file SR-156 - KOREN

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  • 1703 - 2001 (Création/Production)

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Histoire administrative

Histoire archivistique

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Portée et contenu

  • KOREN H, An introduction to the Philosophy of Animate Nature, 1955.
  • KOREN H, An introduction to the Science of Metaphysics, London 1955
  • KOREN H, An introduction to the philosophy of nature, D.U. 1960.
  • KOREN H, Chenapans ou chevaliers ?, 1979.
  • KOREN H, De inspiratione sacrae scripturae (Secundum doctrinam Cornelii a Lapide), Washington, 1942.
  • KOREN H, Essays on the spiritan charism and on spiritan history, 1988, Bethel Pazrk (polyc. et imprimé).
  • KOREN H. & VAN MELSEN A, From Atomos to Atom (serie 1), 1952.
  • KOREN H, Knaves or knights ?, (A history of the spiritan missionaries in Acadia and North America, 1732-1839), D.U. 1962.
  • KOREN H, Aventuriers de la mission (Les Spiritains en Acadie et en Amérique du Nord, 1732-1839), Karthala, 2002.
  • KOREN H, The Spiritans : a history of the congregation of the Holy Ghost (1 relié et 1 broché), D.U. 1958.
  • KOREN H, Les Spiritains : 3 siècles d'histoire religieuse et missionnaire, (trad.), Beauchesne, 1982.
  • KOREN H, Let we forget (Our former works in the United States), 1794-1997, Bethel Park, 1997.
  • KOREN H. & VAN LEER, Philosophico-scientific problems (1 relié et 1 broché), 1953.
  • KOREN H, Readings in the Philosophy of Nature, Maryland, 1958
  • KOREN H, Talks with teennagers about religion, 2001 (polyc).
  • KOREN H. & BUSHINSKI E, The Analogy of Names and the Concept of Being (1 relié et 1 broché),1953. 2e édition, 1959.
  • KOREN H. & VAN LEER H, The philosophy of Science, D.U. 1956.
  • KOREN H. To the Ends of the Earth, D.U. 1983.
  • KOREN H, The serpent and the dove, 1745-1984 (A History of the congregation of the Holy Ghost in the United States), Pittsburg, 1985.
  • KOREN H, The Spiritan Story of Puerto Rico, (1931-1998), 1998.
  • KOREN H, What is in the name ? 2001 (polyc.)
  • KOREN H. Are-we putting too many eggs in one basket ? 2001 (polyc.)

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  • français



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