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  • 2Q7.1b1.2
  • file
  • 1982 - 1985

Correspondence 18.05.82 - 12.02.85

  1. 18.05.82 Sup/BT (Bruno TRächtler)
  2. 09,07,82 Sup/BT.
  3. 22.09.82 Sup/BT.
  4. 24.09.82 Sup/SG : news of the District.
  5. 20.11.82 Sup/BT.
  6. no date BT/Sup.
  7. 24.03.83 BT/Sup.
  8. 24.03.83 BT/Sup.
  9. 31.03.83 Sup/BT.
  10. 30.04.83 SG/Sup : reports from recent visitations.
  11. 14.07.83 BT/Sup.
  12. 13.09.83 Sup/BT.
  13. 17.11.83 Mozé Portello/SecGen : novitiate opening 16.01.84.
  14. 09.01.84 Sergio Castriani/Torres Neiva.
  15. 05.03.84 Sup/BT.
  16. 12.04.84 BT/Sup : student meeting in USA.
  17. 28.04.84 Sup/GC : seeks permission to sell property.
  18. 28.04.84 Sup/BT.
  19. 26.09.84 Sup/SG: personnel needs of District, especially Tefé.
  20. 26.09.84 Sup/Littner : professions, deferment of profession .
  21. 03.10.84 Littner/Sup : answer to 20.
  22. 14.10.84 Sup/BT.
  23. 07.11.84 Sup/BT : Personnel. Foundation.
  24. 19.12.84 Sup/SG : Xmas greetings. Spiritan seminar in 1985.
  25. 20.12.84 Sup/BT.
  26. 12.02.85 S.Castriani/SG : Philosophy house. Foundation.



  • 2Q7.1b1.5
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  • 1980 - 1986

Chapters 1980 & 1986
Visitation 1983

  1. 16.09.80 Minutes of the Extraordinary District Chapter.
  2. 09.10.80 Stollenwerk : announces new Superior and Council.
  3. Dec 82 Report on Visitation of the District : Bruno Trachtler.
  4. 10.01.86 Announcing District Chapter April 1986.



  • 2Q7.1a5
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  • 1974 - 1980

1.- Lettres de 1974 : P. KNIEBELER (16.11).

  • 1975 : P. KASPER (28.02 votes), P. BUCHKREMER (12.03), deux novices (01.04), P. LENZBACH (04.07), P. SCHNEIDER (04.07), P. SCHUMACHER (14.08), P. SCHULLER (?, 31.08), P. KNIEBELER (08.09), P. WEISGERBER (08.10), PP. NETO & LANKVELD (circ. 21.10 + trad. en français), P. VELSINGER (24.10), P. HARTMANN (05.11), Fr. SEIFERT Joachim (01.12).
  • 1976 : P. HASENFRATZ Alphonse (15.08), P. SCHNEIDER Walter (17.11, 08.12). - 1977 : M. Dario NECKEL (09.04), P. van SONSBEEK (15.06 (2), 25.11), P. BORRO (03.06), Fr Alfredo da SILVA (17.11 + trad.), P. SCHUMACHER (05.12), P. VELSINGER (16.12).
  • 1978 : Fr Alfredo da SILVA (25.02), P. van SONSBEEK (télégr. sans date), P. GROSS (11.03), Fr LÜCKMANN (12.03), Fr SCHÜLLER 03.09 comptes), P. TIMMERMANS (11.09), P. KNIEBELER (19.10).
  • 1979 : Fr LÜCKMANN (02.03, 25.07), P. MERKEL Meinrad (11.03, 17.09), P. KNIEBELER (12.03), P. van SONSBEEK (21.03), P. HASENFRATZ (30.05).
    1. Correspondance avec le P. LUTZ :
      P. LUTZ (17.05, 16.08.1975, 28.03, 17.08.1976, 29.07.1977, 19.05, 23.09.1978, 10.02, 10.04, 15.06, 23.08.1979, 09.01.1980) P. LITTNER (20.03.1978 + note du P. Thielemeier).
    2. Correspondance du P. SPÖRNDLI (Salete) :
      12.01, 30.03.1975, 06.01.1976, 03.02, 04.04, 23.05, 16.07, 01.12.1977, 05.05.1978.
    3. Correspondance avec le P. URBANEK :
      P. URBANEK (22.01, 06.03, 14.05, 24.06, 15.11.1975, 07.09.1976, 03.06.1977, 29.08.1977 téléphone, 23.10, 14.11, 01.12.1977, 04, 13.05, 22.07.1978), P. van SONSBEEK (03.07, 12.08.1975, 19.11, 13.12.1977), P. TORRES NEIVA (24.10.1977), P. THIELEMEIER (2 du 05.11.1977).
    4. Correspondance avec le P. TRÄCHTLER :
      P. Bruno TRÄCHTLER (20.08.1975, 04.08, 17.09.1978, 02.01.1979 + affectation de Sergio Castriani, 04.03.1979 + trad., 06, 26.06.1979, sans date, 14.11, 26.12.1979, 13.01.1980 (2), janv. 1980 circ., 05.03.1980 (2), 2 du 05.04.1980), P. LITTNER (03.04, 24.11.1979), P. THIELEMEIER (17.06, 09.12.1979, télégr. déc.1979, 13, 22.01, 09.06.1980), P. TIMMERMANS (24.08.1979), P. van SONSBEEK (17.03.1980).



  • 2Q7.1a3
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  • 1969 - 1974
  1. Lettres de 1969 : résumé des correspondances (en anglais).
    P. STÖCKER (15.01, 24.03 (2), 10.06 (2), 23, 30.08 (2), 23 (3), 29.10, 23.11, 14.12), P. HANSEN (12.03, 27.05), P. POHLEN (31.03, 01.11), P. KASPER (09.09), P. DREWES (06.11), P. URBANEK (11.11).
    • 1970 : résumé des correspondances (en anglais).
      P. STÖCKER (15.01, 02, 21.03, 08, 15, 18, 23.04 (2), 15.08 (2), 21.11), P. KASPER (08, 10.03), P. URBANEK (09.04, 26.08, 07.11), P. SCHLÜCKING (17.12), P. LUTZ (circulaire sans date, 1er dim. de l'Avent).
  2. 1971 : Résumé des correspondances (en anglais) de 1971 et 1972.
    P. URBANEK Winfried (08.01, 15.02, 15.04, 18.06, 18.07, 08.12 résumé), P. STÖCKER (10.02, 05.04, 26.05, 25.06, 08.07, 16.08, 15.10, 24.11, 08.12 + extrait de bulletin sur l'ouverture de Mangalot), P. LUTZ Gregor (29.03, 08.06, 2e dim. de l'Avent), P. KASPER (13.04).
    Ponte (bulletin du district n° 1, mai 1971, 10 p.
    • 1972 : P. STÖCKER (20, 29.01, 21.03, 26.04, 16.05, 07, 12.06, 04.07, 03, 06.11, 16.12 + note sur le noviciat), P. URBANEK (27.03, 18.05, 25.06, 16.09), P. LÜTZ (08.04, 12.07 circ.27.09, 18.11), P. KASPER (17.05).
  3. 1973 : Résumé des correspondances (en anglais) de 1973 et 1974.
    P. URBANEK (06.01, 28.03, 02.06, 22.10, 08.12), P. POHLEN (15.01), P. STÖCKER (26.01, 05, 06.02, 08, 25.05, 08.06, 26.10, 05, 11.11), P. STRICK (11.01), P. KASPER (01.02, 17.10), P. LUTZ (13.02 + note sur Capela Santa Domitila, note du 10.04, 01, 17.05, 07.07 circ.n 21, 23.11, 18.12), collective (de Salete avril, Pentecôte, 05.12), P. da SILVA (10.12).
    • 1974 : P. URBANEK (13.01, 25.02), P. STÖCKER (14.01, 11.02, 26.03, 20.04), P. BARMAS (07.01), P. KASPER (16.03).
  4. Divers : P. STÖCKER (21.06.1969, 23.02, 14.07, 28.04.1970, 10.01, 01.09.1973), Mgr de MILLEVILLE (08.03), P. MOORE (05 (2), 08.11), P. URBANEK (06.01 demande d'aide), Collective (24.05), P. LECUYER (19.06).



  • 2Q7.1b1.1
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  • 1980 - 1982

Correspondence 08.09.80 - 20.04.82

  1. 08.09.80 Comunidade Laval/SG : congrats. on re-election.
  2. 31.01.81 SG/Communidade Laval : thanks for 1.
  3. no date Sup (Velsinger) : Br. Valmor.
  4. 09.02.81 Littner/Sup : reply to 3.
  5. 13.02.81 Bruno Trächtler/Sup.
  6. 15.02.81 van Eck/SG : His work in S. Brazil.
  7. no date Sup/BT.
  8. 02.03.81 Sup/BT.
  9. 03.03.81 Sup/Littner : reply to 4.
  10. 26.03.81 BT?/Sup.
  11. 26.03.81 SG/van Eck : reply to 6.
  12. 09.05.81 Sup/BT.
  13. 27.05.81 BT/Sup.
  14. 28.09.81 Sup/BT.
  15. 23.10.81 BT/Sup.
  16. 03.12.81 Sup/BT.
  17. 23.12.81 Joao Alves/TN : re Br. Pedro FREIRE going to S.Tomé
  18. 08.01.82 Torres Neiva/Joao Alves : reply to 17.
  19. 17.02.82 Sup/BT.
  20. 24.02.82 Sup/BT.
  21. 20.03.82 BT/Sup.
  22. 24.03.82 Sup/BT.
  23. 20.04.82 Sup/BT.



  • 2Q7.1b2.1
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  • 1986 - 1988

Correspondence 25.09.86 - 12.11.88

  1. 25.09.86 Pontelo/GC : Formation and Foundation.
  2. 17.11.86 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Re meeting of Sups.
  3. 19.11.86 Pontelo/Gonçalves : GC to the meeting of Superiors.
  4. 12.12.86 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Formation.
  5. 20.02.87 Gonçalves/Br.William : request work at Generalate.
  6. 06.03.87 Pontelo : Evaluation of FAC confrere in Brazil.
  7. 23.03.87 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Varia.
  8. 31.03.87 Gonçalves/Buchkremer : Reply to 6.
  9. No date Pontelo/GC : Seeks permission to move novitiate.
  10. 09.04.87 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Proposed visit to Rome.
  11. 10.04.87 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Reply 9.
  12. May 87 Buchkremer : Re death of Fr. Geraldo (Egon) Ofer.
  13. 03.11.87 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Sale of Salete authorised
  14. 03.09.87 Pontelo/GC : Requests permission to sell property.
  15. 18.09.87 Pontelo/ Gonçalves : Varia.
  16. Sept 87 Petitioners/SG : Petition re Gregor Lutz.
  17. 02.10.87 SG/Petitioners : Reply to 16.
  18. 05.11.87 SG/Card. Arns : Problem of removal of Fr. Gregor Lutz.
  19. 21.11.87 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Varia regarding the District.
  20. 05.12.87 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Annual District Assembly.
  21. 13.03.88 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Reply 20.
  22. 11.04.88 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Re visitation of the District.
  23. 25.05.88 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Re the future Province.
  24. 12.11.88 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Varia.



  • 2Q7.1b2.2
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  • 1988 - 1990

Correspondence 06.12.88 - 02.04.90

  1. 06.12.88 Gonçalves/Pontelo : First appointment of Ezenaldo.
  2. 09.12.88 Buchkremer/Marzinkowski : Future of German confs.
  3. 29.01.89 Pontelo/Gonçalves : First appointment.
  4. 09.03.89 Peters/SG : Silver Jubilee of Irish in Brazil.
  5. 19.03.89 Pontelo/GC : Transition from Foundation to Province.
  6. 21.03.89 Pontelo/Gonçalves : General news of District.
  7. 15.04.89 Gonçalves/Pontelo : Reply to 6.
  8. 21.04.89 Falquetto/SG : Invitation to conf. of Brazilian Religious.
  9. 02.05.89 Marzinkowski/Br. Helmut : Re error in Etat.
  10. May 89 Gonçalves/GC : re transition to Province.
  11. 29.05.89 SG/Falquetto : Reply 8.
  12. 26.06.89 Pontelo/GC : Consulting re future appurtenance .
  13. 11.10.89 Gonçalves/Pontelo.
  14. 10.09.89 Pontelo/GC : More re transition to Province : 2nd draft.
  15. 15.09.89 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Re transition.
  16. 21.10.89 Gonçalves/Pontelo : provisional statutes of Province.
  17. 27.11.89 Pontelo/GC.
  18. 04.12.89 Pontelo/Gonçalves : Varia.
  19. 02.04.90 Dom Bernardino/SG : Brazilian Bishops seek funds.



  • 2Q7.1b1.3
  • file
  • 1985 - 1986

Correspondence 22.02.85 - 24.06.86

  1. 22.02.85 Sup (Velsinger)/Sup. Gén. : Spiritan spirituality seminar.
  2. 25.03.85 SG/Sup : reply to 1.
  3. 25.03.85 SG/Castriani : Retreat for Spiritan Congress.
  4. 20.04.85 Sup/SG : Encontrao. Dom Mario. Spirituality conf.
  5. 20.04.85 Sup/Bruno Trächtler.
  6. 02.05.85 BT/Sup.
  7. no date Sup/GC : José EISING.
  8. 03.06.85 Sup/BT.
  9. 25.06.85 Sup/SG : news of District.
  10. 29.07.85 SG : support to Combonis and Bishop of Parana.
  11. 04.08.85 Sup/BT.
  12. 27.08.85 Sup/GC : Lazaro de ROCHA.
  13. 21.09.85 BT/Sup.
  14. 07.10.85 Sup/BT.
  15. 14.10.85 SG/Noviciate community : letter after visit to Novitiate.
  16. 05.12.85 Sup/BT.
  17. 16.02.86 Sup/BT.
  18. 25.02.86 Sup/Noonan and Littner : sends information.
  19. 08.03.86 Sup/BT.
  20. 30.04.86 SG/Sup : appreciation of work as Superior.
  21. 30.04.86 SG/Mozé Pontello : congrats on election as Superior.
  22. 14.06.86 Sup/SG : thanks for 21.
  23. 16.06.86 Bp. Angelico Bernadino/SG : asks help with seminary.
  24. 24.06.86 Sup/GC : Jorge MENDES.
  25. 24.06.86 Sup/SG : news of District.



  • 2Q7.1b2.3
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  • 1987 - 1989

General Council Decisions 1986 - 1992

  1. 23.09.87 Alderon da Costa.
  2. 13.10.87 Authorises sale of a building and land.
  3. 15.02.89 First appointment : Ezenaldo Araujo to Brazil Sul.
  4. 02.06.89 Mandate of Provincial extended by one year.
  5. 06.10.89 Enidio Filho dispensed from temporary vows.
  6. 22.12.89 Joâo Amorim dispensed from temporary vows.



  • 2Q7.1b1.4
  • file
  • 1980 - 1986

General Council Decisions 1980 - 1986 :

  1. 29.09.80 Klaus VELSINGER appointed Superior 1st. mandate.
  2. 03.11.80 Anticipation of vows : FREIRE & SEBOLD
  3. 26.05.81 First Appts. : FREIRE, EISING, SEBOLD, LUCKMANN.
  4. 22.10.81 José ALVARES.
  5. 16.05.83 Erection of novitiate at Ceilandia, Brasilia.
  6. 05.07.83 Klaus VELSINGER appointed Superior 2nd. mandate.
  7. 03.10.83 First appointments : CHIUZO, J.OLIVEIRA, G OLIVEIRA.
  8. 06.09.85 L. MENDES DA ROCHA.
  9. 07.10.85 First appointments : GUIMARAES. De SOUZA.
  10. 25.11.85 José EISING.
  11. 29.04.86 Mozé Pontello appointed Superior 1st. mandate.
  12. 08.07.86 G.MENDEZ.


Résultats 101 à 110 sur 246