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  • 3C5.1.4
  • file
  • 1983 - 1983

General Administration: Correspondence 1983:

  1. Timmermans/Daly : thanks for preparation of new Constitutions.
    2 Ferrari/S.G. thanks for copy of his report on Sierra Leone.
  2. 10.06.1983 : Daly/Timmermans : Moore; Gittins; Jenkinson; Headley.
  3. 25.05.1983 : Kelly/Watters : accepts to preach Council retreat.
  4. 11.06.1983 : GC/Constitutions Committee : advice for work.
  5. 18.06.1983 : Jenkinson/Bevan: superior of students' community?
  6. 18.06.1983 : Bevan/Rome student community : comment on 7.
  7. 30.06.1983 : Bevan/Jenkinson : result of consultation of students.
  8. 10.06.1983 : Daly/Timmermans : comments on his draft text.
  9. 27.06.1983 : Timmermans/Daly : reply 10.
  10. 12.06.1983 : Daly/Timmermans : further reactions to process.
  11. 14.07.1983 : Timmermans/Torres Neiva : looking for a bursar.
  12. 05.09.1983 : Claessens/Timmermans : invite to mission assembly.
  13. 12.08.1983 : Renaud : preparations for the General Chapter, 1986.
  14. 14.09.1983 : McDonald/Timmermans : available for re-appointment
  15. 13.09.1983 : Daly/Timmermans : criticism of procedure of GC
  16. 27.10.1983 : Timmermans/Schoerer : thanks for generous gift.
  17. 31.10.1983 : GC/Constit. Commission : re meeting in Carcavellos
  18. 01.12.1983 : Timmermans/Taylor : thanks for service at Generalate
  19. 01.12.1983 : Timmermans/Maj. Sups : work of Council session.



  • 3C5.1.6
  • file
  • 1984 - 1985

General Administration: Correspondence 1984 - 1985 :

  1. S.G./Via Piemonte Comm: consulation for Superior.
  2. S.G./Mgr. Hertenrath. Thanks for sponsorship of Fr. Doheny.
  3. Bevan: circular re formators meeting.
  4. B. McLaughlin/N.B : representatives for Formators meeting.
  5. S.G./Maj.Sups. Reports from Circums. as prep. for Gen. Chap.
  6. N.B./Maj. Sups Re - priorities & urgent needs of personnel.
  7. G.C./Maj. Sups. Re - represent. at Gen. Chapter (GC/2/86).
  8. J. de B./B. Mathis Re - Br. Rey remaining at Gen. until Aug 85.
  9. M. Piat/Ezeonyia : Re accept invit. to be moderator at Gen. Chapt.
  10. V.E./M.Piat : thanks for acception to be moderator at G.C. '86.
  11. Torres Neiva : work of Analysis Committee of Constitutions.
  12. S.G./Gen.Sec : Personnel for Pakistan Group.
  13. G.C./J.Monteiro Questions of his appoint. to Pakistan.
  14. Torres Neiva/Geogheagan : member of drafting committee.
  15. Abp. Tchidimbo/S.G. present situation. Guinea.
  16. A.T.N./S.G.(from Congo). Notes on recent visit to Congo.
  17. J.Verwielen/S.G. Declines office of General Secretary.
  18. De Boer/J.Verwielen. Reply to 17.
  19. S.G./Sup. Gen. problem concerning Servite pers. in Gabon.
  20. French Ambassador/Timmermans : announces award.
  21. S.G./Amb. of France. Reply to 20.
  22. Mathis/de Boer : Bro. Clement allowed to remain at Generalate.
  23. Prof. Szrankiewiez/S.G. Congrats on his promotion.
  24. R. Badinter/S.G. Congrats. on receiving award.
  25. S.G./R.Badinter. Reply to 6/24 above.
  26. S.G./Prof. Szramkiwicz. Reply to 6/23 above.
  27. Ndzana/Gross : Will take part in "Community Life Commission".
  28. J.Daly/S.G. Thanks for invite to Rome.
  29. Bevan/Formators. Sending minutes of meeting.
  30. Bevan/Provincials : Minutes of Formators meeting.



  • 2M1.13a1.2
  • file
  • 1989 - 1992

Correspondence 22.05.89 - 06.02.92 :

  1. 22.05.89 Wiehe/Soyer : FAC confreres for Madagascar?
  2. 22.05.89 Soyer/Wiehe : reply 1. Visit of Pope. FAC.
  3. 26.05.89 Wiehe/Reniers : regarding the FOI.
  4. 17.06.89 Soyer/Wiehe : reply 1. Will visit FAC.
  5. 19.06.89 Wiehe/Soyer : FAC. New Sups. meeting.
  6. 31.07.89 Wiehe/Soyer : Visitation report. FAC men for District?
  7. 08.10.89 Soyer/Wiehe : thanks for visit to Rome.
  8. 01.02.90 Soyer/Wiehe : Preparations for District Chapter.
  9. 06.03.90 Wiehe/Soyer : impossible to come for Chapter. FAC.
  10. 18.03.90 Soyer/Wiehe : Chapter. Hope diminishing of FAC confreres.
  11. 03.05.90 Soyer/Wiehe : contact with FAC. Will persist.
  12. 10.06.90 Soyer/Wiehe : preparations for Chapter.
  13. 26.10.90 Wiehe/Soyer : comments on chapter documents.
  14. 04.12.90 Soyer/Wiehe : reply 13. Sup. of FAC came for Chapter.
  15. 05.04.91 Soyer/Wiehe : results of straw vote for Superior.
  16. 18.04.91 Soyer/Wiehe : sends his newspaper article.
    17, 11.05.91 Wiehe/Soyer : Headley impressed with J&P in Madagascar.
  17. 04.06.91 Wiehe/Soyer : Chopart and his work. Ordination of M. Piat.
  18. 07.06.91 Soyer/Wiehe : M. Crestin to help Chopart.
  19. 17.06.91 Wiehe/Soyer : congrat. on re-appointment. FOI collaboration.
  20. 08.08.91 Soyer/Wiehe : Called to France. Replacement.
  21. 09.09.91 Vuittenez/GC : accepts to be superior.
  22. 21.09.91 Wiehe/Vuittenez : reply 22. Thanks for accepting.
  23. 21.10.91 Vuittenez/SecGen : delegate for General Chapter.
  24. 01.02.92 Vuittenez/Wiehe : decisions taken.
  25. 06.02.92 Vuittenez/Wiehe : depressing political developments.



  • 3G1.11a3.3
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  • 1986 - 1992

Coprrespondance : 07/11/89 - 16/10/90.

  1. 07.11.89 Marzinkowski/Lutz : The Erection Brazilian Province.
  2. 12.11.89 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Br. Paul to Rome. Visit to Brazil.
  3. 22.12.89 Lutz/Marzinkowski : re P.OWCA of Poland.
  4. 10.12.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Finance noviciate at Vrede?
  5. 1990 First appts. of LEMMEN and WEGNER.
  6. 04.05.90 Lutz/Marzinkowsk i: "Notel"and "Missionar auf Zeit".
  7. 08.05.90 Doyle/Breidenbach : Papua Stage of German student.
  8. 16.05.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz : Appointment Br. PAUL to Rome.
  9. 21.05.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : visit to Poland with THIELEMIER.
  10. 04.06.90 Marzinkowski/Prov.Counc : WEGENER & HUCK.
  11. 06.06.90 Marzinkowski/Delegates to Provincial Chapter.
  12. 28.06.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz : confirmation of Provincial
  13. 11.07.90 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : regarding formation
  14. 30.07.90 Lutz/SG : re Yugoslavia. Agrees withdrawal of OWCA.
  15. 17.08.90 Lemman/Marzinkowski : concerns
  16. 08.09.90 SG/Griemens : thanks for invite to Broich school.
  17. 10.09.90 Marzinkowski/Breidenbach : Chap. Docs. LEMMENS?
  18. 10.09.90 Marzinkowski/Lemmens : first appointment.
  19. 10.09.90 Marzinkowski/Breidenbach : re T.LEMMENS.
  20. 11.09.90 Breidenbach/Marzinkowski : Chap. docs.Lemmens.
  21. 08.10.90 Lutz/Marzinkowski : Incardination of STOLLENWERK
  22. 15.10.90 Marzinkowski/Lutz: reply 21. Approval of Chap. Docs.
  23. 16.10.90 Marzinkowski : letter to confreres.



  • SA-135.5.1
  • 1995 - 2008


  • Demande d’un formateur en Écriture Sainte pour le premier cycle au C.G
  • visite des maisons de formation de la F.O.I 2000
  • Demande d’un Maître de Novice en urgence pour la F.O.I
  • Re demande de première affectation de Antonio et Jean Robert pour les îles.
  • Recommandations sur les affectations concernant la Fondation.
  • Demande de retrait de la Congrégation de Lalatiana Pilaza Laurent.
  • Conseil général sur la marche vers le statut de la Province 2005
  • Jean Claude Jacquard sur l’insertion de Cyrille et Willy.
  • Correspondance de Wenceslas Pierre sur l’agenda de la Fondation.
  • Conseil général sur le possible engagement de la FOI pour soutenir le projet en Afrique.
  • Dossier des candidats à la première affectation.
  • Prise de position du Conseil général sur les activités dans la Fondation en 2006.
  • Réponse du conseil général aux natifs de la fondation Océan indiens.
  • John K  sur les documents pré-capitulaires.
  • Wenceslas sur la première affectation de Séraphin J.
  • Demande de première affectation et recommandation du Conseil de la fondation.
  • John Kingston sur le chapitre fondateur 2007.
  • Demande de première affectation de Maxi mil TAMBYAPIN et la recommandation du Conseil de la Fondation Océan Indien
  • Demande de première affectation : Christian Marie, Jean Baptiste.
  • Réponse du Conseil à Jean Luc sur l’appartenance à sa circonscription d’origine.
  • Examen et acceptation de la charte de l’union des circonscription de l’Océan Indien.



  • 7P1.2a3
  • 2004 - 2012
  • 16.10.2004 : P. CONATY to J.P HOCH Request for Personnel et Finance.
  • 26.02.2006 : P. CONATY to J.P HOCH Request for 1st Appointments.
  • 27.03.2007 : F. WEISS to C. BERTON Future of the Group.
  • 03.07.2007 : A. BENTO DIOGO to ADG re Requests Incardination.
  • 26.03.2010 : R. RIVARD to G. COUNTY re Comments by GC on Chapter.
  • 31.03.2011 : Message on occasion of 40 ANNIVERSARY OF PRESENCE.
  • 19.12.2011 : R. RIVARD to G. COUNTY Approval of Chapter Decision.
  • 31.07.2012 : G. COUNTY to J.P HOCH re Statement on M. LARRAGA CRUZ.


  • SA-169.1.1
  • file
  • 2004 - 2012
  • Mike Obi : confirmation of election of the Superior.
  • Mike Obi : Two new first appointments for Zimbabwe
  • Mike Obi : The difficults situation in Zimbabwe
  • Report from the district of Zimbabwe on the implantation of the decision of Torre d’Aguilha
  • Sylvester Igboanyika : urgent appeal for assistance from Zimbabwe
  • Mike Obi : solidarity of the General council for the zimbabwe situation
  • Slyvester I. thanks for the assistance
  • Request for confreres first appointment
  • Celebrating the silver jubilee of the presence of spiritan in Zimbabwe
  • John Asomugha : A confrere from your circonscription for seminar on education.
  • Billy Cleary : course on spiritan spiritually in clause Poullart Des places house in Zimbabwe.
  • Approval documents of the chapter of Zimbabwa district
  • Request for Fr. Kenneth to study systematic theology in Duquesnes
  • Application asking for one year out of my studies
  • Isaac chiwire living out for one year.
  • Request for confreres in pastoral and formation
  • Mike O : the case of Isaac C.
  • John Asamigha : situation of Fr Anthony
  • John A. advice to return to home Province
  • Micheal O. : The case of sylvester and Anthony



  • 3L3.2a3.1
  • file
  • 1986 - 1992

Correspondance between 10/03/87 and 18/06/90.

  1. 10.03.87 Duchene/Gonçalves : Invite to Prov. Chapter.
  2. 11.03.87 SG/ Confreres : centenary of the house in Luanda.
  3. 11.03.87 Gonçalves/Duchene : Centenary. Provincial Chapter.
  4. 16.03.87 Duchene/SG : invite to the Chapter.
  5. 08.04.87 Duchene/Gonçalves : death of P. Nicolaas Ligthart
  6. 12.05.87 SG/Duchene : reply 4. Chapter. Death of P.Ligthart.
  7. 23.06.87 Duchene/Goncalves : Problem of Huambo seminary
  8. 03.08.87 Duchene/SG : reply 6. Troubles re staffing seminary.
  9. 24.08.87 SG/Duchene : Card. Tomko's letter re seminary.
  10. 29.09.87 Duchene/Goncalves : re staffing of Huambo seminary.
  11. 08.11.87 Goncalves?/Duchene : re the seminary.
  12. March 88 Duchene : personnel needs.
  13. 26.08.88 Houdijk/de Boer : re Fr. Van Koolwijk and refugees.
  14. 30.10.88 Duchene/Goncalves : various problems.
  15. 27.11.88 Goncalves/Duchene : reply to 14.
  16. 16.02.89 Goncalves/Duchene : delegate to EGC in Arusha.
  17. 18.02.89 Duchene/Goncalves : problems of Justice and Peace.
  18. 03.03.89 Goncalves/Duchene : reply to various questions.
  19. 23.04.89 Duchene/Goncalves : problem with Diocese .
  20. 16.05.89 GC/Cahinga: Bernard Duchene to go to French Sem?
  21. 17.07.89 SG/Cahinga : re Duchene for Fr. Seminary.
  22. 11.06.90 Cahinga/SG : perpetual vows and first appointments.
  23. 18.06.90 Bongo/Goncalves : news from "the other side".



  • 4R1.3b1
  • 2004 - 2011


-Request for first appointement
-Letter to introduction
-Reply to visit Pakistan
-Health insurance for Nigeria Confreres
-Update situation after eathquake
-Minutes meetings in lahove
-Request of personel
-Reminder implementation
-Results of vote Superior
-Confirmation of elections
-Changes of personnel
-Future of the group
-Assassination of Shabar Bhatti
-Flood in the Country
-Request of Akuve to leave
-Rodin Noelson
-Situation of the Country
-Confirmation of election



  • 6P1.4a4
  • file
  • 1968 - 1974
  1. Lettres de 1968 : P. BYRNE (16.12), P. FARRELLY (26.12).
    • 1969 : P. BYRNE (03.01, 01, 02.04, 05.05 + projet de convention avec le diocèse + rapport annuel, 02.06), P. FARRELLY (13.01, 23.05), P. CORCORAN (31.03), P. C. VALDEZ (15.09), P. GALT (02, 29.10, 16, 19.11), P. Donal O'SULLIVAN (24.11), P. LECUYER (16.12).
    • 1970 : Secrét. gén. (09.01), P. GALT (19.01, 23.04, 05, 06, 12, 22.05, 09.06 (2), 27.07, 08.08, 08.10, 27.12), P. O'SULLIVAN (14.05, 09, 18.06, 25.07, 23.10, 09, 10.12), P. de VERTEUIL (17.05, 28.12), P. LITTNER (26.05), P. S. MOORE (25.06, 01.12), P. LECUYER (07.07, 18.08), P. FRASER (18.10).
    • 1971 : P. LECUYER (15.01), P. O'SULLIVAN (11, 19.01, 05.02, 05 (2), 22.05), P. GALT (08.01 (2), 03.03, 14.05), P. de VERTEUIL (23.01), P. MOORE (18.03), P. FRASER (23.04).
  2. 1971 (suite) : P. GALT (18.06, 07, 09, 25.07, 23.08), P. O'SULLIVAN (03.07, 07.09), P. CESBRON (16.07), P. MAENEN (Leuven 26.08).
    • 1972 : P. GALT (05.01, 15.02, 27.04, 21, 28.06, 12.09, 19, 26.11), P. O'SULLIVAN (12.01, 26.05, 12.08, 19.09, 04.11), secré. gén. (22.03, 08.12), P. LITTNER (2 du 08.07).
    • 1973 : P. GALT (18, 30.01, 05, 22.02, 09 (2), 12, 13.03 (2), 02.05, 24.08 mort du P. Ryan), P. LITTNER (25.01), P.O'SULLIVAN (05.02, 24.04), P. VERDIEU (04.04), P. LECUYER (03, 04.04 (2), 25.05), P. MOORE (11.02, 11.05), P. FARRELLY (24.04 demande d'indult).
  3. 1973 (suite) : P. GALT (17.07 (2), 3 du 16.10), P. LITTNER (16.08), P. O'SULLIVAN (02, 04.10), P. MOORE (08.11).
    • 1974 : P. MOORE (19.01 + liste des membres de la province, 25.04, 07.05), P. GALT (05.02 + note du P. Littner, 28.03), P. ROZO (21.03).
  4. Décisions du Conseil général :
    • 1969 ; 31.01 (P. LECUYER et transfert provisoire du noviciat, P. BYRNE 22.01), 20.05 (fin de mandat), 12.08 (P. GALT provincial).
    • 1970 : 29.05 (Paraguay), 09.06 (P. CLARKE), 29.10 (chapitre provincial).
    • 1971 : 27.02 (ordinations).
    • 1972 : 23.05 et 08.07 (P. GALT 2e triennat).
    • 1973 : 29.03 (vente d'Arima), 18.05 (P. BASCIO, P. CHARLES), 03.10.


Résultats 141 à 150 sur 375