Affichage de 150 résultats

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  • 10G1.11a2.4
  • file
  • 1983 - 1985
  1. 04.07.83 Pro/SG : brother for Generalate. Guidelines for Province.
  2. 14.07.83 SG/Pro : animation for Province. Br.NUNO will have to stay...
  3. 14.07.83 SG/TN : problem of brother for Generalate.
  4. 28.07.83 Pro/SG : NUNO can stay in Rome until Christmas.
  5. 12.08.83 Pereira/SG : sends Portuguese version of Estermann's book.
  6. 13.09.83 SG/Pro : reply to 4.
  7. 02.09.83 Brasio/SG : re himself and a priest seeking laicisation.
  8. 13.09.83 SG/Brasio : reply to 7. Sorry about bad health.
  9. 13.09.83 SG/Pereira : thanks for book (5).
  10. 20.09.83 Pro/SG : theology house in Lisbon.
  11. 01.11.83 Pro/SecGen : professions and renewal of vows.
  12. 01.11.83 Pro/SG : Prov.Chap 1984. Br. NUNO. News of Province.
  13. 28.02.84 SG/Pro : congrats. on book on founders.
  14. 28.02.84 SG/Lopes : congrats. on book on Des Places.
  15. 28.02.84 SG/Rocha : congrats. on book on Libermann.
  16. 28.02.84 SG/Pereira : thanks for book re Estermann.
  17. 12.03.84 Pro/GC : agreement to suppression of EGC 1984.
  18. 12.03.84 Pro/GC : house for missionary animation at Benfica, Lisbon.
  19. 29.03.84 Littner/Pro : re former confreres expelled, exclaustrated...
  20. 03.05.84 Pro/SG : Br. NUNO. Preparation for Prov. Chap...
  21. 23.05.84 Pro/SG : Br. OLIVEIRA to change Prov ; Angola-Port.
  22. 28.05.84 Pro/GC : request to sell prop. at Fraiao-Braga.
  23. 04.08.84 Pro/SG : thanks for coming to the Chapter.
  24. 12.10.84 TN/Pro : Approval of Chapter decisions.
  25. 24.11.84 Goncalves/SG : contact with Bongo. Retreat in Cape Verde.
  26. 08.01.85 Pro/SG : news from Angola. Mgr.Ribas to Sao Tome.
  27. 13.02.85 Barbosa/SG : more news of Angola.
  28. 08.03.85 Pro/SG : more on Angolan visit. M.GONCALVES.
  29. 26.03.85 SG/Pro : re M.GONCALVES and Propaganda Fide.
  30. 15.04.85 NB/Pro : asks for personnel for Puerto Rico.
  31. 08.05.84 NB/Pro : thanks for P.MOREIRA for Puerto Rico.
  32. 25.06.85 SG/Pro : N.BANAHAN for Puerto Rico. SEIXAS in Spain.
  33. 29.06.85 Pro/GC : transfer of novitiate to Praia.



  • 10G1.11a2.5
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  • 1985 - 1986

Correspondence 02/07/85 - 28/06/86.

  1. 02.07.85 Pro/SG: reply to 32. SEIXAS to remain in Spain
  2. 12.07.85 Littner/Pro: decisions of GC.
  3. 16.09.85 Pro/SG: sends. constits. in Portuguese. Re-opening of novitiate
  4. 14.11.85 Pro/SG: dispense temp. vows: M.MENDES
  5. 10.12.85 Moura/SG: Xmas greetings. Proposes SG to write general letter Feb. 2nd.
  6. 29.12.85 SG/Moura: will write circular re Libermann. Come to G.Chapter to animate on this subject
  7. 27.01.86 Moura/SG: sends copy of letter to Major Sups. re canonization of Libermann
  8. 14.02.86 TN/Pro: re Guinea Bisau
  9. 14.02.86 Pro/TN: personnel for Gen. Chapter
  10. 20.02.86 Pro/SG: first appointment J.COELHO
  11. 03.02.86 Pro/TN: staff Gen. Chap. Prov. Assembly
  12. 14.02.86 Pro/TN: staff for Gen. Chap. H.ALVES
  13. 07.03.86 TN/Pro: thanks for 10. Gen.Chap.& Guinea Bisau
  14. 16.03.86 Pro/SG: news from USA and Canada visit.
  15. 07.04.86 Pro; circular to confreres re Chapter
  16. 11.04.86 Pro/SG: visit to Canada. Preps. for Chapter
  17. 03.05.86 Pro/SG: general news
  18. 18.05.86 Goncalves/SG: talks of future. Return to Angola? Danger of being made Bishop. Health.
  19. 11.06.86 SG/Rocha: thanks for book
  20. 11.06.86 SG/Goncalves: thanks for 18. His reactions
  21. 11.06.86 SG/Pro: idea of GONCALVES for Bp. seems to be idea of Rome, not Angolan bishops.
  22. 27.06.86 Moura/SG: prayers for General Chapter
  23. 28.06.86 Neiva/SG: assurance of prayers for Gen. Chap.



  • 10G1.11b1.1
  • file
  • 1987 - 1990

Correspondence 19/03/87 - 05/01/90.

  1. 19.03.87 Barbosa/GC: Greetings. Meeting of Mission Animators
  2. 02.04.87 Goncalves/O'Toole : suggested amendments to minutes of Eup. Formators.
  3. 06.04.87 SG/Missionary Animators of Europe : suggestions for agenda.
  4. 14.04.87 Barbosa/SG : recommendations for first appointments.
  5. 15.04.87 Barbosa/SG : new noviciate at Braga.
  6. 04.05.87 SG/Barbosa : coming to Portugal in July.
  7. 04.05.87 SG/Castro : congrats. on anniversary of LIAM.
  8. 15.10.87 Barbosa/SG : re new Provincial. He himself will not be available.
  9. 28.11.87 SG/Barbosa : need of a further consultation for new Provincial.
  10. 23.03.88 SG/Barbosa : thanks for service as Provincial. Invites him to be house bursar in Rome and Procurator to the Holy See.
  11. 29.03.88 Goncalves/Castro : asks for Abel Dias for Fribourg economato.
  12. 14.04.88 Barbosa/SG: reply 10. Asks for recyclage.
  13. 28.04.88 SG/Barbosa : reply 12. Will look for interim house bursar.
  14. 08.05.98 Castro/SG : will come to new Superiors' meeting.
  15. 09.05.88 SG/Castro : thanks for making Abel Dias available for Fribourg.
  16. 17.05.88 SG/Castro : reply 14. Personnel needs of Angola.
  17. 28.10.88 Castro/SG : permission for noviciate outside recognised house.
  18. 28.10.88 Castro/SG : Barbosa not available for Generalate.
  19. 20.11.88 Goncalves/Castro : reply 17.
  20. 26.12.88 Castro/SG : Noviciate. Visitation. Provincial Chapter.
  21. 24.07.89 Castro/SG : dispensation from vows.
  22. 24.08.89 Goncalves/Castro : re dispensation from vows.
  23. 05.01.90 Castro/SG : invites him to Provincial Chapter in July.
  24. no date Goncalves/Castro : reply 23.




  • 10G1.4a7
  • file
  • 1919 - 1920
  • Lettres de 1919 : (+ résumé)
    P. ANTUNES (18.01), P. PINHO (10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 29.10, 05, 21,24, 26.11, 06, 27, 28.12).
  • 1920 :
    P. PINHO (06, 14, 22, 23.01, 09, 23, 26.02, 04, 12, 22, 31.03, 02, 18, 29, 30.04, 17, 21, 28, 29.06, 13.07, 04, 16, 24, 30.08, 12.09, 04, 09, 14, 22, 25, 31.10, 05, 11, 27.11, 13, 15, 17, 24, 26, 29.12).



  • 10G1.7a1
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  • 1926 - 1949
  • Résumé des lettres :
    1926 : du 11.08 au 27.12.
    1927 : du 08.01 au 22.12.
    1928 : du 23.03 au 28.12.
    1929 : du 11.01 au 27.12.
    1930 : du 23.01 au 11.10.
    1931 : du 04.01 au 28.12.
    1932 : du 24.03 au 28.12.
    1933 : du 05.01 au 29.12.
    1934 : du 09.01 au 20.12.
    1935 : du 01.01 au 25.12.
    1936 : du 05.01 au 29.12.
    1937 : du 28.01 au 26.12.
    1938 : du 08.01 au 24.12.
    1939 : du 02.01 au 21.02.
    du 03.02.1941 au 17.12.1947.
    1948 : du 20.01 au 18.11.
    1949 : du 15.01au 23.12.
    Ensemble de notes manuscrites ( P. NAVARRE)



  • 10G1.7a4
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  • 1927 - 1929
  • Lettres de 1927 :
    P. PINHO (08, 25.01, 09, 12.02, 01, 05, 13, 28.03, 19.04, 04, 14, 17.05, 01, 12, 20.06, 04, 07.07, 13.08, 14.09, 06, 15.10, 02.11, 09, 22, 28.12), M. PEIXOTO (02.03), M. dos Santos SILVA (27.05), P. FONSECA (30.05, 19.06, 28.07), P. VIEIRA (05.06, 17.07), Fr GABRIEL (06.06).
  • 1928 :
    P. PINHO (10.01, 23.03 (2), 23.04, 28.05, 12, 14.06, 09, 22.07, 13.08, 11, 20.09, 20, 24.10, 03, 17, 26, 27.11, 01, 03, 06, 11, 28.12), P. BAPTISTA (sans date, 18.11), P. COSME (12.01), P. FERNANDEZ GOMES (03.11), P. PINTASILGO (27.11, 11.12), scolastiques (25.12).
  • 1929 :
    P. PINHO (11, 13, 27.01, 04, 23.02, 03, 09, 10, 11, 22, 26.03, 02 + confidentiel, 14, 22, 26.04, 08 (2), 15.05, 14, 15 (2), 16.06, 01, 06, 10, 11, 12, 21.07, 09, 10.08, 02, 22, 28.09, 12, 23, 28, 30.10, 08, 22.11, 10, 15, 20, 27.12), P. ADRIANI (21, 24.02), P. Fernandes GOMES (01.07), P. PINTASILGO (04.07, 01.08, 21.10, 09, 11.12), P. PHILIPPENS (28.06), P. FIGUEIREDO (11.09), P. FONSECA (15.09), P. BENOIT (22, 23.09), scolastiques (20.12), P. CORREIA (15.03, 01, 24.09, 01, 14.10, 20.11, 08, 28.12), P. BAPTISTA (29.12).
    Note non signée au sujet du P. Provincial (P. CASTRO ?).



  • 10G1.7b4
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  • 1939 - 1940
  • Lettres de 1939 :
    P. Clemente SILVA (02, 23.01, 03, 21.02, 22.03 (2), 13 (2), 16, 25.04, 16, 24.05, 03, 17 (2), 26.07, 10.08, 05, 24, 25, 26.09, 16, 20, 26.10, 16.11, 10.12), P. VIEIRA (06.01, 26.02, 11.03, sept., 25.09, télégr. des 13, 18.10, 20, 29.10, 21.11), Mgr PINHO (06.01, 25.08), P. CORREIA (12.03, 21.05, 23.06, 08.11), P. LIENHART (20.01), P. TRUTTMANN (23.04), P. DUFF (19.05, 01.07), P. MASSE (27.05), P. FINCK (24.06), P. GEORGER (30.06, 01.09, 07.11), M. RIBEIRO (02.07), novices (08.08), P. QUINTAS (29.09), P. MOREIRA (copie, 18.10), Fr PEDROSA (24.10), P. José COSME (23.09, 05.11), Saint Office (25.11), P. BRÜN (08.12). Note du P. MULLER (04.03). Instituto para a alta cultura (copie, 28.12). "Aççâo Missionaria" (P. A de MOURA, 26.12).
  • 1940 :
    P. CORREIA (09.01, 20.02, 07.03), P. MOREIRA da SILVA (13.01), P. VIEIRA (26.01, 20.02, 10.03), P. QUINTAS (26.01), P. Clemente SILVA (29.01, 12, 15, 24.02, 05, 06, 12, 22.03, 14, 20.04, 01.05), P. SARAIVA (23.02), P. José COSME (27.03), M. AMORIM (2 du 19.04), P. MASSE (20.04), déclarations du curé et du médecin (au sujet de la soeur du P. COSME, mai), Instituto para a alta cultura (27.02). Avis du provincial pour le placement des nouveaux Pères (juillet).



  • 10G1.9a4
  • file
  • 1886 - 1889
  • Résumés des lettres du 02.01.1886 au 24.12.1889.
  • Lettres de 1886 :
    P. EIGENMANN (02, 15.01, 09, 14.02, 17.03, 04, 20, 25.04, 03, 08, 15, 29.05, 29.06, 09, 22, 29.07, 03, 26.08, 10, 14, 18, 22.09, tél., 03, 05, 18, 28.10, 09, 22.11, 01, 14, 28.12), scolastique (sans date), M. de SOUZA ((14.05), M. FONSECA (26.11).
  • 1887 :
    P. SCHURRER (01.01), P. EIGENMANN (01 (2), 03, 22, 25.01, 19.02, 01, 07, 28.03, 20.04, 04.05, 05, 29.06, 15.07, 05, 13, 16, 25, 28.08, 17, 29.09, 01, 04, 08, 23, 31.10, 14, 16, 18.11, 05, 20.12), Note sur un projet de pompe (février), M. FRUCTUOSO (11.04), P. RULHE (extrait 21.07), P. WENDLING (27.10).
  • 1888 :
    P. EIGENMANN (12, 23.01, 03, 17, 20, 22.02, 10, 27.03 (2), 17, 30.04, 04, 10 (2), 15.05, 14, 21.06, 09, 25.07, 04, 09.08, 23, 29.09, tél., 04, 19.10, 04, 12, 20.11, 15, 20, 22.12), P. MUESPACH (avril), P. WENDLING (06.08), P. RULHE (13, 15.08), P. GIROLLET (24.08), P. HOSSENLOPP (27.12), P. SCHURRER (27.12), tél.
  • 1889 :
    P. EIGENMANN (11, 28.01, 09, 27.02, 18.03, 04, 07, 15, 20.04, 03, 12, 14.05, 02, 24, 28.06, 02, 18, 24, 30.07, 06.08, 16, 20.09, 04, 12, 21.10, 05, 08, 26.11 (2), 06.12, 18, 22, 24, 31.12).



  • 10G1.10a3
  • file
  • 1968 - 1974
  1. Lettres du 06.11.1968 au 31.07.1970 :
    • 1968 : P. BRASIO (06.11), coll. (14.11), P. LECUYER (02.12), P. MARTINS (07.12).
      M. LE ROUX (08.12).
    • 1969 : P. MARTINS (06, 24.01, 18.02, 24.03, 11.08, tél. 03.09, 09, 29.12), P. FARRELLY (15.02, 22.09), affectations (06.05), P. LECUYER (14, 17.11).
    • 1970 : P. S. MOORE (31.01, 14.02, 06, 16.03), P. SANCHES (02.02) conseil provincial (07.02), P. MARTINS (11.02, 05, 26.03, 01, 04.04, 07.07), P. HOUDIJK (06.03), Mgr BENELLI (14.03), scolastiques (09.03) et décision du C.G. (23.03), P. LECUYER (26.03, 08, 21.04, 02.06, 02.06 (2), 26.06, 04, 31.07), avis du 27.04, P. CASPAR (24.05), M. Sa CACHADA (19.05), M. de SOUSA (25.05). Voyage du P. LEDIT au Portugal (15-20.06), P. SIMÔES (22.06), P. CESBRON (10.07). Liste des lettres de 1 à 50.
  2. Lettres de septembre 1970 à novembre 1972 :
    • 1970 (suite) : Votes pour le provincial (sept.). P. ARAUJO (19.09, 05, 17.10, 16.11), P. HOUDIJK (21, 22.09), P. LECUYER (08.10, 25.11). Conseil provincial (09.10), P. BAPTISTA (28.10).
    • 1971 : P. BAPTISTA (08.02, 23.03, 10.08, 07.12), P. MOORE (13, 17.03, 20.08), P. ARAUJO (20.04, 20.05, 23.06, 08.11), P. LECUYER (16, 17.06, 13.11), P. LIMA (11.06).
    • 1972 : P. SANCHES (14.01, 15.09), P. BAPTISTA (07.02, 02, 28.04, 20, 24, 26.06), P. MOORE (20.03, 08.05), Fr EUGENIO da ROCHA (24.05), P. LECUYER (06, 08, 15.06, 24.07, 24.10), P. LITTNER (22, 2 du 27.06), P. ARAUJO (16, 20.06, 10.08, 08.09), P. LEDIT (18.07), P. BRASIO (23.10, 08.11). Liste de 1 à 48.
  3. Lettres de novembre 1972 à août 1974 :
    • 1972 (suite) : P. SANCHES (04.12), P. ARAUJO (10.06, 13.12).
    • 1973 : P. BAPTISTA (17.01, 02.04), ambassade du Portugal au Vatican, P. LITTNER (07.02), P. ARAUJO (15, 24.02 (2), 16.05, 20.08), P. MOORE (13.03, 19.04), P. LECUYER (06.08, 27.11), P. LOPES (28.11).
    • 1974 : P. LOPES (janv., 02, 07, 08.01, 13.02, 09.04), P. MOORE (11, 28.02, 08.07), P. LITTNER (26.06), P. LARANJEIRA (14.05). Liste de 1 à 28.
  4. Correspondance spéciale :
    • 1968 : lettre collective au chapitre général (29.10), C.G. (05.11), P. LECUYER (10.11, 07, 11.01, 14.02 (2), P. Sa COUTO (23.12).
    • 1969 : P. MARTINS (11.02), P. AREIA (21.02), P. de SOUSA (02.04), P. BRASIO (01.04), P. ARAUJO (03.04), P. LECUYER (16.04).



  • 10G1.11a2.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1981

Correspondence 20/09/80 - 17/02/81.

  1. 20.09.80 Torres Neiva(TN)/C.Oliveira(Pro): re translation of report of SG to Gen. Chap. 1980
  2. 30.10.80 Pro/TN: reply to above. Personnel
  3. 17.11.80 Pro/TN: Personel: SANTOS NEVES & A.DA COSTA
  4. 09.12.80 Pro/SG: re death of Van SONSBECK. News
  5. 08.01.81 SG/Gomes: congrats. on 65th. anniversary.
  6. 12.01.81 SG/Pro: Will come in April to learn Portuguese
  7. 26.01.81 TN/Moura: postulator of Libermann's cause
  8. 08.02.81 Moura/SG: accepts the above.
  9. 11.02.81 SG/Pro: re P.VERISSIMO. Letter attached
  10. 12.02.81 SG/Verissimo: refer to Provincial
  11. 16.02.81 Littner/Moura: Martin to remain in charge of Brottier
  12. 17.02.81 Barbosa/SG: news of Barcelos.


Résultats 21 à 30 sur 150