Affichage de 1393 résultats

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  • 7G1.17b1.2
  • file
  • 1988 - 1990

Correspondence 07/12/88 - 25/05/90.

  1. 07.12.88 McLaughlin/Doyle : apostolate in Papua New Guinea.
  2. 22.12.88 McLaughlin/Doyle : American Irish at EGC?
  3. 17.01.89 McLaughlin/Doyle : first appointments procedure.
  4. 05.04.89 McLaughlin/SG : first appointment - D. DONNELLAN.
  5. 17.05.89 McLaughlin/SG : sale of land at Kimmage.
  6. 13.07.89 O'Reilly/SG : centenary celebrations of St. Mary's.
  7. 24.07.89 SG/O'Reilly : reply 6, with regrets.
  8. 02.10.89 McLaughlin/Doyle : suggestions for Visitation.
  9. 02.10.89 McLaughlin/Wiehe : funding of on-going formation.
  10. 02.10.89 McLaughlin/SG : re appointment for Finbarr O'BRIEN.
  11. 11.10.89 Doyle/Donovan : laicisation, McCORMAC. Visitation.
  12. 11.10.89 Wiehe/Donovan : visit to Pakistan with SG.
  13. 24.10.89 Quinn/Doyle : funding for Development Course.
  14. 12.01.90 McLaughlin/SecGen : details re Visitation.
  15. 27.02.90 McLaughlin/SG : plea for transfer of archives.
  16. 11.04.90 McLaughlin/SG : thanks for Visitation.
  17. 12.04.90 McLaughlin/S G: first appointments.
  18. 07.05.90 SG/Casey : correction to interview for Newsletter.
  19. 15.05.90 Kenny/Okoye : enquiry re masses for benefactors.
  20. 25.05.90 Doyle/McLaughlin : sends report on visit to Oceania.



  • 9G1.3a1.2
  • file
  • 1983 - 1985
  1. 15.04.83 Zaborowski/SG : sends money for Polish Province
  2. 12.03.83 Michalski/SG : going to England to learn English
  3. no date Pro/SG : Easter greetings
  4. 27.04.83 SG/Pro : cannot come in June: Bp. of Kongolo to visit
  5. 27.05.83 SG/Michalski : thanks for 2
  6. 18.08.83 Pro/SG : permission to erect novitiate at Wloki
  7. 03.09.83 Pro/GenCon : asks for all 7 first appts. to be for Poland
  8. 06.09.83 Pro : when Michalski at disposition of SG
  9. 15.09.83 Forys/BT : thanks for visiting Poland
  10. 06.09.83 SecGen/Pro : transfer of novitiate
  11. 22.09.83 BT/Pro : talks about recent visit to Poland
  12. 01.10.83 Pro/SG : re MICHALSKI. Gone to England via S.Africa
  13. 01.10.83 BT/Pro : Greetings
  14. 07.12.83 Forys/SG : Christmas greetings
  15. 15.12.83 Zaremba/SG : dispense vows of W.PILARSKI
  16. 09.01.84 Littner/Forys : thanks for 14
  17. 21.02.84 BT/Pro : Cor Unum. Constitutions
  18. 28.03.84 Pro/SG : Easter greetings. MICHALSKI
  19. 31.03.84 Forys/BT : news of students
  20. 11.04.84 BT/Pro : re visa for PESTKA to study in Rome
  21. 26.04.84 NB/Pro : introduces an SMA father.
  22. 30.05.84 Forys/SG : thanks for invite for Fr. PESTKA
  23. 12.07.84 BT/Pro : Norman Bevan coming in August
  24. 18.08.84 Pro/BT : re the meeting of young spiritans in Poland
  25. 21.09.84 BT/Pro : student doing well.
  26. 11.10.84 Pro/BT : Invites BT.Intends to visit Kongolo
  27. 11.11.84 BT/Forys : encourage students to learn languages.
  28. 04.11.84 SG/Pro: MICHALSKI for Algeria? Request from Doume
  29. 28.11.84 Forys/SG : celebrations for beatification of Brottier
  30. 22.02.85 Zaremba/SecGen : details of departures
  31. 15.02.85 Pro/SG : Preparations for Chapter. Visit to Zaire
  32. 16.02.85 Pro/SG : MICHALSKI agrees to go to Algeria.
  33. 15.02.85 Pro/SG : dispensation of vows I.KONKEL
  34. 23.02.85 Forys/Littner : query re vows.
  35. 14.03.85 SG/Pro : Will visit in November
  36. 18.03.85 SG/Michalski : re work in Algeria
  37. 19.03.85 SG/Poggi; asks nuncio at Warsaw to take 36 to Poland
  38. 22.03.85 Littner/Forys : reply to 34.



  • 9G1.3a1.3
  • file
  • 1985 - 1986
  1. 23.03.85 Pro/BT : somebody coming for Chapter?
  2. 23.03.85 Pro/SG : invitation to Chapter
  3. 08.04.85 BT/Pro : BT will go to Chapter
  4. 13.04.85 Pro/SG : repeats invitation to Chap.
  5. 03.05.85 Forys/BT : acknowledges 3
  6. 05.05.85 SG/Pro : regrets cannot come to Chapter
  7. 30.05.85 Pro/SG : Looking forward to visit
  8. 29.06.85 Pro/GC : tenders resignation as Provincial
  9. 09.07.85 telegram : Zaremba accepts to be Provincial
  10. 10.07.85 BT/Pro (Zaremba) : thanks for accepting job.
  11. no date BT/Pro : invitation to Rome for new Sups. meeting
  12. 14.07.85 SG/Kolasny : thanks for 12 years service as Prov.
  13. 15.07.85 SG/Pro : thanks for taking on job of Provincial again
  14. 16.05.85 Michalski/SG : arrangements for Algeria
  15. 14.07.85 SG/Michalski : re Algeria. Keep contact with Spiritans
  16. 29.08.85 Kolasny/SG : thanks for 13
  17. 04.10.85 de Kinderen/SecGen : brings letters from Poland
  18. 09.10.85 Pro/SG : cannot get to Rome before visit
  19. 02.12.85 BT/Pro : good reports of visit from SG.
  20. 21.12.85 Pro/BT : various pieces of news
  21. 03.01.86 SG/Pro : thanks again for visit. First appointments
  22. 03.01.86 SG/Forys : MA in classics from Duquesne
  23. 13.01.86 SecGen/Pro : thanks for 20
  24. 30.01.86 Bobrowski/SG : what of promised video and xerox?
  25. 19.02.86 SG/Bobrowski : waiting for Fr. Rooney to send money
  26. 23.02.86 SG/Pro : send suggestions for first appt.
  27. 23.02.86 SG/Kolasny : greetings
  28. 03.02.86 Pro/SG : dispense from vows PEPLONSKI
  29. 26.02.86 SecGen/Pro : thanks for 28
  30. 03.02.86 Forys/Littner : departures MACKOWIAK, PAWELCZAK
  31. 07.03.86 Pro/SG : sickness. First appointments.
  32. 18.03.86 SecGen/Pro : sends reply to 28
  33. 24.03.86 Forys/SG : greetings for Easter
  34. 29.03.86 SG/Pro : first appts. Algeria is now a Group.
  35. 04.04.86 BT/Pro : pleads for men for S.Africa
  36. 16.04.86 Pelczar/SG : requests to be appointed to Algeria
  37. 02.05.86 Pro/SG : Personnel. Come to Poland after Chapter
  38. 13.05.86 SG/Pelczar : answers 35. Appointed to Doume
  39. 17/03.86 Pestka/SG : news from Poland
  40. 23.05.86 Bobrowski/SG : thanks for promise of money
  41. 17.06.86 SG/Pestka : thanks for 38.



  • 10G1.11a2.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1981

Correspondence 20/09/80 - 17/02/81.

  1. 20.09.80 Torres Neiva(TN)/C.Oliveira(Pro): re translation of report of SG to Gen. Chap. 1980
  2. 30.10.80 Pro/TN: reply to above. Personnel
  3. 17.11.80 Pro/TN: Personel: SANTOS NEVES & A.DA COSTA
  4. 09.12.80 Pro/SG: re death of Van SONSBECK. News
  5. 08.01.81 SG/Gomes: congrats. on 65th. anniversary.
  6. 12.01.81 SG/Pro: Will come in April to learn Portuguese
  7. 26.01.81 TN/Moura: postulator of Libermann's cause
  8. 08.02.81 Moura/SG: accepts the above.
  9. 11.02.81 SG/Pro: re P.VERISSIMO. Letter attached
  10. 12.02.81 SG/Verissimo: refer to Provincial
  11. 16.02.81 Littner/Moura: Martin to remain in charge of Brottier
  12. 17.02.81 Barbosa/SG: news of Barcelos.



  • 10G1.11a2.3
  • file
  • 1982

Correspondence 20/01/82 - 20/12/82.

  1. 20.01.82 Prov.Bursar/ Boer: permission to sell land
  2. 30.01.82 SecGen/Pro: thanks for comments on constitutions
  3. 04.02.82 SG/Lima: why P.Duraes has been chosen Provincial
  4. 05.02.82 F. de Rego/SG: reflections on poverty
  5. 12.02.82 Cong. for Religious: permission to sell land
  6. 16.02.82 SecGen/ Rego: thanks for 4
  7. 17.02.82 SecGen/Ferreira: thanks for books
  8. 02.03.82 Pro/SG: news of the province
  9. 10.03.82 SG/Pro: reply to 9
  10. no date SecGen/Pro: EGC in Portugal. Arrangements
  11. 15.02.82 SecGen/Pro: further arrangements re EGC
  12. 15.03.82 F.M.da Silva/SG: re closing of Junior Seminary
  13. 19.03.82 TN/Pro: first appointments
  14. 29.03.82 Pro/SG: varia
  15. 06.04.82 SG/F.M.da Silva: reply to 12
  16. 20.04.82 SG/Duraes(Provincial): reply to letter (missing)
  17. 27.04.82 SG/Oliveira: congrats. on silver jubilee
  18. 06.05.82 SG/P.Teles: appointment as vice Provincial
  19. 03.06.82 SecGen/Pro: sends first appointment for M.MARTINS
  20. 05.09.82 Felicio/SG: news of L.I.A.M.
  21. 25.10.82 SG/Felicio: reply to 20
  22. 22.11.82 TN/Pro: meeting of new Major Superiors
  23. 22.11.82 Oliveira/SG: Leaving for Angola
  24. 30.11.82 Pro/Littner: professions and renewal of vows
  25. 30.11.82 Pro/TN: different questions re Province
  26. 08.12.82 J.Verissimo/SG: greetings. Expressions of loyalty
  27. 12.12.82 Pro/SG: two properties near Lisbon
  28. 20.12.82 TN/Pro: meeting for new Major Superiors.



  • 11G1.6b1.1
  • file
  • 1980 - 1983
  1. 14.09.80 Pro(Mathis)/SecGen : details of appts. in the Province.
  2. 29.09.80 Bondallaz/SG : Thanks for support.
  3. 07.10.80 Varia/SG thanks for support of P.BONDALLAZ.
  4. 01.12.80 JG(Gross)/Pro : Visitation in 1981?
  5. 10.12.80 Pro/JG : Difficulty for visitation. re Br. Maurice BOILLAT.
  6. 03.01.81 JG/Pro : postpone visit. P.RAYMOND. European Provincials meeting; suggestions?
  7. 05.02.81 Pro/JG : P.RAYMOND and scriptural studies. Ideas on Eup.Provs. meeting.
  8. 06.02.81 Pro/SG : Death of McMahon. Mgr.TCHIDIMBO.
  9. 18.02.81 Littner/PRO : details of death of McMAHON.
  10. 04.04.81 Pro/SG : news of the Province
  11. 14.07.81 Mansfield/JG : re P.RAYMOND for IOF.
  12. 30.07.81 Etienne/SG : international formation at Fribourg.
  13. 02.09.81 NB/Etienne : replies to 12. Visit to Fribourg.
  14. 06.10.81 NB/Etienne : visit to Fribourg early November.
  15. 24.11.81 SecGen/PRO : sends letter of Margeot re IOF.
  16. 18.01.82 SecGen/Pro : thanks for report on Province.
  17. 18.04.82 Pro/Littner : problem re election of Provincial.
  18. 22.04.82 Littner/Pro : answers 17.
  19. 19.11.82 Pro/SG : re Bp.ONYEMBO and studies at Fribourg.
  20. 04.01.83 Pro/G.Council : first appt. G.REY.
  21. 21.01.83 TN/Pro : thanks for 20.
  22. no date Gobaille/SG : ready to return to Africa.
  23. 24.02.83 Sigrist/SG : will serve for constitutions. Directoire Spirituel.
  24. 24.02.83 Sigrist/SG : difficulties in his work.
  25. 10.03.83 SG/Gobaille : confirms suggestion of Senegal.
  26. 11.03.83 SG/Sigrist : reply to 24
  27. 22.03.83 TN/Pro : G.REY, re first appointment.
  28. 21.03.83 Gobaille/SG : re proposal to go to Senegal.
  29. 29.03.83 SG/Sigrist : re publication of Directoire Spirituel.
  30. 31.03.83 SG/Pro : congrats. on reappointment. P.Gobaille.



  • 11G1.6b1.2
  • file
  • 1983 - 1986

Correspondence 01/05/83 - 07/04/86

  1. 01.05.83 Gobaille/Pro : re return to Africa and perpet vows.
  2. 13.05.83 SG/Gobaille : will he go to Senegal?
  3. 31.05.83 Gobaille/SG : prefers Central Africa
  4. 13.10.83 Pro/GenSec : Mgr. ONYEMBO. New Provincial Team. Death of P.PRAPLAN.
  5. 12.12.83 Pro/GC : first appointment of G.REY
  6. 27.01.84 Littner/Pro : appointment of above.
  7. 05.04.84 Pro/SG : Mgr. OYEMBO. P.MONNIN. P.GASSER. R.GARESSUS.
  8. 01.05.84 Pro/SG : first appts. GASSER and GARESSUS.
  9. 12.05.84 SG/Br.Clement REY : invitation to work in Rome.
  10. 13.12.84 De Boer/Pro : can we retain Br. Clement?
  11. 22.02.85 Pro/SG : invitation to Chapter.
  12. 15.09.85 Nendaz/SG : health prevents a return to Africa
  13. 27.09.85 Pro/SG : reports on his bad health. News of the Province.
  14. 31.10.85 SG/Nendaz : reply to 12
  15. 06.11.85 Sigrist/SG : finding things difficult. No replacement for Armand Berghmans.
  16. 23.11.85 SG/Sigrist : reply to 15. He is much appreciated
  17. 18.12.85 Guggenheim/SG : immediate need to appoint somebody...
  18. 04.02.86 Sigrist/SG : BERGHMANS is needed in Fribourg
  19. 10.02.86 SecGen/Sigrist : thanks for 18
  20. 19.03.86 Ruffieux/SG : memorandum for Prov. Chapter.
  21. 04.04.86 SG/Ruffieux : comments on no.20.
  22. 07.04.86 SG/Pro : Good wishes for Chapter. Thanks for work done as Provincial.



  • 2N2.2b1.2
  • file
  • 1981 - 1982

Correspondance 06/05/81 - 26/11/82 :

  1. 06.05.81 Telegramme : EPC elects Bernard KELLY as Provincial
  2. 06.05.81 Pro/NB : re election of B.KELLY. Selling of property. Vocations prospects
  3. 15.05.81 NB/Kelly : congrats. on election. Visitation.
  4. 12.06.81 NB/Pro : J & P issues. Voting rights of confs. from other jurisdictions.
  5. 24.06.81 Pro/NB : reply to 4. Problem re voting rights. Thoughts on election of General Council.
  6. 29.07.81 Pro(Kelly)/NB : Visitation. Formation.
  7. 08.08.81 Pro/Trachtler : Gen. Councillor needed for North American Sups. meeting in March 82.
  8. 20.08.81 Trachtler/Pro : reply to 7. Councillor will attend. Justice et Paix.
  9. 02.09.81 SG/Geary : sorry cannot be at the school ceremony
  10. 13.09.81 NB/Doyle : reply to 5.
  11. 16.09.81 Pro/SG : T.CROMIEN
  12. 29.09.81 SG/Pro : thanks for 11
  13. 08.10.81 Doyle/SG : reciprocates good wishes and compliments
  14. 10.10.81 NB/Pro : Visitation in June: Bevan & Trachtler
  15. 12.10.81 Pro/SG : North American meetings. Three professions
  16. 28.10.81 Pro/NB : reply to 14.
  17. 21.11.81 Pro/SecGen : W.McCORMACK to join Prov.from England
  18. 07.12.81 SecGen/Pro : GC agrees to 16
  19. 18.12.81 SecGen/Pro : thanks for directory
  20. 19.01.82 SecGen/ProvSec : thanks for documents
  21. 21.01.82 SecGen/Pro : re constitutions committee
  22. no date Deidre McLoughlin/SG : news of the Ashling comm.
  23. 04.03.82 Pro/NB : first appt. P.CALLAGHAN
  24. 05.04.82 Provsec/SG : minutes of N.American Provs. meeting
  25. 13.10.82 Pro/NB : re financial solidarity
  26. 19.10.82 Geary/SG : sends souvenir programme of ceremony
  27. 08.11.82 SG/Troy : thanks for booklet
  28. 26.11.82 NB/Pro : sends visitation report. Thanks for reception.



  • 2N2.2b1.4
  • file
  • 1984 - 1986

Correspondance 11/09/84 - 12/06/86 /

  1. 11.09.84 Norman BEVAN/Provincial : thanks for news
  2. 15.09.84 SG/D&D McLoughlin : thanks for letters
  3. 04.10.84 NB/Pro : sends decisions of GC
  4. 16.10.84 NB/Geary : thanks for contribution on education for constitutions committee
  5. 12.11.84 Pro/Watters : various bits of news
  6. 12.11.84 Pro/NB : Invite to Chapter. News
  7. 12.11.84 Pro/SG : invite to Chapter
  8. 08.01.85 Pro/NB : G.DODDATTO; release from vows
  9. 02.02.85 SG/Pro : thanks for congrats. for silver jubilee
  10. 04.03.85 Pro/NB : Glad he is coming to Chapter. Answers to various questions
  11. 26.03.85 Pro/NB : sorry to have missed meeting him
  12. 26.03.85 Pro/SG : will pay his fare to Chapter if he comes
  13. 20.04.85 NB/Pro : SG not coming to Chap. Help for P.Rico. SG coming to US and Canada for holiday
  14. 29.04.85 Pro/NB : reply to 13. Could come to Sp. golf tournament
  15. 03.06.85 Geary/SG : thanks for visit
  16. 27.06.85 SG/Geary : grateful for visit and kind words
  17. 15.07.85 Provsec/SecGen : sends forms for renewal of vows
  18. 22.07.85 NB/Pro: thanks for hospitality. Returning to USA-E as Provincial
  19. 11.11.85 Pro/Watters : comments on draft constitutions
  20. 26.11.85 Geary/SG : introduces member of school board
  21. 05.12.85 SecGen/Geary : reply to 19
  22. 17.03.86 Pro/SG : congrats. on Christmas letter
  23. 12.03.86 Pro/de Boer : unable to find sponsor for Ethiopian refugee
  24. 21.04.86 Fitzgerald/SG : thanks for service as SG. Doubtful welcome for Spiritans in some European houses
  25. 12.06.86 SG/Fitzgerald : reply to 23.



  • 8i1.2a1.1
  • file
  • 1981 - 1985

Correspondence 10.02.81 - 18.03.85

No. Date From/To: Contents

  1. 10.02.81 Campos/SG: greetings for his birthday.
  2. 28.02.81 Sup (Gil Losa)/Torres Neiva:
  3. 23.07.81 SG/Laneuville: asks for personnel from Canada for Cabo Verde
  4. 06.12.81 Sup/TN:
  5. 23.02.82 Campos/SG: greetings for his birthday.
  6. 15.02.82 Results of election for Superior.
  7. 10.03.82 SG/Sup (Pires): congrats. on election.
  8. March 82 SG/Gil Losa: thanks for his work as Superior.
  9. 27.03.82 Sup/TN:
  10. 06.06.82 Sup/SG: Some questions. District Council. Visit.
  11. 21.10.82 Sup/TN: News. Coming Visit.
  12. 25.10.82 TN/Sup: Visit in April 1983.
  13. 22.11.82 TN/Sup: Visitation 1983. Meeting of new Superiors.
  14. 13.01.83 Sup/TN:
  15. 18.01.83 Sup/SecGen: sends info. for Etat du Personnel.
  16. 01.02.85 Results of consultation for Superior.
  17. 18.03.85 SG/Sup: congrats. on re-appointment as Superior.


Résultats 241 à 250 sur 1393