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1439 Description archivistique résultats pour CORRESPONDANCE

1439 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques


  • 5J3.2a2
  • file
  • 1996 - 1998
  1. 02.06.1996: van Breen/C.G: detailed account of war
  2. 04.07.1996: van Breen/C.G: more details of fighting
  3. 26.10.1996: Courant/Jolibois: news of confreres
  4. 07.11.1996: Courant/C.G: news of confreres
  5. 03.12.1996: Courant/C.G: another outbreak of fighting
  6. 05.12.1996: Courant/C.G: deterioriation
  7. 20.12.1996: Courant/Jolibois: GASCHY, SENECHAL, DELEGUE
  8. 30.12.1996: Courant/C.G: more tension and fighting
  9. 04.01.1997: Courant/C.G: evacuation of St Charles
  10. 06.01.1997: Schouver/Courant: news of Haïti, Zaïre, Tanzania
  11. 08.01.1997: Courant/Schouver: reply 10. Fierce fighting
  12. 03.06.1997: Van Breen/UNHCR: a strong complaint
  13. 19.06.1997: van Breen/Delisse: a cool reception at UNCHR
  14. 22.06.1997: van den Brinck/C.G: news from Bangui
  15. 25.06.1997: van den Brinck/C.G: more news
  16. 29.07.1997: Schouver/Confreres: admiration for their conduct
  17. 12.10.1997: Schouver/Courant: news update
  18. 17.10.1997: Courant/C.G: movement of personal
  19. 25.10.1997: Schouver/Courant: reply 18. News from the rest of RCA
  20. 11.11.1997: Courant/Cchouver: district will integrate to PAC
  21. 26.11.1997: Myotte-Duquet/C.G: news of more fighting
  22. 21.05.1998: Schouver/Rembanga: congrats. on protest to authorities.



  • 5J1.7b4.3
  • file
  • 1980 - 1985

Correspondance (Bishops) 1980 - 1985 :

  1. 23.08.80 Maitre/Prov. Team of France: transfer of personnel.
  2. 24.08.80 Maitre/SG : sent with copy of above. VANLUGGENE
  3. 29.10.80 Maitre/SG : re possible arrival of FMM.
  4. 17.11.80 SG/Maitre : reply to 3. Death of P. BERNHARD
  5. 03.02.81 Maitre/SG : disappointed that the FAC is leaving
  6. 06.02.81 Bp. Maanicus/SG : greetings and news.
  7. 06.09.81 Maitre/SG : episcopal ordination. News of politics
  8. 15.10.81 Bp. Maitre ; thanks for help in ordination.
  9. 06.03.82 SG/Maitre : Sorry FMM are not coming. Politics.
  10. 11.06.82 Maitre/SG : reply to 6. question of a local vocation.
  11. 18.04.83 Maanicus/SG : death of Fr. CORNELIUS MASTBROEK
  12. 01.04.85 Maitre/SG : Personnel, De BANVILLE and RUFFIEUX
  13. 22.04.85 SG/Archbp. Ndayen : thanks for hospitality. Funds.
  14. 05.05.85 SG/Maitre : reply to 12.
  15. 04.10.85 Maitre/SG : RUFFIEUX. Personnel policy?
  16. 16.10.85 SG/Maitre : reply to 15. RUFFIEUX.



  • 5J1.7b4.2
  • file
  • 1984 - 1986

Correspondance 24.01.84 - 02.04.86 :

  1. 24.01.84 Sup/GC : change of date for start of mandate of Sup.
  2. 26.01.84 SG/Sup : greetings. LAMERAND
  3. 04.02.84 SecGen/Sup : thanks for 1.
  4. 04.02.84 Sup/SG : greetings and news. Personal feelings.
  5. 23.02.84 Bergsma/SG : news.
  6. 26.05.84 Bergsma/SG : news of Bambari
  7. 28.05.84 Sup/SG : Relations with local clergy. Spiritan parishes.
  8. 05.07.84 SG/Sup : reply to 7.
  9. 04.10.84 SG/Sup : a financial arrangement.
  10. 01.12.84 SG/Sup : return of Pierre OLIVIE to RCA
  11. 14.12.84 Van den Brink/SG : news.
  12. 10.02.85 SG/van Breen : problems with Abbé Alex.
  13. 13.03.85 SG/Fulbert : re cheque that bounced. (cf. no.9.)
  14. 24.05.85 Sup/GC : canonical problem re appointments.
  15. 08.06.85 Gross/Sup : confrères appointed district, not diocese
  16. 13.06.85 Result of voting for Superior.
  17. 12.07.85 Littner/Koenen : appointed for a 2nd. mandate.
  18. 20.10.85 Wijnen/SG
  19. 28.10.85 Sup/SG : problems with the FAC. News, personnel.
  20. 02.02.86 Bouju/SG : congrats. on his service to the Cong.
  21. 23.03.86 SG/Bouju : thanks for 21. Wishes reciprocated.
  22. 02.04.86 Sup/SG : AZEGUE, SCHAEFFER.



  • 5J1.7b4.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1983

Correspondance 04.09.80 - 24.12.83:

  1. 04.09.80 Ruffieux/SG : Congratulations and news
  2. 15.10.80 Courant/SG : congrats. and personal news
  3. 23.10.80 Retera/SG : news. Difficulties of ministry in RCA
  4. 01.01.81 Godart/SG : greetings
  5. 03.08.82 Robert/SG : sympathy over death of mother. News.
  6. 14.01.83 SG/Sup (Gautier) : Dutch team to build SIST
  7. 14.01.83 SG/Hettinger : asks Br. Klaas to build SIST
  8. 14.02.83 Sup/SG : Klaas will go to Nigeria after convalescence.
  9. 19.02.83 Results of straw vote for Princ. Sup.
  10. 04.03.83 SG/Sup : Martin Wilson to teach scripture in Senegal.
  11. 04.03.83 SG/Sup : disappointed with straw vote.
  12. 11.03.83 Hettinga/SG : health. Move to Nigeria.
  13. 17.03.83 Gauthier/SG : LAMERAND, WILSON, SCHAEFFER.
  14. 15.03.83 SG/Morin : thanks for telex re WILSON.
  15. 12.04.83 result of 2nd. vote for Superior. KOENEN elected.
  16. 12.04.83 Sup/SG : concerns re First cycle house. Personnel.
  17. 21.04.83 SG/Sup : thanks for 13. Appreciation as Superior.
  18. 21.04.83 SG/Sup (Koenen): congrats. on appointment.
  19. 26.04.83 SG/Hettinga : details of engagement in Nigeria
  20. 04.05.83 Wilson/SG : re transfer to Senegal.
  21. 05.05.83 Gauthier/SG : thanks for 17. Plans for future.
  22. 05.05.83 Sup/SG : reply to 18.
  23. 13.05.83 SG/Gauthier : reply to 13.
  24. 21.05.83 SG/Godart : Regrets he cannot find a technician.
  25. 24.12.83 Sup/SG : news of District. LAMERAND



  • 2G20.7a1
  • file
  • 1853 - 1872
  • Bail de la ferme et de la forêt de LANGONNET au profit de M. MAUPIED (23.03.1853).
  • Lettre du 26.03.1857 (approbation de l'échange des propriétés).
    Lettres de la sous-préfecture (24.10.1857, 08.01, 17.02.1858), lettres au ministre de l'agriculture (24.10.1857, 13.01.1858), du P. LEVAVASSEUR, du P. GUYOT (07, 08.09.1863), correspondance de 1856 à 61. Procès-verbal de remise à la congrégation des bâtiments de l'Abbaye (09.08.1859), procès-verbal de remise et de prise de possession de l'ancienne Abbaye de la Joie à Hennebont (08.08.1859).
  • Demande d'autorisation d'un emprunt hypothécaire sur LANGONNET (17.06.1871), délibération du conseil d'administration ( 15.11.1871).
    Hypothèque BOUCHE, lettres du 24.04.1871, du 03.07.1872. Extrait du registre des délibérations du Conseil général (21.06.1871). Situation financière de la congrégation (27.06.1871). Lettres du P. SCHWINDENHAMMER à l'évêque de VANVES (28.06.1871), de la Préfecture (18.07.1871), du Ministère des cultes (08.11.1871), de l'archevêché de PARIS (15.11.1871, 31.01.1872). Plan de remboursement sur 10 ans.



  • 2K3.2b1
  • file
  • 1992 - 1998
  1. 08.10.1992: Timmermans/Schouver: future status of Bagamoyo?
  2. 26.10.1992: Henschel/Schouver: invite to 125th anniversary to parish
  3. 18.02.1993: Damen/Wijnene: doubts about being superior
  4. Gordijn/Wijnen: group accepts Damen as superior. Merger with EAP,
  5. 02.05.1993: Schouver/Bayo: will come to celebration
  6. 10.08.1995: Damen/Schouver: sends money for Tanzanian refugees
  7. 22.09.1995: Damen/Hurley: visitation?
  8. 10.01.1996: Odigbo/Hurley: Damen re-elected as superieio of group 9. 11.01.1996: Approval of 8
  9. 04.06.1997: Damen/Wijnen: news of confreres and circonscription



  • 2K1.24b5.2
  • file
  • 1981 - 1985

Correspondance (Evêques) 1981-1985 :

  1. 12.10.81 Bp. Mkoba/SG : thanks for hospitality.
  2. 25.03.82 Bp. Sangu/SG : pleading for retention of P.SLAATS
  3. 19.04.82 SG/Sangu: reply to 2. Cannot intervene.
  4. 17.05.85 Bp. Mkoba/SG : pleads for retention of P.GORDIJN
  5. 26.06.85 SG/Mkoba: cannot intervene.



  • 2K3.2a1.1
  • file
  • 1986 - 1992

Correspondence 1986-1992 :

  1. 29.10.86 Van Kessel/SG : condolences father and Bert Noonan
  2. 12.06.87 Okoye/van Kessel : East Africa possible venue for EGC
  3. 12.09.88 Van Kessel/Okoye : Draft Contract with Bishop
  4. 24.11.88 Van Kessel/Okoye : Future of Morogoro District?
  5. 19.12.88 Versteyen/Okoye : future of the District.
  6. 20.12.88 Damen/Okoye : thoughts on the future of the District
  7. 22.12.88 De Boer/Graat : Future of District to be discussed.
  8. 16.01.89 Graat/de Boer : Will carry out recommendations.
  9. 17.02.89 Graat/Okoye : discussion on future of District.
  10. 08.03.89 Okoye/Graat : discussions re future.
  11. 01.07.89 Winkelmolen/Okoye : Journals of Bagamoyo mission.
  12. 16.10.89 Okoye/Graat : reply 11. regarding the Journals.
  13. 31.12.89 Winkelmolen/Okoye : Agrees to arrangement.
  14. 02.04.92 Damen/SG : Election and sudden death of Fr. GRAAT.
  15. 10.06.92 Damen/Okoye : future of the circumscription.



  • 2K1.24b5.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1985

Correspondance 1980-1986 :

  1. 02.09.80 Sup(Sleutjes)/SG : Chapter at Chevilly
  2. 09.10.80 van Kessel/SG : catechesis, African sisters.
  3. 22.10.80 Ezeonyia/Sups : Asks support for Nigerians in Zambia
  4. 13.02.81 Sup/SG : news of District.
  5. 17.04.81 Sup/SG : news of District
  6. 06.06.81 Sup/SG : news of District.
  7. 09.07.81 Spindler/SG, difficulties in Tanzania. Discouragement.
  8. 10.11.81 Sup/SG : news of District
  9. Dec. 81 SG/Sup : reply to 8.
  10. 12.12.81 Sup/SG: results of straw vote for Sup.
  11. 15.12.81 Sup/SG: replies on questionnaire re Constitutions.
  12. 06.01.82 Telegramme re votes for Superior.
  13. 06.01.82 Sup/SG: same information as 12.
  14. 29.12.82 Tullemans/SG: letter accompanying his thesis.
  15. 02.02.83 V.Kessel/SG: accepts to reply to an enquiry.
  16. 08.01.83 Slaats/SG: accepts to reply to enquiry.
  17. 25.05.83 SG/v.Kessel : thanks for 15.
  18. 25.05.83 SG/Slaats : thanks for 16.
  19. 30.07.83 v.Kessel/SG : news of Diocese.
  20. 02.04.84 Ezeonyia/Sup(Gordijn) : Sends report of Visitation.
  21. 10.01.85 Sup/SG : Account of Assembly. His re-election as Sup.
  22. 16.03.85 SG/Sup: appreciation and congrats. on re-election
  23. 14.06.85 Damen/SG: re election of Gordijn to Dutch Prov.
  24. 17.05.85 vKessel/SG: same subject as 23
  25. 12.07.85 SG/confreres: re Gordijn's election to Holland.
  26. 16.07.85 Sup/GC: Van KESSEL elected Superior.
  27. 17.07.85 Sup/SG: re election of van Kessel. News of District.
  28. 16.10.85 Sup(van Kessel)/SG: delegate at General Chapter.
  29. 04.11.85 Sup/Ezeonyia: reaction to pan-African meeting.


Résultats 1381 à 1390 sur 1439