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  • 3i3.4a2.5
  • file
  • 1986 - 1991

District Chapter 1986
Visit 1988
Visit 1991-1992

  1. 1986 District Chapter documents
  2. 1988 Nicolas : report on retreat and mini-visit
  3. 1991-1992 Nicolas & Goncalves : Visitation report.



  • 8G1.6a1.5
  • file
  • 1982 - 1983

Provincial Chapter 1982 :
Visitation 1983 :

  1. Visitation report 1983 : de Boer and Trachtler
  2. Summary of the above report in English
  3. Provincial Chapter documents 1982.



  • 11G1.6b2.5
  • file
  • 1989 - 1990

Provincial Chapter 1989 :

  1. 1989 Report of the Provincial to the Chapter
  2. 1989 Nicolas : evolution of mission.
  3. 1989 Report from Bouveret.
  4. 1989 Chapter documents
  5. 1989 Spiritains Suisses : contains summary of Chapter

Provincial Visitation 1990 /

  1. Jan 90 Haas & Nicolas : Report on the Visitation.



  • 4J3.1a1.4
  • file
  • 1990 - 1991

District Chapter 1990
Visitation 1991

  1. 18/01/90 District Chapter documents, January 1990.
  2. 02/02/90 Marzinkowski/GC : Explanatory notes on Chapter .
  3. 01/03/91 Wiehe : Report on the Visitation of the District.



  • 4P1.15b1.3
  • file
  • 1989 - 1989

Chapter and Visitation 1989 :

  1. Chapter Documents.
  2. Speech by the Archbishop of Fort de France.
  3. Marzinkowski : report on the Visitation and the Chapter.
  4. 01.06.89 Marzinkowski/Confreres : letter after Visitation.



  • 3C5.1.12
  • file
  • 1980 - 1991

General Administration: Circulars to Major Superiors 1980 - 1991 :

  1. 25.10.1980 : GC Correspondents and division of tasks.
  2. 09.12.1980 : Evaluation of 1980 General Chapter.
  3. 27.01.1981 : First appointments and priorities.
  4. 04.06.1981 : The Future of Mission - a SEDOS document.
  5. 01.12.1981 : J. Daly replaced by E. Watters.
  6. 20.04.1982 : Visitations.
  7. 10.11.1982 : Measures to increase co-responsibility.
  8. 19.12.1982 : Timmermans: suggests cancellation of 1984 EGC.
  9. 01.12.1983 : General Council policy 1983-1984.
  10. 29.11.1984 : Questionnaire for General Chapter 1986.
  11. 01.12.1984 : First appointments for 1985.
  12. 04.12.1984 : Representation at General Chapter 1986.
  13. 04.12.1986 : first letter of new Administration.
  14. 25.01.1987 : first appointments.
  15. 28.10.1988 : Enlarged General Council - Arusha.
  16. 03.11.1988 : special contribution to boost Cor Unum.
  17. 14.11.1989 : first appointments 1990.
  18. 10.03.1989 : questionnaire re Fundamentalist Sects in Africa.
  19. 25.01.1991 : new regulations for Laicisation process.



  • 5G1.8b1.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1982

Correspondence: 22/08/80 - 09/12/82. Subjects : sale of Louvain house; book of Denis FAHEY; visitation; finance for Gentinnes.

  1. 22.08.1980 : Prov. à Secr. Gén.
  2. 25.08.1980 : Réponse.
  3. 22.09.1980 : Prov. à Secr. gén.
  4. 11.10.1980 : indult pôur la vente de Louvain.
  5. 14.10.1980 : Secr. gén au Prov.
  6. 17.09.1980 : Joris Desbonnet au Secr. gén.
  7. 03.11.1980 : TIMMERMANS à J. Desbonnet.
  8. 10.12.1980 : Secr. gén. (Brendan Mc Mahon) à J. Dezsbonnet.
  9. 09.01.1981 : Lenselaer au Sup. gén.
  10. 25.01.1981 : Joe de Boer à Lenselaer.
  11. 22.02.1981 : Le Hellaye au Sup. gén.
  12. 06.10.1981 : Prov. (PEETERS) au conseil général (visite).
  13. 03.11.1981 : Burgraff au supé. gén. (finances pour Gentinnes).
  14. 25.11.1981 : Dechambre (nécrologe).
  15. 11.12.1981 : Burgraff au sup. gén.
  16. 19.12.1981 : Sup. Gén à Burgraff.
  17. 01.02.1982 : Secr. gén. à Prov. (questionnaire pour les constitutions).
  18. 15.04.1982 : Prov. à Sup. gén. (visite).
  19. 22.04.1982 : Sup. gén. à prov.
  20. 20.08.1982 : Littner à Prov.
  21. 12.10.1982 : Burgraff au Conseil général (Gentinnes).
  22. 09.12.1982 : Burgraff (projet pour Gentinnes).



  • 2G45.2b1.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1981
  1. 30.09.80 Littner/Pro : perpetual vows
  2. 29.09.80 Bondallaz/SG : re Cardinal Renard
  3. 07.10.80 Joint letter to SG in support of BONDALLAZ
  4. 10.11.80 Pro/SG : not able to provide electrician. Visit to America etc.
  5. 16.11.80 SG/Pro : good wishes for journey to America etc.
  6. 17.11.80 Gobina/Sec. Gen : asks for constitutions etc. in English
  7. no date Bohn/SG : cost of visit to Saverne
  8. no date Bohn/SG : thanks for grant for Saverne
  9. 22.11.80 de Millville/SG : thanks for wishes for Jubillee
  10. 05.12.80 Dehais/SG : sending money for earthquake victims
  11. 16.12.80 SecGen/Dehais : thanks for 10.
  12. 19.12.80 Bouchaud/SG : news
  13. 24.01.81 Gross/SG : by telephone. Meeting with Prov. team
  14. 28.01.81 Favereau/SG : sends greetings
  15. 13.02.81 Littner/Provincials : priests for Turks and Caicos
  16. no date Reaction of Provincial to 15
  17. 15.04.81 Nicolas/T.Neiva : re Groupe d'etude Spiritaine
  18. 31.05.81 Gosselin/SG : sends book on Brottier
  19. 27.06.81 Littner/Gosselin : thanks for 18
  20. 27.06.81 Littner/Mme Garnier : thanks to author of book
  21. 10.07.81 Ferron/Gen.Counc : various problems
  22. 21.09.81 SG/Tchidimbo : congrats. on Curia appointment
  23. 26.09.81 Nicolas/T.Neiva : re various publications
  24. 03.10.81 SG/Deiss : thanks for books
  25. 21.10.81 Nicolas/SG : personnel: NDZANA. BUECHER
  26. 22.10.81 SG/Roussel : affiliation of CIME
  27. 26.10.81 Deglaire/SG : asks to go to Yola
  28. 02.11.81 SG/Nicolas : personnel in Congo
  29. 05.11.81 Grach/SG : presents draft of life: Bp. Cucherousset
  30. 03.12.81 Pro/SG : terna for French Sem. Mortain & recyclage
  31. 03.12.81 Pro/Gobeil & Renaud : Jean-Pierre DELSARTE.



  • 2G45.2b1.5
  • file
  • 1984 - 1985

Correspondence 11/07/84 - 01/05/85.

  1. 11.07.84 Renaudin/SG : retirement from Auteuil
  2. 13.09.84 SG/Pro : re Max DOMINIQUE
  3. 15.09.84 SG/Renaudin : reply to 1. Appreciation of work
  4. 19.09.84 Michel/SG : sends article on Poullart des Places
  5. 03.10.84 SG/Michel : thanks for 4
  6. 22.09.84 Pro/SG : URFIE. DOMINIQUE
    7 10.10.84 Gross/Pro : Beatification of Brottier. Visits etc.
  7. 18.10.84 SG/Burghard : thanks for work in Generalate
  8. 14.11.84 SG/Pro : sends report on visit to Algeria
  9. 13.03.85 SG/Lambertin : thanks for video
  10. 13.03.85 SG/Rousse l: thanks for video
  11. 16.03.85 Pariat/NB : re his situation after present appointment. Angola?
  12. 28.03.85 Tassin/SG : asks for visitation doc. for Algeria
  13. 05.04.85 Lamerand/SG : possibility of visit to Rome
  14. 15.04.85 NB/Pro : personnel for Foundation of P.Rico
  15. 20.04.85 Pro/SG : VANULUGGENE
  16. 27.04.85 SG/Card.de Courtray : congrats. on red hat
  17. 18.04.85 Pro/NB : re formators meeting at Knechtsteden
  18. 29.04.85 SG/Guilloux : answer to an appeal
  19. 29.04.85 SG/Pro : reply to 14
  20. 01.05.85 SG/Lamerand : welcome to Rome (cf.12).



  • 7G1.17a4
  • file
  • 1982 - 1983

Correspondence 28/01/82 - 04/02/83.

  1. 28.01.82 Gogan: plan for "Spiritan Roots"
  2. 05.02.82 GenSec/Gogan: Thanks for 1
  3. 08.02.82 JD/SG: Spiritan Studies Group. Proposes himself
  4. 25.03.82 Gogan/SecGen: enquires of grant for books
  5. 05.04.82 SecGen/Gogan: grant by end of May
  6. 05.04.82 SG/JD: reply to 3. Invited to EGC
  7. 13.04.82 SecGen/Pro: re Fr.J.D.McNALLY
  8. 15.04.82 Pro/SecGen: dispensation from temp. vows
  9. 20.04.82 SG/Farragher: secretary of "Centre Spiritain"?
  10. 29.04.82 SecGen/Pro: requests O'GRADY as his assistant
  11. 05.05.82 SG/Finegan: Congrats on Golden Jubilee of Kiltegans
  12. 23.06.82 SecGen/Pro: sends first appointments
  13. 19.08.82 SG/Geoghegan: work in Monrovia seminary?
  14. 26.08.82 SG/JD: members of Constitutions team
  15. 03.09.82 McCarthy: phone call;problems re 13
  16. 07.09.82 Geoghegan/SG: considerations re Monrovia
  17. 19.09.82 Doheny/SG: Cheshire home for Rome
  18. 22.09.82 EW (Enda Watters)/Pro: Dobleman Affair. John Daly.
  19. 22.09.82 Pro/SG: personnel varia. Geoghegan and Monrovia
  20. 09.10.82 3rd.yr.Theo/SG: ask information re 1st. appoints.
  21. 01.11.82 Newman/SG: declines to be Irish Provincial
  22. 03.11.82 Quinn/NB: module for Spiritans
  23. 22.11.82 SG/students: reply to 20
  24. 07.12.82 Geoghegan/SG: accepts to be on Constits. committee
  25. 10.12.82 Pro/Eup.Provs: re meeting in Dublin
  26. 16.12.82 Pro/Superiors: new council members
  27. 17.12.82 NB/Quinn: re module for Spiritans, no 22
  28. 17.12.82 Pro/SG: sends various documents
  29. 04.01.83 NB/Pro: re Eup. Provs. meeting
  30. 10.01.83 Quinn/NB: replies to 27
  31. 20.01.83 Geoghegan/GenSec: D.O'BRIEN new Bursar
  32. 04.02.83 NB/Pro: re Prov.'s meeting.


Résultats 51 à 60 sur 393