file 10G1.11b1.1 - CORRESPONDANCE

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  • 1987 - 1990 (Création/Production)

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Correspondence 19/03/87 - 05/01/90.

  1. 19.03.87 Barbosa/GC: Greetings. Meeting of Mission Animators
  2. 02.04.87 Goncalves/O'Toole : suggested amendments to minutes of Eup. Formators.
  3. 06.04.87 SG/Missionary Animators of Europe : suggestions for agenda.
  4. 14.04.87 Barbosa/SG : recommendations for first appointments.
  5. 15.04.87 Barbosa/SG : new noviciate at Braga.
  6. 04.05.87 SG/Barbosa : coming to Portugal in July.
  7. 04.05.87 SG/Castro : congrats. on anniversary of LIAM.
  8. 15.10.87 Barbosa/SG : re new Provincial. He himself will not be available.
  9. 28.11.87 SG/Barbosa : need of a further consultation for new Provincial.
  10. 23.03.88 SG/Barbosa : thanks for service as Provincial. Invites him to be house bursar in Rome and Procurator to the Holy See.
  11. 29.03.88 Goncalves/Castro : asks for Abel Dias for Fribourg economato.
  12. 14.04.88 Barbosa/SG: reply 10. Asks for recyclage.
  13. 28.04.88 SG/Barbosa : reply 12. Will look for interim house bursar.
  14. 08.05.98 Castro/SG : will come to new Superiors' meeting.
  15. 09.05.88 SG/Castro : thanks for making Abel Dias available for Fribourg.
  16. 17.05.88 SG/Castro : reply 14. Personnel needs of Angola.
  17. 28.10.88 Castro/SG : permission for noviciate outside recognised house.
  18. 28.10.88 Castro/SG : Barbosa not available for Generalate.
  19. 20.11.88 Goncalves/Castro : reply 17.
  20. 26.12.88 Castro/SG : Noviciate. Visitation. Provincial Chapter.
  21. 24.07.89 Castro/SG : dispensation from vows.
  22. 24.08.89 Goncalves/Castro : re dispensation from vows.
  23. 05.01.90 Castro/SG : invites him to Provincial Chapter in July.
  24. no date Goncalves/Castro : reply 23.


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0189/98 / #103593


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  • français



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