Affichage de 393 résultats

Description archivistique
Seulement les descriptions de haut niveau GENERAL COUNCIL
Aperçu avant impression Affichage :


  • 2L1.4a3.5
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  • 1981 - 1986

General Council Decisions 1980-1986 :

  1. 22.10.81 Peter STEINBRECHER approved as Superior
  2. 22.10.81 Richard JEHLE's mandate extended
  3. 28.10.82 Novitiate erected at Glen Ash.
  4. 09.03.83 Gerhard STEFFEN appointed Superior for 3 years.
  5. 29.11.84 Second novitiate erected in Lesotho.
  6. 23.01.86 Heinz KUCKERTZ appointed Superior.



  • 2L1.4a3.3
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  • 1981 - 1986

Correspondance avec les évêques, 1981 - 1986 :

  1. 05.06.81 Bucher/SG : forthcoming meeting with Spiritans.
  2. 07.10.81 Bucher/Spanish Provincial : Fr. COELHO
  3. 16.10.81 Bucher/SG : request for COELHO to return.
  4. 15.12.81 Trachtler/Bucher.
  5. 08.02.82 Khoarai/SG : GIBIS and MOLDAN for Lesotho.
  6. 19.03.82 Khoarai/SecGen : asks for accommodation in Rome.
  7. 06.04.82 SecGen/Khoarai : welcome to stay, but Council away.
  8. 05.04.83 Butelezi/SG : on death of Fr. STEINBRECHER
  9. 23.04.83 Bucher/SG : pleads for return of Fr. FRITZ.
  10. 10.06.83 de Couesnongle/SG : help for Diocese of Kroonstadt.
  11. 17.07.83 SG/de Couesnongle : reply 10. Little hope of help.
  12. no date Bucher/SG : return of FRITZ and COELHO.
  13. 27.09.85 SG/Bucher : condolence re murder of Fr. ZEPF.
  14. 30.05.86 Hurley/SG : Durban hostel project. Hopes for help.



  • 2L1.4b1.3
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  • 1991 - 1992

Correspondence 3 : 02.10.91-28.04.92:

  1. 02.10.91 Kuckertz/de Boer : successful visit to England re Durban.
  2. 09.11.91 Kuckertz/de Boer : E. Nolan. Wieliczka. Furgalski.
  3. 14.11.91 Bonifazi/Haas : questions reported statement of P. Deiss
  4. 19.11.91 Kuckertz/Michalski : Fr. Fulgarski going to Dublin
  5. 26.11.91 Haas/Bonifazi : reply 3.
  6. 07.12.91 Kuckertz/Haas : delegate for General Chapter
  7. 14.12.91 Kuckertz/Haas : re Andrzej Wieliczka. Replacement?
  8. 24.12.91 Okoye/Kuckertz : minutes of meeting re S.A. Region
  9. 14.01.92 Wiehe/You : new appointment for Wieliczka.
  10. 18.01.92 Kuckertz/de Boer : personnel crisis
  11. 18.01.92 Kuckertz/Okoye : Personnel crisis. Formation programme.
  12. 22.02.92 Kuckertz/de Boer : Durban project. Personnel problems.
  13. 07.04.92 Kuckertz/de Boer : another Pole appointed: A. Guzik
  14. 28.04.92 Gerads/Haas : concerns re formation in S.S. Foundation



  • 2L1.4b1.2
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  • 1988 - 1991

Correspondence 2 : 13.12.88 - 17.07.91:

  1. 13.12.88 Michalski/Kuckertz : Why Furgalski has not yet come
  2. 04.04.89 Kuckertz/de Boes : sends Chapter Documents
  3. 18.05.89 Hurley/Haas : thanks for sending agreement re Durban
  4. 22.07.89 Kuckertz/Haas : thanks for visit. Formation.
  5. 03.08.89 Kuckertz/Haas : problems with Fr. Reetz bursar of Germany
  6. 24.08.89 Nicolas/Kuckertz : reply 5. SG will discuss it in Germany.
  7. 17.09.89 Kuckertz/de Boer : funds for building novitiate
  8. 19.09.89 Haas/Kuckertz : reply 4. It was a mistake. Insurence problem
  9. 27.10.89 Kuckertz/Haas : reply 8. Formation. Malawi. Br. Paul
  10. 28.10.89 Kuckertz/de Boer : Formation. Cor Unum. Novitiate
  11. 16.11.89 Haas/Kuckertz : Br. Paul. Novitiate. Malawi students.
  12. 17.11.89 Marzinkowski/Heinz : glad Br. Paul is coming to Generalate
  13. 17.12.89 Kuckertz/Haas : Violence. Br. Paul. Novitiateat Vrede
  14. 29.12.89 Kuckertz/Marzinkowski
  15. 18.01.90 Kuckertz/de Boer : Br. Paul. Cor Unum. Connor Kennedy.
  16. no date de Boer/Kuckertz : future of Malawi vocations.
  17. 11.05.90 Kuckertz/de Boer : Malawi. Wieliczka to study in London.
  18. 14.06.90 Kuckertz/de Boer : Cor Unum. P. Lafferty for Durban hostels.
  19. 14.06.90 Kuckertz/Okoye : meeting re Region of Southern Africa.
  20. 15.06.90 Kuckertz/Haas : invite to opening of novitiate
  21. 14.07.90 Kuckertz/Wiehe : Zimbabwe. English students on stage.
  22. 21.08.90 Kuckertz/Marzinkowski : Novitiate. Malawi students.
  23. 30.09.90 Kuckertz/de Boer : Personnel. Contract with Leribe.
  24. 24.11.90 Kuckertz/de Boer : student to learn English in London.
  25. 08.01.91 Bucher/Haas : condolences on death of Bp. Kelleter
  26. 11.02.91 Kuckertz/de Boer : Professions. Formation.
  27. 17.07.91 Kuckertz/de Boer : problems with Poland.



  • 2L1.4a3.2
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  • 1984 - 1986

Correspondance 2 : 15.03.84 - 19.02.86 :

  1. 15.03.84 Sup/SG : profession of first novice. 60 years in SA
  2. 22.05.84 Agnes?/SG : forward for anniversary booklet.
  3. 30.06.84 Kuckertz/SG : invite to 60th. celebrations.
  4. 09.11.84 Sup/Trachtler : News. Permission to move novitiate.
  5. no date Littner : proposed solution to problem in 4.
  6. 24.11.84 SG/Sup : doubts about American doing novitiate SA.
  7. 27.11.84 Moldan/SG : reply to 6.
  8. 01.12.84 SecGen/Sup : "second" novitiate in Lesotho OK.
  9. 27.09.85 SG/Sup : re murder of Fr. Joseph ZEPF.
  10. 18.10.85 Sup/SG : reply 9. Documents Durban hostels.
  11. 11.01.86 Sup/GC : Fr. KUCKERTZ elected Superior.
  12. 21.01.86 Kuckertz/SG : thoughts on taking up office.
  13. 24.01.86 SecGen/Sup : sends confirmation of election.
  14. 19.02.86 SG/Sup : thanks for service as Superior.
  15. 19.02.86 SG/Kuckertz : congrats. on appointment.



  • 2L1.4a3.1
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  • 1981 - 1983

Correspondance 01.04.81 - 17.07.83 :

  1. 01.04.81 Sup(Jehle)/SG : problems re Fr. WERNER and Bishop.
  2. no date SG/Sup : re relations Fr. Gibis and Bishop.
  3. 05.05.84 SG/Sup : re meeting with Bp. Bucher.
  4. 05.05.81 SG/Counc : Questionnaire to confreres re Diocese.
  5. 12.05.81 Werner/SG : problems with Bp. over vocations.
  6. 11.03.82 Sup/Watters : visas for M.KIELY & N.KILGARRIF.
  7. 19.11.82 Bonifazi/SG : suggests new religious habit.
  8. 02.01.83 Sup(Steinbrecher)/SecGen: material for novitiate.
  9. 14.01.83 Bevan/Sup : reply to 8. Promises help.
  10. 21.01.83 Sup/SG : news of District. Only KILGARIFF coming.
  11. 13.03.83 Bucher : sympathy over death of Superior.
  12. 15.03.83 SG/Steffen : thanks for taking over on death of Sup.
  13. 15.03.83 Moldaschi/SG : objection to the recent election
  14. 29.03.83 Bonifazi/SG : suggests daily Holy Hour for Spiritans.
  15. 13.04.83 Sup/SG : Suggests Kilgariff goes to Lesotho
  16. 28.04.83 McLaughlin/Watters : re appointment of Kilgariff.
  17. 25.05.83 SG/Bonifazi : reply 14.
  18. 27.05.83 SG/Sup : Irish not now coming; Alberto from Portugal.
  19. 04.06.83 Bonifazi/SG : reply 17.
  20. 22.06.83 Sup/SG : reply 18. News of foundation.
  21. 17.07.83 SG/Sup : reply 20. Return of Père FRITZ.



  • 2L1.4b1.5
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  • 1988 - 1992

Extraordinary Chapter 1988
Ordinary Chapter 1989
Visitation 1989
Visitation of Malawi 1991

  1. 1988 Minutes of Extraordinary District Chapter
  2. 1989 Minutes of Ordinary District Chapter
  3. 1989 Report to the Chapter by Superior
  4. 1989 Joe de Boer : Visitation report
  5. 1989 Haas: homily during Visitation.
  6. 1989 Haas : address to the District Chapter
  7. 1991 Okoye : Report on Visitation to Malawi Group
  8. 1992 Gerards : talk given at the District Chapter.



  • 2L2.6.4
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  • 1980 - 1986

Special Correspondence (Problems with Bishop) 1981:

  1. 01.04.81 Sup/SG:
  2. 04.05.81 SG: Meeting with Bp. Bucher. Problem re vocations.
  3. 05.05.81 SG/Sup:
  4. 05.05.81 SG/District Council: questionnaire for confreres.
  5. 05.05.81 Bonifazi: answer to questionnaire.
  6. 31.05.81 Bonifazi: continuation of above.
  7. 05.05.81 SG/Sup:
  8. 12.05.81 Werner/SG: answer to questionnaire.
  9. no date Answer to questionnaire.
  10. 13.06.81 Heinz: answer to questionnaire.
  11. 19.06.81 Meeting between Bishop Bucher and Spiritans
  12. no date Jehle: answer to questionnaire.
  13. 02.07.81 Michael Klein: answer to questionnaire.
  14. 02.07.81 Jehle/SG:
  15. 03.07.81 Jehle/SG:
  16. no date Horst Schier: answer to questionnaire.



  • 7G1.17a14
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  • 1986

Provincial Visitation 1986.

  1. Profile of the Irish Province
  2. Some reflections on the present situation in the Irish Province
  3. Programme for General Councillors
  4. Programme for Superior General
  5. Concerns of the Provincial Council
  6. Conseil Provincial avec le P. Timmermans 27/10/81
  7. Address by the Superior General to the Assembly - 5/3/86
  8. Report by Enda Watters
  9. Report by Vincent Ezeonyia
  10. Report by Norman Bevan (Formation Communities)
  11. Reaction to the reports by Templeogue community
  12. Letter to all members of the Province by Visitors
  13. Letter of Superior General to Provincial.



  • 3L3.1b2.1
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  • 1980 - 1986

General Council decisions between 1980 and 1986.

  1. 28.08.81 approves novitiate at Cacuso
  2. 28.08.81 N. RUFINO appointed to Angola
  3. 22.03.82 Approval of Chapter documents with amendments
  4. 22.03.82 Appointed to Angola : B.CARR, C.REIDY.
  5. 18.04.83 B. DUCHENE appointed Provincial.
  6. 03.05.83 sanatio in radice for G.MBILINGI & J.KUVALELA
  7. 06.09.83 Novitiate transferred to Ndalatando
  8. 08.06.84 F. FRANCISCO reverts to the province of Portugal
  9. 12.10.84 First appointments : RUFINO, KUVALELA, MBILINGI
  10. 17.04.85 approves request for ordination by P.QUITUMBA
  11. 13.03.86 Decision of SG re Bination and stipends.
  12. 11.04.86 Novitiate set up at Munhino
  13. 02.05.86 B. DUCHENE appointed provincial for 2nd. mandate


Résultats 71 à 80 sur 393