 Sup/SG : proposals for Foundation/District
  6. 08.11.85 Seichepine/SG : re first appointment Jose VILLEGAS.
  7. 09.11.85 Sup/SG : recovering from surgery.
  8. 24.11.85 SG/Sup : thanks for service as Superior.
  9. 02.12.85 McQuillan/SecGen : death of student, Juan Acevedo.
  10. 17.12.85 McQuillan/SG : Stage in Guyane. Future mission..
  11. 19.12.85 McQuillan/SG : official letter on status of Foundation.
  12. 23.12.85 SG/Sup(McQuillan) : Congrats. No to S.Domingo.
  13. 08.01.86 SecGen : condolence to parents of deceased student.
  14. 14.01.86 SecGen/Sup : reply 11. Council all away.
  15. 11.02.86 Connors/SG : reply 8. News of District and Foundation.
  16. 19.02.86 SG/Sup : reply 10 & 11. Gives official status.
  17. 19.02.86 SG/Sup : Stage. First appointment.
  18. 13.04.86 Sup/SG : First appt. Students in San Domingo.
  19. 01.04.86 Sup/SG : withdrawal from parishes.
  20. 14.04.86 SecGen/Sup : reply to requests in 19.
  21. 13.05.86 Sup/SecGen seeks dispensation for student.
  22. 23.05.86 SecGen : reply 21.



  • 3M1.14a4.1
  • file
  • 1981 - 1985

Correspondance 1981-1985 :

  1. 24.09.81 SG/Mgr. Aubry : Thanks for your support of FOI.
  2. 24.09.81 SG/Sup(Philipona) : thanks for report on FOI project.
  3. 14.10.81 Aubry/SG : reply 1. Hopes for the FOI.
  4. 10.12.81 Sup : P.Etienne GRIENENBERGER to be decorated.
  5. 11.03.82 Bolle/SG : results of straw vote for Superior.
  6. 08.10.82 Sup/SG : report of meeting of Indian Ocean Sups.
  7. 12.10.82 SG/Margeot & Aubry : P.REYMOND for both islands.
  8. 17.10.82 Wiehe/SG : visit to FOI novitiate.
  9. 20.01.83 Sup/SG : new year greetings.
  10. 01.02.83 Gross/Sup : reply 9. his long letter on FOI gone astray.
  11. 17.01.84 SecGen/Sup : Ezeonyia to do visitation in May.
  12. 06.03.84 Sup/SG : sends report of FOI Sups. meeting.
  13. 24.03.84 SG/Sup : reply 12. Ned MANSFIELD for Hendon?
  14. 14.04.84 Gross/Sup : Future of Rose-Hill. ONYEMBO Comores?
  15. 16.04.84 Sup/Ezeonyia : arrangements for District Chapter.
  16. 28.05.84 Gross/Baronnet : against Mgr. ONYEMBO for Comores.
  17. 28.09.84 Sup/SG : Sends Chapter documents. Appointments.
  18. 24.10.84 Ezeonyia/Sup : reply 17.
  19. 06.12.84 Sup/SG : does not want to be considered for Superior
  20. 28.12.84 Littner/Sup : re the mode of election the Superior.
  21. 06.02.85 Dattas/SG : reminiscences.
  22. 11.02.85 Sup/SG : Willing to continue work with FOI.
  23. 26.02.85 Sup/SG : sends various documents.
  24. 21.03.85 Gross/Sup : thanks for accepting to be Superior again.
  25. 18.03.85 SG/Sup : same as 24.


Results 331 to 340 of 4816