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1439 Description archivistique résultats pour CORRESPONDANCE

1439 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques


  • 2B1.6b1
  • file
  • 1822 - 1897

M. de SAINTE COLOMBE a été spiritain, de 1845 à 1853, mais il est resté à la Maison-Mère jusqu'en 1880.



  • 4G1.5b3.2
  • file
  • 1988 - 1990

Correspondence 08/04/88 - 30/01/90:

  1. 08.04.88 Wiehe/O'Toole: New Sups. meeting. FRIERY. J.KITCHEN
  2. 19.04.88 O'Toole/Wiehe : Reply 1. New Council. T.FRIERY.
  3. 07.05.88 O'Toole/Wiehe : invite to Provincial Assembly.
  4. 03.06.88 Wiehe/O'Toole : Visitation? McCAULIFFE. MINOGUE.
  5. 03.06.88 O'Toole/Wiehe: Pakistan: not J.BROWN. Alan COLLINS?
  6. 16.06.88 Wiehe/O'Toole : Procedure for McCAULIFFE.
  7. 21.06.88 O'Toole/Wiehe : Visitation details. J-N PIERRE.
  8. 21.09.88 SG/O'Toole : MIL governors' meeting.
  9. 28.09.88 O'Toole/SG : thanks for hospitality.
  10. 14.10.88 SG/O'Toole : brief visit to England in November.
  11. 05.11.88 Wiehe/O'Toole : K.MARTIN for Generalate.
  12. 28.01.89 Wiehe/O'Toole : K.MARTIN settling down.
  13. 11.06.89 O'Toole/Wiehe : T.FRIERY heart attack. F.MORAN sick.
  14. 13.06.89 O'Toole/Wiehe : Draft contract re Jersey. Phil. DOYLE
  15. 14.06.89 Wiehe/O'Toole : K.MARTIN returning to England.
  16. 22.06.89 O'Toole : circular. F.MORAN. Looking for new house.
  17. 27.06.89 Wiehe/O'Toole : Jersey contracts approved.
  18. 05.07.89 O'Toole/Wiehe : MINOGUE. MARTIN. Jersey contract
  19. 01.08.89 Wiehe/O'Toole : reply 18. MINOGUE case re-submitted.
  20. 30.10.89 O'Toole/Wiehe : Visitation. F.POOLE. Visas for S. Africa.
  21. 13.11.89 Wiehe/O'Toole : MINOGUE laicised.
  22. 21.11.89 Wiehe/O'Toole : details re Visitation.
  23. 30.01.90 Wiehe/O'Toole : Visit to Tanzania.



  • 2G45.2b1.2
  • file
  • 1981 - 1982

Correspondence 30/11/81 - 27/09/82.

  1. 30.11.81 SG/Reniers : request material re youth in Africa
    2 30.11.81 SG/Gobina : thanks for thesis
  2. 04.12.81 SG/Deglaire : agrees with plan to go to Yola
  3. 05.12.81 SG/Grach : thanks for book on Cucherousset
  4. 01.01.82 Gosselin/SG : book on Brottier to Pope?
  5. 10.01.82 Reniers/SG : reply to 1
  6. 08.01.82 Brisson/SG : possibility of work with Haitians
  7. 12.01.82 Thibault/Pro : rector of French Seminary?
  8. 14.01.82 Pro/Gross : same subject as 7
  9. 19.01.82 Lespinasse/SG : available for work among refugees
  10. 22.01.82 SecGen/Gosselin : thnaks for 5
  11. 28.01.82 SecGen/ Langavant : thanks for questionnaire
  12. 05.02.82 SecGen/Pro : sends letters from Pere Aman
  13. 05.02.82 SG/Pro : terna for French Sem.
  14. 05.02.82 SG/Pro : recyclage at Mortain. Reply to no. 30 in 1/
  15. 08.02.82 SG/de Langle : re mass intentions for Tefe
  16. 08.02.82 Pro/SG : terna for French Sem.
  17. 10.02.82 SG/Gosselin : reply to 5
  18. 03.03.82 SecGen/Pro : re secularisation of D.PELCOT
  19. 05.03.82 SG/Beguerie : asks permission to use his work
  20. 13.03.82 NB/Jacquard : theology for FOI students?
  21. 26.04.82 Gross/Pro : French Sem. Louis VIENNE
  22. no date Roussel/SG : the international secretariat for audio-visual communications
  23. 15.05.82 Cong.for the causes of saints/Gosselin : thanks for book on Brottier. Progress in his cause
  24. 02.06.82 SG/Roussel :reply to 23
  25. 02.06.82 SG/You : reflection on relgious missionary life
  26. 03.06.82 Noel/SG talks of archives
  27. 06.06.82 Gosselin/SG : cause of Brottier
  28. 13.06.82 You/SG : reply to 26
  29. 13.07.82 Pro/SG : thanks for letter re re-election
  30. 19.08.82 Littner/Pro : confirmation of re-election
  31. 23.08.82 Koren/SG : re errors in French version of book
  32. 03.09.82 de Boer/Koren : re 32
  33. 27.09.82 Grach/SG : reaction to book on Cucherousset ?



  • 2G45.2b1.6
  • file
  • 1985 - 1985

Correspondence 02/05/85 - 21/12/85.

  1. 02.05.85 SG/Rousse l: video on Brottier's beatification
  2. 06.05.85 NB/Pro : Sends visitation reports. Format. meeting
  3. 07.05.85 Gross/Pro : Thanks for donations. Personnel various
  4. 15.05.85 Pro/SG : re Paul MBA
  5. 17.05.85 Pro/Gross : reply to 7
  6. 11.07.85 Littner/Pro (Savoie) : congrats. om appointment
  7. 13.07.85 SG/Pro : Request from Mgr. Zoa. LAMMERAND
  8. 17.05.85 Card. Decourtray/SG : thanks for congrats.
  9. 17.05.85 Roussel/SG : reply to 1
  10. 03.07.85 Gosselin/SG : sends book on Brottier. Asks for a visit to Auteuil
  11. 22.07.85 NB/Pariat : spiritan month at Saverne
  12. 23.07.85 NB/Gross : can you attend Saverne meeting?
  13. 26.07.85 NB/Pro : news of his election as Provincial of USA East
  14. 26.07.85 Pro/SG : personnel: HENRY. LAMMERAND
  15. 27.07.85 Pro/SG : Econome for Fr. Sem. CHAVEROT.GALLIEGUE
  16. 29.07.85 Riaud/SG : sends book on P. des Places
  17. 08.08.85 SG/Pro : reply to 14 & 15. Paul MBA
  18. 09.08.85 SG/Gosselin : thanks for book. Visit in future
  19. 09.08.85 SG/Gosselin : further comments on book
  20. 14.08.85 SG/Riaud : thanks for book
  21. 19.09.85 Le Hellaye/SG : possible appointment to Zaire
  22. 19.09.85 Gross/Pro : RUHLMAN. ARNAUD.
  23. 17.10.85 Nicolas/SG : sends "Spiritus".
  24. 17.09.85 Le Hellaye/SG : Sp. Foundation in Zaire. Mgr.OYEMBO
  25. 31.10.85 SG/Le Hellaye : reply to 24
  26. 12.11.85 Laurent/SG : forwards request from Durban for help with hostel apostolate
  27. 20.11.85 de Milleville/SG : thanks for congrats.
  28. 26.11.85 T.Neiva/Nicolas : invite to General Chapter as peritus
  29. 14.12.85 de Boer/Pro : somebody for Fribourg. SCHOEFFEL
  30. 21.12.85 SG/Pro : Fribourg. A further plea.



  • 2G45.2b1.7
  • file
  • 1985 - 1986

Correspondence 15/12/85 - 12/06/86.

  1. 15.12.85 Noel/SG : plea to include care of archives in Constitutions. Help and successor; CARRARD?
  2. 17.12.85 de Milleville/SG : greetings for Christmas
    3 28.12.85 Nicolas/Torres Neiva : will come to Chapter
  3. 30.12.85 SG/Pro : MICHALSKI to Algeria
  4. 30.12.85 SG/Pro : request to leave PERROT in Zaire
  5. 30.12.85 Pro/SG : juridical status of Algeria
  6. 03.01.86 SG/Pro : ties between France and Duquesne
  7. 09.01.86 Heroux/Nicolas : thanks for 3
  8. 11.01.86 Heroux/Pro : thanks for 6
  9. 20.01.86 SecGen/Gosselin : thanks for letter of 19/12
  10. 08.02.86 Grach/SG : sends document on Brottier
  11. 13/02.86 SG/Pariat : invited to Senegal for one year
  12. 19.02.86 SG/Pro : various personnel.
  13. 24.02.86 SG/Rousse : subscriptions to OCIC & UNDA
  14. 23.03.86 Heroux/Noel : researchers coming from Brazil
  15. 27.03.86 SG/You : Algeria is now and International Group
  16. 28.03.86 SG/Nicolas : preach retreat at Chapter?
  17. 02.04.86 Pro/SG : Personnel. Auteuil contract
  18. 03.04.86 Aubert/G. Council : Congrats. Suggestions for Chapter
  19. 10.04.86 SG/Pro : thanks for 19.
  20. 10.04.86 SG/Aubert : thanks for 20
  21. 16.04.86 SG/Pro : Pariat is going to Senegal
  22. 30.04.86 SG/Pro : Haiti. Ministry for ONYEMBO in France?
  23. 10.05.86 Roussel/SG :sends video on Massai
  24. 15.05.86 David/SG : thanks for hospitality
  25. 16.05.86 David/SG : sends book of meditations
  26. 17.05.86 Pro/SG : activities re Libermann (?)
  27. 12.06.86 SG/Roussel : thanks for video. Financing CIM.



  • 7G1.17a1
  • file
  • 1980

Correspondence 03.10.80 - 13.12.80

  1. 03.10.80 Mullin/SG: Interest in working in China
  2. 04.10.80 Daly/Pro (Watters): SG and Daly to visit Ireland
  3. 06.10.80 Pro/JD(Daly): reply to 2
  4. 14.10.80: Gaffney/SecGen: asks photos of Ezeonyia
  5. 21.10.80 Pro/SG: Proposed visits to Brazil, Nigeria and S. Africa
  6. 22.10.80 SecGen/Gogan: returns manuscript on P. des Places
  7. 23.10.80 Pro/circular to Sups. re Chap. implementation
  8. 23.10.80 Pro/SG: arrangements for visit. Arch.BROSNAHAN
  9. 24.10.80 Ellison/SecGen: details of vows
  10. 24.10.80 Ring/SG: permission to go to Australia
  11. 26.10.80 Holohan/SecGen: requests Papal blessing
  12. 26.10.80 O'Brien/SG: hunger-strike in Northern Ireland
  13. 31.10.80 SecGen/Mullin: reply to 1. How about Pakistan?
  14. 06.11.80 JD/Pro: plans for visit; suggested agenda
  15. 06.11.80 SG/Pro: stresses desire to meet Prov. Council
  16. 11.11.80 SG/Pro: re C.RING
  17. 18.11.80 Holohan/JD: will SG preach at Griffin celebrations
  18. 24.11.80 JD/Holohan: reply to 17
  19. 26.11.80 McCormack/JD: suggested programme for visit
  20. 29.11.80 Kennedy/JD: report on a visit to Africa
  21. 02.12.80 JD/McCormack: meetings not too "social".
  22. 13.12.80 JD/Systermans: hungerstrikers in N.Ireland?



  • 7G1.17.8
  • file
  • 1985 - 1986

Correspondence 16/08/85 - 08/07/86.

  1. 16.08.85 Geo/Littner: thanks for info. on profession etc.
  2. 16.08.85 Pro/SG: successor to Myles FAYE
  3. 03.09.85 Geo/Littner: thanks for letter to Cong. of Relig.
  4. 25.10.85 SG/Jordan: re LEFEBVRE and the Vatican
  5. 29.10.85 Murphy/SecGen: profession documents
  6. 17.12.85 Pro/SG: greetings for Christmas
  7. 30.12.85 SG/Pro: B.HEARNE for SIST or the MIL in London?
  8. 08.01.86 Murphy/SecGen: observers for Gen. Chap.
  9. 14.01.86 Pro/SG: re B.HEARNE
  10. 15.01.86 Donovan/SG: meeting "Spiritan Reflection Group"
  11. 17.01.86 Murphy/SecGen: re 8. No decision possible yet
  12. 22.01.86 JD/SG: news of self. Comments on Constitutions
  13. 27.01.86 SecGen/JD: thanks for 12. Much chat.
  14. 11.03.86 Quinn/SG: thanks for visit to Centre
  15. 12.03.86 JD/SG: congrats. on talk at Templeogue.
  16. 18.03.86 SG/Pro: thanks for hospitality. Observers at Chap.
  17. no date JD/SG: re "Spiritan Wellsprings" and G.Chapter
  18. 10.04.86 SecGen/Pro: sends visitation reports
  19. 11.04.86 JD/SG: sales not going well for book. Any help?
  20. 12.04.86 Pro/SecGen: sends Irish report on Draft Constits.
  21. 16.04.86 SecGen: thanks for 12
  22. 18.04.86 Pro/SG: will circulate visitation report to all
  23. 01.05.86 Moore/SG: appointment to Sudan
  24. 12.05.86 JD/SG: pessimistic re Constitutions
  25. 14.05.86 Pro/SG: withdraws from Chapter for medical reasons
  26. 23.05.86 Gogan/SG: sends book on original rules
  27. 24.05.86 SecGen/JD: bring documents to Chapter
  28. no date F.Barry/SG: thoughts on the Congregation
  29. 05.06.86 O'Sullivan/SG: congrats. on visitation
  30. 12.06.86 SG/Pro: reply to 17. S.KEALY for Duquesne?
  31. 12.06.86 SG/Kealy: same as above
  32. 12.06.86 SG/Moore: replt to 15
  33. 13.06.86 SG/Gogan: thanks for "Wellsprings".
  34. 20.06.86 SG/Mulloy: thanks for replacing S.Moore at Chap.
  35. 08.07.86 Pro/SG: re no 22. Negative reply.



  • 8G1.6a1.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1982

Correspondence 28/10/80 - 28/03/82.

  1. 28.10.80 Verwielen/SG : three brothers to be ordained
  2. 28.10.80 Verwielen/SG : donation to spiritan foundations
  3. 21.11.80 SG/Verbee : sickness -come to work Rome?
  4. 30.12.80 Verwielen/Gross : praise for "letters to Maj. Sups"
  5. 24.02.81 Verwielen/SG : please invite us to meetings
  6. 24.02.81 Verwielen/SG : immigrants in Holland
  7. 09.03.81 SG/Neven : News of Dutch in CAR
  8. 11.03.81 Littner/Neven : replt to 5
  9. 17.03.81 SG/Houdijk ; grant from World Mercy
  10. 27.04.81 Neven/SG : news of sick confreres
  11. 08.07.81 Prov.Team/Gen.Counc : procedure re constitutions
  12. 30.09.81 Moretti/SG : re the Pia Unio "Redemptor Hominis"
  13. 04.11.81 SG/Moretti : thanks for 12. Encouragement.
  14. 12.01.82 de Kinderen/SG : re Fr. VEENBOER
  15. 29.01.82 SecGen/Prov.Team : thanks for constit. document
  16. 12.02.82 Missiewerken/SG
  17. 28.03.82 Bijllaardt/SG : news of ICAO, Abidjan.



  • 9G1.3a1.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1983
  1. 22.10.80 Pro(Kolasny)/SG: dispensation temp. vows LIPINSKI
  2. 04.11.80 BT(Trachtler/Pro: himself as correspondent
  3. 02.03.81 Pro/SG: dispensation from more temp. vows.
  4. 03.03.81 Forys/Littner: seeks advice on change of Province
  5. 10.03.81 Littner/Pro: dispense for LEPINSKI. cf.1
  6. 19.03.81 SG/PRO: will visit Poland in June for ten days
  7. 19.03.81 Stein/SG: transfer from Polish to German Province
  8. 27.03.81 Littner/Forys: thanks for 4. Gives advice
  9. 31.03.81 Forys/SG: Easter greetings
  10. 02.04.81 Littner/Stein:thanks for 7
  11. no date Littner/PRO: sends official papers
  12. 13.05.81 Littner/Pro: details of SG's travel plans
  13. 04.08.81 Forys/SG: greetings
  14. 19.09.81 NB/Pro: informs him of gift for Province
  15. 21.09.81 SG/Malec: sorry, no missionary posters
  16. 21.09.81 SG/John: asks money for church at Puszczykowko
  17. 04.09.81 Ryszard/SG: wishes to enter novitiate in Poland
  18. 04.09.81 another letter from the same person
  19. 19.09.81 SG/Ryszard: thanks for 17 and 18
  20. 16.11.81 SecGen/Pro: sends documents
  21. 03.12.81 Pro/BT: Christmas greetings.
  22. do date BT/Pro: will visit Poland
  23. 27.01.82 SecGen/Pro: thanks for 21. Dispense from vows
  24. 09.03.82 Forys/Littner: dispensation for deacons
  25. 18.03.82 Pro/SG: Easter greetings
  26. 23.03.82 BT/Pro: First appointments. Invite to EGC
  27. 23.03.82 BT/Pro: Official invitation to EGC in Portugal
  28. 21.04.82 SG/Pro: repeats invitation to EGC
  29. 21.04.82 Forys/SecGen: repeats request in 24
  30. 26.04.82 Littner/Forys: re dispensation
  31. 21.06.82 Forys/Littner: news of professions and ordinations
  32. 21.06.82 Forys: official notification of the above
  33. 14.09.82 votes for Provincial
  34. 14.09.82 SecGen: Kolasny renamed Provincial
  35. 09.12.82 Forys/SG: Christmas greetings and news
  36. 21.01.83 SecGen/Forys: death of Fr. J.RODZIK
  37. 08.02.83 Forys/SecGen: ordinations and reception of habit
  38. 07.03.83 Forys/SG: Greetings. Looking forward to visit
  39. 18.03.83 Littner/Forys: thanks for 37. News of deaths.



  • 10G1.11b1.1
  • file
  • 1987 - 1990

Correspondence 19/03/87 - 05/01/90.

  1. 19.03.87 Barbosa/GC: Greetings. Meeting of Mission Animators
  2. 02.04.87 Goncalves/O'Toole : suggested amendments to minutes of Eup. Formators.
  3. 06.04.87 SG/Missionary Animators of Europe : suggestions for agenda.
  4. 14.04.87 Barbosa/SG : recommendations for first appointments.
  5. 15.04.87 Barbosa/SG : new noviciate at Braga.
  6. 04.05.87 SG/Barbosa : coming to Portugal in July.
  7. 04.05.87 SG/Castro : congrats. on anniversary of LIAM.
  8. 15.10.87 Barbosa/SG : re new Provincial. He himself will not be available.
  9. 28.11.87 SG/Barbosa : need of a further consultation for new Provincial.
  10. 23.03.88 SG/Barbosa : thanks for service as Provincial. Invites him to be house bursar in Rome and Procurator to the Holy See.
  11. 29.03.88 Goncalves/Castro : asks for Abel Dias for Fribourg economato.
  12. 14.04.88 Barbosa/SG: reply 10. Asks for recyclage.
  13. 28.04.88 SG/Barbosa : reply 12. Will look for interim house bursar.
  14. 08.05.98 Castro/SG : will come to new Superiors' meeting.
  15. 09.05.88 SG/Castro : thanks for making Abel Dias available for Fribourg.
  16. 17.05.88 SG/Castro : reply 14. Personnel needs of Angola.
  17. 28.10.88 Castro/SG : permission for noviciate outside recognised house.
  18. 28.10.88 Castro/SG : Barbosa not available for Generalate.
  19. 20.11.88 Goncalves/Castro : reply 17.
  20. 26.12.88 Castro/SG : Noviciate. Visitation. Provincial Chapter.
  21. 24.07.89 Castro/SG : dispensation from vows.
  22. 24.08.89 Goncalves/Castro : re dispensation from vows.
  23. 05.01.90 Castro/SG : invites him to Provincial Chapter in July.
  24. no date Goncalves/Castro : reply 23.



Résultats 191 à 200 sur 1439