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  • 4P1.15b1.4
  • file
  • 1986 - 1992

Informations 1986 - 19912 :

  • Le problème des vocations spiritaines en Martinique : rapport + lettre du P. NOVION à Mgr Marie-Sainte (28.05.1986)
    1. 07.10.86 Circular letter of Superior (P. LAGOGUE).
    2. Sept. 87 Presentation to New Superiors' meeting in Rome : rapport sur le district de la Martinique.
    3. 29.03.88 Circular letter of Superior.
    4. 12.03.90 Circular letter of Superior.
  • 01.11.1990 : lettre circulaire du P. LAGOGUE.
    1. 12.12.90 Circular (P. LAGOGUE).
    2. 23.02.91 Circular (P. LAGOGUE, extrait).
  • 29.03.1992 circulaire du P. LAGOGUE + note sur le musée du P. PINCHON.



  • 6G1.2a1.6
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  • 1980 - 1985

Information 1980-1985.

  1. 27.08.80 Pro : annual report on the Province
  2. no date re appointment of Major Superiors
  3. no date Students on the appointment of a Provincial
  4. no date Altimo Duarte : two basic problems
  5. 05.12.80 Pro : Provincial project
  6. no date The common project of the Congregation.
  7. Dec 80 Pro : Carta Familiar.
  8. 08.01.81 results of voting for Provincial
  9. no date Pro : circular 1/81.
  10. no date Pro : circular 2/81.
  11. 19.05.81 Circular 7/81
  12. 30.07.81 Pro : circular 8/81
  13. 15.09.81 Prov.Team : Provincial animation 1981-1982
  14. no date Prov.Team : programme for Provincial animation
  15. no date Prov.Team : circular 6/81.
  16. 31.01.83 Prov.Team : circular 1/83.
  17. 13.05.83 Pro : circular 3/83, re election of Provincial.
  18. 22.05.83 Pro : circular 4/83.
  19. 13.10.83 Torres Neiva : report on the Provincial Assembly.
  20. Dec 83 Pro : Carta Familiar
  21. 1985 Programme of Provincial Animation, 1985. Community
  22. 24.03.85 Informaciones Decisiones
  23. 1985 Personnel and communities of the Province, 1985
  24. 26.09.85 Informaciones Decisiones
  25. Xmas 85 Pro : Christmas greetings.



  • 7G1.17a15
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  • 1980 - 1981

Information 1980 - 1986.

  1. Description of Bawnoge parish
  2. Dedication of Bawnoge Church 6/07/80
  3. Meeting on implemennation of General Chapter 13/09/80
  4. Meeting of Chapter implementation commissions 22/11/80
  5. Diamond Jubilee of Fr. Francis Griffin 18/12.80
  6. Report on a trip to Africa; R.Kennedy
  7. Dissertation on community; R.Grimshaw
  8. Circular to mission superiors; P.Dundon
  9. Proposal for a Spiritan publishing house; B.Gogan
  10. Circular to Provincials re books to be published; B.Gogan
  11. Vocations News; Casey and Griffin. 14/09/81
  12. Spiritan participation in Development Course, R.Quinn.



  • 10G1.11a3.6
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  • 1981 - 1985

Information 1980- - 1986

  1. 23.03.81 sale of property at Braga
  2. 06.04.81 Circular of Provincial re visit of Superior General
  3. 05.04.82 certificate for Portuguese government re appointment of Provincial
  4. 20.09.83 circular letter from Prov. on community renewal
  5. 27.07.84 The parishioners of Godim demand a replacement for P.Santos Moreira as parish priest
  6. 01.07.84 circular from Prov. to Provincials of Europe re possible European house at Fatima
  7. 22.11.84 Directory of personnel of the Province
  8. 11.12.84 details of vote for Provincial Superior
  9. 20.02.85 Prov. circular to confreres in Angola
  10. 05.03.85 Circular giving message from Bp. Ribas of Sao Tome
  11. 06.03.85 Prov. circular re visit to Angola and coming General Visitation of the Province.
  12. 1985 Provincial guidelines for 1985-88
  13. 08.09.85 pamphlet on the 50th. anniversary of the Portuguese novitiate.



  • 3L3.2a4.2
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  • 1987 - 1990

Information: 28/10/87 - 29/07/90

  1. 28.10.87 Duchene : circular letter.
  2. 20.11.87 de Boer : Construction of seminary in Malanje.
  3. 05.02.88 "Africa Confidential" : The Siege of Cuito Cuanavale.
  4. 15.05.88 Duchene : circular letter.
  5. July 88 Spiritan News : The Province of Angola.
  6. 15.07.88 Commission for the formation of brothers.
  7. 09.09.88 Duchene : circular letter.
  8. 19.12.88 Duchene : circular letter
  9. 19.12.88 Provincial Council : directives brothers formation
  10. 16.02.89 Duchene : circular letter.
  11. 20.02.89 Meeting of Formators.
  12. 03.04.89 Voting for Provincial.
  13. 28.04.89 News of the Province.
  14. 03.05.89 Duchene : circular letter on the new Provincial
  15. 02.02.90 Notes on the withdrawal from Cuango
  16. 22.02.90 Meeting diocese of Malanje and Congregation
  17. 24.07.90 News on the situation in Angola.
  18. July 90 Goncalves : Report of a visit to Angola
  19. 03.05.90 Joint Pastoral Letter of the Bishops.
  20. 29.07.90 Africa Confidential : UNITA and US scent victory.



  • 4M1.11b2.6
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  • 1979 - 1986

Information 1980-1986 :

  • 19.05.79 Special edition of "Le Mauricien" on Père Laval.
  • 1980 Documents on L'Equipe de Flacq.
  • 19.01.81 Meeting of Indian Ocean Superiors.
  • 17.02.81 Superior : circular letter. Results of exploratory vote
  • 27.04, 19.05, 05.06.81 Superior : circular letters.
  • 06.06.81 Homélie de Mgr MARGEOT (lundi de Pentecôte, sur les nouveaux chemins de la mission et la mission spiritaine).
  • 21.07.81 Superior : circular letter (but de la maison de Rose-Hill).
  • 18.08.1981 : circulaire du P. Mansfield
  • 24.08.81 Meeting of Indian Ocean Superiors.
  • Memo du P. MANSFIELD à Mgr Margeot sur le choix de Denis Wiehe pour le noviciat de la F.O.I.
  • 08.10, 26.11.1981 : circulaires du P. Mansfield
  • 29.12.81 Mgr Margeot : homily at the requiem for Louis Soucy.
  • 1982 Mansfield : Homily on the centenary of Le Vavasseur.
  • 03.02.1982 : circulaire du P. Mansfield
  • 24.09.82 Meeting of the Superior General with the Spiritans.
  • 23.11.82 Superior : circular letter.
  • 1982 Draft Contract with the Diocese of Port Louis.
  • Charte pour le comiét Pèlerinage P. Laval (sans date).
  • 11.01, 25.02, mars, 09.05, 01.07, 25.08, 23.09, 11.11.1983 Circulairs du P. MANSFIELD.
  • Conférence du P. Wilfrid GANDY aux spiritains de Maurice : Cl. Fr. Poullart d(06.10.1983)es Places, ce qu'il était et ce qu'il est devenu
  • 25.04, 16.05.84 Superior : circular letters.
  • 18.06.84 Superior : circular letter.
  • Feb. 85 Architect's plans for Centre Bienheureux Père Laval.
    1. Paul Reymond : report on work 1983-1986.
      N.B. Plusieurs pièces manquent (janv. 2008).



  • 3G1.11a2.4
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  • 1982 - 1986

Information 1980-1986.

  1. 25.01.82 retreat session for Missionar auf Zeit
  2. 11.05.84 rescript for the sale of Buchen
  3. 10.12.84 rescript for the sale of Heimbach
  4. Ad 1985 Provincial's Christmas greeting
  5. 04.01.86 a day in Libermannhaus - Provincial.



  • 3G1.11a4.3
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  • 1987 - 1991

Information : 1986-1992

  1. 16.01.87 Bohles/SG
  2. 05.02.87 Bohles/SG
  3. 06.02.87 Meeting of Lay Spiritans.
  4. 17.02.88 Lutz : circular to confreres.
  5. 31.12.88 Financial Report.
  6. 07.02.91 Minutes of Enlarged Provincial Council.
  7. April 91 Handbook for Lay Spiritans.



  • 7G1.17a16
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  • 1982 - 1983

Information 1982 - 1983.

  1. Claude Poullart des Places; B.Gogan
  2. Straw vote for Irish Provincial; June 1982
  3. F.Timmermans: Irish confreres in the USA. July 1982
  4. Circular re final vote for Provincial
  5. Final vote for Irish Provincial. 8/10/82
  6. "H-Block and its Background: a Response". J.O'Brien
  7. Circular re ministry in USA (Districts and Groups)
  8. Circular re ministry in USA (Ireland).



  • 10i1.17b3.6
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  • 1978 - 1992

InformationS 1986 - 1992 :

  1. 04.09.78 A description of VIA CHRISTI society (Angus Fraser).
  2. Dec 87 First Evangelisation in Yola Diocese.
  3. 28.09.88 Final vote for District Superior.
    4-12 District Newsletters in chronological order.


Résultats 231 à 240 sur 378