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  • 4N2.6a2.3
  • file
  • 1990 - 1992

Correspondence 23/05/90 - 27/02/92

  1. 23.05.90 Doyle/Bevan : re Lay Associates.
  2. 23.05.90 Doyle/Koren : reply 23.
  3. 31.05.90 Doyle/Bevan : sends final Visitation report.. Duquesne as Congregational asset.
  4. 26.06.90 Bevan/Doyle : thanks for Visitation report. Tribute to Duquesne.
  5. 11.07.90 Hogan/Haas : invitation to J.McNULTY's jubilee.
  6. 23.07.90 Haas/Hogan : reply 5. Appreciation of Fr. McNULTY.
  7. 27.07.90 Bevan/Doyle : possibility of working in Vatican for refugees.
  8. 11.10.90 Bevan : circular re Enlarged Provincial Council.
  9. 20.11.90 Bevan/Wiehe : election process for the Provincial.
  10. 07.01.91 Bevan/SG : D.NESTI to transfer to USA-West.
  11. 12.01.91 Goncalves/Bevan : problems of Ed. Hearn in Paraguay. Report from Group leader, Francois Coquerel.
  12. 21.03.91 SG/Bevan : M. Doyle to assist at Provincial Chapter.
  13. 06.06.91 Wiehe/Bevan: sends report of visit to Kilimanjaro.
  14. 21.06.91 Bevan/Wiehe : reply 14. Re-elected Provincial.
  15. 12.07.91 Wiehe/Bevan : congrats on re-election. Consecration of M. Piat
  16. 09.07.91 Goncalves/Bevan : HEARN. MacCLOSKEY. MIRANDA.
  17. 22.08.91 Doyle/Bevan : re departure of B. GRIZARD and possible repercussions.
  18. 30.08.91 Bevan/Doyle : reply 17. GRIZARD. Educators' conference. Paraguay : copy of letter from Superior. Future hispanophone novitiate in Paraguay ?
  19. 10.09.91 Bevan/Archbp. of Asuncion : sorry with problems re E. HEARN.
  20. 16.10.91 Doyle/Bevan : Council approves Chapter documents and offers help.
  21. 28.10.91 Bevan/Doyle : first appointment suggestions.
  22. 29.01.92 Bevan/Doyle : request for novitiate in Chicago.
  23. 08.02.92 SG/Healy : reply to letter re situation in Haiti.
  24. 27.02.92 Promis/Bevan : suggestions for first appointments.



  • 4N2.5a3.3
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  • 1983 - 1983

Correspondance 07/03/83 - 20/07/83 :

  1. 07.03.83 Pro/Guatier : re T.SCHAEFER
  2. 08.03.83 Pro/NB : Various confreres. EAF confs. for mission collections
  3. 11.03.83 SG/Nest : Frs. CLARKE and VAN KESSEL
  4. 11.03.83 Pro/SG : photos of SG.
  5. 18.03.83 NB/Nesti : Mission Congress. Funding
  6. 07.04.83 Astorino/NB : re Mission Congress, July 84.
  7. 20.04.83 Pro/NB : EAP confreres to US
  8. 04.05.83 Pro/NB : sends info on A.F.J.N.
  9. 10.05.83 Pro/SG : contract re publication of Koren's book
  10. 06.06.83 NB/Astorino : reply to 6
  11. 09.06.83 Pro/McCarthy : problem re Irish students working in US during vacation.
  12. 10.06.83 Pro/NB : N.McQUILLAN. Various confreres.
  13. 14.06.83 NB/Pro : refers to a crisis for Provincial. Refers to many other matters.
  14. 20.06.83 Carville/NB : re visit and Provincial business
  15. 25.06.83 NB/Carville : reply to 14
  16. 29.06.83 NB/Zabarowski : thanks for Poland donation
  17. 04.07.83 NB/Pro : thanks for state of Province report. Varia
  18. 11.07.83 Pro/NB : reply to 13. Depressed about the Province
  19. 13.07.83 NB/Pro : Br.AMBROSE. T.SCHAEFER
  20. 20.07.83 NB/Schaefer : re joining US-East Province



  • 4N2.5a4.1
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  • 1984 - 1984

Correspondance 03/04/84 - 21/08/84 :

  1. 03.04.84 Vilkauskas/NB : France and CTU. News of students
  2. 10.04.84 Crowley/SG : permission to build retirement house
  3. 22.04.84 NB/Pro : E.HEARN, D.MFOI, C.NYAKI
  4. 18.04.84 NB/Schaefer : will come to Polish pilgrimage
  5. 01.05.84 NB/Poirier : comments on his book on Maasai
  6. 10.05.84 van der POEL/SG : seminar on missions
  7. 16.05.84 Pro/NB : thanks for comments on Donna Nash's book. PODOBINSKI. CHIARAMONTE. VILKAUSKAS. GITTINS.
  8. 22.05.84 NB/Hearn : suggestions for new appointment
  9. 23.05.84 SG/Nesti : sympathy for problems at Duquesne
  10. 29.05.84 Promis/NB : personal news. Recyclage at CTU. 11. 30.05.84 Hearn/NB : re new appointment
  11. 08.07.84 NB/Vilkauskas : sympathy for troubles. Missionary Institute, London.
  12. 12.07.84 Pro/NB : VILKAUSKAS. HEARN. Assessment of Assembly.
  13. 18.06.84 NB/Pro : reply to 6. Representation at Provincial Chapter. Many other points.
  14. 29.07.84 SG/Pro : re Prov. Assembly
  15. 29.07.84 Promis/SG : Problems re election of Provincial. Includes letter to PRO. Mission v Province.
  16. 10.08.84 Bascio/SG : protest over proposed election of Prov.
  17. 17.08.84 NB/Pro : Comments on Assembly. Sympathy for suffering. Various confreres. Optimism for Province
  18. 21.08.84 Pro/SG : DEXEL. Assembly. Election of Provincial.



  • 4N2.5a2.3
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  • 1981 - 1981

Correspondance 11/06/81 - 01/11/81 :

  1. 11.06.81 Varga/NB : announcing workshop at Duquesne
  2. 16.06.81 NB/Pro re J.VIEW
  3. 29.06.81 Koren/SG : sends proofs of "To the Ends of the Earth"
  4. 03.07.81 Pro/Gross : offers himself for planning at Generalate. Reflects on his future
  5. 22.07.81 Podobinski/NB : questions re Cor Unum fund
  6. 18.08.81 Podobinski/NB : more questions re Cor Unum
  7. 30.08.81 NB/Pro : reflections on Nigeria. Tanzania and Kenya.
  8. 31.08.81 NB/Pro : details re Cor Unum
  9. 03.09.81 NB/Pro : details of laicisation process
  10. 03.09.81 NB/Podobinski : more info. re Cor Unum
  11. 02.09.81 SG/Nesti : problems at Duquesne
  12. 09.09.81 Kealy/SG : problems with appt. to CIWA
  13. 19.09.81 NB/Jendzura : tanks for money for Poland
  14. 21.09.81 SG/Nadar : look after an Igbo student in Detroit
  15. 27.09.81 NB/Pro : re future of G.HILLMAN
  16. 28.09.81 Gross/PRO : thanks for stay. Irish Confs. in US. Arrangements for visit of Bruno and self.
  17. 29.09.81 NB/Fay : re "Cahiers Spiritains".
  18. 05.10.81 NB/Pro planning and research at Generalate. Possibility of Headley taking the job
  19. 08.10.81 Walsh/SG : news of Duquesne and family
  20. 10.10.81 NB/Pro : meeting of N.American Sups.
  21. 10.10.81 NB/Varga : reply to 1
  22. 13.10.81 Pro/NB : reply to 7. G.HILLMAN. News of confreres.
  23. 01.10.81 Nesti/Hillman : re recent interview
  24. 21.10.81 NB/Pro : thanks for solidarity
  25. 21.10.81 Pro/NB : G.HILLMAN.
  26. 28.10.81 Pro/NB : reply to 24. re money for Chapter
  27. 29.10.81 Pro/NB : reply to 20. arrangements for visitation
  28. 31/10.81 Gross/Cronin : arrangements for visitation
  29. 01.11.81 NB/Pro : reply to 22. Topics for discussion.



  • 4N2.5a3.4
  • file
  • 1983 - 1984

Correspondance 01/08/83 - 28/03/84 :

  1. 01.08.83 Pro/SG : death of Pere Lecuyer
  2. 28.08.83 Littner/Pro death of Giovanni (Porterina)
  3. 13.09.83 SG/Nesti : S.MOORE. T.GITTINS
  4. 04.10.83 Nesti/SG : reply to 13. A.CLARKE. S.MOORE. T.GITTINS. Relations between Cong. and Duquesne
  5. 17.10.83 NB/Pro : J.BABU. SG to visit US twice in 84
  6. 25.10.83 Healy/NB & Trachtler : Thanks for support for J & P work.
  7. 10.11.83 Vilkauskas/NB : problems in formation house
  8. 12.11.83 NB/Vilkauskas : re problems in formation and relations with Provincial admin.
  9. 16.11.83 SG/Nesti : reply to 4.
  10. 23.11.83 Pro/SecGen : details of vows.
  11. 08.12.83 Pro/NB : reply to 5
  12. 08.12.83 Pro/SecGen : approves transfer of J.BABU to EAP
  13. 22.12.83 Doyle/SG;NB : grateful for associate experience in Tanzania
  14. 17.03.84 NB/Vilkauskas : send info. on novice masters' course
  15. 19.03.84 Pro/SG : re Bill PODOBINSKI's departure
  16. 20.03.84 NB/Pro : strong criticism of document by Donna Amy Nash.
  17. 20.03.84 NB/Pro : R.MASSARO. Various news.
  18. 27.03.84 NB/Pro : M.O'NEILL. B.BUTT. E.HEARN.
  19. 28.03.84 NB/Pro : thanks for report of visit of Tanzania



  • 4N2.5a4.2
  • file
  • 1984 - 1985

Correspondance 24/08/84 - 02/02/85 :

  1. 24.08.84 NB/Weber : support after resignation.
  2. 10.09.84 NB/Pro : M.FILLIE. D.DEXEL.
  3. 11.09.84 Bascio/SG : future appointment.
  4. 05.09.84 Nesti/Pro : resigns from Provincial Council
  5. 27.09.84 Pro/NB : sends forms for renewal of vows.
  6. 01.10.84 NB/Weber : Thanks for letter (missing) outlining problems. 7. 03.10.84 Pro/Okoye : re Nigerian students coming to US
  7. 09.10.84 Hillman/SG : objects to proposal to elect Provincial in assembly
  8. 20.10.84 SG/Prov. Council : G.C. decides that next election must be held in Chapter. Only Chap. can decide the method. Call for unity.
  9. 20.10.84 NB/Pro : G.C. asks that contents of 9 be brought to attention of all members of Province and Districts.
  10. 03.11.84 NB/Pro : V.Donovan for AMACEA pastoral Institute
  11. 09.11.84 Nesti/SG : support for decision in 9
  12. 14.11.84 McEachin/SG : more comment on the election question
  13. 14.11.84 Nesti/NB : sends minutes of corporation meeting
  14. 14.11.84 Promis/SG reaction to decision in 9
  15. 20.11.84 Pro/SG : reaction to 9. Reflections about his own leadership.
  16. 15.11.84 Promis/NB : reflections on 9. CTU experience stimulating.
  17. 13.12.84 Pro/SG : DONOVAN. COTTINGHAM.
  18. 17.12.84 Student Community : send "A Spiritan call to Action".
  19. 05.01.85 NB/Students : endorsement of 19.
  20. 17.01.85 Pro/SG : results of straw vote. Reflects on NB as next Provincial
  21. 17.01.85 Pro/NB : urges that he should not hastily withdraw name from vote. Similar letter to 5 other confreres.
  22. 02.02.85 SG/Pro : reply to 16. Encouragement in suffering



  • 4N2.7.2
  • file
  • 1994 - 1996
  1. 07.11.1994: Headley/Kelly: African church as peacemaker
  2. 09.11.1994: Headley/KELLY: request recommandation re Haïti work
  3. 11.11.1994: Schouver/Headley: reply 1 &2
  4. 29.11.1994: Hillman/Shao: re missiologie project
  5. 06.01.1995: Headley/Schouver: reply 4. further developpement
  6. 15.02.1996: Smith/Schouver: meeting of N.Am.bursars
  7. 21.04.1995: Promis/Schouver: suggestions for founding initiatives
  8. 22.04.1995: Schouver/Promis: reply 7. Good suggestions
  9. 17.06.1995: Schouver/Hillman: approval for missiology workshops
  10. 17.06.1995: Schouver/Promis: EGC favours new Founds for project
    11 27.06.1995: Kelly/Promis: Enquiry about gen.chapter at Duquesne
  11. 08.09.1995: Promis/Schouver: reply 11. answers questions
  12. 03.10.1995: Pearson/Wijnen: send article on associates.Futur?
  13. 17.10.1995: Bevan/Schouver: Sends his inaugural adress at CTU
  14. 08.11.1995: Kelly/Promis: Guideliness for Spiritans in USA
  15. 15.11.1995: Schouver/Promis: general chapter to be in Ireland
  16. 29.11.1995: Promis/Schouver: reply 16. disappointment
  17. 11.12.1995: Schouver/Bevilaqua: thanks for Christmass greetings
  18. 25.06.1996: Promis/Kelly: re 15.Does not cover all abuses
  19. 02.07.1996: Promis/Bongo: delegates to conflict resolution meeting?



  • 4N2.5a4.4
  • file
  • 1986 - 1986

Correspondence 06/01/86 - 11/07/86

  1. 06.01.86 SecGen/Gittins : thanks for "Heart of Prayer".
  2. 13.01.86 NB/SG : V.STEGMAN. T.SCHAEFER.
  3. 26.01.86 Gittins/SG : Happily settled in CTU. Asks financial helf for "Mende Religion"
  4. 07.02.86 Crowley/SG : appreciation of Xmas letter.
  5. 12.02.86 Healy/SG : congrats. for support of Haiti.
  6. 26.02.86 SecGen/Healy : reply to 5. Joy is shared.
  7. 18.03.86 SG/Healy : thanks for 5.
  8. 1986 SG/NB : Visit to England. IOF students
  10. 29.04.86 Chiaramonte/SG: settling to new job.
  11. 13.05.86 Nesti/SG : asks for help to get S.Kealy back for theology at Duquesne.
  12. 16.05.86 NB/SG : T.SCHAEFER for CAR?
  13. 12.06.86 Murray/SG: proposals re Duquesne Corporation and the Congregation.
  14. 15.06.86 SG/Nesti : will support request for S.KEALY. Still awaits communication from Duquesne Corporation.
  15. 11.07.86 SG/Murray : reply to 13. Does not agree with appointment of membership. Hopes for an improvement in attitude to leadership.



  • 4N2.5a4.3
  • file
  • 1985 - 1985

Correspondence 18.03.85 - 15.11.85

  1. 18.03.85 : Pro/NB : future ministry for himself. Refugees. Updating. Next Provincial
  2. 18.03.85 : Pro/SG : thanks for support. Coming Chapter
  3. 23.03.85 : NB/Schaefer : sends requested personal profile
  4. 24.03.85 : NB/Nesti : arrangements for SG visit.
  5. 01.04.85 : NB/Pro: reply to 1. Formators for P.Rico. DEXEL. Thoughts re future appt. Bp. DURNING.
  6. 04.04.85 : Pro/SG : not insisting that he come to Chapter
  7. 16.04.85 : Tunney/NB : N.MARCHESSAULT returning to Tanzania
  8. 18.04.85 : Pro/NB : reply to 5.
  9. 04.05.85 : Cottingham/SG : re future appointment
  10. 21.05.85 : SG/Murray : role of Duquesne Corporation in representing the Congregation
  11. 30.03.85 : Harris/SG : invite to visit student house, Chicago
  12. 21.06.85 : Harris/NB : proposes US students for Chapter chores
  13. 24.06.85 : Pro/SG : N.Bevan elected as Provincial. Details of vote
  14. 25.06.85 : Renaud/NB : congrats. from Canadian Province
  15. 31.07.85 : SG/NB : wishes for new post.
  16. 31/07.85 : SG/Headley : appreciation of his leadership
  17. 31.07.85 : Pro/SG : first appointments DUAIME, SAWICKI.
  18. 16.08.85 : Maciel/SG : from Portuguese centre USA
  19. 28.08.85 : Pro(NB)/SG : tanks for encouragement.
  20. 01.09.85 : Koren/SG : re action to request Martin Bodewes re-publish MS.
  21. 10.09.85 : Nesti/SG : looks for Spiritans for theology posts
  22. 09.10.85 : SG/Koren : thanks and appreciation for "The serpent and the Dove"
  23. 09.10.85 : SG/van KAAM : appreciation of his books sent.
  24. 17.10.85 : SG/Pro : C.CONNORS. D.SORMANI
  25. 15.11.85 : Torres Neiva/Maciel : reply to 17.



  • 4N2.5a3.1
  • file
  • 1982 - 1982

Correspondance 01/04/82 - 22/10/82 :

  1. 01.04.82 GC : greetings to meeting of spiritan students at Bethel Park
  2. 11.04.82 NB/Pro : arrangements for Maj. Sups. meeting
  3. 20.04.82 Pro/SG : thanks for 1
  4. 03.05.82 Pro : agenda for meeting of Maj. Sups.
  5. 04.05.82 Pro/Massaro : asked to produce report re possible entity to support justice in Africa
  6. 03.06.82 Pro : further arrangements for Sups. meeting
  7. 13.07.82 Pro/SG : re G.WALSH, M.FAY for Generalate
  8. 16.07.82 SG/Philben : attitude of himself and Fr. Murray on recent visit
  9. 19.07.82 SG/Duquesne Corp. : gives points he would like to discuss
  10. 12.08.82 Nesti/SG : points to be discussed during visit
  11. 20.08.82 SG/Nesti : thanks for hospitality during visit. Refs. to meeting with Corp. at Duquesne.
  12. 18.08.82 Pro/Crowley : re publication of Koren's book.
  13. 23.08.82 SG/Pro : Thanks for hospitality. Comments on visit
  14. 23.08.82 SG/Chiaramonte : discrepancy at Bethel between his vision and that of Provincial leadership
  15. 30.08.82 SG/Pro : re expenses during visit.
  16. 31.08.82 Nesti/SG : T. TUNNEY for Duquesne
  17. 07.09.82 Nesti/SG : re T.TUNNEY
  18. 13.09.82 Pro/SG : New provincial council
  19. 08.10.82 Pro/SG : reactions to reports on visit.
  20. 08.10.82 Pro/NB : Support of Generalate. Refers to problem in 15
  21. 18.10.82 Pro/SG : re first appt. of T.SCHAEFER
  22. 22.10.82 SG/Pro : problems in Ethiopia
  23. 22.10.82 NB/Brennan : comments on his protest to Pope about EGC priorities.


Résultats 41 à 50 sur 1393