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  • SD-N17.1
  • 1968 - 1971

Box 1: Newspaper cuttings 1968-1971
(Collected by Fr. Donal O'Sullivan, District Superior of Nigeria East and, subsequently, General Assistant)

Folder 1 : 1968

  1. Apres 6 mois de guerre civile au Nigeria, Le Monde, 31.01.1968
  2. Biafra offered ceasefire, C. Taylor, Globe & Mail
  3. Boost for encircled Biafrans, R. Hall, Sunday Observer, 21.01.1968.
  4. Ojukwu, J. Horgan, Irish Times, 16.03.1968.
  5. The Church and the War (3 parts), J. Horgan, Irish Times, 19.03.1968.
  6. Biafrans kill 400 federal troops, W. Norris, Toronto Daily, 23.04.1968.
  7. Time and rains are on my side, Partington, Toronto Daily, 03.06.1968.
  8. Nigerian village in success story, R. Apple, N. York Times, 27.03.1968.
  9. Biafra seeks Irish support, J. Horgan, Irish Times.
  10. Letters, Varia, Observer, 28.01.1968.
  11. Extracts "The Tablet" & "Irish Times", 20.01.1968.
  12. Refugees in Biafra, Irish Times, 15.03.1968.
  13. War in the air, Irish Times, 12.03.1968.
  14. Hand to hand fighting, J. Horgan, Irish Times, 13.03.1968.
  15. The Irish Missionary (3 ports), J. Horgan, Irish Times.
  16. Biafran soldiers massacred in hospitals, New York Times.
  17. Disappearance of delegate to talks, C. Taylor, Globe & Mail, 27.05.1968.
  18. Aid group (Caritas) defies airlift ban, Reuters, N.Y. Times, 16.07.1968
  19. Priest in Lisbon link to Biafra (Dermot Doran), New York Times, 12.08.1968.
  20. Death and despair in Biafran hospital, New York Times, 01.08.1968.
  21. Politics of secession, J. Horqan, Irish Times, 11.03.1968.
  22. Biafra - the ugly war, R. Coffey, Long Island Press, 12.11.1968.
  23. Biafra and human rights, Editorial, Spectator, 15.11.1968.

Folder 2 : 1969

  1. Aid to Biafra from USA, K. Teltsch, New York Times, 09.02.1969.
  2. Civilians in Nigeria restive towards government, A. Friendly, New York Times, 09.02.1969
  3. Defiance and agony in Biafra, D. Robinson, Observer, 06.04.1969.
  4. No Biafran genocide (U.N.), Catholic Reporter, 29.01.1969.
  5. La découverte d'une " nation noire ", Paul Gache, France catholique, 10.01.1969.
  6. Report from Cssp Superior, O'Sullivan, Catholic Standard, 21.03.1969.
  7. 300 Biafrans slain in air raid, 01.02.1969.
  8. News of Nigeria, New York Times, 23.02.1969.
  9. State of Onitsha, R. Apple, New York Times 23.03.1969.
  10. Kennedy to seek U.N. relief force, B. Welles, N.Y. Times, 08.02.1969
  11. Report from Umuahia, L. Garrison, New York Times, 08.03.1969.
  12. Report from Cssp Superior, O'Sullivan, 01.03.1969.
  13. Aid to Biafran children at Libreville, 01.01.1969.
  14. Report from Dermot Doran cssp, Long Island Catholic, 06.06.1969.
  15. Report on relief by Dermot Doran, N.Y. Catholic, 05.06.1969.
  16. Cuttings from Daily Telegraph, London Telegraph, 01.03.1969.
  17. Wilson to visit Nigeria, A. Schuster, New York Times, 01.03.1969
  18. U.S offers to help Biafra airlift, T. Hamilton, New York Times, 01.03.1969.
  19. Articles on Nigeria, New York Times, 23.03.1969.
  20. Article by un-named missionary supporting Biafra, Irish Press, 06.03.1969.
  21. Ibo Chief Stephen Okafor criticises Ojukwu, Carroll, Sunday Times, 27.04.1969.
  22. War will get bloodier, Astrachan, Washington Post, 31.03.1969.
  23. African optimism for post war.
  24. Move to end war fails, Apple, New York Times, 21.04.1969.
  25. Another round in battle over Biafra, Garrison, New York Times, 27.04.1969.
  26. The other Nigeria is Medieval, Apple, New York Times, 19.04.1969.
  27. Recaptured Owerri, New York Times, 27.04.1969.
  28. Morale of Biafrans on upswing, The New World, 11.04.1969.
  29. Biafran war linked to discovery of oil, Boyce, Chigao Tribune, 28.04.1969.
  30. Swedes reported to bomb cities, Irish Times, 26.05.1969.
  31. For Nig. Soldiers almost no medics, Apple, New York Times, 03.06.1969.
  32. Biafran gains costly, Garrison, New York Times, 02.06.1969.
  33. Airlift, Green, Telegraph (CAN), 21.06.1969.
  34. Various extracts, Irish Times, 18.07.1969.
  35. Wilson calls on Ojokwu., Times, 11.11.1969.

Folder 3 : 1969
Folder 4 : 1970
Folder 5 : 1971
Folder 6 : 1971



  • 11i1.5a1-5
  • file
  • 1931 - 1970

1.- Journaux du district de Makurdi :

  • St Patrick de Taraku (05.11.1933 - 06.09.1939, 29.07.1951 - 30.03.1955, 01.01.1950 - 27.03.1955.
  • St Joseph de Korinya (18.02.1931 - 31.12.1961).
    2.- Journal personnel du supérieur religieux O'SULLIVAN (nommé le 19.09.1963, BG t. 48, n° 711, p.616, sept. oct. 1963) : d'oct. 1963 au 20.03.1966.
    3.- Journal personnel du P. O'SULLIVAN, du 20.03.1966 au 08.03.1966 ( + documents insérés et photos de religieux), guerre du Biafra.
    4.- Journal personnel du P. O'SULLIVAN, du 09.03.1968 au 08.02.1969.
    1. Extraits de journaux :
  • Northern Cross (official newspaper of the diocese of Makurdi), 1966/5.
  • The Leader (Owerri eastern Nigeria) 07.01, 18.02.1967.
  • La Vie Catholique (du 7 au 13.01.1970) : "Pour la paix immédiate au Biafra".
    1. Memories ot the German Holy Ghost Missionaries in Nigeria and Jamaïca, 1939-1947 (traduit de l'allemand), P. Wilhelm HANSEN.



  • SR-90
  • file
  • 1801 - 2011
  • AHERNE J, By the working of the Holy Spirit, Dublin, 1988
  • Book of the congress, Dublin, 1932.
  • BYRNE T, Working for justice and peace, 1988, Ndola (Zambie).
  • CASSIDY J, Matt Talbot, the irish worker's glory, Dublin, 1934.
  • Congregation of the Holy Spirit, Irish Directory 2006.
  • Consecration to the apostolate, Kimmage Manor, Diblin, 1982.
  • CORLESS S, Holy Ghost Hymnal, Desclée, 1954.
  • DYNAN E, The story of bishop Shanahan, a Man for Everybody, Dublin 2001.
  • FARRAGHER S, Bishop Joseph Shanahan, Dublin, 2002.
  • FARRAGHER S, Dev and his alma mater (Eamon de Valera), Dublin, 1984
  • FARRAGHER S, Edward Barron (1801-1854), Dublin, 2002.
  • FARRAGHER S, Irish spiritans remembered, notices 1 à 446.
  • FARRAGERS S, Led by the Spirit (Claude Fr. Poullart des Places), 1992.
  • FARRAGHER S, Père Leman (1826-1880), Blackrock, Dublin, 1988.
  • FARRAGHER S, Spiritan people and places, Blackrock, Dublin, 2007.
  • FARRAGHER Sean, The French College Blackrock 1860-1896), Paraclete Press, 2011.
  • FORRISTAL D, The second burial of bishop Shanahan, Dublin, 1990.
  • GEOGHEGAN T, Missionnary spirituality of bishop Shanahan, Dublin 2001
  • IBE F, Bishop Joseph Shanahan, Memorial Annual Lectures, Enugu 1997
  • JORDAN J, Bishop Shanahan of southern Nigeria, Dublin, 1948.
  • Life of R.A Pennefather, A new Model of Youth, Dublin-London, 1875.
  • Men with a Mission n° 2, FINUCANE, The Work of Spiritan Missionaries.
  • Missionary annal of the Holy Ghost Father, 1919-1920.
  • MOODY TW, MARTIN FX, The course of irish history, 1ère éd. 1967, 11e éd. 1978, Cork.
  • Nécrology, 1977, 1987, 1995, 2001, 2007.
  • O'BRIEN J, Seeds of a new Church, Dublin, 1994.
  • O'MALLEY Th., Tales without reason (Australie 1840s), Dublin 2001.
  • O' RIORDAN, Killarney, its memories, Dublin.
  • RYAN Patrick, Kimmage Manor, 100 years of service to mission, The Columba Press,
  • SAVOIE J, 15 days prayer with Claude Poullart des Places, Dublin, 2009.
  • Sister Marie Brigid, Bishop Shanahan and his missionary family, 1967 Killeshandra.
  • The house of Philosophy of the Holy Gost Fathers, Kimmage, 1950.
  • Tomorrow's labourers, Kimmage Manor (revue) 1951 à 1957.
  • WATTERS E, Go teach all Nations, Blackroc k, Dublin, 2000.
  • WATTERS E, Missionary Memoirs (1958-2003), Dublin, 2009.



  • 11i1.10b2
  • file
  • 1962 - 1967
  • 1962 : The Leader (28.07, 04, 11.08), Visite du cardinal Montini.
  • 1963 : The Leader (02.11), evêques nigerians au Concile Vatican II.
    The Leader (28.09) Nigeria a Republic (indépendance du Nigeria).
  • 1964 : The Leader (16.05), A great Missionary passes (P. James MELLET)
    La Croix (21.03) "Les étudiants de Lagos manifestent..."
    The Leader (08.08), "Kabba becomes a diocese".
    Le Droit (25.08) : Mgr DELISLE, premier évêque spiritain canadien-français.
    The Universe anD Catholic Times (11.09), "Missionary in Nigeria : now new Chaplain".
  • 1965 : Independent (26.06), visite de Mgr Lefebvre au Nigeria.
  • 1967 : The Leader (11.02), "Archbishop HEEREY is dead".
    Northern Cross (n° 8), "Wage War on Poverty".
    The Leader (01.07), "Bishop ARINZE elected archbishop".



  • 11i1.15b2
  • file
  • 1886 - 2000
  • Documents concernant l'histoire spiritaine au Nigeria :
  • Missionnaires enterrés au cimetière de la paroisse cathédrale d'Onitsha
    (1886-1965) : liste, courtes biographies, trois appendices.
  • "Les missionnaires spiritains dans la percée évangélisatrice de l'Eglise au Nigeria" (Montréal, mars 1983), 75 pages.
  • The provincial Century", célébration du 05 au 07.12.1985.
  • Lettre du P. GROVES (récit de tournées, 17.06.1987) + traduction.
  • "On being right. Greenberg's African Linguistic Classification...", Paul NEWMANN, 1995, Indiana University, 25 p.
  • "Premiers contacts des spiritains avec les peuples de la région centrale du Nigeria", Vincent O'TOOLE (pour Mémoire Spiritaine n° 5), anglais et français (1997).
  • P. MBEFO nommé provincial (lettre du 31.08.1999).
  • "Paris conforte l'archéo-trafic", Vincent NOCE (16.11.2000), Libération la semaine (tiré d'internet).



  • 11i1.11b1
  • file
  • 1968 - 1971
  • Biafra Newsletter (15.11.1968).
  • Biafra News, revue polycopiée éditée par "Britain Biafra Association", London :
  • 1969 :
    14.11, 12, 19.12.
  • 1970 :
    02, 09, 16, 23, 30.01,
    06, 13, 20.02,
    06, 20.03,
    03, 17.04,
    01, 15, 29.05,
    12, 26.06,
    10, 24.07,
    08, 21.08,
    04, 18.09,
    02, 16, 30.10,
    13, 27.11,
  • 1971 :
    01, 15.01.
  • East of the Nigeria :
    mai (n° 1), juin (n° 2).



  • 11i1.11a1
  • file
  • 1967 - 1967
  • "An Account of events in Biafra (1967)", P. MULLOY (01.12.1967), 9 p. dactylographiées.
  • P. Joseph BOUCHAUD : "Biafra", 13 p. dactylographiées.



  • 11i1.11a6
  • file
  • 1967 - 1970
  • "The Biafran-Nigerian War (1967-1970)", rapport concernant la guerre et la situation des misisonnaires, Informations USA-Est.



  • 11i1.10b7
  • file
  • 1970 - 1971

Après la guerre :

  1. 1970 : Le Monde (02, 03, 04-05, 06, 07, 08 (2), 09, 10, 11-12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25.01, 20-21.12).
  2. 1970 : The Universe (23.01, 06, 13, 20, 27.02, 06.03). La Vie catholique (07-13.01), Pentecôte sur le Monde (janv. fév.).
    • La Croix (01-02, 05, 07 (2), 08, 09 (2), 10, 11-12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (2), 17.01 (reddition du Biafra), 18-19 (3), 20 (3), 21 (2), 22, 23 (2), 24, 25-26, 28, 30, 31.01 (2), 03, 05, 08, 09, 13, 17, 20, 26.02, 01, 04, 06, 08, 19.03, 03, 07, 16.04, 22.07, 03, 20.10, 25.11.
    • L'Aurore (12.01), La Semaine (Brazzaville 25.01), L'Actualité (15-21.01), La Vie Catholique (11-17.11).
    • 1971 :
      La Croix (29.01, 15.04), Le Figaro (26.04).



  • 11i1.1a2
  • file
  • 1891 - 1923
  1. "Au Bas-Niger", P. Joseph BUBENDORF, manuscrit, 12 pages.
  2. Notice sur l'idiome "ibo", St Pierre Claver, imprimé.
  3. Cartes : du Nigeria (extraite des "Questions diplomatiques et coloniales", 15.04.1902), de "la partie la plus riche de l'Ijebou" (P. Hermann, Sma, dans Missions catholiques, 1906, 537).
  4. Extraits de journaux :
    • "La Navigation du Niger", Le Soleil, 24.01.1891.
    • "L'explorateur MIZON", 20.06.1892.
    • "La mission MIZON", Le Soleil, 11.04, 13.05.1891, 08.05.1893.
    • "L'expédition MIZON" , Le Soleil, 03.07.1893.
    • "La Mission MAISTRE", 28.03.1893.
    • "Bas-Niger", lettre du P. GANOT, Cssp, dans "Missions Catholiques" du 23.02.1900.
    • "Les deux Nigeria", étude de M. TEMPLE, (vers 1900).
    • "Le traitement des indigènes dans les Colonies Anglaises", La Dépêche Coloniale" (13.06.1905).
    • "Le programmes des Grands travaux au Niger", Journée Industrielle, 24-25.06.1923.
  5. Dans Anthroppos (tiré à part, 1921-1922) : "Un totem Nigérien", P. Alves CORREIA, Cssp.


Résultats 11 à 20 sur 27