file 9G1.3a1.2 - CORRESPONDANCE

Zone d'identification






  • 1983 - 1985 (Création/Production)

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Étendue matérielle et support

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Histoire administrative

Histoire archivistique

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  1. 15.04.83 Zaborowski/SG : sends money for Polish Province
  2. 12.03.83 Michalski/SG : going to England to learn English
  3. no date Pro/SG : Easter greetings
  4. 27.04.83 SG/Pro : cannot come in June: Bp. of Kongolo to visit
  5. 27.05.83 SG/Michalski : thanks for 2
  6. 18.08.83 Pro/SG : permission to erect novitiate at Wloki
  7. 03.09.83 Pro/GenCon : asks for all 7 first appts. to be for Poland
  8. 06.09.83 Pro : when Michalski at disposition of SG
  9. 15.09.83 Forys/BT : thanks for visiting Poland
  10. 06.09.83 SecGen/Pro : transfer of novitiate
  11. 22.09.83 BT/Pro : talks about recent visit to Poland
  12. 01.10.83 Pro/SG : re MICHALSKI. Gone to England via S.Africa
  13. 01.10.83 BT/Pro : Greetings
  14. 07.12.83 Forys/SG : Christmas greetings
  15. 15.12.83 Zaremba/SG : dispense vows of W.PILARSKI
  16. 09.01.84 Littner/Forys : thanks for 14
  17. 21.02.84 BT/Pro : Cor Unum. Constitutions
  18. 28.03.84 Pro/SG : Easter greetings. MICHALSKI
  19. 31.03.84 Forys/BT : news of students
  20. 11.04.84 BT/Pro : re visa for PESTKA to study in Rome
  21. 26.04.84 NB/Pro : introduces an SMA father.
  22. 30.05.84 Forys/SG : thanks for invite for Fr. PESTKA
  23. 12.07.84 BT/Pro : Norman Bevan coming in August
  24. 18.08.84 Pro/BT : re the meeting of young spiritans in Poland
  25. 21.09.84 BT/Pro : student doing well.
  26. 11.10.84 Pro/BT : Invites BT.Intends to visit Kongolo
  27. 11.11.84 BT/Forys : encourage students to learn languages.
  28. 04.11.84 SG/Pro: MICHALSKI for Algeria? Request from Doume
  29. 28.11.84 Forys/SG : celebrations for beatification of Brottier
  30. 22.02.85 Zaremba/SecGen : details of departures
  31. 15.02.85 Pro/SG : Preparations for Chapter. Visit to Zaire
  32. 16.02.85 Pro/SG : MICHALSKI agrees to go to Algeria.
  33. 15.02.85 Pro/SG : dispensation of vows I.KONKEL
  34. 23.02.85 Forys/Littner : query re vows.
  35. 14.03.85 SG/Pro : Will visit in November
  36. 18.03.85 SG/Michalski : re work in Algeria
  37. 19.03.85 SG/Poggi; asks nuncio at Warsaw to take 36 to Poland
  38. 22.03.85 Littner/Forys : reply to 34.

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Existence et lieu de conservation des copies

Unités de description associées

Descriptions associées

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Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)

Ancienne cote

0155/90 / #103569


Mots-clés - Lieux

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Mots-clés - Genre

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  • français



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