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  • 5P1.29b2.3
  • file
  • 1989 - 1991

Correspondence 30.05.89 - 03.10.91 :

  1. 30.05.89 Fagiolo/Haas : reply 18. CRIS complains about activities of Spiritans.
  2. 05.06.89 Hass/Fagiolo : takes strong exception to insinuations in 1.
  3. 09.06.89 Nicolas/Adrien : sends copy of letters 1 & 2 above.
  4. 28.07.89 Adrien/Nicolas : reply 3. Strong criticism of activities of Nuncio and Rome.
  5. 13.11.89 Adrien/Brandau : re lack of approval of Archbishop for building grant.
  6. 14.11.89 Ligonde/Nicolas : comments on minutes of meeting in April 89.
  7. 07.12.89 Bevan/Nicolas : relations of Nigerians and Haitians in Washington.
  8. 11.12.89 Nicolas/Ligonde : reply 6. Answers some of his questions.
  9. 11.12.89 Nicolas/Adrien : sends copy of 6 with comments.
  10. 05.01.90 Adrien/Ligonde : reacts to allegations of Archbishop in n° 6
  11. 15.01.90 Adrien/Nicolas : strong words about Ligonde's motives in 6. Finance.
  12. 18.01.90 Haas : protests to President and Bishops about threats to confreres.
  13. 21.02.90 Adrien/Nicolas : sends report on interview with Haiti's Foreign Minister.
  14. 11.03.90 Nicolas/Adrien : reply 13. Cor Unum request.
  15. 18.05.90 Adrien/Haas : New house bought. Ambiguous attitude of Archbp & Nuncio.
  16. 10.06.90 Nicolas/Adrien: Rome visit of President of Haitia Religious Conference.
  17. 17.09.90 Adrien/Nicolas : no reply from Ligonde re St. Martial. Fondation Tisserant.
  18. 06.10.90 Adrien/Nicolas : more on the Fondation Tisserant.
  19. 18.10.90 Nicolas : Minutes of meeting at Generalate with Bp Lafontant.
  20. 23.10.90 Nicolas/Adrien : reply 17 & 18.
  21. 15.04.91 Adrien/Doyle : St. Martial affair should be judged in Rome.
  22. 20.05.91 Nicolas/Adrien : reply 21. St. Martial processus must begin in Haiti.
  23. 02.10.91 Haas : protest against military junta who have unseated Aristide.
  24. 03.10.91 Haas/Confreres in Haiti : note of support in troubled times.
  25. 03.10.91 Byron/Doyle: confreres are safe but staying indoors.



  • 5P1.29b3.1
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  • 1991 - 1992

Correspondence 15.01.91 - 22.04.92 :

  1. 15.10.91 Proposed letter of support from religious of Puerto Rico.
  2. 18.10.91 Kasanda/Nicolas : eye-witness of atrocities. Involvement of USA?
  3. 26.10.91 Hoch/Nicolas : sends communiqué from Haitian Conf. of Religious Sups. Spiritan confreres under threat.
  4. 27.10.91 Nicolas/Hoch : sends appeal to Nuncio to protect Antoine Adrien.
  5. 29.10.91 Urfié : radio station closed. Spiritan land invaded by army.
  6. 29.11.91 Haas/Martenson: appeal to UN against atrocities in Haiti.
  7. 29.11.91 Haas ; no 6 sent to European Commission.
  8. 29.11.91 Haas/Lalumière : no 6 sent to Council of Europe.
  9. 29.11.91 Haas/Leuprecht : no 6 sent to European Human Rights Committee.
  10. 29.11.91 Haas/Rodriguez : no 6 sent to Inter-American Com. on Human Rights.
  11. 30.10.91 Urfie/Nicolas : details of occupation of land and unsuccessful protests.
  12. 08.11.91 Haas : report on meeting at Cong. of Religious in Vatican. Complaints that religious in Haiti do not co-operate with bishops.
  13. 08.11.91 Nicolas/Confreres : message of support from Gen. Council.
  14. 16.11.91 Adrien/Nicolas ; presently in hiding. Recent events. Involvement of USA.
  15. 19.11.91 Protest to USA against repatriation of Haitian boat people.
  16. 28.11.91 Urfié/GC : asks Dutch Province to protest at lifting oil embargo.
  17. 23.12.91 Adrien/Nicolas : results of straw vote for Superior.
  18. 26.12.91 Adrien/Nicolas : (in hiding) situation worse then ever. District is broke !
  19. 20.01.92 Möller/Haas : UN acknowledges reception of protest.
  20. 24.01.92 Healy/Haas : protest to Pope re de facto recognition of Haitian government. Appeal to Bishops of US and Haiti.
  21. 03.02.92 Max Dominique elected Superior of District.
  22. 14.02.92 Marzinkowski : requests to give publicity to no. 20. Reservations.
  23. 17.02.92 Nicolas/Adrien : Max Dominique appointed Superior. P.T.O
  24. 09.05.92 Adrien/Nicolas : Thanks for Cor Unum. Aristide returns with concessions.
  25. 22.04.92 Adrien/Nicolas: more optimistic letter.



  • 8P1.2b1.4
  • file
  • 1985 - 1985

Correspondence 4 : 07.01.85 - 12.06.85

  1. 07.01.85 Sup/SG : reply 23. Thanks for report on Guyane.
  2. 10.03.85 NB/Sup : re problems between Foundation and District.
  3. 11.03.85 NB/McQuillan : more personnel. New structures.
  4. 11.03.85 NB/Barrington : as above.
  5. 03.04.85 Barrington/NB : gratitude for visit.
  6. 20.03.85 Sup/SG : decisions re students.
  7. 20.03.85 McQuillan/NB : Disappointment.
  8. 26.03.85 SG/McQuillan : letter of encouragement.
  9. 26.03.85 Sup/NB : reply 2. not keen on separate Councils.
  10. 13.04.85 NB/Sup : relations between Foundation/District.
  11. 13.04.85 NB/Sup : sad to hear of illness of "Victor" Mastalerz
  12. 24.04.85 NB/Barrington : reply 5. No reply yet to 4.
  13. 24.04.85 NB/McQuillan : reply 7. Concern for his well-being.
  14. 24.04.85 Barbosa/NB : Antonio MOREIRA for formation in PR.
  15. 28.04.85 Sup/NB : re "Vic" Mastalerz. What next re Foundation?
  16. 29.04.85 McQuillan/NB : Finish with Guyane. Barrington.
  17. 04.05.85 McQuillan/NB : reply 13.
  18. 08.05.85 NB/McQuillan : brief reply to 17.
  19. 02.06.85 Sup/SecGen : news of diaconate and perpetual vows.
  20. 03.06.85 SG/NB : re replacement for Barrington
  21. 06.06.85 SG/NB : concern for Puerto Rico. Future of Barrington.
  22. 11.06.85 NB/SG : telegramme re personnel for PR.
  23. 12.06.85 NB/SG : telegramme ; news re personnel moves.



  • 8P1.2b2.1
  • file
  • 1985 - 1986

Correspondence 5 : 22.07.85 - 23.05.86

  1. 22.07.85 SG/Sup : BANAHAN coming. Thanks for service
  2. 08.08.85 Sup/SG : arrangements for formation personnel.
  3. 30.08.85 McQuillan/SG : re students and formation
  4. 25.09.85 SG/McQuillan : reply 3. do not write off Guyane
  5. 03.10.85 Sup/SG : proposals for Foundation/District
  6. 08.11.85 Seichepine/SG : re first appointment Jose VILLEGAS.
  7. 09.11.85 Sup/SG : recovering from surgery.
  8. 24.11.85 SG/Sup : thanks for service as Superior.
  9. 02.12.85 McQuillan/SecGen : death of student, Juan Acevedo.
  10. 17.12.85 McQuillan/SG : Stage in Guyane. Future mission..
  11. 19.12.85 McQuillan/SG : official letter on status of Foundation.
  12. 23.12.85 SG/Sup(McQuillan) : Congrats. No to S.Domingo.
  13. 08.01.86 SecGen : condolence to parents of deceased student.
  14. 14.01.86 SecGen/Sup : reply 11. Council all away.
  15. 11.02.86 Connors/SG : reply 8. News of District and Foundation.
  16. 19.02.86 SG/Sup : reply 10 & 11. Gives official status.
  17. 19.02.86 SG/Sup : Stage. First appointment.
  18. 13.04.86 Sup/SG : First appt. Students in San Domingo.
  19. 01.04.86 Sup/SG : withdrawal from parishes.
  20. 14.04.86 SecGen/Sup : reply to requests in 19.
  21. 13.05.86 Sup/SecGen seeks dispensation for student.
  22. 23.05.86 SecGen : reply 21.



  • 2M1.12a3.3
  • file
  • 1981 - 1985

Correspondance (évêques) 1980 - 1986 :

  1. 24.09.81 SG/Razafindratandra : FOI community at Atananarivo.
  2. 24.09.81 SG/Tsiahoana : FOI community at Atananarivo.
  3. 17.08.82 Sebastiani/SG : Nuncio seeks man for Comores.
  4. 02.10.82 SG/Sebastiani : Reply 3: nobody suitable available.
  5. 22.11.82 Sebastiani/SG : Reply 4: understands the situation.
  6. 20.01.84 Tsiahoana/SG : new year greetings and gratitude.
  7. 27.01.84 SG/Tsiahoana : reply 6. Thanks for support of FOI.
  8. 14.10.85 SG/Marchetto : congrats. on being made Nuncio.
  9. 01.11.85 Invitation to episcopal ordination of 8.



  • 4i1.2a3.3
  • file
  • 1980 - 1985

Correspondence 24.11.80 - 25.04.85:

  1. 24.11.80 M.Cleary: memorandum re next Bishop.
  2. 05.02.81 Lourdesamy/SG: M.CLEARY named Bishop of Banjul.
  3. 14.02.81 telegram: congrats. from SG and Council.
  4. 19.03.81 SG/Cleary: congratulations.
  5. 23.04.81 Cleary/SG: thanks for 4. Plea for personnel.
  6. 11.05.81 SG/Cleary: reply to 5.
  7. July 81 Cleary: circular re vocations.
  8. 25.02.82 Cleary/SG: desperate plea for new men.
  9. 06.04.82 SG/Cleary: reply to 8.
  10. 13.05.82 Cleary/SG: muted thanks for new men.
  11. 25.02.85 Cleary/V.Ezeonyia: news of health.
  12. 13.03.85 SG/Cleary: glad to hear of recovery.
  13. 25.04.85 Cleary/SG: thanks for 12.



  • 5i1.1a4.3
  • file
  • 1981 - 1985

Correspondence (Bishops)

  1. 05.12.81 SG/Bp. Sarpong: thanks for hospitality
  2. 22.01.82 Sarpong/SG: reply to 1.
  3. 21.10.83 SG/Sarpong: D.DORR leaving to be Novice Master.
  4. 19.11.83 Sarpong/SG: reply to 3.
  5. 01.12.83 SG/Sarpong: problems between him and MORIARTY.
  6. 24.12.83 Sarpong/SG: reply to 5.
  7. 12.06.85 Sarpong/Sup: re MORIARTY'S recent document.



  • 11i1.19a1.5
  • file
  • 1986 - 1992

Correspondence (Bishops) 1986 - 1992.

  1. 15.09.86 Nwedo/SG : congrats. on election.
  2. 16.09.86 Nwedo/SG : end of problems in his congregation
  3. 25.09.86 SG/Nwedo : reply 1.
  4. 25.09.86 SG/Nwedo : reply 2.
  5. 20.10.87 Nwedo/SG : thanks for hospitality.
  6. 10.02.88 Ekechukwu/Unegbu : re spiritan postulancy at Akabor.
  7. 07.03.88 Unegbu/Ekechukwu : reply 6. Grants permission.
  8. 14.04.88 Ekechukwu/Morvan : visi to Cayenne delayed.
  9. 14.12.88 Fasina/SG : Auxiliary Ijebu-Ode thanks for hospitality.
  10. 25.01.89 SG/Fasina : reply 9.
  11. 11.01.89 Aje/Ekechukwu : not prepared incardinate ANYANWU
  12. 26.05.89 Aje/Ekechukwu : sticks to his decision
  13. 07.06.89 Nwedo/SG : 30 years as bishop.
  14. 21.07.89 Fasina/SG : reply 10.
  15. 13.11.89 Eneja/Okoye : re death of Fr. S. LENNON.
  16. 27.11.89 Ekechukwu/Eneja : Mission Office in Enugu.
  17. 07.06.90 SG/Nwedo, Ugorji, Ezeonyia : congratulations to all
  18. 31.07.90 Nwedo/SG : thanks for 17.
  19. 12.12.90 Ezeonyia/SG : thanks for 17.
  20. 18.12.91 Ekechukwu/Tabet : re personnel for Oyo diocese.
  21. 14.07.92 Ekechukwu/Ribas : information re Sao Tome.
  22. 14.07.92 Ekechukwu/da Cuna Fonte : help Cape Verde future.



  • 3i3.2b6
  • file
  • 1980 - 1986

Correspondance (Bishops 1) : 01.02.81 - 22.02.85:

  1. 01.02.81 Chevigny/TIMMERMANS, SG : news of the Diocese.
  2. 28.04.81 Sagna/SG : sends dimissorials for DIEME.
  3. 12.05.81 SG/Sagna : reply 2. First appt. of DIEME.
  4. 15.09.81 Cailleau/SG : coming to Rome. Hopes of personnel.
  5. 29.12.81 Cailleau/SG : Salesians for Kedougou?
  6. 08.02.82 Chevigny/Littner : asks advice about incardination.
  7. 15.01.82 Littner/Chevigny : reply to 6.
  8. 03.03.82 Cailleau/SG : Problems in seminary.
  9. 27.03.82 Lourdesamy/SG : Tambacounda a diocese?
  10. 01.07.82 SG/Chevigny : MINICUS for French Seminary.
  11. 16.07.82 Chevigny/SG : reply 10. Complains bitterly.
  12. 24.08.82 SG/Chevigny : Minicus says he wants a move.
  13. 03.02.83 SG/Cailleau : Kedougou is a priority for us.
  14. 06.02.84 Cailleau/SG : attributes recovery to Libermann.
  15. 10.03.84 Thiandoum/SG : consecration of church at Palmarin.
  16. 24.03.84 SG/Thiandoum : reply 15. I shall be in USA.
  17. 30.08.84 SG/Cailleau : get o.k. from doctor before returning
  18. 17.09.84 Cailleau/SG : Coming Rome for Brottier beatification.
  19. 30.09.84 SG/Cailleau : reply 18. Welcome to Rome.
  20. 29.10.84 Chevigny/SG : pastoral meeting in Mauritania.
  21. 21.01.85 SG/Thiandoum : thanks for part in beatification.
  22. 24.01.85 Chevigny/SG : Hopes of reinforcements. CONNEROTTE
  23. 01.02.85 SG/Dossena : thanks nuncio for celebrations.
  24. 01.02.85 SG/Cailleau : congrats. on return to Tambacounda.
  25. 22.02.85 Chevigny/SG: Hopes of new blood.



  • 3i3.2b7
  • file
  • 1980 - 1986

Correspondence (Bishops 2): 11.03.85 - 04.07.86:

  1. 11.03.85 SG/Chevigny: Thanks for visit. Possible personnel.
  2. 04.05.85 Daviet/Nuncio: Mgr. Cailleau. Future of Tambacounda.
  3. 01.12.85 Thiandoum/SG: 50th. Jubilee of Souvenir Africain.
  4. 04.12.85 Nuncio/SG: meet him when he comes to Dakar.
  5. 04.01.86 SG/Nuncio: Apostolic Administrator replace Cailleau.
  6. 30.01.86 SG/Nuncio: replacement for Mgr. Cailleau very urgent.
  7. 06.02.86 SG/Cailleau: recommends announces retirement.
  8. 06.02.86 Chevigny/Connerotte: encourages him to come
  9. 06.02.86 Chevigny/SG: Connerrotte. Other personnel.
  10. 31.03.86 SG/Chevigny: reply 9. New hopes of Connerotte.
  11. 20.05.86 Mgr. Cailleau: circular letter to family and friends.
  12. 10.07.86 Cailleau/SG: thanks for help. Plans for retirement.
  13. 04.07.86 SG/Cailleau: congrats. on a job well done.


Résultats 171 à 180 sur 393