file SF-129.7.1 - NIGERIA

Identity area

Reference code





  • 1966 - 1998 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

Context area

Name of creator

Biographical history

Archival history

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

Content and structure area

Scope and content

  • Guerre du Biafra (Chronique des événements du Biafra, The struggle for secession (1966-1970), A. JINUDU (Ethnicy, external intervention, and local conflit. The case of the Nigeria civil war, JL. CLERGERIE (La crise du Biafra PUF), J. BAULIN (La politique africaine d'HOUPHOUET BOIGNY), AA. ADEPELUMU (Information on OJUKWU).
  • 1997 : Courrier International (18.01 Détouenements financiers, 12.02, 20.04.1995, 14.03.1996, 27.06.1997 La politique de l'assassinat), Peuple solidaire (05.04.1995), THE NEWS (18.09.1995), Charly hebdo (18.10.1995), HUMAN RIGHTS (10.11.1995), LIBERATION (10.11, Dénonciation de la junte, 11, 13, 16.11, 14.12.1995, 06.06.1996, 03, 14.03, 04.08.1997), MONDE (11, 22.11 Embargo sur le pétrole, 10.12.1995, 05.01, 06.06, 05.10, 24.12.1996, 29.01, 29.04, 10.07, 14.08, 21.11 W. SOYINKA), The Ogoni tragedy, AC (19, 29.03, 22.12.1997, To day in Nigeria (08.04.1996), GUARDIAN (16.07.1996, 09, 13.01, 12, 20.04, 06.06.1997), Documents de SHELL, Agir ensemble (11.1996), Afrique Express (21.11, 02, 09, 30.12, 13, 20, 27.01, 03, 11, 20.02, 20, 27.03, 03, 10, 24.04, 08.05 Troubles ethniques, 19, 26.06, 10.07, 03, 23.10, 20, 27.11, 04, 12.12 5 partis autorisés, AMNESTY (19.08, 05.12), Unicef (01.1997), LA CROIX (07.01.1997), Lettre de la CADE (06.1997), Marchés Tropicaux (18.07.1997).
  • 1998 : LC (01, 29.01), AE (02, 15.01, 12.02, 24.03, 27.04, 11.06, 09, 30.07, 10.09 Syndicalisme admis, 08, 29.10, 10.12), AMNESTY (15.01, 09, 13.03, 12.04, 03.06), Courrier International (22.01, 14, 28.05), AC (20.01, 06, 18.04, 04.05), NAA (02, 06, 09, 11), MONDE (13.02, 23.03 Visite du pape, 25.03, 11, 17.06, 04, 09, 10.07, 04.12), HUMANITE (26.02), GUARDIAN (28.02, 29.11), Les ECHOS (16.03), LA CROIX (21.03), LIBERATION (23.03 Le pape sermonne le gouvernement, 09.06, 02, 08, 10.07, 20.10, 02.12), FIGARO (19.04, 16, 18.05, 10.06 ABUBAKAR président, 14.06, 03, 09, 21.07, 23, 24, 28.11, 07.12), HUMAN RIGHTS (12.04, 11.06, 02, 10.07, 22.09), HUMANITE (10, 16.06, 01, 09.07 Emeutes après la mort en prison d'ABIOLA, principal opposant, 22.07, 20.10 Explosion d'un oléoduc), A contre courant (01.07).

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling


System of arrangement

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Conditions governing reproduction

Language of material

Script of material

Language and script notes

Physical characteristics and technical requirements

Finding aids

Allied materials area

Existence and location of originals

Existence and location of copies

Related units of description

Related descriptions

Notes area

Alternative identifier(s)

Ancienne cote


Access points

Place access points

Name access points

Genre access points

Description control area

Description identifier

Institution identifier

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Level of detail

Dates of creation revision deletion


  • French



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