file 2N2.2b1.2 - CORRESPONDANCE

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  • 1981 - 1982 (Création/Production)

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Correspondance 06/05/81 - 26/11/82 :

  1. 06.05.81 Telegramme : EPC elects Bernard KELLY as Provincial
  2. 06.05.81 Pro/NB : re election of B.KELLY. Selling of property. Vocations prospects
  3. 15.05.81 NB/Kelly : congrats. on election. Visitation.
  4. 12.06.81 NB/Pro : J & P issues. Voting rights of confs. from other jurisdictions.
  5. 24.06.81 Pro/NB : reply to 4. Problem re voting rights. Thoughts on election of General Council.
  6. 29.07.81 Pro(Kelly)/NB : Visitation. Formation.
  7. 08.08.81 Pro/Trachtler : Gen. Councillor needed for North American Sups. meeting in March 82.
  8. 20.08.81 Trachtler/Pro : reply to 7. Councillor will attend. Justice et Paix.
  9. 02.09.81 SG/Geary : sorry cannot be at the school ceremony
  10. 13.09.81 NB/Doyle : reply to 5.
  11. 16.09.81 Pro/SG : T.CROMIEN
  12. 29.09.81 SG/Pro : thanks for 11
  13. 08.10.81 Doyle/SG : reciprocates good wishes and compliments
  14. 10.10.81 NB/Pro : Visitation in June: Bevan & Trachtler
  15. 12.10.81 Pro/SG : North American meetings. Three professions
  16. 28.10.81 Pro/NB : reply to 14.
  17. 21.11.81 Pro/SecGen : W.McCORMACK to join Prov.from England
  18. 07.12.81 SecGen/Pro : GC agrees to 16
  19. 18.12.81 SecGen/Pro : thanks for directory
  20. 19.01.82 SecGen/ProvSec : thanks for documents
  21. 21.01.82 SecGen/Pro : re constitutions committee
  22. no date Deidre McLoughlin/SG : news of the Ashling comm.
  23. 04.03.82 Pro/NB : first appt. P.CALLAGHAN
  24. 05.04.82 Provsec/SG : minutes of N.American Provs. meeting
  25. 13.10.82 Pro/NB : re financial solidarity
  26. 19.10.82 Geary/SG : sends souvenir programme of ceremony
  27. 08.11.82 SG/Troy : thanks for booklet
  28. 26.11.82 NB/Pro : sends visitation report. Thanks for reception.

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0180/90 / #103620


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  • français



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